There Is a Newer Version of the Nebraska Revised Statutes
2009 Nebraska Code
- 85-101 University of Nebraska; establishment; name.
- 85-102 University of Nebraska; object.
- 85-102.01 University of Nebraska; composition.
- 85-102.02 Universities; program responsibilities.
- 85-103 University of Nebraska; government; Board of Regents; election; vacancies.
- 85-103.01 University of Nebraska; Board of Regents; designation of districts.
- 85-103.02 University of Nebraska; Board of Regents; districts; description; basis.
- 85-104 Board of Regents; meetings; open to public; closed sessions; record of meetings; expenses.
- 85-105 Board of Regents; organization; property; powers.
- 85-106 Board of Regents; general powers; duties; retirement benefits; requirements.
- 85-106.01 University of Nebraska; new capital construction; appropriation; percentage used for works of art; when.
- 85-106.02 Board of Regents; works of art; duties.
- 85-106.03 Board of Regents; insure compliance with sections; manner.
- 85-106.04 Retirement benefits; certain employees; cost-of-living adjustment; how computed.
- 85-106.05 Board of Regents; insurance program for student athletes; duties.
- 85-106.06 Board of Regents; chief executive officer; chief administrative officers; appointment.
- 85-107 University of Nebraska; colleges and institute; enumerated; section, how construed.
- 85-107.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-108 Colleges; government; program of instruction; approval.
- 85-109 Chairs of instruction; faculty; duties in more than one college.
- 85-110 Board of Regents; memorandum of understanding with State Board of Education; policy to share student data.
- 85-111 Faculty; rules and regulations; problems of state interest.
- 85-111.01 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 194, § 3.
- 85-112 University of Nebraska; admission requirements; powers of Board of Regents.
- 85-112.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-112.02 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-113 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-114 Agricultural, engineering, and scientific courses; attendance.
- 85-115 Textbooks; sale; price.
- 85-116 Students; equal privileges.
- 85-117 Degrees, diplomas; powers of Board of Regents.
- 85-118 Buildings; plans; approval.
- 85-119 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 545, § 52.
- 85-120 University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources; model farm; alienation prohibited.
- 85-121 Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis; creation; location; purpose.
- 85-121.01 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1042, § 5.
- 85-121.02 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1042, § 5.
- 85-121.03 Appropriation required.
- 85-121.04 Program review; required.
- 85-121.05 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 7, § 9.
- 85-122 University funds; designation; investment; disbursements; travel expenses.
- 85-122.01 United States Agricultural Extension Fund; source; disbursement.
- 85-123 Permanent Endowment Fund; source; accounts; investment.
- 85-123.01 University Trust Fund, defined; investment; deposited with State Treasurer.
- 85-124 Temporary University Fund; source; use.
- 85-125 University Cash Fund; source; use.
- 85-126 United States Morrill Fund; source; use.
- 85-127 United States Experiment Station Fund; source; use.
- 85-128 University funds; State Treasurer; custodian; disbursement.
- 85-129 University funds; State Treasurer; duties.
- 85-130 University funds; Board of Regents; disbursements.
- 85-131 University funds; disbursements; how made.
- 85-132 Gifts and bequests; acceptance.
- 85-133 Board of Regents; eminent domain; procedure.
- 85-134 University of Nebraska Medical Center Medical Education Revolving Fund; established; use; investment.
- 85-135 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 85-136 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 85-137 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 85-138 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 85-139 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-140 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 362, § 2.
- 85-141 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 362, § 2.
- 85-142 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 362, § 2.
- 85-143 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 362, § 2.
- 85-144 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 362, § 2.
- 85-145 Agricultural experiment stations; acceptance of provisions of federal act.
- 85-146 Agricultural experiment stations; federal aid; acceptance.
- 85-147 Agriculture and mechanic arts; acceptance of federal act.
- 85-148 Agriculture and mechanic arts; appropriation and use of money received.
- 85-149 Agriculture and mechanic arts; Board of Regents; powers and duties.
- 85-150 Cooperative extension work; federal aid; acceptance; disbursement.
- 85-151 Cooperative extension work; federal aid; acceptance; payment of warrants.
- 85-152 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 363, § 1.
- 85-153 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 363, § 1.
- 85-154 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 363, § 1.
- 85-155 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 363, § 1.
- 85-156 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 656, § 6.
- 85-157 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 656, § 6.
- 85-158 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 656, § 6.
- 85-159 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 656, § 6.
- 85-160 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 656, § 6.
- 85-161 Nebraska Forest Service; mission; core programs; duties.
- 85-162 Nebraska Forest Service; legislative intent.
- 85-162.01 State Forester; appointment; duties.
- 85-162.02 State Forester; powers.
- 85-162.03 State Forester; cooperate with other agencies.
- 85-162.04 State Forester; personnel; employment.
- 85-162.05 Board of Regents; State Forester; duties.
- 85-163 Conservation and Survey Division; creation; duties.
- 85-163.01 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 585, § 13.
- 85-163.02 Transferred to section 85-162.01.
- 85-163.03 Transferred to section 85-162.02.
- 85-163.04 Transferred to section 85-162.03.
- 85-163.05 Transferred to section 85-162.04.
- 85-163.06 Transferred to section 85-162.05.
- 85-163.07 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 10, § 1.
- 85-163.08 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 10, § 1.
- 85-164 Conservation and Survey Division; powers; director; expenses.
- 85-165 Conservation and Survey Division; agreements with federal departments.
- 85-166 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1135, § 34.
- 85-167 Bessey Memorial Fund; Board of Regents; duties.
- 85-168 Bessey Memorial Fund; purpose; amount; investment.
- 85-169 Bessey Memorial Fund; gifts; bequests; acceptance.
- 85-170 Bessey Memorial Fund; investment; disbursement.
- 85-171 Bessey Memorial Fund; income; use.
- 85-172 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-172.01 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 578, § 2.
- 85-172.02 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 578, § 2.
- 85-172.03 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 402, § 1.
- 85-172.04 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 402, § 1.
- 85-173 Defunct colleges; records; University of Nebraska; depository.
- 85-174 Defunct colleges; records; duties of registrar.
- 85-175 Defunct colleges; records; duty to deposit.
- 85-176 College of Law; state publications; number furnished free.
- 85-177 College of Law; state publications; additional copies; requisition.
- 85-178 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-179 College of Medicine; care and rehabilitation of children with disabilities; interchange of facilities for teaching and treatment.
- 85-179.01 College of Medicine; physicians' assistants and associates; program for education and training; establish.
- 85-179.02 College of Medicine; physicians' assistant or associate, defined.
- 85-179.03 College of Medicine; physicians' assistants or associates; Board of Regents; powers.
- 85-179.04 Transferred to section 71-1,107.15.
- 85-179.05 Transferred to section 71-1,107.16.
- 85-179.06 Transferred to section 71-1,107.17.
- 85-179.07 Transferred to section 71-1,107.18.
- 85-179.08 Transferred to section 71-1,107.19.
- 85-179.09 Transferred to section 71-1,107.20.
- 85-179.10 Transferred to section 71-1,107.21.
- 85-179.11 Transferred to section 71-1,107.22.
- 85-179.12 Transferred to section 71-1,107.23.
- 85-179.13 Transferred to section 71-1,107.24.
- 85-179.14 Transferred to section 71-1,107.25.
- 85-179.15 Transferred to section 71-1,107.26.
- 85-179.16 Transferred to section 71-1,107.27.
- 85-179.17 Transferred to section 71-1,107.28.
- 85-179.18 Transferred to section 71-1,107.29.
- 85-180 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.01 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.02 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.03 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.04 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.05 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.06 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 533, § 6.
- 85-180.07 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.08 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.09 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.10 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.11 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 533, § 6.
- 85-180.12 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 204, § 4.
- 85-180.13 Veterinary medicine and surgery; cooperative program authorized; cooperative agreement; requirements.
- 85-180.14 Cooperative veterinary medicine program; Board of Regents; Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education; powers.
- 85-181 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-182 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-183 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-184 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-185 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-186 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-187 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-188 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-189 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-190 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-191 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-192 University of Nebraska at Omaha Cash Fund; University of Nebraska at Omaha Trust Fund; created; purposes; disbursements; investment.
- 85-193 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-194 University of Nebraska at Omaha; laws applicable.
- 85-195 Transferred to section 85-606.01.
- 85-196 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 208, § 1.
- 85-197 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 208, § 1.
- 85-198 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 208, § 1.
- 85-199 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 208, § 1.
- 85-1,100 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 13, § 1.
- 85-1,101 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1433, § 7.
- 85-1,102 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1433, § 7.
- 85-1,103 University of Nebraska, College of Medicine; travel expense of senior medical students, residents, interns; conditions.
- 85-1,104 University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources; established; administration.
- 85-1,104.01 Cooperative Extension Service; employ aquaculturist.
- 85-1,105 University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources; vice chancellor; duties.
- 85-1,106 Board of Regents; lands in Lancaster County; power to sell; Agricultural Field Laboratory Fund; created; use.
- 85-1,107 Animal Research and Diagnosis Revolving Fund; created.
- 85-1,108 Animal Research and Diagnosis Revolving Fund; how funded.
- 85-1,109 Animal Research and Diagnosis Revolving Fund; uses.
- 85-1,110 Diagnostic laboratory of Animal Health Research Center; fee schedule for services.
- 85-1,111 University Buildings Renovation and Land Acquisition Fund; created; authorized uses.
- 85-1,112 Buildings renovation and land acquisition projects; Board of Regents; powers.
- 85-1,113 University Facilities Fund; created; authorized uses.
- 85-1,114 University facilities construction projects; Board of Regents; powers.
- 85-1,115 Lied Center for Performing Arts; Board of Regents; powers.
- 85-1,116 University Facility Improvement Fund; created; authorized uses.
- 85-1,117 Renovation of Morrill Hall; Board of Regents; powers.
- 85-1,118 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-1,119 Kearney State College; transfer of property, obligations, and employees; collective bargaining.
- 85-1,120 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-1,121 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-1,122 University of Nebraska at Kearney; provisions applicable.
- 85-1,123 University of Nebraska at Kearney Cash Fund; University of Nebraska at Kearney Trust Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-1,124 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 68, § 11.
- 85-1,125 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1379, § 7.
- 85-1,126 Risk-loss trusts authorized; requirements.
- 85-1,127 Risk-loss trust; applicability of provisions; Attorney General; State Claims Board; duties.
- 85-1,128 University of Nebraska Eppley Science Hall Construction Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-1,129 University of Nebraska Eppley Science Hall Construction Fund; legislative intent.
- 85-1,130 University of Nebraska Medical Center; primary care practitioners and other practitioners; develop plan.
- 85-1,131 Legislative findings.
- 85-1,132 Findings and declarations.
- 85-1,133 Football players; compensation.
- 85-1,134 Stipends authorized.
- 85-1,135 Construction of sections.
- 85-1,136 Sections; when operative.
- 85-1,137 Alternative to stipend; requirement.
- 85-1,138 Transferred to section 68-962.
- 85-1,139 Transferred to section 68-963.
- 85-1,140 Transferred to section 68-964.
- 85-1,141 Transferred to section 68-965.
- 85-1,142 Transferred to section 68-966.
- 85-201 Research and extension center west of 100th meridian; purpose; management.
- 85-202 Research and extension center west of 100th meridian; object.
- 85-203 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 346, § 3.
- 85-204 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 346, § 3.
- 85-205 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 346, § 3.
- 85-205.01 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 284, § 1.
- 85-205.02 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 284, § 1.
- 85-206 Research and extension center west of 102nd meridian; purpose; management.
- 85-207 Research and extension center west of 102nd meridian; object.
- 85-208 Research and extension center west of 102nd meridian; federal cooperation.
- 85-209 Agricultural laboratory in Box Butte County; purpose; management.
- 85-210 Agricultural laboratory in Box Butte County; object.
- 85-211 Agricultural laboratory in Box Butte County; conveyance of land; restriction.
- 85-212 Substation in Box Butte County; expenditures.
- 85-213 Experiment stations; expenditures; powers of Board of Regents.
- 85-214 Research and extension centers and agricultural laboratory; control; employees; compensation.
- 85-215 Research and extension centers and agricultural laboratory; income; use.
- 85-216 Testing centers; Board of Regents; control; distribution.
- 85-217 Testing centers; equipment; employees; salaries; regulations.
- 85-218 Testing centers; general purposes.
- 85-219 Testing centers; year-to-year leases from farm owners; area; crops to be planted; renewal lease.
- 85-220 Board of Regents; authority to expend money.
- 85-221 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 264, § 1.
- 85-222 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 264, § 1.
- 85-301 State colleges; official names; board of trustees; appointment; traveling expenses.
- 85-302 Board of trustees; officers; body corporate; audit.
- 85-303 Board of trustees; secretary; duties; annual report.
- 85-304 Board of trustees; powers, enumerated.
- 85-304.01 Nebraska State Colleges; new capital construction; appropriation; percentage used for works of art; when.
- 85-304.02 Board of Trustees; works of art; duties.
- 85-304.03 Board of Trustees; insure compliance with sections; manner.
- 85-305 Board of trustees; meetings.
- 85-306 State colleges; president; duties.
- 85-307 State colleges; president; collection of fees.
- 85-308 State colleges; purpose; courses.
- 85-308.01 State colleges; degree of bachelor of arts or bachelor of science; confer.
- 85-309 Board of Trustees; memorandum of understanding with State Board of Education; policy to share student data.
- 85-310 State colleges; students; admission.
- 85-311 State colleges; matriculation fee; institutional cash fund.
- 85-312 State colleges; morals of the pupils; faculty; religious test forbidden.
- 85-313 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 491, § 13.
- 85-314 Board of trustees; rules and regulations.
- 85-315 Board of trustees; utilities service; sale or lease.
- 85-316 State colleges; funds; contingencies; disbursements; travel expense.
- 85-317 State colleges; endowment fund; source; investment.
- 85-317.01 State colleges; endowments and gifts; acceptance.
- 85-318 State colleges; dormitory funds; use.
- 85-319 Eminent domain; powers of board of trustees; procedure.
- 85-320 State colleges; retirement plan; establishment; terms; investment of funds.
- 85-321 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 31, § 6.
- 85-322 State College Buildings Renovation and Land Acquisition Fund; created; authorized uses.
- 85-323 Building renovation and land acquisition projects; board of trustees; powers.
- 85-324 State College Facilities Improvement Fund; created; authorized uses.
- 85-325 Construction projects; board of trustees; powers.
- 85-326 State College Facility Fund; created; authorized uses.
- 85-327 Wayne State College construction project; board of trustees; powers.
- 85-328 State College Facility Fee Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-401 Board of Regents; Board of Trustees; campus buildings and facilities; lease-purchase agreements authorized; conditions.
- 85-402 Campus buildings and facilities; pledge of income and appropriations authorized; limitations.
- 85-403 Campus buildings and facilities; construction, purchase, or repair; revenue bonds; authorized; not obligation of state or governing board; investment of proceeds.
- 85-403.01 Legislative findings.
- 85-403.02 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 85-404 Dormitories; housing facilities; parking facilities; other facilities; revenue bonds; issuance; review by Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education; approval by Legislature.
- 85-405 Campus buildings and facilities; revenue bonds; registration; place of payment.
- 85-406 Campus buildings and facilities; revenue bonds; proceeds; use.
- 85-407 Campus buildings and facilities; refunding bonds; authorized.
- 85-408 Dormitories; housing facilities; other facilities; rates, fees, or charges; pledge for payment of bonds; surplus; review by Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education; approval by Legislature.
- 85-409 Campus buildings and facilities; utilities; board furnish.
- 85-410 Campus buildings and facilities; revenue bonds; issuance; public purpose; exempt from taxation.
- 85-411 Campus buildings and facilities; board; powers.
- 85-412 Deferred maintenance; legislative findings; sections; how construed.
- 85-413 University of Nebraska Facilities Program; created; use.
- 85-414 University of Nebraska Facilities Program; funding; intent; Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska; powers and duties.
- 85-415 University of Nebraska Facilities Program; contracts authorized; limitations.
- 85-416 State College Facilities Program; created; use.
- 85-417 State College Facilities Program; funding; intent; Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges; powers and duties.
- 85-418 State College Facilities Program; contracts authorized; limitations.
- 85-419 Construction and improvement projects; legislative findings.
- 85-420 University of Nebraska Facilities Program of 2006; created; use of appropriations.
- 85-421 University of Nebraska Facilities Program of 2006; appropriations; legislative intent; projects enumerated; accounting; status reports.
- 85-422 Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska; contracts authorized; limitations; powers.
- 85-423 State College Facilities Program of 2006; created; use of appropriations.
- 85-424 State College Facilities Program of 2006; appropriations; legislative intent; projects enumerated; accounting; status reports.
- 85-425 Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges; contracts authorized; limitations; powers.
- 85-501 State educational institutions; nonresident fees.
- 85-502 State postsecondary educational institution; residence requirements.
- 85-502.01 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 304, § 3.
- 85-502.02 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 304, § 3.
- 85-503 State educational institutions; tuition.
- 85-504 State educational institutions; fees; waiver.
- 85-505 Nebraska National Guard; member; tuition; credit; limitation.
- 85-505.01 Nebraska National Guard; tuition assistance program; limitations; conditions.
- 85-506 Nebraska National Guard; member; certificate as to guard performance; tuition credit.
- 85-507 Nebraska National Guard; spouse and children of deceased member; tuition; credit; conditions.
- 85-508 Nebraska National Guard; tuition; credits; educational institution; reimbursement.
- 85-601 Interference with operation; faculty, administrative staff, student; dismissal or expulsion.
- 85-602 Faculty, administrative staff, student; dismissal or expulsion; procedure.
- 85-603 Faculty, administrative staff, student; dismissal or expulsion; order; contents; service.
- 85-604 Governing body; rules and regulations; adopt.
- 85-605 Terms, defined.
- 85-606 University of Nebraska, state colleges, community colleges; permissive retirement; compulsory retirement; exceptions; retirement contributions; faculty member; revocation of tenure; rights.
- 85-606.01 University of Nebraska; state colleges; community colleges; retirement annuity contracts; purchase.
- 85-607 Denial of admission of certain qualified student; prohibited.
- 85-701 Unconstitutional.
- 85-702 Unconstitutional.
- 85-703 Unconstitutional.
- 85-704 Unconstitutional.
- 85-705 Unconstitutional.
- 85-706 Unconstitutional.
- 85-707 Unconstitutional.
- 85-708 Unconstitutional.
- 85-709 Unconstitutional.
- 85-710 Unconstitutional.
- 85-711 Unconstitutional.
- 85-712 Unconstitutional.
- 85-713 Unconstitutional.
- 85-714 Unconstitutional.
- 85-715 Unconstitutional.
- 85-716 Unconstitutional.
- 85-717 Unconstitutional.
- 85-718 Unconstitutional.
- 85-719 Unconstitutional.
- 85-720 Unconstitutional.
- 85-721 Unconstitutional.
- 85-801 Eugene C. Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases; established; location.
- 85-802 Institute; Board of Regents; operate; regulate.
- 85-803 Institute; director; appointment; qualifications; responsibilities.
- 85-804 Institute; purpose; function; grants; gifts.
- 85-805 Regional Radiation Health Center; created; purpose.
- 85-806 Regional Radiation Health Center; duties.
- 85-807 Regional Radiation Health Center; public power district; payments to center; benefits; requirements.
- 85-901 Eye protective devices; required; when; term, defined; Commissioner of Education; duties.
- 85-902 Information on meningococcal disease; requirements.
- 85-902.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-903 Information on early voting; requirements.
- 85-904 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-905 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-906 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-907 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-908 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-909 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-910 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-910.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-911 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-912 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-913 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-914 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 16, § 2.
- 85-915 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-916 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 290, § 9.
- 85-916.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-916.02 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-917 Legislative intent.
- 85-918 Definitions; where found.
- 85-919 Instructional activities, defined.
- 85-920 Research activities, defined.
- 85-921 Public service activities, defined.
- 85-922 Program responsibility, defined.
- 85-923 Cooperative program delivery, defined.
- 85-924 Regional program responsibility, defined.
- 85-925 Comprehensive degree offerings, defined.
- 85-926 General academic transfer programs, defined.
- 85-927 Applied technology and occupational education, defined.
- 85-928 Baccalaureate general academic, defined.
- 85-929 Baccalaureate occupational, defined.
- 85-930 Baccalaureate professional, defined.
- 85-931 Graduate degree programs, defined.
- 85-932 Continuing education for occupations and professions, defined.
- 85-932.01 Foundations education, defined.
- 85-933 Expenditures in conflict with role and mission assignments; prohibited.
- 85-934 Nondegree recreational and avocational courses; self-supporting; exception.
- 85-935 University of Nebraska system; role and mission assignments; Board of Regents; adopt policies.
- 85-936 University of Nebraska; public service activities; statewide responsibility.
- 85-937 University of Nebraska; degree programs; sole responsibility.
- 85-938 University of Nebraska; maintain graduate college and faculty status.
- 85-939 University of Nebraska; continuing education services; statewide responsibility.
- 85-940 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-941 University of Nebraska; certain graduate programs; baccalaureate professional programs; agriculture and natural resources programs; responsibilities.
- 85-942 University of Nebraska; mission; priorities.
- 85-943 University of Nebraska; associate degree, diploma, and certificate-in-course; programs authorized; conditions; exception.
- 85-944 University of Nebraska; health professions programs; priorities.
- 85-945 University of Nebraska at Omaha; urban-oriented programs; primary responsibility; doctoral programs; authorized; when.
- 85-946 University of Nebraska-Lincoln; doctoral and postdoctoral programs; primary responsibility; exception.
- 85-946.01 University of Nebraska-Lincoln; research; primary responsibility; other research activities.
- 85-947 University of Nebraska Medical Center; health-related programs; primary responsibility.
- 85-947.01 University of Nebraska at Kearney; programs authorized.
- 85-948 University of Nebraska; health programs; sole responsibility; exception.
- 85-949 State college system; role and mission assignments; board of trustees; adopt policies.
- 85-950 State colleges; public service and continuing education activities; regional responsibility; exception.
- 85-951 State colleges; priorities.
- 85-952 State colleges; programs permitted; limitations.
- 85-953 State colleges; research activities permitted.
- 85-954 State colleges; master's degree programs in education; graduate business courses; joint advisory committee; established.
- 85-955 Transferred to section 85-947.01.
- 85-956 Chadron State College; programs authorized.
- 85-957 Peru State College; programs authorized.
- 85-958 Wayne State College; programs authorized.
- 85-959 Community colleges; role and mission assignments.
- 85-960 Community colleges; public service activities; responsibility.
- 85-960.01 Community colleges; applied research activities permitted.
- 85-960.02 Community colleges; foundations education.
- 85-961 Community colleges; responsibility in less than baccalaureate degree program areas.
- 85-962 Community colleges; legislative intent; instructional and service priorities.
- 85-963 Community college areas; general academic transfer programs; campuses provided; limitations.
- 85-964 Community colleges; academic course instruction authorized.
- 85-965 Community college area; education programs; contract to provide.
- 85-966 Sections, how construed.
- 85-966.01 Role and mission; legislative change; conditions.
- 85-967 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-968 Transferred to section 85-1421.
- 85-969 Transferred to section 85-1422.
- 85-970 Transferred to section 85-1423.
- 85-971 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-972 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-973 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-974 Transferred to section 85-1424.
- 85-975 Transferred to section 85-1425.
- 85-976 Transferred to section 85-1426.
- 85-977 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-978 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-979 Transferred to section 85-1427.
- 85-980 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-980.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-981 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-982 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-982.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-983 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-984 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-985 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-986 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-987 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-988 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-989 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-990 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-991 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-992 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-993 Transferred to section 85-982.01.
- 85-993.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-994 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-995 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-996 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-997 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-998 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 505, § 45.
- 85-999 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-999.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,100 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,101 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,102 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,102.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,103 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 138.
- 85-9,104 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 138.
- 85-9,105 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 138.
- 85-9,106 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 138.
- 85-9,107 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 138.
- 85-9,108 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 138.
- 85-9,109 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 138.
- 85-9,110 Public postsecondary educational institution; athletic grant-in-aid; prohibited acts.
- 85-9,111 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-9,112 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-9,113 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-9,114 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-9,115 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-9,116 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 136.
- 85-9,117 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,118 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,119 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,119.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,120 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,121 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,122 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,123 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,124 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,125 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 505, § 45.
- 85-9,126 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,127 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,128 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,129 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,130 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,130.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,130.02 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,131 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,132 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,132.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,133 Legislative findings.
- 85-9,134 Colleges and universities; prohibited acts.
- 85-9,135 Student; right to amount withheld.
- 85-9,136 Attorney General; duties.
- 85-9,137 College or university; violation; liability.
- 85-9,138 Remedies; cumulative.
- 85-9,139 Sections; prospective application.
- 85-9,139.01 Federal State Postsecondary Review Program; professional program, defined.
- 85-9,139.02 Participants under federal loan programs; default cost fee; reimbursement; procedure; administrative fee.
- 85-9,139.03 Student Loan Default Fee Revolving Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-9,140 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,141 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,142 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,142.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,143 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,144 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,145 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,146 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,147 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,148 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,149 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,150 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,151 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,152 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,153 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,154 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,155 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,156 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 505, § 45.
- 85-9,157 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,158 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,159 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,160 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,161 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,162 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 574, § 45.
- 85-9,163 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-9,164 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-9,165 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 663, § 137.
- 85-9,166 Act, how cited.
- 85-9,167 Terms, defined.
- 85-9,168 Legislative findings; discriminatory practices enumerated.
- 85-9,169 Rules and regulations; governing boards; duties.
- 85-9,170 Violation; complaint; filing; disposition; procedure; governing board; duties.
- 85-9,171 Disposition of complaint; claimant; acceptance.
- 85-9,172 Disposition of complaint; claimant; rejection; court action authorized.
- 85-9,173 Complaint; failure of governing board to act; claimant's remedies.
- 85-9,174 Violation; complaint; prerequisite to other remedy.
- 85-9,175 Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act; complaint; applicability.
- 85-9,176 Act; how construed.
- 85-9,177 Act, how cited.
- 85-9,178 Legislative findings and intent.
- 85-9,179 Endowed scholarship funds; use; purpose.
- 85-9,180 Appropriations; use.
- 85-9,181 Funds; use; administration; manner.
- 85-9,182 Awards; committee; determination.
- 85-9,183 Repealed. Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 41, § 1.
- 85-9,184 Repealed. Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 41, § 1.
- 85-9,185 Repealed. Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 41, § 1.
- 85-9,186 Repealed. Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 41, § 1.
- 85-9,187 Repealed. Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 41, § 1.
- 85-9,188 Repealed. Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 41, § 1.
- 85-9,189 Repealed. Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 41, § 1.
- 85-1001 Legislative intent.
- 85-1002 Terms, defined.
- 85-1003 Nebraska Safety Center at the University of Nebraska at Kearney; established.
- 85-1004 Nebraska Safety Center; director; other personnel.
- 85-1005 Nebraska Safety Center; operation; funding.
- 85-1006 Nebraska Safety Center; purposes and functions.
- 85-1007 Nebraska Safety Center; agencies involved in activities relating to safety; cooperation.
- 85-1008 Nebraska Safety Center Advisory Council; membership; appointment.
- 85-1009 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-1010 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-1011 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-1012 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-1013 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 683, § 33.
- 85-1101 Out-of-state institution of higher education, defined.
- 85-1102 Out-of-state institution of higher education; registration; required; exception.
- 85-1103 Out-of-state institution of higher education; authorized to offer courses or degree programs; conditions; fee; rules and regulations.
- 85-1103.01 Out-of-state institution of higher education; authorized to offer telecommunications course or degree program; registration required; exemption; commission; duties.
- 85-1103.02 Out-of-state institution of higher education; courses or degree programs; application; hearing.
- 85-1104 Violation; penalty.
- 85-1105 Private college; petition for approval to establish; exception.
- 85-1106 Petition; form.
- 85-1107 Petition; hearing; publication of notice.
- 85-1108 Proposed college; factors considered; fee; rules and regulations.
- 85-1109 Petition; approval or disapproval.
- 85-1110 Petition; effect of approval or disapproval.
- 85-1110.01 Violation; penalty.
- 85-1111 Private college; provisional accreditation; procedure.
- 85-1201 Act, how cited.
- 85-1202 Legislative findings.
- 85-1203 Due process required; when.
- 85-1204 Imposition of penalty for violation of rule; requirements.
- 85-1205 Imposition of penalty for failure to take disciplinary action; requirements.
- 85-1206 Violation; proceedings authorized; prohibited acts.
- 85-1207 Violation; liability; computation of amount.
- 85-1208 Employee or student; proceedings authorized; prohibited acts.
- 85-1209 Penalty imposed; judicial review.
- 85-1210 Act; remedies cumulative.
- 85-1301 Ratification and approval.
- 85-1302 Midwestern Higher Education Commission; members; terms; vacancies.
- 85-1401 Act, how cited.
- 85-1402 Terms, defined.
- 85-1403 Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education; established.
- 85-1404 Commission; purposes; powers and duties.
- 85-1405 Commission; membership; terms.
- 85-1406 Commission; vacancies.
- 85-1407 Commission; removal of members by Governor; procedure.
- 85-1408 Commission; members; expenses.
- 85-1409 Commission; officers; meetings; quorum.
- 85-1410 Commission; duties.
- 85-1411 Commission; executive director, employees, consultants; compensation; recruitment expenses; rules and regulations; duties.
- 85-1412 Commission; additional powers and duties.
- 85-1413 Comprehensive statewide plan; establish; requirements; unified statewide facilities plan; develop.
- 85-1414 Programs; capital construction projects; review; commission, public institutions, and governing boards; duties.
- 85-1415 Capital construction projects proposed by Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, and certain nonprofit corporations; review; commission; duties; approval by Legislature.
- 85-1416 Budget and state aid requests; review; commission; duties.
- 85-1417 Reports to commission; form.
- 85-1418 Program or capital construction project; state funds; restrictions on use; district court of Lancaster County; jurisdiction; appeals; procedure.
- 85-1419 Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-1420 Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Trust Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-1421 Legislative intent.
- 85-1422 Terms, defined.
- 85-1423 Commission; postsecondary education information system; duties.
- 85-1424 Commission; verification and reporting duties.
- 85-1425 Commission; solicit advice.
- 85-1426 Postsecondary education system and institution; report.
- 85-1427 Commission; administrative duties.
- 85-1428 Economic expansion and diversification; postsecondary education priorities; legislative findings.
- 85-1429 Commission; report on higher education priorities.
- 85-1501 Declaration of intent and purpose.
- 85-1501.01 Financing; legislative intent.
- 85-1502 Area governance and statewide coordination; legislative intent; association of boards; powers and duties; section, how construed.
- 85-1503 Terms, defined.
- 85-1504 Community college areas, designated.
- 85-1505 Community college area; body corporate.
- 85-1506 Community College Board of Governors; membership.
- 85-1507 Boards; officers; quorum required to perform duties.
- 85-1508 Community college area officers and employees; bond.
- 85-1509 Board; members; expenses.
- 85-1510 Community college area; power to indemnify; liability insurance; purchase.
- 85-1511 Board; powers and duties; enumerated.
- 85-1512 Boards; establish election districts; nomination and election of members; qualifications.
- 85-1513 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 85-1514 Vacancy on board; procedure to fill; qualifications of member filling vacancy.
- 85-1515 Board; power to sell revenue and general obligation bonds; purpose; sinking fund; purpose; election required; when; state liability.
- 85-1516 Board; power to issue warrants; purpose; limitation; obligation of area; how paid.
- 85-1517 Board; power to certify tax levy; limit; purpose; approval required to raise levy over limit; how collected.
- 85-1518 Tax funds; voter approval required; procedure.
- 85-1519 Capital construction project; bids; board; adopt plans and specifications.
- 85-1520 Facilities; construct, purchase, repair, and equip; revenue bonds; authorized.
- 85-1521 Revenue bonds; pledge of revenue; payment; board; powers and duties; bonds not obligation of state.
- 85-1522 Revenue bonds; where payable.
- 85-1523 Revenue bond proceeds; use; board; establish charges.
- 85-1524 Revenue refunding bonds; authorized.
- 85-1525 Board; furnish utilities.
- 85-1526 Bonds; interest; exempt from taxation.
- 85-1527 Board; bonds; powers.
- 85-1528 Teachers and school nurses; contract; renewal; exceptions; amend or terminate; notice; hearings; decision.
- 85-1529 Teachers and school nurses; additional contract rights; not affected.
- 85-1530 Board; adopt reduction-in-force policy; contents.
- 85-1531 Reduction in force; board and administration; duties.
- 85-1532 Reduction in force; employee; contract terminated; effect; recall; rights.
- 85-1533 Reduction in force; noncompliance with federal or state law; how treated.
- 85-1534 Contract; probationary period required.
- 85-1534.01 Leave of absence; effect.
- 85-1535 Facilities for applied technology educational programs; contracts authorized; costs.
- 85-1536 Transferred to section 85-2222.
- 85-1536.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 342, § 46.
- 85-1537 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 342, § 46.
- 85-1537.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 540, § 13.
- 85-1538 Transferred to section 85-2229.
- 85-1539 Nebraska Community College Aid, Grant, and Contract Review Committee; created; duties.
- 85-1540 Nebraska Community College Aid Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-1541 Activities pass; volunteer, defined.
- 85-1542 Activities pass; authorized; when.
- 85-1601 Act, how cited.
- 85-1602 Act, purpose.
- 85-1603 Terms, defined.
- 85-1604 Education and schools; exempt from act.
- 85-1605 Department; administer act; personnel.
- 85-1606 Board; powers and duties; rules and regulations.
- 85-1607 Advisory council; members; appointment; term; duties.
- 85-1608 Private postsecondary career school; minimum standards.
- 85-1609 Accreditation; effect.
- 85-1610 Prohibited acts; enumerated.
- 85-1611 Private postsecondary career school; authority to operate; application; requirements.
- 85-1612 Commissioner; grant or deny authorization to operate.
- 85-1613 Authorization to operate; form; contents.
- 85-1614 Authorization to operate; nontransferable; change in ownership; new authorization.
- 85-1615 Authorization to operate; renewal; procedure; accreditation required; when.
- 85-1616 Inaugural authorization to operate; provisional authorization to operate; when applicable.
- 85-1617 Private postsecondary career school; accreditation; application.
- 85-1618 Department; accredit private postsecondary career school; when.
- 85-1619 Commissioner; certificate of accreditation; issuance; period valid; reaccreditation; application; list of schools.
- 85-1620 School; authority to award associate or baccalaureate degrees; commissioner; authorize.
- 85-1621 School; withdrawal of accreditation or authorization; when; hearing; notice.
- 85-1622 Agent's permit; application; procedure.
- 85-1623 Agent's permit; commissioner; grant or deny.
- 85-1624 Agent's permit; form; contents.
- 85-1625 Agent's permit; renewal; application.
- 85-1626 Authorization to operate; agent's permit; application; denial; reasons.
- 85-1627 Authorization to operate; agent's permit; application; denial; extension of time; when.
- 85-1628 Agent's permit; denial; notice; reasons.
- 85-1629 Commissioner decision; person aggrieved; right to hearing and review.
- 85-1630 Commissioner decision; aggrieved party; hearing and review; notify board.
- 85-1631 Aggrieved party; hearing; procedure.
- 85-1632 Hearing; decision; when final; judicial review.
- 85-1633 Authorization to operate; agent's permit; made conditional or revoked; cause; notice; hearing.
- 85-1634 Revocation hearing; how conducted; decision; when final; judicial review; notice; to whom given.
- 85-1635 Complaints of violations; filed; procedure.
- 85-1636 Complaint; when considered; notice; hearing.
- 85-1637 Complaint; hearing; violation; actions of board.
- 85-1638 Appeal; procedure.
- 85-1639 Bond or security agreement; filed; when; requirements.
- 85-1640 Agent's permit; application; surety bond; requirements.
- 85-1641 Surety bond or agreement; release of surety; effect.
- 85-1642 Authorization to operate or agent's permit; bond or agreement; when required.
- 85-1643 Private Postsecondary Career Schools Cash Fund; created; use; fees; schedule; no refund.
- 85-1644 Private postsecondary career school; discontinue operation; transcripts and records; preserved; permanent file maintained by department; fee.
- 85-1645 Contract or evidence of indebtedness; rights of parties; invalid agreements.
- 85-1646 Enforceability of contracts and evidence of indebtedness.
- 85-1647 Lending agency; evidence of indebtedness; marked, Student Loan; liability.
- 85-1648 Lending agency; subject to defenses and claims.
- 85-1649 Lending agency, defined.
- 85-1650 Violation; penalty.
- 85-1651 Private postsecondary career school; subject to jurisdiction of courts of this state.
- 85-1652 Attorney General or county attorney; enforce act.
- 85-1653 Commissioner; file for injunctive relief; when.
- 85-1654 Tuition Recovery Cash Fund; established; use; investment.
- 85-1655 Tuition Recovery Cash Fund; administration.
- 85-1656 Tuition Recovery Cash Fund; assessment; board; powers and duties.
- 85-1657 Tuition Recovery Cash Fund; claim; statute of limitations.
- 85-1658 Tuition Recovery Cash Fund; references in advertising or information authorized.
- 85-1701 Act, how cited.
- 85-1702 Legislative findings.
- 85-1703 Definitions, where found.
- 85-1704 Authority, defined.
- 85-1705 Bonds, defined.
- 85-1706 Cost, defined.
- 85-1707 Private institution of higher education, defined.
- 85-1708 Project, defined.
- 85-1709 Property, defined.
- 85-1710 Nebraska Educational Finance Authority; created.
- 85-1711 Authority; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; removal.
- 85-1712 Authority; officers; executive director; compensation; receive contributions.
- 85-1713 Authority; keep records and accounts; seal; certified copies.
- 85-1714 Authority; quorum; actions; vacancy; effect.
- 85-1715 Authority; officers, members, and employees; surety bond requirements.
- 85-1716 Authority; members; expenses.
- 85-1717 Authority member or employee; conflict of interest; abstention.
- 85-1718 Authority; purpose.
- 85-1719 Authority; perpetual succession; bylaws.
- 85-1720 Authority; adopt seal.
- 85-1721 Authority; office; location.
- 85-1722 Authority; sue and be sued.
- 85-1723 Authority; powers over project.
- 85-1724 Authority; issuance of bonds authorized.
- 85-1725 Authority; charge for services.
- 85-1726 Authority; rules and regulations for use of project; designate agent.
- 85-1727 Authority; personnel.
- 85-1728 Authority; receive loans, grants, and contributions.
- 85-1729 Authority; mortgage of certain property.
- 85-1730 Authority; loans authorized; limitation.
- 85-1731 Authority; make loans; issue bonds; conditions.
- 85-1732 Authority; administrative costs; apportionment.
- 85-1733 Authority; general powers; joint projects.
- 85-1734 Authority; combine and substitute projects; bonds; additional series.
- 85-1735 Expenses; how paid; liability; limitation.
- 85-1736 Authority; acquisition of property.
- 85-1737 Authority; financing obligations completed; convey title to private institution.
- 85-1738 Authority; bonds; issuance; form; proceeds; how used; replacement; liability.
- 85-1739 Bond issuance; resolution; provisions enumerated.
- 85-1740 Bonds; secured by trust agreement; contents; expenses; how treated.
- 85-1741 Bonds issued to purchase securities of private institution; provisions applicable.
- 85-1742 Bonds issued to acquire federally guaranteed securities; provisions applicable.
- 85-1743 Refunding bonds; issuance authorized; provisions applicable.
- 85-1744 Bond issuance; state or political subdivision; no obligation; statement; expenses.
- 85-1745 Authority; charge rents; lease facilities.
- 85-1746 Money received by authority; deemed trust funds; investment.
- 85-1747 Bondholders and trustee; enforcement of rights.
- 85-1748 Act, how construed.
- 85-1749 Authority; journal; public records.
- 85-1750 Authority; public purpose; exemptions from taxation.
- 85-1751 Bondholders; pledge; agreement of the state.
- 85-1752 Act; supplemental to other laws.
- 85-1753 Act; provisions controlling.
- 85-1754 Nebraska Health Education Assistance Loan Program; established.
- 85-1755 Nebraska Health Education Assistance Loan Program; authority; powers.
- 85-1756 Nebraska Health Education Assistance Loan Program; loans; how funded.
- 85-1757 Nebraska Health Education Assistance Loan Program; bonds or other obligations; how paid.
- 85-1758 Nebraska Health Education Assistance Loan Program; bonds; security.
- 85-1759 Nebraska Health Education Loan Repayment Fund; created; use.
- 85-1760 Nebraska Student Loan Assistance Program; established.
- 85-1761 Nebraska Student Loan Assistance Program; authority; powers.
- 85-1762 Nebraska Student Loan Assistance Program; loans; how funded.
- 85-1763 Change in name; effect.
- 85-1801 Legislative findings.
- 85-1802 Terms, defined.
- 85-1803 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 197, § 11.
- 85-1804 Nebraska educational savings plan trust; created; State Treasurer; Nebraska Investment Council; powers and duties.
- 85-1805 Advertising or promotional materials; restriction.
- 85-1806 Participation agreements; terms and conditions.
- 85-1807 Deposit of funds; College Savings Plan Administrative Fund; College Savings Plan Expense Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-1808 Participation agreement; cancellation; when; effect.
- 85-1809 Ownership rights under participation agreement.
- 85-1810 Benefits received; effect on other student aid.
- 85-1811 Annual audit.
- 85-1812 Benefits received; tax consequences.
- 85-1813 Assets of trust; how treated.
- 85-1814 Sections; how construed.
- 85-1901 Act, how cited.
- 85-1902 Definitions, where found.
- 85-1903 Award, defined.
- 85-1904 Award year, defined.
- 85-1905 Commission, defined.
- 85-1906 Eligible postsecondary educational institution, defined.
- 85-1907 Eligible student, defined.
- 85-1908 Full-time student and full-time-equivalent student, defined.
- 85-1909 Tuition and mandatory fees, defined.
- 85-1910 Undergraduate student, defined.
- 85-1911 Awards; how made.
- 85-1912 Target level of funds; computation.
- 85-1913 Eligible postsecondary educational institutions; duties.
- 85-1914 Commission; awards; duties.
- 85-1915 Award; conditions.
- 85-1916 Recipient; remit award balance; when.
- 85-1917 Commission; duties; rules and regulations.
- 85-1918 Annual report.
- 85-1919 Applicability of act.
- 85-1920 Nebraska Opportunity Grant Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-2001 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2002 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2003 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2004 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2005 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2006 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2007 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2008 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2009 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2010 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 192, § 11.
- 85-2101 Act, how cited.
- 85-2102 Terms, defined.
- 85-2103 Access College Early Scholarship Program established; purpose.
- 85-2104 Student; eligibility.
- 85-2105 Applicant; commission; powers and duties; educational institution receiving payment; report required.
- 85-2106 Report.
- 85-2107 Review of adverse decision.
- 85-2108 Rules and regulations.
- 85-2201 Act, how cited.
- 85-2202 Community College Foundation and Equalization Aid Fund; created; use; investment.
- 85-2203 Definitions, where found.
- 85-2204 Average revenue remainder allowance, defined.
- 85-2205 Base growth factor, defined.
- 85-2206 Base revenue need, defined.
- 85-2207 Community college area, defined.
- 85-2208 Equalization aid, defined.
- 85-2209 Formula base revenue, defined.
- 85-2210 Full-time equivalent student, defined.
- 85-2211 Local effort rate, defined.
- 85-2212 Prior year revenue, defined.
- 85-2213 Reimbursable educational unit, defined.
- 85-2214 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 973, § 10.
- 85-2215 Reimbursable educational unit need.
- 85-2216 Revenue remainder allowance, defined.
- 85-2217 State foundation amount, defined.
- 85-2218 State foundation percentage.
- 85-2219 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 973, § 10.
- 85-2220 System foundation need, defined.
- 85-2221 Community college area; report data.
- 85-2222 Legislature; appropriate funds; legislative intent; Department of Revenue; Department of Administrative Services; duties.
- 85-2223 Department of Revenue; calculate base revenue need.
- 85-2224 Department of Revenue; calculate local effort rate and formula resources.
- 85-2225 Equalization aid; amount.
- 85-2226 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 973, § 10.
- 85-2227 Department of Revenue; certify maximum levy.
- 85-2228 Minimum levy aid reduction; applicability.
- 85-2229 Director of Administrative Services; pay warrants; procedure.
- 85-2230 Act; termination.
- 85-2301 Act, how cited.
- 85-2302 Legislative findings, declarations, and intent.
- 85-2303 Terms, defined.
- 85-2304 In the Line of Duty Dependent Education Benefit; established; eligibility; waiver of tuition and fees; application; notice; determination; effect.
- 85-2305 Procedures, rules, and regulations.
- 85-2306 Qualification for benefit; how treated.
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