Justia Annotations

Justia provides a community platform for licensed attorneys to annotate federal and state case law. Our aim is to improve the readability and usefulness of US cases to consumers and legal practitioners alike. Annotations may include information such as the primary holding, factual and procedural histories, whether there are concurring or dissenting opinions, general commentary, and more.

Getting Started

Bar-licensed attorneys may contribute to Justia Annotations. To verify your status as a licensed attorney, you must claim your profile in the Justia Lawyer Directory by clicking the red "Update your profile now" link directly below your name on your profile page. Once you have claimed your profile, you will be able annotate cases. You can also add a photo or update the information in your profile. If there is not already a profile for you, you may create a new one here.

Once you have claimed your profile, you will be able to annotate any federal or state appellate case. If you have a specific case in mind that you want to annotate, search or browse for the case at https://law.justia.com.

If you have already claimed your profile and are still unable to annotate, please first try logging out of your Justia account and logging back in. If that does not resolve the issue, please contact us.

Tips for Annotating

The most important annotations are the Primary Holding and the Case Commentary. While some people may opt to annotate all fields before moving on to the next case, others might want to only partially annotate a case. Either is fine, but we do recommend filling out at least the Primary Holding and the Case Commentary fields.

Please do not copy/paste from the case, the Justia case summary, or the court-provided syllabus. It is most helpful to others if the annotations uniquely restate –in different words– what the court has said. Our moderators will remove annotations that repeat large passages verbatim.

Latest Annotations Valenti v Metropolitan Transp. Auth. New York Appellate Division, First Department
Ex parte Sonya C. Edwards and Edwards Law, LLC. Supreme Court of Alabama
T.C. v M.C. New York Other Courts
Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands Inc. US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
C., et al. v. United Healthcare Insurance Company US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
California v. Mosqueda California Courts of Appeal
In re: I.AM.Symbolic, LLC US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
State v. Scott T. Bidwell Wisconsin Court of Appeals
The Duncan House Charitable Corporation v. Harris County Appraisal District Appeal from 55th District Court of Harris County Texas Court of Appeals, Fourteenth District
Martinson v. State Wyoming Supreme Court
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