There Is a Newer Version of the Arizona Revised Statutes
2005 Arizona Revised Statutes - Title 36 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 1 - STATE AND LOCAL BOARDS AND DEPARTMENTS OF HEALTHArticle 1 - Department of Health Services
- §36-101 Definitions
- §36-102 Department of health services; director; search committee; appointment; compensation
- §36-103 Department organization; deputy director; assistant directors
- §36-103.01 Governmental units succeeded; statutory references to succeeded governmental units
- §36-104 Powers and duties
- §36-105 Information; state‑federal cooperation
- §36-106 Acquisition of lands and buildings
- §36-107 Power to promulgate rules concerning confidential nature of records
- §36-108 Indirect cost fund; use; exemption
- §36-109 Advisory health council; special purpose councils
- §36-110 County or district liaison; duties
- §36-111 Hearings and appeals
- §36-112 Umbilical cord blood; information pamphlet; distribution; health care institution responsibilities; definition
- §36-114 Limitation upon authority to impose treatment
- §36-115 Promulgation of rules
- §36-117 Services for licensing agencies; costs
- §36-118 Director's seal; authentication of records
- §36-119 Breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic special plate fund
Article 1.1 - Uniform Reporting
- §36-125.04 Financial statements; uniform accounting report; exemption
- §36-125.05 Uniform patient reporting system; statistical and demographic reports; exemption
- §36-125.06 Comparative report; brochure
- §36-125.07 Uniform billing; third party payors; exception; definitions
- §36-126 Violation; civil penalties
Article 2 - Department of Health Services; Additional Functions
- §36-131 Definitions
- §36-132 Department of health services; functions; contracts
- §36-133 Chronic disease surveillance system; confidentiality; immunity; violation; classification
- §36-134 Asbestosis and mesothelioma
- §36-135 Child immunization reporting system; requirements; access; confidentiality; immunity; violation; classification
- §36-136 Powers and duties of director; compensation of personnel
- §36-136.01 Sanitarians council; members; powers; fees; examinations; continuing education; exceptions; renewal; definition
- §36-137 Annual report of director
- §36-138 Oral health fund; nonlapsing
- §36-139 Fees
- §36-140 Violation; classification
- §36-141 Authority to contract and pay for alcohol and drug abuse services; services to pregnant women; priority
- §36-142 Prostate cancer task force; membership; duties; program termination
- §36-143 Care and treatment for residents twenty‑one and older with cystic fibrosis; costs
Article 2.1 - Home Health Services by State and County
- §36-151 Definitions
- §36-152 Authority to provide services; fees
- §36-153 Authority to contract for services and fees
- §36-154 Limitation of authority regarding services and fees
- §36-155 Personnel and equipment
- §36-156 Home health services and related supportive services; coordination and development; consultation; powers and duties of director
- §36-157 County authority to provide services; fees
- §36-158 Authority to receive funds; disbursement
- §36-159 Authorized court action to collect fees
- §36-160 Confidentiality of records; unauthorized disclosures unlawful; classification
Article 4 - Local Health Departments
- §36-181 Definitions
- §36-182 Establishment of local health departments or public health services district; powers; expenditures; plan for local health departments
- §36-183 Boards of health of local health departments; membership; terms
- §36-183.01 County hospital under board of health or hospital board; powers and duties
- §36-183.02 Sanitary regulations; notice
- §36-183.03 Maintaining unsanitary premises; violation; classification
- §36-183.04 Notice of violation; civil penalties; administrative hearings
- §36-183.05 Violations; injunctive relief; civil penalties; consent decrees
- §36-183.06 Health inspectors; violations; notice to appear
- §36-183.07 Violation; classification
- §36-184 Boards of health of local health departments; organization; meetings; powers and duties
- §36-185 Local department of health funds
- §36-186 Director of county health department; powers and duties
- §36-187 County treasurer as treasurer of local departments of health; duties; collection of fees
- §36-188 Abolishment of other health agencies by establishment of county health department or public health services district
- §36-189 State participation in establishment and maintenance of local health departments and local health services
- §36-190 Participation of incorporated cities and towns in health services
- §36-191 Violation; classification
Article 5 - Advisory Committee
- §36-195 Establishment of advisory committee by authorized local agency
- §36-196 Duties and responsibilities
Article 1 - Arizona State Hospital
- §36-201 Definitions
- §36-202 State hospital for the mentally disordered; official name; purpose; facilities and equipment
- §36-202.01 Admission of juveniles to state hospital
- §36-203 Mentally retarded persons assigned to state hospital; duties of division
- §36-204 Duties of deputy director
- §36-205 Superintendent of state hospital; appointment; qualifications; compensation; chief medical officer
- §36-206 Duties of superintendent; deputy director; clinical assessment
- §36-208 Employees; compensation
- §36-209 Reports by superintendent and deputy director
- §36-210 Expenditures
- §36-211 Income from land rentals and permanent funds
- §36-212 Maximum security area required
- §36-213 Store and canteen; deposit
- §36-214 Arizona state hospital; private operation
- §36-215 State hospital revolving fund; nonreversion
- §36-217 Arizona state hospital advisory board; membership; organization; powers and duties; annual report
Article 2 - State Laboratory
- §36-251 State laboratory
- §36-252 Chief of state laboratory; appointment; qualifications
- §36-253 Chief of state laboratory; powers and duties
- §36-254 Evidentiary effect of certificate of chief of state laboratory
- §36-255 Reports by laboratory chief
Article 3 - Children's Rehabilitative Services
- §36-261 Powers and duties; expenditure limitation
- §36-261.01 Joint bids; lawful trade practices
- §36-262 Central statewide information and referral service for chronically ill or physically disabled children; definition
- §36-263 Eligibility for children's rehabilitative services
- §36-264 Coordination of benefits; third party payments; definition
- §36-265 Children's rehabilitative services statewide parent action council; membership; duties; regional parent action councils; program termination
Article 4 - Biomedical Research
- §36-271 Definitions
- §36-272 Biomedical research commission; members; terms; appointment; compensation; meetings
- §36-273 Powers and duties
- §36-274 Disease control research fund; lapsing; investment
- §36-275 Health research fund
- §36-276 Biotechnology research; appropriation; purpose; audit; reversion
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-301 Definitions
- §36-302 System of vital records; powers and duties of the state registrar
- §36-303 System of public health statistics; powers and duties of the department
Article 2 - Registration Officials
- §36-311 Appointment and removal of local registrars and deputy local registrars
- §36-312 Local registrars and deputy local registrars; powers and duties
- §36-313 Deputy local registrars; compensation
Article 3 - Death Registration and Birth Registration Certificate Requirements
- §36-321 Information required for a certificate
- §36-322 Sealing a certificate
- §36-323 Amending registered certificates: corrections
- §36-324 Vital records; copies; access
- §36-325 Death certificate registration; moving human remains; definition
- §36-325.01 Delayed death certificate registration
- §36-326 Disposition-transit permits
- §36-327 Disinterment‑reinterment permit
- §36-328 Registration of a death certificate for a foreign presumptive death
- §36-329 Fetal death certificate registration
- §36-329.01 Delayed fetal death certificate registration
- §36-330 Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth; requirements
- §36-330.01 Delayed registration of certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth
- §36-331 Duties of persons in charge of place of disposition
- §36-332 Notification of death to responsible person and release of human remains
- §36-333 Birth certificate registration
- §36-333.01 Late birth certificate registration
- §36-333.02 Delayed birth certificate registration
- §36-334 Determining maternity and paternity for birth certificates
- §36-335 Birth registration for foundlings
- §36-336 Adoption certificate
- §36-337 Amending birth certificates
- §36-338 Certificates of foreign birth for adoptees
- §36-339 Missing children; notification; flagging birth certificate records; definitions
Article 4 - Fees and Vital Record Information
- §36-341 Fees received by state and local registrars
- §36-341.01 Vital records electronic systems fund; purpose; nonlapsing
- §36-342 Disclosure of information; prohibition
- §36-343 Duty to provide information to the state registrar
- §36-344 Violation; classification
- §36-345 Effect of registration
Article 5 - Preserving and Archiving Vital Records
Chapter 4 - HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONSArticle 1 - General Provisions
- §36-401 Definitions; adult foster care
- §36-402 Exemptions
- §36-403 Licensure by counties and municipalities
- §36-404 Limitation of disclosure of information
- §36-405 Powers and duties of the director
- §36-405.01 Health screening services; violation; classification
- §36-406 Powers and duties of the department
- §36-407 Prohibited acts
- §36-408 Required reports from health care institutions
- §36-409 Certification, licensure and monitoring of long‑term care facilities, facilities and services
- §36-410 County standards and guidelines; delegation
- §36-411 Residential care institutions; home health agencies; fingerprinting; definitions
- §36-412 Nursing care institutions; employment
- §36-413 Nutrition and feeding assistants; training programs; regulation; civil penalty; definition
Article 2 - License Provisions
- §36-421 Application for construction or modification
- §36-422 Application for license; notification of proposed change in status; joint licenses; definitions
- §36-423 Hemodialysis technicians; minimum requirements; definition
- §36-424 Inspections; suspension or revocation of license; report to board of examiners of nursing care institution administrators
- §36-425 Inspections; issuance of license; posting of deficiencies; provisional license; denial of license
- §36-425.01 Home health agencies; licensure; definition
- §36-425.02 Nursing care institutions; quality rating; issuance of license
- §36-425.03 Children's behavioral health programs; personnel; fingerprinting; definitions
- §36-426 Hospital providers of extended care services
- §36-427 Suspension or revocation; intermediate sanctions
- §36-428 Hearings by the director
- §36-429 Removal of licensee; temporary management continued operation
- §36-430 Unlicensed operation prohibited; injunction
- §36-431 Violation; classification
- §36-431.01 Violations; civil penalties
- §36-431.02 Nursing care institution resident protection revolving fund; use; nonreversion
- §36-432 Urgent care centers; posting requirements
- §36-433 Receipt of report and complaint; investigation
Article 2.1 - Hospital Staff Privileges
Article 3 - Review of Rates, Rules and Regulations
- §36-436 Filing and review of rates and rules as prerequisite to operation
- §36-436.01 Rate schedules; printing and posting requirements; outpatient treatment centers; posting and filing requirements
- §36-436.02 Increases of rates or charges; filing
- §36-436.03 Public availability of rates and charges
Article 4 - Health Care Utilization Review
Article 5 - Review of Certain Health Care Practices
- §36-445 Review of certain medical practices
- §36-445.01 Confidentiality of information; conditions of disclosure
- §36-445.02 Immunity relating to review of medical practices
- §36-445.03 Limitation of publication; identity of patient confidential
- §36-445.04 Freestanding urgent care center incident reporting; confidentiality requirement
Article 6 - Licensing of Nursing Care Institution Administrators and Certification of Assisted Living Facilities Managers
- §36-446 Definitions
- §36-446.01 Licensure or certification requirements
- §36-446.02 Board of examiners; terms; meetings; quorum; effect of vacancies; compensation
- §36-446.03 Powers and duties of the board
- §36-446.04 Qualifications; period of validity; exemption
- §36-446.05 Reciprocity; present administrators
- §36-446.06 Temporary licenses and certificates
- §36-446.07 Disciplinary actions; grounds for disciplinary action; renewal; continuing education; inactive status; hearings; settlement; judicial review
- §36-446.08 Nursing care institution administrators' licensing and assisted living facility managers' certification fund; investment of fund monies
- §36-446.09 Violations; classification
- §36-446.10 Confidentiality of records; release of complainant's name and nature of complaint
- §36-446.11 Relief from civil liability
- §36-446.12 Fees
- §36-446.13 Unlawful act; unlicensed operation; injunction
Article 7 - Nursing Care Institutions; Requirements for Services Delivery
Article 9 - Recovery Care Centers
- §36-448.51 Definitions
- §36-448.52 Recovery care centers; licensure
- §36-448.53 Recovery care centers; administration; bylaws; administrator; duties; notification
- §36-448.54 Admission of patients
- §36-448.55 Medical staff; requirements; nursing care
Article 10 - Abortion Clinics
- §36-449 Definitions
- §36-449.01 Definitions
- §36-449.02 Abortion clinics; licensure requirements; rules
- §36-449.03 Abortion clinics; rules
Article 11 - Patient Safety Reporting and Nonretaliatory Policies
Chapter 4.1 - CLINICAL LABORATORIESArticle 1 - Administration
Article 2 - Licensure and Regulation of Clinical Laboratories
- §36-461 Exceptions to this article
- §36-462 License requirements; training and consultation
- §36-463 Licensure of laboratories located outside of a health care institution; application; issuance; display; expiration; renewal
- §36-463.01 Licensure of laboratories located in a health care institution
- §36-463.02 Inspections; exemptions; disciplinary action
- §36-464 Fees; deposit
- §36-465 Clinical laboratory licensure advisory committee; department rules; interpretive guidelines
- §36-466 Advisory committee on clinical laboratories; membership; duties; definition
- §36-467 Reports by laboratories
- §36-469 Civil penalties
- §36-470 Examination of specimens; written requests; reports of results; retention of test records
- §36-471 Persons authorized to collect human specimens or blood
- §36-472 Rebates, fee‑splitting and solicitation of referrals prohibited
- §36-472.01 Billing for laboratory costs; definition
- §36-473 Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license
- §36-474 Investigation of complaints; notice of hearing
- §36-476 License surrender; certification
- §36-478 Injunction
- §36-479 Violations; classification
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-481 Definitions
- §36-482 Establishment of authority
- §36-483 Governing board; members; appointment; qualifications; terms; officers; meetings; compensation
- §36-484 Board members' bond
- §36-485 Powers of board
- §36-486 Costs of operation and administration of authority; taxation
Article 2 - Bond Provisions
- §36-491 Issuance of bonds
- §36-491.01 Monies of institution
- §36-491.02 Additional powers of authority
- §36-491.03 Agreements
- §36-491.04 No abrogation of rights
- §36-491.05 Bonds as legal investments
- §36-491.06 Bond obligations of the authority
- §36-491.07 Supplemental law; governmental activities
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-495 Definitions
- §36-495.01 Licensure program; rules
- §36-495.02 Exemptions
- §36-495.03 License application; issuance; expiration
- §36-495.04 Laboratory director; duties
- §36-495.05 Provisional licenses
- §36-495.06 Fees
- §36-495.07 Inspection; investigations
- §36-495.08 Reports by laboratories
- §36-495.09 Suspension, revocation or denial of license; hearing
- §36-495.10 Operation of unlicensed laboratory; cease and desist order; injunction; letter
- §36-495.11 Violation; classification
- §36-495.12 Violations; civil penalties
- §36-495.13 Powers of the director
- §36-495.14 Out‑of‑state laboratories; licensure; reciprocity
- §36-495.15 Environmental laboratory licensure revolving fund; use
- §36-495.16 Environmental laboratory advisory committee; membership; duties; compensation
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-501 Definitions
- §36-502 Powers and duties of deputy director; rules for standards, forms, administration, admission and transfer; expenditure limitation
- §36-503 Medical director of evaluation agency or mental health treatment agency; deputy
- §36-503.01 Duty of attorney general or county attorney
- §36-503.02 Serious mental illness services fund; program termination
- §36-503.03 Civil commitment treatment population; cap
Article 2 - Patient's Civil and Legal Rights
- §36-504 Notice of patient's rights; notification to family
- §36-505 Rights at hearing
- §36-506 Civil rights not impaired; discrimination prohibited
- §36-507 Patient's rights to privacy and to personal possessions
- §36-508 Disposition of patient's personal property
- §36-509 Confidential records
- §36-510 Patient's compensation for work
- §36-511 Quality of treatment
- §36-512 Emergency medical care
- §36-513 Seclusion; restraint; treatment
- §36-514 Visitation; telephone; correspondence; religious freedom
- §36-515 Limitation of liability; false application; classification
- §36-516 Violation of person's rights
- §36-517 Cruelty to mentally disordered person; classification
- §36-517.01 Review of decisions regarding release of treatment information; notice; appeal; immunity
- §36-517.02 Limitation of liability; exception; discharge of duty; immunity for disclosure
Article 3 - Voluntary Admissions
- §36-518 Application for voluntary admission; admission to agency; minors; transportation
- §36-518.01 Case review of voluntary admission of minor
- §36-519 Discharge of voluntary patients
Article 4 - Court-Ordered Evaluation
- §36-520 Application for evaluation; definition
- §36-521 Preparation of petition for court‑ordered evaluation; procedures for prepetition screening
- §36-522 Voluntary evaluation
- §36-523 Petition for evaluation
- §36-524 Application for emergency admission for evaluation; requirements
- §36-525 Apprehension and transportation by peace officers; immunity
- §36-526 Emergency admission; examination; petition for court‑ordered evaluation
- §36-527 Discharge and release; relief from civil liability
- §36-528 Emergency patients; duties of agency; notification of family member; right to counsel
- §36-529 Order for evaluation; order for detention; hearing
- §36-530 Evaluation and treatment
- §36-531 Evaluation; possible dispositions; release
Article 5 - Court-Ordered Treatment
- §36-533 Petition for treatment
- §36-534 Change to voluntary status; discharge
- §36-535 Detention of proposed patient; time of hearing; released patient; intervention by division
- §36-536 Service of petition; counsel for proposed patient; notice
- §36-537 Duties of counsel
- §36-538 Independent evaluator
- §36-539 Conduct of hearing; record; transcript
- §36-540 Court options
- §36-540.01 Conditional outpatient treatment
- §36-540.02 Transfer of gravely disabled person without a guardian from a mental health treatment agency to another health care facility
- §36-541 Mandatory local treatment
- §36-541.01 Release or discharge from treatment prior to expiration of period ordered by court; notification of intent to release or discharge; hearing
- §36-542 Discharge of patient at expiration of period ordered by court; change to voluntary status; relief from civil liability
- §36-543 Release from treatment of gravely disabled patient or persistently or acutely disabled patient; annual review and examination
- §36-544 Unauthorized absences; violation; classification; tolling period; hearing
Article 6 - Costs and Services
- §36-545 Voluntary admissions to the state hospital; reimbursements; indigents
- §36-545.01 Payment of costs and expenses; ability to pay; power and duty of court; acceptance of other benefits; per capita cost limitation; guardians; parental liability; lien; duty of county attorney
- §36-545.02 State hospital reimbursements; disposition of funds
- §36-545.03 Payment of costs and expenses by person hospitalized in private or voluntary nonprofit facility
- §36-545.04 Costs of court proceedings; compensation for evaluation and testimony
- §36-545.05 Charges for treatment given by agencies under department contract; charges for prepetition screening and court‑ordered evaluation prohibited
- §36-545.06 County services
- §36-545.07 Contracts between the division and screening agencies, evaluation agencies and mental health treatment agencies; services; plan
- §36-545.08 Arizona state hospital fund; purpose
- §36-545.09 Building renewal fund; purpose
Article 7 - Judicial Review
- §36-546 Judicial review; right to be informed; request; jurisdiction
- §36-546.01 Expedited appeal to the court of appeals
Article 9 - Hospitalization in a Federal Facility
Article 10 - Community Mental Health Residential Treatment System
- §36-550 Definitions
- §36-550.01 Statewide plan for community residential treatment
- §36-550.02 County responsibilities in statewide planning process
- §36-550.03 Statewide plan implementation; contract requirements; exception
- §36-550.04 Evaluation system; contract requirements
- §36-550.05 Community mental health residential treatment services and facilities; prevention services
- §36-550.06 Client eligibility
- §36-550.07 Community residential treatment system planning grants
- §36-550.08 Clients' rights
Article 1 - Administration and Regulation
- §36-551 Definitions
- §36-551.01 Developmentally disabled persons; rights guaranteed
- §36-552 Developmental disabilities function; expenditure limitation
- §36-553 Developmental disabilities advisory council; membership; duties
- §36-554 Powers and duties of director
- §36-555 Coordination of programs by department with special education programs
- §36-556 Coordination with division of behavioral health; duties of department
- §36-557 Purchase of community developmental disabilities services; application; contracts; limitation
- §36-558 Establishment and maintenance of programs and services; definition
- §36-558.01 Operation, support and supervision of foster homes; duties of department
- §36-558.02 State operated service center
- §36-559 Eligibility for developmental disabilities programs, services and facilities
- §36-560 Admission
- §36-561 Prohibiting certain treatment or drugs; use of aversive stimuli
- §36-562 Schedule of financial contribution; review of payment order
- §36-563 Review and appeal; hearing
- §36-564 Guardianship
- §36-565 Periodic evaluations of developmentally disabled persons
- §36-566 Request for termination from a state facility, program or service
- §36-568.01 Confidentiality of records
- §36-568.02 Confidentiality of health information
- §36-569 Prohibitions; violations; classification
- §36-571 Developmental disabilities fund; disbursement; federal monies
- §36-572 Developmentally disabled client services trust fund; donation account
- §36-573 Developmental disabilities oversight committee; membership; compensation; duties
- §36-574 Children's autism services; contract
Article 2 - Developmental Disabilities
Article 3 - Licensing and Monitoring of Community Residential Settings
- §36-591 Adult developmental homes; child developmental foster homes; secure facilities; licensing; applicability
- §36-592 Adult developmental homes; child developmental foster homes; secure facilities; license application; investigation and operation
- §36-593 Adult developmental homes; child developmental foster homes; secure facilities; provisional licenses
- §36-594 Denial, suspension or revocation of license
- §36-594.01 Fingerprinting of contract providers and home and community based service providers
- §36-594.02 Fingerprinting of adult developmental home licensees and child developmental foster home licensees
- §36-595 Programmatic and contractual monitoring
- §36-595.01 Access to facilities
- §36-595.02 Investigation of complaints
- §36-595.03 Secure facilities; annual review; definition
Article 4 - Third Party Liability Program
- §36-596 Coordination of benefits; third party payments; definition
- §36-596.01 Liens; perfection; recording; assignment; notice of lien; compromise
Article 5 - Family Support
- §36-596.51 Definitions
- §36-596.52 Family support program; administration
- §36-596.53 Payor of last resort
- §36-596.54 Family support vouchers and subsidies
- §36-596.55 Community based services
- §36-596.56 Eligibility
- §36-596.57 Admission; legislative appropriation; exception
Article 1 - Health Menaces
- §36-601 Public nuisances dangerous to public health
- §36-601.01 Smoking prohibition in certain areas; violation; classification; exception
- §36-601.02 Smoking in state buildings; prohibition; exception; violation; classification
- §36-602 Abatement of nuisances, sources of filth and causes of sickness; civil penalty; property assessment; procedure
- §36-603 Right to enter premises for inspection or abatement
- §36-604 Health menace near military encampments; classification
- §36-605 Common towel or drinking cup provided in public place; classification
- §36-606 Pesticide illness; medical education; reports
Article 2 - Contagious Diseases
- §36-621 Report of contagious diseases
- §36-622 Report by hotel keepers of contagious diseases
- §36-623 Report by physician of death from contagious disease
- §36-624 Quarantine and sanitary measures to prevent contagion
- §36-626 Disinfection or destruction of contaminated bedding and other articles
- §36-627 Temporary hospitals for persons with contagious disease
- §36-628 Provision for care of persons afflicted with contagious disease; expenses
- §36-630 Violation; classification
- §36-631 Person with contagious or infectious disease exposing himself to public; classification; exception
Article 3 - Industrial Sanitation
Article 4 - Communicable Disease Information
- §36-661 Definitions
- §36-662 Access to records
- §36-663 HIV‑related testing; restrictions; exceptions
- §36-664 Confidentiality; exceptions
- §36-665 Order for disclosure of communicable disease related information
- §36-666 Violation; classification; immunity
- §36-667 Civil penalty
- §36-668 Private right of action
- §36-669 Human immunodeficiency testing of prisoners
Article 4.1 - School Immunization
- §36-671 Definitions
- §36-672 Immunizations; department rules
- §36-673 Duties of local health departments; immunization; training; informed consent
- §36-674 Providing proof of immunization
Article 5 - Maternal and Child Health
- §36-691 Acceptance of congressional act relating to maternal and child health
- §36-692 Standards for county participation
- §36-693 Blood tests required; pregnant women; umbilical cord at delivery; definition
- §36-694 Report of blood tests; newborn screening program; committee; fee; definitions
- §36-694.01 Newborn screening program fund; use; nonlapsing
- §36-695 Acceptance of congressional act relating to the supplemental security income to disabled children's program
- §36-697 Health start program; administration
- §36-698 Arizona children and families resource directory; distribution
- §36-699 Folic acid supplements; distribution; counseling; funding
- §36-700 Farmers' market nutrition program
Article 6 - Tuberculosis Control
- §36-711 Definitions
- §36-712 Administration by the department
- §36-714 Tuberculosis control officer
- §36-715 Costs; removal; proceedings
- §36-716 Payment of assistance
- §36-717 Responsibility for care or treatment by counties
- §36-718 Contracting for care of afflicted persons
- §36-721 Rules
- §36-723 Investigation of tuberculosis cases
- §36-724 Voluntary control measures
- §36-725 Orders to cooperate; emergency custody
- §36-726 Petition for court ordered examination, monitoring, treatment, isolation or quarantine
- §36-727 Hearings; procedure; confidentiality
- §36-728 Judicial action
- §36-729 Amended orders for intervention and transport of afflicted persons
- §36-730 Appointment of guardian or conservator
- §36-731 Confinement; selection; jails; prohibition
- §36-732 Early release from court ordered treatment
- §36-733 Choice of physician and mode of treatment
- §36-734 Treatment; exemption
- §36-735 Notification of rights
- §36-736 Administrative procedures act; judicial review of administrative procedures; exemption; appeals
- §36-737 Violation; classification
- §36-738 Qualified immunity
Article 7 - Licensing and Regulation of Midwifery
- §36-751 Definitions
- §36-752 Licensure; exceptions
- §36-753 Application for license as midwife
- §36-754 Licensing of midwives; renewal of license
- §36-755 Powers and duties of the director
- §36-756 Grounds for denial of license and disciplinary action; hearing; appeal; civil penalties; injunctions
- §36-756.01 Investigations; right to examine evidence; subpoenas; confidentiality
- §36-757 Violations; classification
- §36-758 Fees
- §36-759 Use of title; prohibitions
- §36-760 Persons and acts not affected by this article
Article 8 - Tobacco Tax Funds
- §36-770 Tobacco products tax fund
- §36-771 Tobacco tax and health care fund
- §36-772 Health education account; audit; reports
- §36-773 Health research account
- §36-774 Medically needy account; definition
- §36-775 Adjustment account
- §36-776 Emergency health services account
- §36-777 Health care adjustment account
- §36-778 Proposition 204 protection account
Article 9 - Enhanced Surveillance Advisories and Public Health Emergencies
- §36-781 Definitions
- §36-782 Enhanced surveillance advisory
- §36-783 Increased reporting during enhanced surveillance advisory
- §36-784 Patient tracking during enhanced surveillance advisory
- §36-785 Information sharing during an enhanced surveillance advisory
- §36-786 Laboratory testing during an enhanced surveillance advisory
- §36-787 Public health authority during state of emergency or state of war emergency
- §36-788 Isolation and quarantine during a state of emergency or state of war emergency
- §36-789 Due process for isolation and quarantine during a state of emergency or state of war emergency
- §36-790 Privileges and immunities
Article 11 - Bedding
- §36-796 Definitions
- §36-796.02 Labeling of bedding required
- §36-796.03 Prohibited use of certain materials
- §36-796.04 Sterilization, disinfection and disinfestation of bedding and materials
- §36-796.07 Exceptions
- §36-796.08 Violation; classification
Article 12 - Public Health Crisis
Article 13 - Sickle Cell Anemia
- §36-797.41 Declaration of policy; sickle cell anemia
- §36-797.42 Testing by department; consent
- §36-797.43 Care and treatment of children with sickle cell anemia; reimbursement to department
- §36-797.44 Care and treatment of adults with sickle cell anemia; reimbursement to department
Article 14 - Tobacco Sales
- §36-798 Definitions
- §36-798.01 Selling or giving beedies or bidis; violation; classification
- §36-798.02 Vending machine sales of tobacco and tobacco products; signage; violation; classification
- §36-798.03 Tobacco products prohibition at schools and school‑related areas; exception; violation; classification
- §36-798.04 Unlawful manufacture, sale or distribution of cigarettes and roll‑your‑own tobacco; exception; violation; classification
- §36-798.05 Unsolicited delivery of tobacco products; violation; classification; civil penalties; definitions
Article 1 - Disposition of Certain Dead Human Bodies
- §36-803 Power to require records and establish rules and regulations
- §36-804 Notice of bodies for burial at public expense; delivery
- §36-805 Disposal of body of person executed at state prison
- §36-806 Bodies not subject to disposition under this article
- §36-807 Persons and institutions authorized to receive bodies; delivery expenses
- §36-808 Violation; classification
Article 2 - Burial Responsibility
- §36-831 Burial duties; notification requirements; failure to perform duty; definitions
- §36-831.01 Disposition of remains; duty to comply with decedent's wishes; exemption from liability
- §36-832 Authorization for post‑mortem examination
Article 3 - Revised Arizona Anatomical Gift Act
- §36-841 Definitions
- §36-842 Anatomical gifts; execution; amendment; revocation; refusal
- §36-842.01 Anatomical gift registry; purpose; immunity
- §36-843 Actions by a third person
- §36-844 County medical examiners; authorization
- §36-845 Hospitals; required request; search and notification; immunity; authorization form; definition
- §36-846 Eligible donees; purposes for which anatomical gifts may be made; reciprocal agreements; definitions
- §36-847 Delivery of document of gift
- §36-848 Rights and duties at death
- §36-849 Sale or purchase of parts; prohibition; violation; classification
- §36-850 Examination; autopsy; liability
Article 1 - Day Care Centers
- §36-881 Definitions
- §36-882 License; posting; transfer prohibited; fee
- §36-883 Standards of care; rules; classifications
- §36-883.01 Statement of services
- §36-883.02 Child care personnel; fingerprints; exemptions; definition
- §36-883.03 Employer‑subsidized child care; immunity from liability
- §36-883.04 Standards of care; rules; enforcement
- §36-884 Exemptions
- §36-885 Inspection of child care facilities
- §36-886 Operation without a license; classification
- §36-886.01 Injunctions
- §36-887 Procedure for inspection of records
- §36-888 Denial, revocation or suspension of license
- §36-889 Licensees; applicants; residency; controlling persons; requirements
- §36-890 Decisions
- §36-891 Civil penalty; inspection of centers; training program
- §36-891.01 Intermediate sanctions; notification of compliance; hearing
- §36-892 Violation; classification
- §36-893 Legal action or sale; effect on licensure
Article 3 - Placement of Children by Department of Economic Security
Article 4 - Child Care Group Homes
- §36-897 Definitions
- §36-897.01 Certification; application; fees; rules; fingerprinting
- §36-897.02 Standards of care; monitoring
- §36-897.03 Child care group homes; child care personnel; fingerprints; definition
- §36-897.04 Exemptions
- §36-897.05 Inspection of child care group homes
- §36-897.06 Civil penalty; collection
- §36-897.07 Training program
- §36-897.08 Intermediate sanctions; notification of compliance; hearing
- §36-897.09 Operating without a certificate; notice; hearing; violation; classification
- §36-897.10 Pending action or sale; effect on licensure
- §36-897.11 Injunctions; definition
- §36-897.12 Inspection of records
Article 5 - Notification of Pesticide Application
Chapter 7.2 - CHILD HEARING PROGRAMSArticle 1 - Program of Hearing Evaluation Services
- §36-899 Definitions
- §36-899.01 Program for all school children; administration
- §36-899.02 Powers of the department; limitations
- §36-899.03 Rules and regulations
- §36-899.04 Parent, guardian may refuse test
Article 1 - Adulteration and Misbranding
- §36-901 Definitions
- §36-902 Prohibited acts
- §36-903 Food standards
- §36-904 Food adulteration
- §36-905 Tolerances for added poisonous ingredients
- §36-906 Food misbranding
- §36-907 Misleading labeling and advertisements; considerations
- §36-908 Special inspection warrant; violation; classification
- §36-909 Samples or specimens
- §36-910 Seizure
- §36-911 Enforcement regulations; decisions; appeal
- §36-912 Prosecution
- §36-913 Injunction proceedings
- §36-914 Violation; classification; guaranty
- §36-915 Enrichment, fortification and labeling of flour, cereals and related foods; penalty
- §36-916 Donation of food items; exemption from civil liability; definitions
Article 3 - Kosher Foods
Article 5 - Bulk Food Sales
- §36-971 Definitions
- §36-972 Applicability of article
- §36-973 Labeling; exception
- §36-974 Protection from contamination
- §36-975 Dispensing
- §36-976 Construction; materials
- §36-977 Cleaning frequency
- §36-978 Signs
- §36-979 Disease control
- §36-980 Local standards
Article 4 - Caustic Alkalies and Acids
- §36-1101 Definitions
- §36-1102 Misbranding of package prohibited
- §36-1103 Condemnation and disposal of misbranded articles
- §36-1104 Enforcement; registration of brands and labels
- §36-1105 Violation; classification
Article 5 - Human Blood, Its Products and Derivatives
Article 6 - Arizona Poison Control System
- §36-1161 Poison and drug information center and Arizona poison control system established; staff; functions
- §36-1162 Powers and functions of Arizona poison control system
- §36-1163 Funding
Article 1 - General Provisions
Chapter 12 - PUBLIC HOUSINGArticle 1 - Municipal Housing
- §36-1401 Definitions
- §36-1402 Legislative finding and declaration of necessity
- §36-1403 Powers of municipalities
- §36-1404 Housing authority; employees
- §36-1405 Removal of commissioner
- §36-1406 Interest of municipal officer in project or property prohibited
- §36-1407 Eminent domain
- §36-1408 Use of revenues; determining rentals
- §36-1409 Rentals and tenant selection
- §36-1409.01 Pets for elderly and handicapped tenants; exceptions; conditions; appeal procedures; definitions
- §36-1410 Bonds; issuance; refunding; sources of payment; personal liability; debt limitation
- §36-1411 Form and sale of bonds
- §36-1412 Additional provisions of bonds
- §36-1413 Construction of bond provisions
- §36-1414 Certification of bonds by attorney general
- §36-1415 Housing bonds as security or legal investment
- §36-1416 Remedies of obligee
- §36-1417 Power of public body to provide additional remedies to obligee
- §36-1418 Property exempt from execution sale
- §36-1419 Payments in lieu of taxes authorized
- §36-1420 Acceptance of federal aid
- §36-1421 Cooperation of state public body with housing project
- §36-1422 Cooperative agreements between municipalities
- §36-1423 Bids required for construction and purchases
- §36-1424 Supplemental nature of article
- §36-1425 Inconsistencies of article with other law
Article 3 - Slum Clearance and Redevelopment
- §36-1471 Definitions
- §36-1472 Legislative finding and declaration of necessity
- §36-1473 Finding of necessity by local governing body
- §36-1474 Powers of municipalities
- §36-1475 Delegation of powers of municipalities
- §36-1476 Slum clearance and redevelopment commission
- §36-1477 Interest of public officials, commissioners or employees in project prohibited
- §36-1478 Eminent domain
- §36-1479 Preparation and approval of redevelopment plans
- §36-1480 Disposal of property in redevelopment project area
- §36-1481 Issuance of bonds
- §36-1482 Power of municipality to provide additional security for bonds
- §36-1483 Construction of bond provisions
- §36-1484 Certification of bonds by attorney general
- §36-1485 Remedies of obligee
- §36-1486 Property exempt from execution sale
- §36-1487 Cooperation by public bodies
- §36-1488 Use of municipal revenue powers to provide funds for project
- §36-1489 Validity of title received by purchaser of project property
- §36-1490 Supplemental nature of article
- §36-1491 Inconsistencies of article with other law
Article 1 - Fireworks
- §36-1601 Definitions
- §36-1602 Fireworks prohibited
- §36-1603 Permit for public display
- §36-1604 Bond of permittee
- §36-1605 Permitted uses
- §36-1606 Municipal ordinances
- §36-1607 Seizure
- §36-1608 Violation; classification
Article 2 - Gas Appliances
- §36-1621 Definitions
- §36-1622 Approval and installation
- §36-1623 Ventilation by vent or flue
- §36-1624 Maintenance
- §36-1624.01 Liquefied petroleum gas container; filling; evacuating; requirements; classification
- §36-1625 Municipal code not superseded
- §36-1626 Violation; classification
Article 2.1 - Safety Glazing
- §36-1631 Definitions
- §36-1632 Labeling of safety glazing materials
- §36-1633 Installation of non‑safety glazing materials in hazardous location
- §36-1634 Violation; classification
- §36-1635 Local ordinances
Article 2.2 - Smoke Detectors in Residential Housing
- §36-1636 Definitions
- §36-1637 Smoke detectors; residential housing
- §36-1638 Local ordinances
- §36-1639 Exemptions
Article 3 - Public Buildings
Article 3.1 - Hotels and Motels; Smoke Detectors
Article 4 - Abandoned Refrigerators
Article 5 - Injurious Drugs and Substances
Article 6 - Lead-Based Paint
- §36-1672 Local programs
- §36-1673 Reporting of lead levels
- §36-1674 Prohibited acts; classification
- §36-1675 Administration
- §36-1676 Injunction
Article 7 - Pool Safety
Article 8 - Environmental Risk Assessment
- §36-1691 Definitions
- §36-1692 Environmental exposure risk assessment program; fees
- §36-1693 Risk assessment fund; purpose; sources
- §36-1694 Program termination
Article 1 - Administration
- §36-1901 Definitions
- §36-1902 Powers and duties of the director; advisory committee; examining committee
- §36-1903 Deposit of monies; hearing and speech professionals fund; exemption
- §36-1904 Issuance of license; renewal of license
- §36-1905 Sponsors; duties
- §36-1906 Registering place of business with director
- §36-1907 Practicing without a license; prohibition
- §36-1908 Fees
- §36-1909 Bill of sale required
- §36-1910 Application of chapter to corporations and other organizations; exemptions
Article 2 - Hearing Aid Dispensers
- §36-1921 Persons not affected by chapter
- §36-1922 Reciprocity
- §36-1923 Hearing aid dispensers; licensure; requirements
- §36-1924 Examination for license
- §36-1926 Temporary license; sponsorship; termination of sponsorship
Article 3 - Regulation of Hearing Aid Dispensers, Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists
- §36-1934 Denial, revocation or suspension of license; hearings; alternative sanctions
- §36-1936 Unlawful acts
- §36-1937 Injunctive relief
- §36-1938 Violation; classification
- §36-1939 Civil penalties; enforcement
Article 4 - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
- §36-1940 Audiology; licensure requirements
- §36-1940.01 Speech‑language pathologist; licensure requirements
- §36-1940.02 Waiver of licensure requirements; audiology and speech‑language pathology
- §36-1940.03 Temporary licenses
- §36-1940.04 Speech-language pathologist assistant; licensure requirements; scope of practice; supervision
Article 1 - In General
- §36-1941 Definitions
- §36-1942 Commission for the deaf and the hard of hearing
- §36-1943 Executive director; duties
- §36-1944 Duties
- §36-1945 Commission for the deaf and the hard of hearing fund; gifts and donations; annual report
- §36-1946 Interpreters for the deaf and the hard of hearing; certification; licensure
- §36-1947 Telecommunication devices for the deaf and the hearing and speech impaired; fund
Article 2 - Licensure
- §36-1971 Licensure; acts and persons not affected
- §36-1972 Use of title; prohibited acts; violation; classification
- §36-1973 Qualifications for licensure
- §36-1974 Issuance and renewal of license; continuing education
- §36-1975 Denial of licensure
- §36-1976 Revocation or suspension of license
- §36-1977 Right to examine and copy evidence
- §36-1978 Injunctive relief; bond; service of process
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2001 Addictive behavior services
- §36-2002 Interagency coordinating council; members; meetings; duties; expiration
- §36-2003 Powers and duties
- §36-2004 Designation to administer state plan
- §36-2005 Substance abuse services fund; purpose; administration
- §36-2006 Department of health services monitoring of screening, education and treatment programs
- §36-2007 Addiction reduction and recovery fund
Article 2 - Evaluation and Treatment of Persons Impaired by Alcoholism
- §36-2021 Definitions
- §36-2022 Establishment of facilities
- §36-2023 Rules
- §36-2024 Treatment of alcoholics
- §36-2025 Treatment and services for intoxicated persons and persons incapacitated by alcohol
- §36-2026 Emergency admission
- §36-2027 Evaluation and treatment of persons charged with a crime
- §36-2028 Payment for treatment; financial ability of patient or guardian
- §36-2029 Funding of facilities; contracts; limitations
- §36-2030 Immunity from criminal or civil liability
- §36-2031 Criminal laws limitations
Article 3 - Drug Detoxification and Maintenance Standards
Chapter 19 - KIDNEY TREATMENT CENTERSArticle 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2101 Definitions
- §36-2102 Medical affiliation; contract for services; funds; limitation
- §36-2103 Functions of regional limited care dialysis centers; limitations
- §36-2104 Acceptance of other funds
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2151 Right to refuse to participate in abortion
- §36-2152 Parental consent; exception; hearings; time limits; violation; classification; definitions
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2171 Definitions
- §36-2172 Primary care provider loan repayment program; purpose; eligibility; default; civil penalty; exemption
- §36-2173 Obstetrical practitioners; underserved areas; payment of insurance premiums; prioritization
- §36-2174 Rural private primary care provider loan repayment program; private practice
- §36-2175 Behavioral health practitioners; loan repayment program; eligibility; default; damages; program termination; definition
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2201 Definitions
- §36-2202 Duties of the director; qualifications of medical director
- §36-2202.01 Test administration
- §36-2203 Emergency medical services council
- §36-2203.01 Medical direction commission; membership; duties
- §36-2204 Medical control
- §36-2204.01 Emergency medical services providers; centralized medical direction communications center
- §36-2204.02 Emergency medical services providers; investigations
- §36-2205 Permitted treatment and medication; certification requirement; protocols
- §36-2206 Liability for emergency instructions
- §36-2207 Authorization for political subdivisions to participate
- §36-2208 Division of emergency medical services
- §36-2209 Powers and duties of the director
- §36-2210 Local emergency medical services coordinating systems
- §36-2211 Grounds for censure, probation, suspension or revocation of emergency medical technician certificate; proceedings; civil penalty; judicial review
- §36-2212 Certificate of registration to operate an ambulance; termination on change in ownership; fees; exemption
- §36-2213 Regulation of air ambulance services
- §36-2214 Air ambulance service license
- §36-2215 Required insurance or financial responsibility; denial or revocation for failure to comply
- §36-2216 Prohibited acts; classification
- §36-2217 Exemption from regulation
- §36-2218 Emergency medical services operating fund
- §36-2219.01 Medical services enhancement fund
- §36-2220 Records; confidentiality; definition
- §36-2221 Requirements
- §36-2222 Trauma advisory board; membership; compensation; duties
- §36-2223 Stretcher vans; wheelchair vans; use; restrictions
- §36-2224 Interfacility transportation of patients; requirements
- §36-2225 Statewide emergency medical services and trauma system; definitions
- §36-2226 Emergency administration of epinephrine by good Samaritans; exemption from civil liability
Article 2 - Regulation of Ambulances and Ambulance Services
- §36-2232 Director; powers and duties; regulation of ambulance services; inspections; response time compliance
- §36-2233 Certificate of necessity to operate an ambulance service; termination; exceptions; service areas
- §36-2234 Hearings; waiver of hearing; emergency action; judicial review
- §36-2235 Terms of certificates of necessity; initial term; renewal
- §36-2236 Nature of certificates of necessity; transfer; suspension; service area
- §36-2237 Required insurance, financial responsibility or bond; revocation for failure to comply
- §36-2238 Termination of service under certificate of necessity
- §36-2239 Rates or charges of ambulance service
- §36-2240 Fees
- §36-2241 Required records; inspection by the department
- §36-2242 Temporary authority to operate in urgent circumstances; application; application to provide permanent service
- §36-2243 Interagency service agreement
- §36-2244 Legal action for enforcement
- §36-2245 Investigations; dispute resolution; informal interviews; hearings; stipulations; judicial review; civil penalty
- §36-2246 Fire districts; rural ambulance services; request for information; format
Article 3 - Automated External Defibrillators
- §36-2261 Definitions
- §36-2262 Automated external defibrillators; training; use; requirements; definition
- §36-2263 Civil liability; limited immunity; good Samaritan
- §36-2264 Exemption from regulation
Article 1 - In General
Article 2 - Preserving the Lives of Newborn and Other Children
- §36-2281 Infants; nutritional and medical denial or deprivation prohibited; definition
- §36-2282 Duty to inform; reports of denial or deprivation; disciplinary action prohibited; report to department of economic security
- §36-2283 Certain information to parents required
- §36-2284 Infant care review committee
Article 3 - Unexplained Infant Death
- §36-2291 Unexplained infant death advisory council; report
- §36-2292 Protocols
- §36-2293 Infant death investigation checklist
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2301 Duty to promote life of fetus or embryo delivered alive
- §36-2301.01 Abortion of viable fetus; requirements; definitions
- §36-2301.02 Review of ultrasound results
- §36-2302 Experimentation on human fetus or embryo prohibited; physician‑patient privilege inapplicable
- §36-2303 Violation; classification
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2351 Definitions
- §36-2352 Designation of medically‑underserved areas
- §36-2353 Medically‑underserved areas; selection of coordinating medical providers
- §36-2354 Coordinating medical provider; duties
- §36-2355 Financial responsibility for services rendered to indigents
Article 1 - Health Care Entity Quality Assurance Process
- §36-2401 Definitions
- §36-2402 Health care quality assurance process; immunity
- §36-2403 Confidentiality; protection from discovery proceedings and subpoena; exceptions
- §36-2404 Quality assurance review committees
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-2451 Definitions
- §36-2452 Distribution and sale of laetrile; labeling requirements
- §36-2453 Inspection of premises; violation; injunction
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 2 - Schedules
- §36-2511 Nomenclature
- §36-2512 Substances in schedule I
- §36-2513 Substances in schedule II
- §36-2514 Substances in schedule III; definition
- §36-2515 Substances in schedule IV
- §36-2516 Substances in schedule V
Article 3 - Regulation of Manufacture, Distribution and Dispensing of Controlled Substances
- §36-2521 Rules
- §36-2522 Registration requirements
- §36-2523 Records of registrants; inspection; confidentiality
- §36-2524 Order forms
- §36-2525 Prescription orders; labels
Article 4 - Offenses and Penalties
Article 5 - Enforcement and Administration
- §36-2541 Administrative inspections and warrants
- §36-2542 Cooperation of agencies
- §36-2543 Review
- §36-2544 Education; research; public notices
Article 6 - Miscellaneous
Chapter 29 - ARIZONA HEALTH CARE COST CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIONArticle 1 - Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
- §36-2901 Definitions
- §36-2901.01 Additional definition of eligibility for the Arizona health care cost containment system; enforcement; private right of action
- §36-2901.02 Arizona tobacco litigation settlement fund; nonlapsing
- §36-2901.03 Federal poverty program; eligibility
- §36-2901.04 Medical expense deduction eligibility process
- §36-2901.05 Breast and cervical cancer treatment; additional definition of eligibility
- §36-2901.06 Capitation rate adjustments; limitation
- §36-2902 Arizona health care cost containment system administration; director; compensation
- §36-2902.01 Advisory council on Indian health care; membership; compensation; meetings
- §36-2902.02 Advisory council on Indian health care; duties
- §36-2903 Arizona health care cost containment system; administrator; powers and duties of director and administrator; exemption from attorney general representation; definition
- §36-2903.01 Additional powers and duties
- §36-2903.02 Quality of health care monitoring standard; development; adoption; use; additional monitoring; costs
- §36-2903.03 United States citizenship and qualified alien requirements for eligibility; report; definition
- §36-2903.04 Prior wards of the state; eligibility determination
- §36-2903.05 Uniform application and eligibility process
- §36-2903.06 Cooperation with Arizona‑Mexico commission
- §36-2903.07 Trauma and emergency services fund
- §36-2904 Prepaid capitation coverage; requirements; long‑term care; dispute resolution; award of contracts; notification; report
- §36-2905 Removal of medicaid special exemption for payments to contractors; civil penalty
- §36-2905.01 Inpatient hospital reimbursement program; large counties
- §36-2905.02 Inpatient reimbursement; rural hospitals; definition
- §36-2905.04 Eligibility by fraud; penalties; enforcement; classification
- §36-2905.06 Finger imaging; requirements; exemption
- §36-2905.07 Recipients of pharmaceutical benefits; finger imaging program; program termination
- §36-2906 Qualified plan health services contracts; proposals; administration
- §36-2906.01 Qualified commercial carriers; administration; contracts
- §36-2907 Covered health and medical services; modifications; related delivery of service requirements
- §36-2907.01 Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
- §36-2907.04 Family planning services
- §36-2907.05 Primary care programs
- §36-2907.06 Qualifying community health centers; contracts; requirements; definition
- §36-2907.07 Tobacco tax program evaluations
- §36-2907.08 Basic children's medical services program; definition
- §36-2907.09 Direct service contracts; reporting
- §36-2907.10 Transplants; extended eligibility
- §36-2907.11 Retaining transplant status
- §36-2907.12 Transplants; tobacco tax allocation
- §36-2908 Provision of emergency and specialty services; reimbursement
- §36-2909 Emergency hospital services; retroactive coverage; costs
- §36-2910 Notification to system of nonemergency services
- §36-2911 Payment of monthly premiums
- §36-2912 Healthcare group coverage; program requirements for small businesses and public employers; related requirements; definitions
- §36-2912.01 Healthcare group fund; nonlapsing
- §36-2912.02 Qualified commercial carriers; healthcare group contracts; definition
- §36-2912.03 Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
- §36-2913 Systems funds; funding
- §36-2914 Medical care consortiums; lawful trade practices
- §36-2915 Lien of administration on damages recovered by injured person; perfection, recording, assignment and notice of lien
- §36-2916 Release of claim by injured person ineffective as to system; action to enforce lien; release of lien
- §36-2917 Review committees; immunity; confidentiality; definition
- §36-2918 Prohibited acts; penalties; subpoena power
- §36-2918.01 Duty to report fraud or abuse; immunity
- §36-2919 Absence of federal financial participation; effect on system operation
- §36-2920 Monthly financial report
- §36-2921 Hospital loan program; residencies; fund; program termination
- §36-2922 Medical services stabilization fund; definition
- §36-2924 Child care and AHCCCS joint program
- §36-2925 Information system; administrative services; agreements with other states; report
- §36-2926 Use of cost savings; preparation of budget recommendations; cooperation of other agencies
- §36-2927 Intergovernmental service fund; funding
- §36-2928 Budget neutrality compliance fund; nonlapsing
- §36-2929 Services to persons with disabilities; eligibility; premiums
- §36-2930 Temporary medical coverage program; qualifications; fund; program termination
Article 2 - Arizona Long-Term Care System
- §36-2931 Definitions
- §36-2932 Arizona long‑term care system; powers and duties of the director; expenditure limitation
- §36-2933 Eligibility determination; application; enrollment
- §36-2934 Eligibility criteria; qualifications for coverage; liquidation of assets
- §36-2934.01 Creation of trusts; eligibility for the system; share of cost
- §36-2934.02 Financial instruments; eligibility for the system
- §36-2935 Estate recovery program; liens
- §36-2936 Preadmission screening programs; functional tests; screening review
- §36-2937 Effective date of program contractor's responsibility
- §36-2938 Case management; definition
- §36-2939 Long‑term care system services
- §36-2940 Program contractors; annual plan
- §36-2941 Establishment of capitation rates
- §36-2942 Payments to the department
- §36-2943 Provider subcontracts; hospital reimbursement
- §36-2944 Qualified plan health service contracts; proposals; administration; contract terms
- §36-2944.01 Removal of medicaid special exemption for payments to program contractors; civil penalty
- §36-2945 Provision of services without contract; requirements
- §36-2946 Coordination of benefits; third party payments
- §36-2947 Program contractors; additional responsibilities
- §36-2948 Prohibited collection practices
- §36-2949 Exemption from insurance law
- §36-2950 Services to persons with disabilities; eligibility; premiums
- §36-2952 County or special health care district long‑term care system fund; uniform accounting
- §36-2953 Department long‑term care system fund; uniform accounting
- §36-2954 Erroneous eligibility determination; state liability
- §36-2955 Inappropriate services; federal sanctions
- §36-2956 Liens on damages for injuries; notification
- §36-2957 Prohibited acts; penalties
- §36-2958 Absence of federal financial participation; effect on system operation
- §36-2959 Reimbursement rates; capitation rates; annual review
Article 3 - Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
- §36-2971 Definitions
- §36-2972 Rights, authority and responsibilities of the director and the administration
- §36-2973 Qualified medicare beneficiary only; eligibility determination; application; enrollment
- §36-2974 Dual eligibles; qualifications for coverage; enrollment
- §36-2975 Specified low income medicare beneficiary; eligibility
- §36-2976 Qualifying individuals
Article 4 - Children's Health Insurance Program
- §36-2981 Definitions
- §36-2982 Children's health insurance program; administration; nonentitlement; enrollment limitation; eligibility
- §36-2983 Eligibility for the program
- §36-2985 Enrollment cap; program termination; spending limitation
- §36-2986 Administration; powers and duties of director
- §36-2987 Reimbursement for the program
- §36-2988 Delivery of services; health plans; requirements
- §36-2989 Covered health and medical services; modifications; related delivery of service requirements
- §36-2990 Quality of health care monitoring standard; development; adoption; use; additional monitoring; costs
- §36-2991 Fraud; penalties; enforcement; violation; classification
- §36-2992 Duty to report fraud or abuse; immunity; unprofessional conduct
- §36-2993 Prohibited acts; penalties
- §36-2994 Monthly financial report
- §36-2995 Children's health insurance program fund; sources of monies; use; reversion; claims
- §36-2998 Qualifying plans
Article 5 - Comprehensive Care for the Elderly Program
- §36-2999.01 Definitions
- §36-2999.02 Program; program contractors; interdisciplinary teams
- §36-2999.03 Eligibility determination; applications; enrollment
- §36-2999.04 Case management; definition
- §36-2999.05 Establishment of capitation rate
- §36-2999.06 Organizations; additional responsibilities; exemption from title 20
- §36-2999.07 Reporting requirements
- §36-2999.08 Program termination
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-3001 Definitions
- §36-3002 Domestic violence shelter fund; purpose
- §36-3003 Acceptance of grants and gifts
- §36-3004 Application for fund monies; eligibility; payments; limitation; evaluation
- §36-3005 Shelter requirements for eligibility
- §36-3006 Priorities for allocating fund monies
- §36-3007 Annual report
- §36-3008 Shelters for victims of domestic violence; personnel; fingerprinting
- §36-3009 Disclosing location of shelters; prohibition; civil penalty
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-3201 Definitions
- §36-3202 Revocation of health care directive; disqualification of surrogate
- §36-3203 Surrogate; authority; responsibilities; immunity
- §36-3204 Responsibilities of health care providers
- §36-3205 Health care providers; immunity from liability; conditions
- §36-3206 Enforcement or challenge of a directive or decision; judicial proceedings
- §36-3207 Health care directives; effect on insurance and medical coverage
- §36-3208 Prior and out of state health care directives; validity
- §36-3209 Health care directives; conflicts
- §36-3210 Suicide; mercy killing
Article 2 - Health Care Power of Attorney
- §36-3221 Health care power of attorney; scope; requirements; limitations
- §36-3222 Health care power of attorney; amendments
- §36-3223 Agents; powers and duties; removal; responsibility
- §36-3224 Sample health care power of attorney
Article 3 - Surrogate Decision Makers
Article 4 - Prehospital Medical Care Directives
Article 5 - Living Will
Article 6 - Mental Health Care Power of Attorney
- §36-3281 Mental health care power of attorney; scope; definition
- §36-3282 Execution requirements
- §36-3283 Powers and duties of an agent
- §36-3284 Operation of mental health care power of attorney; duties of physician or mental health care provider
- §36-3285 Revocation; disqualification of agent
- §36-3286 Sample mental health care power of attorney
- §36-3287 Surrogate; mental health care power of attorney
Article 7 - Health Care Directives Registry
- §36-3291 Health care directives registry; web site
- §36-3292 Filing requirements
- §36-3293 Effect of nonregistration or revocation
- §36-3294 Registration; purge of registered documents
- §36-3295 Registry information; confidentiality; transfer of information
- §36-3296 Liability; limitation
- §36-3297 Health care directives registry fund
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-3401 Definitions
- §36-3402 Division of behavioral health; deputy director; appointment; search committee; compensation
- §36-3403 Powers and duties of the deputy director; study; capitation rates
- §36-3404 Department budget for the division of behavioral health; funds
- §36-3405 Division annual report; monthly report
- §36-3406 Arizona state advisory council on the seriously mentally ill; membership; compensation; duties
- §36-3407 Services; contract
- §36-3408 Eligibility for behavioral health service system; screening process; required information
- §36-3409 Fee requirements; fee schedules
- §36-3410 Regional behavioral health authorities; contracts; monthly summaries; inspection; copying fee; children's behavioral health services; transfers; prohibition
- §36-3411 Behavioral health services; timely reimbursement; penalties
- §36-3412 Contracts; regional behavioral health authorities; financial security
- §36-3413 Grievance and appeal process
- §36-3414 Medically needy account monies
- §36-3415 Children's autism services; contracts
Article 3 - Comprehensive Behavioral Health Service System for Children
- §36-3431 Comprehensive behavioral health service system for children; division duties
- §36-3432 System report
- §36-3433 Annual budget; request and allocation
- §36-3434 Current service delivery system; continuation
- §36-3435 Intergovernmental agreement; needs and resources assessment; funding and service delivery plan
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-3501 Child fatality review team; membership; duties
- §36-3502 Local teams; membership; duties
- §36-3503 Access to information; confidentiality; violation; classification
- §36-3504 Child fatality review fund
Article 2 - Crib Safety
- §36-3521 Definitions
- §36-3522 Unsafe cribs; design characteristics; violation; classification
- §36-3523 Injunctions
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-3601 Definitions
- §36-3602 Delivery of health care through telemedicine; requirements; exceptions
- §36-3603 State jurisdiction; scope
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §36-3701 Definitions
- §36-3702 Notice of release; referral; immunity
- §36-3703 Competent professionals
- §36-3704 Sexually violent person petition; filing; procedures
- §36-3705 Judicial determination of sexually violent person; transfer for evaluation
- §36-3706 Trial
- §36-3707 Determining sexually violent person status; commitment procedures
- §36-3708 Annual examination of committed persons; report
- §36-3709 Petition for change of status; procedures
- §36-3710 Conditional release to a less restrictive alternative; conditions; reports; review
- §36-3711 Conditional release to a less restrictive alternative; findings
- §36-3712 Detention and commitment requirements; definition
- §36-3713 Revocation of conditional release to a less restrictive alternative; hearing
- §36-3714 Petition for discharge; procedures
- §36-3715 Expenditure limitation
- §36-3716 Expenditure limitation; political subdivision
- §36-3717 Place of proceedings; transportation; immunity
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