2006 Code of Virginia § 36-137 - Powers and duties of Board; appointment of Building Code Academy Advisory Committee
36-137. Powers and duties of Board; appointment of Building Code AcademyAdvisory Committee.
The Board shall exercise the following powers and duties, and such others asmay be provided by law:
1. Provide a means of citizen access to the Department.
2. Provide a means of publicizing the policies and programs of the Departmentin order to educate the public and elicit public support for Departmentactivities.
3. Monitor the policies and activities of the Department and have the rightof access to departmental information.
4. Advise the Governor and the Director on matters relating to housing andcommunity development.
5. Make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out itsresponsibilities and repeal or amend such rules when necessary.
6. Issue a certificate of competence concerning the content, application, andintent of specified subject areas of the building and fire preventionregulations promulgated by the Board to present or prospective personnel oflocal governments and to any other persons seeking to become qualified toperform inspections pursuant to Chapter 6 ( 36-97 et seq.) of this title,Chapter 9 ( 27-94 et seq.) of Title 27, and any regulations adoptedthereunder, who have completed training programs or in other waysdemonstrated adequate knowledge.
7. Levy by regulation up to two percent of building permit fees authorizedpursuant to 36-105 to support training programs of the Building CodeAcademy established pursuant to 36-139. Local building departments shallcollect such levy and transmit it quarterly to the Department of Housing andCommunity Development. Localities that maintain, individual or regional,training academies accredited by the Department of Housing and CommunityDevelopment shall retain such levy. However, such localities may sendemployees to training programs of the Building Code Academy upon payment of afee calculated to cover the cost of such training. Any unspent balance shallbe reappropriated each year for the continued operation of the Building CodeAcademy.
The Board shall appoint a Building Code Academy Advisory Committee (theCommittee) comprised of representatives of code enforcement personnel andconstruction industry professions affected by the provisions of the buildingand fire prevention regulations promulgated by the Board. Members of theCommittee shall receive no compensation but shall be entitled to bereimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in theperformance of their duties in accordance with 2.2-2813. The Committeeshall advise the Board and the Director on policies, procedures, operations,and other matters pertinent to enhancing the delivery of training servicesprovided by the Building Code Academy.
8. Establish general policies, procedures, and programs for the VirginiaHousing Partnership Revolving Fund established in Chapter 9 ( 36-141 etseq.) of this title.
9. Determine the categories of housing programs, housing sponsors and personsand families of low and moderate income eligible to participate in grant orloan programs of the Virginia Housing Partnership Revolving Fund anddesignate the proportion of such grants or loans to be made available in eachcategory.
10. Advise the Director of the Department on the program guidelines requiredto accomplish the policies and procedures of the Virginia Housing PartnershipRevolving Fund.
11. Advise the Virginia Housing Development Authority on matters relating tothe administration and management of loans and grants from the VirginiaHousing Partnership Revolving Fund.
12. Establish the amount of the low-income housing credit, the terms andconditions for qualifying for such credit, and the terms and conditions forcomputing any credit recapture amount for the Virginia income tax return.
13. Serve in an advisory capacity to the Center for Housing Researchestablished by 23-135.7:14.
14. Advise the Department in the development of the Consolidated PlanStrategy to guide and coordinate the housing programs of the Department, theVirginia Housing Development Authority, and other state agencies andinstrumentalities.
15. Advise the Governor and the Department on the expansion of affordable,accessible housing for older Virginians and Virginians with disabilities,including supportive services.
(1977, c. 613; 1978, c. 751; 1980, c. 107; 1981, c. 309; 1984, c. 720; 1986,c. 427; 1988, c. 687; 1989, c. 279; 1992, c. 754; 1993, c. 814; 2002, cc.245, 461, 555.)
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