There is a newer version of the US Code
2015 US Code
Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare (Sections 1 - 18445)
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Publication Title | United States Code, 2012 Edition, Supplement 3, Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE |
Category | Bills and Statutes |
Collection | United States Code |
SuDoc Class Number | Y 1.2/5: |
Contains | Sections 1 to 18445 |
Date | 2015 |
Laws In Effect As Of Date | January 3, 2016 |
Positive Law | No |
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 - The Public Health Service (Sections 1 - 70a)
- Chapter 1A - The Public Health Service; Supplemental Provisions (Sections 71 - 71r)
- Chapter 2 - Sanitation and Quarantine (Sections 81 - 114)
- Table of Contents
- Secs. 81 to 87 - Repealed. July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1313, 58 Stat. 714
- Sec. 88 - Discharge of cargo of vessel in quarantine
- Sec. 89 - Quarantine warehouses; erection
- Sec. 90 - Deposit of goods in warehouses
- Sec. 91 - Extending time for entry of vessels subject to quarantine
- Secs. 92 to 96 - Repealed. July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1313, 58 Stat. 714
- Sec. 97 - State health laws observed by United States officers
- Sec. 98 - Vessels for quarantine officers
- Secs. 99 to 108 - Repealed. July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1313, 58 Stat. 714
- Sec. 109 - Repealed. May 29, 1928, ch. 901, §1(24), 45 Stat. 986, 988
- Secs. 110, 111 - Repealed. July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1313, 58 Stat. 714
- Sec. 112 - Removal of revenue officers from port during epidemic
- Sec. 113 - Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 646, §39, 62 Stat. 992, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
- Sec. 114 - Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62 Stat. 862, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
- Chapter 3 - Leprosy (Sections 121 - 135)
- Chapter 3A - Cancer (Sections 137 - 137g)
- Chapter 4 - Viruses, Serums, Toxins, Antitoxins, Etc. (Sections 141 - 148)
- Chapter 5 - Maternity and Infancy Welfare and Hygiene (Sections 161 - 175)
- Chapter 6 - The Children's Bureau (Sections 191 - 194)
- Chapter 6A - Public Health Service (Sections 201 - 300mm-61)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Administration and Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 201 - 239l-3)
- Subchapter II - General Powers and Duties (Sections 241 - 280m)
- Subchapter III - National Research Institutes (Sections 281 - 290b)
- Subchapter III-A - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Sections 290aa - 290kk-3)
- Subchapter IV - Construction and Modernization of Hospitals and Other Medical Facilities (Sections 291 - 291o-1)
- Subchapter V - Health Professions Education (Sections 292 - 295p)
- Subchapter VI - Nursing Workforce Development (Sections 296 - 298d)
- Subchapter VII - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Sections 299 - 299c-7)
- Subchapter VIII - Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs (Sections 300 - 300a-8)
- Subchapter VIII-A - Adolescent Pregnancies (Sections 300a-21 - 300a-41)
- Subchapter IX - Genetic Diseases, Hemophilia Programs, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Sections 300b - 300c-22)
- Subchapter X - Trauma Care (Sections 300d - 300d-82)
- Subchapter XI - Health Maintenance Organizations (Sections 300e - 300e-17)
- Subchapter XII - Safety of Public Water Systems (Sections 300f - 300j-26)
- Subchapter XIII - Preventive Health Measures With Respect to Breast and Cervical Cancers (Sections 300k - 300n-5)
- Subchapter XIV - Health Resources Development (Sections 300o - 300t-14)
- Subchapter XV - Health Information and Health Promotion (Sections 300u - 300u-15)
- Subchapter XVI - President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavior Research (Sections 300v - 300v-3)
- Subchapter XVII - Block Grants (Sections 300w - 300y-11)
- Subchapter XVIII - Adolescent Family Life Demonstration Projects (Sections 300z - 300z-10)
- Subchapter XIX - Vaccines (Sections 300aa-1 - 300aa-34)
- Subchapter XX - Requirements for Certain Group Health Plans for Certain State and Local Employees (Sections 300bb-1 - 300bb-8)
- Subchapter XXI - Research With Respect to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Sections 300cc - 300cc-51)
- Subchapter XXII - Health Services With Respect to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Sections 300dd - 300dd-41)
- Subchapter XXIII - Prevention of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Sections 300ee - 300ee-34)
- Subchapter XXIV - HIV Health Care Services Program (Sections 300ff - 300ff-140)
- Subchapter XXV - Requirements Relating to Health Insurance Coverage (Sections 300gg - 300gg-95)
- Subchapter XXVI - National All-Hazards Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies (Sections 300hh - 300hh-31)
- Subchapter XXVII - Lifespan Respite Care (Sections 300ii - 300ii-4)
- Subchapter XXVIII - Health Information Technology and Quality (Sections 300jj - 300jj-51)
- Subchapter XXIX - Data Collection, Analysis, and Quality (Sections 300kk - 300kk)
- Subchapter XXX - Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (Sections 300ll - 300ll-9)
- Subchapter XXXI - World Trade Center Health Program (Sections 300mm - 300mm-61)
- Chapter 7 - Social Security (Sections 301 - 1397mm)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Grants to States for Old-Age Assistance (Sections 301 - 306)
- Subchapter II - Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits (Sections 401 - 434)
- Subchapter III - Grants to States for Unemployment Compensation Administration (Sections 501 - 505)
- Subchapter IV - Grants to States for Aid and Services to Needy Families With Children and for Child-Welfare Services (Sections 601 - 687)
- Subchapter V - Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant (Sections 701 - 731)
- Subchapter VI - Temporary State Fiscal Relief (Sections 801 - 801)
- Subchapter VII - Administration (Sections 901 - 914)
- Subchapter VIII - Special Benefits for Certain World War II Veterans (Sections 1001 - 1013)
- Subchapter IX - Employment Security Administrative Financing (Sections 1101 - 1111)
- Subchapter X - Grants to States for Aid to Blind (Sections 1201 - 1206)
- Subchapter XI - General Provisions, Peer Review, and Administrative Simplification (Sections 1301 - 1320e-3)
- Subchapter XII - Advances to State Unemployment Funds (Sections 1321 - 1324)
- Subchapter XIII - Reconversion Unemployment Benefits for Seamen (Sections 1331 - 1336)
- Subchapter XIV - Grants to States for Aid to Permanently and Totally Disabled (Sections 1351 - 1355)
- Subchapter XV - Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (Sections 1361 - 1371)
- Subchapter XVI - Supplemental Security Income for Aged, Blind, and Disabled (Sections 1381 - 1385)
- Subchapter XVII - Grants for Planning Comprehensive Action to Combat Mental Retardation (Sections 1391 - 1394)
- Subchapter XVIII - Health Insurance for Aged and Disabled (Sections 1395 - 1395lll)
- Subchapter XIX - Grants to States for Medical Assistance Programs (Sections 1396 - 1396w-5)
- Subchapter XX - Block Grants to States for Social Services and Elder Justice (Sections 1397 - 1397m-5)
- Subchapter XXI - State Children's Health Insurance Program (Sections 1397aa - 1397mm)
- Chapter 7A - Temporary Unemployment Compensation Program (Sections 1400 - 1400v)
- Chapter 8 - Low-Income Housing (Sections 1401 - 1440)
- Table of Contents
- Secs. 1401 to 1404 - Omitted
- Sec. 1404a - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; right to sue; expenses
- Secs. 1405, 1406 - Omitted
- Sec. 1406a - Expenses of management and operation of transferred projects as nonadministrative; payment
- Sec. 1406b - Expenses of uncompensated advisers serving United States Housing Authority away from home
- Secs. 1406c to 1411a - Omitted
- Sec. 1411b - Repealed. Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title IV, §401(b), 70 Stat. 1103
- Sec. 1411c - Omitted
- Sec. 1411d - Repealed. Pub. L. 93-383, title II, §204, Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 668
- Secs. 1412 to 1416 - Omitted
- Sec. 1417 - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-448, title XVII, §1719(b), Aug. 1, 1968, 82 Stat. 610
- Secs. 1417a to 1422 - Omitted
- Secs. 1423 to 1426 - Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62 Stat. 862
- Secs. 1427 to 1431 - Omitted
- Sec. 1432 - Repealed. July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title VI, §606, 63 Stat. 441
- Sec. 1433 - Omitted
- Sec. 1434 - Records; contents; examination and audit
- Sec. 1435 - Access to books, documents, etc., for purpose of audit
- Sec. 1436 - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-609, title V, §503(4), Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1786
- Sec. 1436a - Restriction on use of assisted housing by non-resident aliens
- Sec. 1436b - Financial assistance in impacted areas
- Sec. 1436c - Insurance for public housing agencies and Indian housing authorities
- Sec. 1436d - Consultation with affected areas in settlement of litigation
- Subchapter I - General Program of Assisted Housing (Sections 1437 - 1437z-8)
- Subchapter II - Assisted Housing for Indians and Alaska Natives (Sections 1437aa - 1437ff)
- Subchapter II-A - Hope for Public Housing Homeownership (Sections 1437aaa - 1437aaa-8)
- Subchapter II-B - Home Rule Flexible Grant Demonstration (Sections 1437bbb - 1437bbb-9)
- Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 1438 - 1440)
- Chapter 8A - Slum Clearance, Urban Renewal, and Farm Housing (Sections 1441 - 1490t)
- Chapter 8B - Public Works or Facilities (Sections 1491 - 1497)
- Chapter 8C - Open-Space Land (Sections 1500 - 1500e)
- Chapter 9 - Housing of Persons Engaged in National Defense (Sections 1501 - 1594k)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Projects Generally (Sections 1501 - 1507)
- Subchapter II - Defense Housing (Sections 1521 - 1524)
- Subchapter III - Defense Public Works (Sections 1531 - 1536)
- Subchapter IV - General Provisions Affecting Subchapters Ii to Vii (Sections 1541 - 1553)
- Subchapter V - Defense Housing and Public Works for District of Columbia (Sections 1561 - 1564)
- Subchapter VI - Housing for Distressed Families of Servicemen and Veterans (Sections 1571 - 1576)
- Subchapter VII - Disposal of War and Veterans' Housing (Sections 1581 - 1590)
- Subchapter VIII - Critical Defense Housing Areas (Sections 1591 - 1591d)
- Subchapter IX - Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services (Sections 1592 - 1592o)
- Subchapter X - Development Sites for Isolated Defense Installations (Sections 1593 - 1593e)
- Subchapter XI - Housing for Military Personnel (Sections 1594 - 1594k)
- Chapter 10 - Federal Security Agency (Sections 1601 - 1603)
- Chapter 11 - Compensation for Disability or Death to Persons Employed at Military, Air, and Naval Bases Outside United States (Sections 1651 - 1655)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1651 - Compensation authorized
- Sec. 1652 - Computation of benefits; application to aliens and nonnationals
- Sec. 1653 - Compensation districts; judicial proceedings
- Sec. 1654 - Persons excluded from benefits
- Sec. 1655 - Requirement for Department of Defense to adopt an acquisition strategy for Defense Base Act insurance
- Chapter 12 - Compensation for Injury, Death, or Detention of Employees of Contractors With United States Outside United States (Sections 1701 - 1717)
- Chapter 13 - School Lunch Programs (Sections 1751 - 1769j)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1751 - Congressional declaration of policy
- Sec. 1752 - Authorization of appropriations; "Secretary" defined
- Sec. 1753 - Apportionments to States
- Sec. 1754 - Nutrition promotion
- Sec. 1755 - Direct expenditures for agricultural commodities and other foods
- Sec. 1755a - Whole grain products
- Sec. 1755b - Pulse crop products
- Sec. 1756 - Payments to States
- Sec. 1757 - State disbursement to schools
- Sec. 1758 - Program requirements
- Sec. 1758a - State performance on enrolling children receiving program benefits for free school meals
- Sec. 1758b - Local school wellness policy
- Sec. 1759 - Direct disbursement to schools by Secretary
- Sec. 1759a - Special assistance funds
- Sec. 1760 - Miscellaneous provisions
- Sec. 1761 - Summer food service program for children
- Sec. 1762 - Repealed. Pub. L. 101-147, title III, §308, Nov. 10, 1989, 103 Stat. 915
- Sec. 1762a - Commodity distribution program
- Sec. 1763 - Repealed. Pub. L. 101-147, title I, §104, Nov. 10, 1989, 103 Stat. 883
- Sec. 1764 - Repealed. Pub. L. 94-105, §22, Oct. 7, 1975, 89 Stat. 528
- Sec. 1765 - Election to receive cash payments
- Sec. 1766 - Child and adult care food program
- Sec. 1766a - Meal supplements for children in afterschool care
- Sec. 1766b - Repealed. Pub. L. 105-336, title I, §107(j)(2)(C)(i), Oct. 31, 1998, 112 Stat. 3153
- Secs. 1767, 1768 - Repealed. Pub. L. 99-500, title III, §371(a)(1), Oct. 18, 1986, 100 Stat. 1783-368, and Pub. L. 99-591, title III, §371(a)(1), Oct. 30, 1986, 100 Stat. 3341-371; Pub. L. 99-661, div. D, title V, §4501(a)(1), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 4080
- Sec. 1769 - Pilot projects
- Sec. 1769a - Fresh fruit and vegetable program
- Sec. 1769b - Department of Defense overseas dependents' schools
- Sec. 1769b-1 - Training, technical assistance, and food service management institute
- Sec. 1769c - Compliance and accountability
- Sec. 1769d - Childhood hunger research
- Sec. 1769e - State childhood hunger challenge grants
- Sec. 1769f - Duties of Secretary relating to nonprocurement debarment
- Sec. 1769g - Information clearinghouse
- Sec. 1769h - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-296, title IV, §441(a)(14), Dec. 13, 2010, 124 Stat. 3264
- Sec. 1769i - Program evaluation
- Sec. 1769j - Ensuring safety of school meals
- Chapter 13A - Child Nutrition (Sections 1771 - 1793)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1771 - Congressional declaration of purpose
- Sec. 1772 - Special program to encourage the consumption of fluid milk by children; authorization of appropriations; eligibility for special milk program; minimum rate of reimbursement; ineligibility of commodity only schools
- Sec. 1773 - School breakfast program
- Sec. 1774 - Disbursement directly to schools or institutions
- Sec. 1775 - Certification to Secretary of the Treasury of amounts to be paid to States
- Sec. 1776 - State administrative expenses
- Secs. 1776a, 1776b - Omitted
- Sec. 1777 - Use in school breakfast program of food designated as being in abundance or food donated by the Secretary of Agriculture
- Sec. 1778 - Nonprofit programs
- Sec. 1779 - Regulations
- Sec. 1780 - Prohibitions
- Sec. 1781 - Preschool programs
- Sec. 1782 - Centralization in Department of Agriculture of administration of food service programs for children
- Sec. 1783 - Appropriations for administrative expense
- Sec. 1784 - Definitions
- Sec. 1785 - Accounts and records; availability for inspection; authority to settle, adjust, or waive claims
- Sec. 1786 - Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children
- Sec. 1787 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-193, title VII, §730, Aug. 22, 1996, 110 Stat. 2305
- Sec. 1788 - Team nutrition network
- Sec. 1789 - Department of Defense overseas dependents' schools
- Sec. 1790 - Breastfeeding promotion program
- Sec. 1791 - Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act
- Sec. 1792 - Promoting Federal food donation
- Sec. 1793 - Grants for expansion of school breakfast programs
- Chapter 14 - Development and Control of Atomic Energy (Sections 1801 - 1819)
- Chapter 15 - Disaster Relief (Sections 1851 - 1855nnn)
- Chapter 15A - Reciprocal Fire Protection Agreements (Sections 1856 - 1856p)
- Chapter 15B - Air Pollution Control (Sections 1857 - 1858a)
- Chapter 16 - National Science Foundation (Sections 1861 - 1887)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1861 - Establishment; composition
- Sec. 1862 - Functions
- Sec. 1862a - Findings and purpose
- Sec. 1862b - Establishment of Program
- Sec. 1862c - Procedures, guidelines, and planning activities
- Sec. 1862d - Set-aside for certain institutions
- Sec. 1862e - Evaluations of research centers
- Sec. 1862f - Research center consortia
- Sec. 1862g - Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
- Sec. 1862h - Congressional statement of findings and declaration of purposes respecting scientific and technical education and training
- Sec. 1862i - Scientific and technical education
- Sec. 1862j - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 1862k - Findings; core strategies
- Sec. 1862l - National research facilities
- Sec. 1862m - Financial disclosure
- Sec. 1862n - Mathematics and science education partnerships
- Sec. 1862n-1 - Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
- Sec. 1862n-1a - National Science Foundation Teaching Fellowships and Master Teaching Fellowships
- Sec. 1862n-2 - Establishment of centers for research on mathematics and science learning and education improvement
- Sec. 1862n-3 - Duplication of programs
- Sec. 1862n-4 - Major research equipment and facilities construction plan
- Sec. 1862n-5 - Board meetings; audits; reports; scholarship eligibility
- Sec. 1862n-6 - Undergraduate education reform
- Sec. 1862n-7 - Reports
- Sec. 1862n-8 - Evaluations
- Sec. 1862n-9 - Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee
- Sec. 1862n-10 - Minority-serving institutions undergraduate program
- Sec. 1862o - Postdoctoral research fellows
- Sec. 1862o-1 - Responsible conduct of research
- Sec. 1862o-2 - Reporting of research results
- Sec. 1862o-3 - Sharing research results
- Sec. 1862o-4 - Funding for successful science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education programs
- Sec. 1862o-5 - Meeting critical national science needs
- Sec. 1862o-6 - Research on innovation and inventiveness
- Sec. 1862o-7 - Cyberinfrastructure
- Sec. 1862o-8 - Pilot program of grants for new investigators
- Sec. 1862o-9 - Broader impacts merit review criterion
- Sec. 1862o-10 - Advanced information and communications technology research
- Sec. 1862o-11 - Evaluation and report
- Sec. 1862o-12 - Hispanic-serving institutions undergraduate program
- Sec. 1862o-13 - Professional science master's degree programs
- Sec. 1862o-14 - Major research instrumentation
- Sec. 1862o-15 - Limit on proposals
- Sec. 1862p - National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
- Sec. 1862p-1 - National Science Foundation manufacturing research and education
- Sec. 1862p-2 - Partnerships for innovation
- Sec. 1862p-3 - Sustainable chemistry basic research
- Sec. 1862p-4 - Undergraduate broadening participation program
- Sec. 1862p-5 - Research experiences for high school students
- Sec. 1862p-6 - Research experiences for undergraduates
- Sec. 1862p-7 - STEM industry internship programs
- Sec. 1862p-8 - Cyber-enabled learning for national challenges
- Sec. 1862p-9 - Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
- Sec. 1862p-10 - Academic technology transfer and commercialization of university research
- Sec. 1862p-11 - NSF grants in support of sponsored post-doctoral fellowship programs
- Sec. 1862p-12 - Cloud computing research enhancement
- Sec. 1862p-13 - Tribal colleges and universities program
- Sec. 1862p-14 - Broader Impacts Review Criterion
- Sec. 1862p-15 - Twenty-first century graduate education
- Sec. 1862q - Informal STEM education
- Sec. 1863 - National Science Board
- Sec. 1864 - Director of Foundation
- Sec. 1864a - Deputy Director of the Foundation
- Sec. 1865 - Executive Committee
- Sec. 1866 - Divisions within Foundation
- Sec. 1867 - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-407, §4, July 18, 1968, 82 Stat. 363
- Sec. 1868 - Special commissions
- Sec. 1869 - Scholarships and graduate fellowships
- Sec. 1869a - Contracts for precollege science or engineering curriculum development activities; inspection of materials by parent or guardian
- Sec. 1869b - Issuance of instructions to grantees of pre-college curriculum projects
- Sec. 1869c - Low-income scholarship program
- Sec. 1870 - General authority of Foundation
- Sec. 1870a - Buy-American requirements
- Sec. 1871 - Disposition of inventions produced under contracts or other arrangements
- Sec. 1872 - International cooperation and coordination with foreign policy
- Sec. 1872a - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-407, §11(1), July 18, 1968, 82 Stat. 365
- Sec. 1873 - Employment of personnel
- Sec. 1873a - Repealed. Pub. L. 99-159, title I, §109(f), Nov. 22, 1985, 99 Stat. 890
- Sec. 1874 - Security provisions
- Sec. 1875 - Appropriations
- Secs. 1876 to 1879 - Repealed. Pub. L. 99-383, §11, Aug. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 817
- Sec. 1880 - National Medal of Science
- Sec. 1881 - Award of National Medal of Science
- Sec. 1881a - Alan T. Waterman Award
- Sec. 1881b - Presidential awards for teaching excellence
- Sec. 1882 - Information furnished to Congressional committees
- Sec. 1883 - Office of Small Business Research and Development
- Sec. 1884 - Repealed. Pub. L. 99-159, title I, §109(h), Nov. 22, 1985, 99 Stat. 890
- Sec. 1885 - Congressional statement of findings and declaration of policy respecting equal opportunities in science and engineering
- Sec. 1885a - Women in science and engineering; support of activities by Foundation for promotion, etc.
- Sec. 1885b - Participation in science and engineering of minorities and persons with disabilities
- Sec. 1885c - Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering
- Sec. 1885d - Biennial reports
- Sec. 1886 - Data collection and analysis
- Sec. 1886a - Data on specific fields of study
- Sec. 1887 - Indemnification of grantees, contractors, and subcontractors under ocean drilling program; approvals and certifications by Director
- Chapter 16A - Grants for Support of Scientific Research (Sections 1891 - 1893)
- Chapter 16B - Contracts for Scientific and Technological Research (Sections 1900 - 1900b)
- Chapter 17 - Federal Employment Service (Sections 1901 - 1918)
- Chapter 18 - Youth Medals (Sections 1921 - 1926)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1921 - Establishment of medals for bravery; rules and regulations; conditions governing awards
- Sec. 1922 - Establishment of medals for character and service; condition governing awards
- Sec. 1923 - Names of medals; presentation
- Sec. 1924 - Certificate of commendation accompanying awards; limitation on number of yearly awards
- Sec. 1925 - Omitted
- Sec. 1926 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 19 - Saline and Salt Waters (Sections 1951 - 1959i)
- Chapter 19A - Water Resources Research Program (Sections 1961 - 1961c-8)
- Chapter 19B - Water Resources Planning (Sections 1962 - 1962d-22)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1962 - Congressional statement of policy
- Sec. 1962-1 - Effect on existing laws
- Sec. 1962-2 - Congressional statement of objectives
- Sec. 1962-3 - Water resources principles and guidelines
- Subchapter I - Water Resources Council (Sections 1962a - 1962a-4)
- Subchapter II - River Basin Commissions (Sections 1962b - 1962b-6)
- Subchapter III - Financial Assistance to States for Comprehensive Planning Grant Authorizations (Sections 1962c - 1962c-6)
- Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 1962d - 1962d-22)
- Chapter 20 - Elective Franchise (Sections 1971 - 1974e)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Generally (Sections 1971 - 1972)
- Subchapter I-A - Enforcement of Voting Rights (Sections 1973 - 1973q)
- Subchapter I-B - Supplemental Provisions (Sections 1973aa - 1973aa-6)
- Subchapter I-C - Eighteen-Year-Old Voting Age (Sections 1973bb - 1973bb-4)
- Subchapter I-D - Federal Absentee Voting Assistance (Sections 1973cc - 1973cc-26)
- Subchapter I-E - Voting Rights of Overseas Citizens (Sections 1973dd - 1973dd-6)
- Subchapter I-F - Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped (Sections 1973ee - 1973ee-6)
- Subchapter I-G - Registration and Voting by Absent Uniformed Services Voters and Overseas Voters in Elections for Federal Office (Sections 1973ff - 1973ff-7)
- Subchapter I-H - National Voter Registration (Sections 1973gg - 1973gg-10)
- Subchapter II - Federal Election Records (Sections 1974 - 1974e)
- Chapter 20A - Civil Rights Commission (Sections 1975 - 1975f)
- Chapter 21 - Civil Rights (Sections 1981 - 2000h-6)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Generally (Sections 1981 - 1996b)
- Subchapter I-A - Institutionalized Persons (Sections 1997 - 1997j)
- Subchapter II - Public Accommodations (Sections 2000a - 2000a-6)
- Subchapter III - Public Facilities (Sections 2000b - 2000b-3)
- Subchapter IV - Public Education (Sections 2000c - 2000c-9)
- Subchapter V - Federally Assisted Programs (Sections 2000d - 2000d-7)
- Subchapter VI - Equal Employment Opportunities (Sections 2000e - 2000e-17)
- Subchapter VII - Registration and Voting Statistics (Sections 2000f - 2000f)
- Subchapter VIII - Community Relations Service (Sections 2000g - 2000g-3)
- Subchapter IX - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 2000h - 2000h-6)
- Chapter 21A - Privacy Protection (Sections 2000aa - 2000aa-12)
- Chapter 21B - Religious Freedom Restoration (Sections 2000bb - 2000bb-4)
- Chapter 21C - Protection of Religious Exercise in Land Use and by Institutionalized Persons (Sections 2000cc - 2000cc-5)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2000cc - Protection of land use as religious exercise
- Sec. 2000cc-1 - Protection of religious exercise of institutionalized persons
- Sec. 2000cc-2 - Judicial relief
- Sec. 2000cc-3 - Rules of construction
- Sec. 2000cc-4 - Establishment Clause unaffected
- Sec. 2000cc-5 - Definitions
- Chapter 21D - Detainee Treatment (Sections 2000dd - 2000dd-2)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2000dd - Prohibition on cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of persons under custody or control of the United States Government
- Sec. 2000dd-0 - Additional prohibition on cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment
- Sec. 2000dd-1 - Protection of United States Government personnel engaged in authorized interrogations
- Sec. 2000dd-2 - Limitation on interrogation techniques
- Chapter 21E - Privacy and Civil Liberties Protection and Oversight (Sections 2000ee - 2000ee-3)
- Chapter 21F - Prohibiting Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Genetic Information (Sections 2000ff - 2000ff-11)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2000ff - Definitions
- Sec. 2000ff-1 - Employer practices
- Sec. 2000ff-2 - Employment agency practices
- Sec. 2000ff-3 - Labor organization practices
- Sec. 2000ff-4 - Training programs
- Sec. 2000ff-5 - Confidentiality of genetic information
- Sec. 2000ff-6 - Remedies and enforcement
- Sec. 2000ff-7 - Disparate impact
- Sec. 2000ff-8 - Construction
- Sec. 2000ff-9 - Medical information that is not genetic information
- Sec. 2000ff-10 - Regulations
- Sec. 2000ff-11 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 22 - Indian Hospitals and Health Facilities (Sections 2001 - 2005f)
- Chapter 23 - Development and Control of Atomic Energy (Sections 2011 - 2297h-13)
- Chapter 24 - Disposal of Atomic Energy Communities (Sections 2301 - 2394)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 2301 - 2315)
- Subchapter II - Lots, Appraisals, and Prices (Sections 2321 - 2326)
- Subchapter III - Classification of Property and Priorities (Sections 2331 - 2333)
- Subchapter IV - Sales of Property for Private Use (Sections 2341 - 2349)
- Subchapter V - Financing (Sections 2361 - 2366)
- Subchapter VI - Utilities (Sections 2371 - 2375)
- Subchapter VII - Municipalities (Sections 2381 - 2386)
- Subchapter VIII - Local Assistance (Sections 2391 - 2394)
- Chapter 25 - Federal Flood Insurance (Sections 2401 - 2421)
- Table of Contents
- Secs. 2401 to 2413 - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-448, title XIII, §1303(c), Aug. 1, 1968, 82 Stat. 573
- Sec. 2414 - Issuance of notes by Administrator of Federal Emergency Management Agency; terms and conditions
- Secs. 2415 to 2421 - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-448, title XIII, §1303(c), Aug. 1, 1968, 82 Stat. 573
- Chapter 26 - National Space Program (Sections 2451 - 2484)
- Chapter 26A - National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program (Sections 2486 - 2486l)
- Chapter 26B - Biomedical Research in Space (Sections 2487 - 2487g)
- Chapter 27 - Loan Service of Captioned Films and Educational Media for Handicapped (Sections 2491 - 2495)
- Chapter 28 - Area Redevelopment Program (Sections 2501 - 2525)
- Chapter 29 - Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control (Sections 2541 - 2548)
- Chapter 30 - Manpower Development and Training Program (Sections 2571 - 2628)
- Subchapter I - Manpower Requirements, Development, and Utilization (Sections 2571 - 2574)
- Subchapter II - Training and Skill Development Programs (Sections 2581 - 2610c)
- Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 2611 - 2620)
- Subchapter IV - Seasonal Unemployment in the Construction Industry (Sections 2621 - 2623)
- Subchapter V - Supplementary State Programs (Sections 2624 - 2628)
- Chapter 31 - Public Works Acceleration Program (Sections 2641 - 2643)
- Chapter 32 - Third Party Liability for Hospital and Medical Care (Sections 2651 - 2653)
- Chapter 33 - Community Mental Health Centers (Sections 2661 - 2698b)
- Subchapter I - University-Affiliated Facilities for Persons With Developmental Disabilities (Sections 2661 - 2666)
- Subchapter II - Grants for Planning, Provision of Services, and Construction and Operation of Facilities for Persons With Developmental Disabilities (Sections 2670 - 2677c)
- Subchapter IIA - Professional and Technical Services for Community Mental Retardation Facilities (Sections 2678 - 2678d)
- Subchapter III - Community Mental Health Centers (Sections 2681 - 2689aa)
- Subchapter IV - General Provisions (Sections 2691 - 2697b)
- Subchapter V - Training of Physical Educators and Recreation Personnel for Mentally Retarded and Other Handicapped Children (Sections 2698 - 2698b)
- Chapter 34 - Economic Opportunity Program (Sections 2701 - 2996l)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 2701 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-35, title VI, §683(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 519
- Sec. 2702 - Omitted
- Secs. 2702a, 2702b - Omitted
- Sec. 2703 - Repealed. Pub. L. 93-644, §16(b), Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2330
- Sec. 2704 - Discontinued Job Corps centers; utilization for special youth programs
- Sec. 2705 - Repealed. Pub. L. 93-644, §16(a), Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2330
- Sec. 2706 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-35, title VI, §683(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 519
- Sec. 2707 - Authorization of appropriations
- Subchapter I - Research and Demonstrations (Sections 2711 - 2771)
- Subchapter II - Urban and Rural Community Action Programs (Sections 2781 - 2837)
- Subchapter III - Special Programs to Combat Poverty in Rural Areas (Sections 2841 - 2881)
- Subchapter IV - Assistance for Migrant and Other Seasonally Employed Farmworkers and Their Families (Sections 2901 - 2907)
- Subchapter V - Headstart and Follow Through (Sections 2921 - 2933)
- Subchapter VI - Administration and Coordination (Sections 2941 - 2980)
- Subchapter VII - Community Economic Development (Sections 2981 - 2985g)
- Subchapter VIII - Native American Programs (Sections 2991 - 2994d)
- Subchapter IX - Evaluation (Sections 2995 - 2995d)
- Subchapter X - Legal Services Corporation (Sections 2996 - 2996l)
- Chapter 35 - Programs for Older Americans (Sections 3001 - 3058ff)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Declaration of Objectives and Definitions (Sections 3001 - 3003)
- Subchapter II - Administration on Aging (Sections 3011 - 3020f)
- Subchapter III - Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging (Sections 3021 - 3030s-12)
- Subchapter IV - Activities for Health, Independence, and Longevity (Sections 3031 - 3033a)
- Subchapter V - Multipurpose Senior Centers (Sections 3041 - 3042)
- Subchapter VI - National Older Americans Volunteer Program (Sections 3044 - 3044e)
- Subchapter VII - Nutrition Program for the Elderly (Sections 3045 - 3045i)
- Subchapter VIII - General Provisions (Sections 3051 - 3055)
- Subchapter IX - Community Service Senior Opportunities (Sections 3056 - 3056p)
- Subchapter X - Grants for Native Americans (Sections 3057 - 3057n)
- Subchapter XI - Allotments for Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection Activities (Sections 3058 - 3058ff)
- Chapter 35A - Community Service Employment for Older Americans (Sections 3061 - 3067)
- Chapter 36 - Compensation of Condemnees in Development Programs (Sections 3071 - 3074)
- Chapter 37 - Community Facilities and Advance Land Acquisition (Sections 3101 - 3108)
- Chapter 38 - Public Works and Economic Development (Sections 3121 - 3234)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3121 - Findings and declarations
- Sec. 3122 - Definitions
- Sec. 3123 - Discrimination on basis of sex prohibited in federally assisted programs
- Subchapter I - Economic Development Partnerships Cooperation and Coordination (Sections 3131 - 3133)
- Subchapter II - Grants for Public Works and Economic Development (Sections 3141 - 3154d)
- Subchapter III - Eligibility; Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (Sections 3161 - 3162)
- Subchapter IV - Economic Development Districts (Sections 3171 - 3175)
- Subchapter V - Administration (Sections 3191 - 3197)
- Subchapter VI - Miscellaneous (Sections 3211 - 3222)
- Subchapter VII - Funding (Sections 3231 - 3234)
- Chapter 39 - Solid Waste Disposal (Sections 3251 - 3259)
- Chapter 40 - Soil Information Assistance for Community Planning and Resource Development (Sections 3271 - 3274)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3271 - Availability of soil surveys under soil survey program
- Sec. 3272 - Cooperative assistance to State and other public agencies; types of assistance; private engineering services
- Sec. 3273 - Contributions of State or other public agencies toward cost of soil surveys
- Sec. 3274 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 41 - Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Program (Sections 3301 - 3374)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Comprehensive City Demonstration Programs (Sections 3301 - 3313)
- Subchapter II - Planned Areawide Development (Sections 3331 - 3339)
- Subchapter III - Urban Information and Technical Assistance Services (Sections 3351 - 3356)
- Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 3371 - 3374)
- Chapter 42 - Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation (Sections 3401 - 3442)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 3401 - 3402)
- Subchapter II - Civil Commitment of Persons Not Charged With Any Criminal Offense (Sections 3411 - 3426)
- Subchapter III - Rehabilitation and Posthospitalization Care Programs and Assistance to States and Localities (Sections 3441 - 3442)
- Chapter 43 - Department of Health and Human Services (Sections 3501 - 3527)
- Chapter 44 - Department of Housing and Urban Development (Sections 3531 - 3549)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3531 - Congressional declaration of purpose
- Sec. 3532 - Establishment of Department
- Sec. 3533 - Officers of Department
- Sec. 3533a - Transferred
- Sec. 3534 - Transfer of functions
- Sec. 3535 - Administrative provisions
- Sec. 3535a - Working capital fund
- Sec. 3536 - Annual reports
- Sec. 3537 - Separability
- Sec. 3537a - Prohibition of advance disclosure of funding decisions
- Sec. 3537b - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-65, §11(b)(1), Dec. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 701
- Sec. 3537c - Prohibition of lump-sum payments
- Sec. 3538 - Rescheduling and refinancing of Federal loans
- Sec. 3539 - Housing and Urban Development Disaster Assistance Fund
- Sec. 3540 - Repealed. Pub. L. 100-242, title IV, §420, Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1913
- Sec. 3541 - Paperwork reduction
- Sec. 3542 - Public notice and comment regarding demonstration programs not expressly authorized in law
- Sec. 3543 - Preventing fraud and abuse in Department of Housing and Urban Development programs
- Sec. 3544 - Preventing fraud and abuse in housing and urban development programs
- Sec. 3545 - HUD accountability
- Sec. 3545a - Notification of issuance of electronic notice of availability of assistance or funding to be competitively awarded for certain programs or discretionary funds
- Sec. 3546 - Use of domestic products
- Sec. 3547 - Special projects
- Sec. 3548 - Semiannual report on contracts and task orders
- Sec. 3549 - Investigation of violations
- Chapter 45 - Fair Housing (Sections 3601 - 3631)
- Chapter 46 - Justice System Improvement (Sections 3701 - 3797ee-1)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 3701 - Repealed. Pub. L. 98-473, title II, §602, Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2077
- Sec. 3702 - State and local governments to consider courts
- Subchapter I - Office of Justice Programs (Sections 3711 - 3716a)
- Subchapter II - National Institute of Justice (Sections 3721 - 3724)
- Subchapter III - Bureau of Justice Statistics (Sections 3731 - 3735)
- Subchapter IV - Establishment of Bureau of Justice Assistance (Sections 3741 - 3743)
- Subchapter V - Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant Programs (Sections 3750 - 3766b)
- Subchapter VI - Criminal Justice Facility Construction: Pilot Program (Sections 3769 - 3769d)
- Subchapter VII - FBI Training of State and Local Criminal Justice Personnel (Sections 3771 - 3771)
- Subchapter VIII - Administrative Provisions (Sections 3781 - 3789p)
- Subchapter IX - Definitions (Sections 3791 - 3791)
- Subchapter X - Funding (Sections 3793 - 3793b)
- Subchapter XI - Criminal Penalties (Sections 3795 - 3795b)
- Subchapter XII - Public Safety Officers' Death Benefits (Sections 3796 - 3796d-7)
- Subchapter XII-A - Regional Information Sharing Systems (Sections 3796h - 3796h)
- Subchapter XII-B - Grants for Closed-Circuit Televising of Testimony of Children Who Are Victims of Abuse (Sections 3796aa - 3796aa-8)
- Subchapter XII-C - Rural Drug Enforcement (Sections 3796bb - 3796bb-1)
- Subchapter XII-D - Criminal Child Support Enforcement (Sections 3796cc - 3796cc-6)
- Subchapter XII-E - Public Safety and Community Policing; "Cops on the Beat" (Sections 3796dd - 3796dd-8)
- Subchapter XII-F - Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (Sections 3796ee - 3796ee-10)
- Subchapter XII-G - Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (Sections 3796ff - 3796ff-4)
- Subchapter XII-H - Grants to Combat Violent Crimes Against Women (Sections 3796gg - 3796gg-11)
- Subchapter XII-I - Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders (Sections 3796hh - 3796hh-5)
- Subchapter XII-J - Mental Health Courts (Sections 3796ii - 3796ii-7)
- Subchapter XII-K - Family Support (Sections 3796jj - 3796jj-7)
- Subchapter XII-L - DNA Identification Grants (Sections 3796kk - 3796kk-6)
- Subchapter XII-M - Matching Grant Program for Law Enforcement Armor Vests (Sections 3796ll - 3796ll-3)
- Subchapter XIII - Transition; Effective Date; Repealer (Sections 3797 - 3797)
- Subchapter XIV - Matching Grant Program for School Security (Sections 3797a - 3797e)
- Subchapter XV - Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grants (Sections 3797j - 3797o)
- Subchapter XV-A - Prosecution Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison Program (Sections 3797q - 3797q-6)
- Subchapter XV-B - Grants for Family-Based Substance Abuse Treatment (Sections 3797s - 3797s-6)
- Subchapter XVI - Drug Courts (Sections 3797u - 3797u-8)
- Subchapter XVII - Offender Reentry and Community Safety (Sections 3797w - 3797w-2)
- Subchapter XVIII - Crime Free Rural State Grants (Sections 3797y - 3797y-4)
- Subchapter XIX - Adult and Juvenile Collaboration Program Grants (Sections 3797aa - 3797aa)
- Subchapter XX - Confronting Use of Methamphetamine (Sections 3797cc - 3797cc-3)
- Subchapter XX-A - Loan Repayment for Prosecutors and Public Defenders (Sections 3797cc-21 - 3797cc-21)
- Subchapter XX-B - Grant Program to Evaluate and Improve Educational Methods at Prisons, Jails, and Juvenile Facilities (Sections 3797dd - 3797dd-1)
- Subchapter XXI - Sex Offender Apprehension Grants; Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment Grants (Sections 3797ee - 3797ee-1)
- Chapter 47 - Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control (Sections 3801 - 3891)
- Chapter 48 - Guarantees for Financing New Community Land Development (Sections 3901 - 3914)
- Chapter 49 - National Housing Partnerships (Sections 3931 - 3941)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3931 - Congressional statement of purpose
- Sec. 3932 - Creation of corporations
- Sec. 3933 - Organization of corporation
- Sec. 3934 - Board of Directors; membership; appointment; term
- Sec. 3935 - Financing the corporation
- Sec. 3936 - Purposes and powers of corporation
- Sec. 3937 - National housing partnership
- Sec. 3938 - Annual report of corporation; audit of accounts
- Sec. 3939 - Applicability of antitrust laws
- Sec. 3940 - Reservation of right to repeal, alter, or amend chapter
- Sec. 3941 - State or local taxation or regulation; access to judicial process
- Chapter 50 - National Flood Insurance (Sections 4001 - 4131)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 4001 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 4002 - Additional Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 4003 - Definitions applicable to Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973
- Sec. 4004 - Definitions applicable to Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012
- Sec. 4005 - Definitions applicable to Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014
- Subchapter I - The National Flood Insurance Program (Sections 4011 - 4033)
- Subchapter II - Organization and Administration of Flood Insurance Program (Sections 4041 - 4084)
- Subchapter III - Coordination of Flood Insurance With Land-Management Programs in Flood-Prone Areas (Sections 4101 - 4107)
- Subchapter IV - General Provisions (Sections 4121 - 4131)
- Chapter 51 - Design and Construction of Public Buildings to Accommodate Physically Handicapped (Sections 4151 - 4157)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4151 - "Building" defined
- Sec. 4152 - Standards for design, construction, and alteration of buildings; Administrator of General Services
- Sec. 4153 - Standards for design, construction, and alteration of buildings; Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Sec. 4154 - Standards for design, construction, and alteration of buildings; Secretary of Defense
- Sec. 4154a - Standards for design, construction, and alteration of buildings; United States Postal Service
- Sec. 4155 - Effective date of standards
- Sec. 4156 - Waiver and modification of standards
- Sec. 4157 - Omitted
- Chapter 52 - Intergovernmental Cooperation (Sections 4201 - 4244)
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 4201 - 4201)
- Subchapter II - Grants-in-Aid to the States; Improved Administration (Sections 4211 - 4214)
- Subchapter III - Special or Technical Services Provided for State and Local Units of Government by Federal Departments and Agencies (Sections 4221 - 4225)
- Subchapter IV - Development Assistance Programs; Coordinated Intergovernmental Policy and Administration (Sections 4231 - 4233)
- Subchapter V - Review of Federal Grant-in-Aid Programs (Sections 4241 - 4244)
- Chapter 52A - Joint Funding Simplification (Sections 4251 - 4261)
- Chapter 53 - Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (Sections 4271 - 4279)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 4271 - Establishment
- Sec. 4272 - Declaration of purpose
- Sec. 4273 - Membership of Commission; appointment of members; term
- Sec. 4274 - Organization of Commission
- Sec. 4275 - Duties of Commission
- Sec. 4276 - Powers and administrative provisions
- Sec. 4277 - Compensation of members
- Sec. 4278 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 4279 - Receipt of funds; consideration by Congress
- Chapter 54 - Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking People (Sections 4301 - 4312)
- Chapter 55 - National Environmental Policy (Sections 4321 - 4370m-12)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4321 - Congressional declaration of purpose
- Subchapter I - Policies and Goals (Sections 4331 - 4335)
- Subchapter II - Council on Environmental Quality (Sections 4341 - 4347)
- Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 4361 - 4370h)
- Subchapter IV - Federal Permitting Improvement (Sections 4370m - 4370m-12)
- Chapter 56 - Environmental Quality Improvement (Sections 4371 - 4375)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4371 - Congressional findings, declarations, and purposes
- Sec. 4372 - Office of Environmental Quality
- Sec. 4373 - Referral of Environmental Quality Reports to standing committees having jurisdiction
- Sec. 4374 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 4375 - Office of Environmental Quality Management Fund
- Chapter 57 - Environmental Pollution Study (Sections 4391 - 4395)
- Chapter 58 - Disaster Relief (Sections 4401 - 4485)
- Chapter 59 - National Urban Policy and New Community Development (Sections 4501 - 4532)
- Chapter 60 - Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Program (Sections 4541 - 4594)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 4541 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 4542 - Congressional declaration for utilization of programs under other Federal laws in fields of health and social services
- Subchapter I - National Institute On, and Interagency Committee on Federal Activities For, Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; Reports and Recommendations (Sections 4551 - 4553)
- Subchapter II - Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Programs for Government and Other Employees (Sections 4561 - 4561)
- Subchapter III - Technical Assistance and Federal Grants and Contracts (Sections 4571 - 4582)
- Subchapter IV - Research (Sections 4585 - 4588)
- Subchapter V - General Provisions (Sections 4591 - 4594)
- Chapter 61 - Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs (Sections 4601 - 4655)
- Chapter 62 - Intergovernmental Personnel Program (Sections 4701 - 4772)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4701 - Congressional findings and declaration of policy
- Sec. 4702 - Administration of authorities
- Subchapter I - Development of Policies and Standards (Sections 4711 - 4713)
- Subchapter II - Strengthening State and Local Personnel Administration (Sections 4721 - 4728)
- Subchapter III - Training and Developing State and Local Employees (Sections 4741 - 4746)
- Subchapter IV - General Provisions (Sections 4761 - 4772)
- Chapter 63 - Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention (Sections 4801 - 4846)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Grants for Detection and Treatment of Lead-Based Paint Poisoning (Sections 4801 - 4801)
- Subchapter II - Grants for Elimination of Lead-Based Paint Poisoning (Sections 4811 - 4811)
- Subchapter III - Federal Demonstration and Research Program: Federal Housing Administration Requirements (Sections 4821 - 4822)
- Subchapter IV - Prohibition Against Future Use of Lead-Based Paint (Sections 4831 - 4831)
- Subchapter V - General Provisions (Sections 4841 - 4846)
- Chapter 63A - Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction (Sections 4851 - 4856)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 4851 - Findings
- Sec. 4851a - Purposes
- Sec. 4851b - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction (Sections 4852 - 4852d)
- Subchapter II - Worker Protection (Sections 4853 - 4853a)
- Subchapter III - Research and Development (Sections 4854 - 4855)
- Subchapter IV - Reports (Sections 4856 - 4856)
- Chapter 64 - Public Service Employment Programs (Sections 4871 - 4883)
- Chapter 65 - Noise Control (Sections 4901 - 4918)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4901 - Congressional findings and statement of policy
- Sec. 4902 - Definitions
- Sec. 4903 - Federal programs
- Sec. 4904 - Identification of major noise sources
- Sec. 4905 - Noise emission standards for products distributed in commerce
- Sec. 4906 - Omitted
- Sec. 4907 - Labeling
- Sec. 4908 - Imports
- Sec. 4909 - Prohibited acts
- Sec. 4910 - Enforcement
- Sec. 4911 - Citizen suits
- Sec. 4912 - Records, reports, and information
- Sec. 4913 - Quiet communities, research, and public information
- Sec. 4914 - Development of low-noise-emission products
- Sec. 4915 - Judicial review
- Sec. 4916 - Railroad noise emission standards
- Sec. 4917 - Motor carrier noise emission standards
- Sec. 4918 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 66 - Domestic Volunteer Services (Sections 4950 - 5091n)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 4950 - Volunteerism policy
- Subchapter I - National Volunteer Antipoverty Programs (Sections 4951 - 4995)
- Subchapter II - National Senior Service Corps (Sections 5000 - 5028a)
- Subchapter III - National Volunteer Programs to Assist Small Businesses and Promote Volunteer Service by Persons With Business Experience (Sections 5031 - 5032)
- Subchapter IV - Administration and Coordination (Sections 5041 - 5066)
- Subchapter V - Authorization of Appropriations (Sections 5081 - 5085)
- Subchapter VI - Youthbuild Projects (Sections 5091 - 5091n)
- Chapter 67 - Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Adoption Reform (Sections 5101 - 5119c)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - General Program (Sections 5101 - 5107)
- Subchapter II - Adoption Opportunities (Sections 5111 - 5115a)
- Subchapter III - Community-Based Grants for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Sections 5116 - 5116i)
- Subchapter IV - Temporary Child Care for Children With Disabilities and Crisis Nurseries (Sections 5117 - 5117d)
- Subchapter IV-A - Abandoned Infants Assistance (Sections 5117aa - 5117aa-22)
- Subchapter V - Certain Preventive Services Regarding Children of Homeless Families or Families at Risk of Homelessness (Sections 5118 - 5118e)
- Subchapter VI - Child Abuse Crime Information and Background Checks (Sections 5119 - 5119c)
- Chapter 68 - Disaster Relief (Sections 5121 - 5208)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Findings, Declarations, and Definitions (Sections 5121 - 5123)
- Subchapter II - Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Assistance (Sections 5131 - 5134)
- Subchapter III - Major Disaster and Emergency Assistance Administration (Sections 5141 - 5165d)
- Subchapter IV - Major Disaster Assistance Programs (Sections 5170 - 5189g)
- Subchapter IV-A - Emergency Assistance Programs (Sections 5191 - 5193)
- Subchapter IV-B - Emergency Preparedness (Sections 5195 - 5197h)
- Subchapter V - Miscellaneous (Sections 5201 - 5208)
- Chapter 69 - Community Development (Sections 5301 - 5321)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5301 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 5302 - General provisions
- Sec. 5303 - Grants to States, units of general local government and Indian tribes; authorizations
- Sec. 5304 - Statement of activities and review
- Sec. 5305 - Activities eligible for assistance
- Sec. 5306 - Allocation and distribution of funds
- Sec. 5307 - Special purpose grants
- Sec. 5308 - Guarantee and commitment to guarantee loans for acquisition of property
- Sec. 5309 - Nondiscrimination in programs and activities
- Sec. 5310 - Labor standards; rate of wages; exceptions; enforcement powers
- Sec. 5311 - Remedies for noncompliance with community development requirements
- Sec. 5312 - Use of grants for settlement of outstanding urban renewal loans of units of general local government
- Sec. 5313 - Reporting requirements
- Sec. 5313a - Duplication of benefits
- Sec. 5314 - Consultation by Secretary with other Federal departments, etc.
- Sec. 5315 - Interstate agreements or compacts; purposes
- Sec. 5316 - Transition provisions
- Sec. 5317 - Liquidation of superseded or inactive programs
- Sec. 5318 - Urban development action grants
- Sec. 5318a - John Heinz Neighborhood Development Program
- Sec. 5319 - Community participation in programs
- Sec. 5320 - Historic preservation requirements
- Sec. 5321 - Suspension of requirements for disaster areas
- Chapter 70 - Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (Sections 5401 - 5426)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5401 - Findings and purposes
- Sec. 5402 - Definitions
- Sec. 5403 - Construction and safety standards
- Sec. 5404 - Manufactured home installation
- Sec. 5405 - Judicial review of orders establishing standards; petition; additional evidence before Secretary; certified copy of transcript
- Sec. 5406 - Submission of cost or other information by manufacturer
- Sec. 5407 - Research, testing, development, and training by Secretary
- Sec. 5408 - Cooperation by Secretary with public and private agencies
- Sec. 5409 - Prohibited acts; exemptions
- Sec. 5410 - Civil and criminal penalties
- Sec. 5411 - Injunctive relief
- Sec. 5412 - Noncompliance with standards or defective nature of manufactured home; administrative or judicial determination; repurchase by manufacturer or repair by distributor or retailer; reimbursement of expenses, etc., by manufacturer; injunctive relief against manufacturer for failure to comply; jurisdiction and venue; damages; period of limitation
- Sec. 5413 - Inspections and investigations for promulgation or enforcement of standards or execution of other duties
- Sec. 5414 - Notification and correction of defects by manufacturer
- Sec. 5415 - Certification by manufacturer of conformity of manufactured home with standards; form and placement of certification
- Sec. 5416 - Consumer's manual; contents
- Sec. 5417 - Effect upon antitrust laws
- Sec. 5418 - Use of services, research and testing facilities of public agencies and independent laboratories
- Sec. 5419 - Authority to collect fee
- Sec. 5420 - Failure to report violations; penalties
- Sec. 5421 - Prohibition on waiver of rights
- Sec. 5422 - State enforcement
- Sec. 5423 - Grants to States
- Sec. 5424 - Rules and regulations
- Sec. 5425 - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-569, title VI, §611(1), Dec. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 3012
- Sec. 5426 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 71 - Solar Energy (Sections 5501 - 5594)
- Chapter 72 - Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Sections 5601 - 5792a)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Generally (Sections 5601 - 5603)
- Subchapter II - Programs and Offices (Sections 5611 - 5681)
- Subchapter III - Runaway and Homeless Youth (Sections 5701 - 5752)
- Subchapter IV - Missing Children (Sections 5771 - 5780a)
- Subchapter V - Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs (Sections 5781 - 5784)
- Subchapter VI - Public Outreach (Sections 5791 - 5792a)
- Chapter 73 - Development of Energy Sources (Sections 5801 - 5891)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5801 - Congressional declaration of policy and purpose
- Subchapter I - Energy Research and Development Administration (Sections 5811 - 5821)
- Subchapter II - Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Nuclear Whistleblower Protection (Sections 5841 - 5854)
- Subchapter III - Miscellaneous and Transitional Provisions (Sections 5871 - 5879)
- Subchapter IV - Sex Discrimination (Sections 5891 - 5891)
- Chapter 74 - Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development (Sections 5901 - 5920)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5901 - Congressional statement of findings
- Sec. 5902 - Congressional declaration of policy and purpose; implementation and administration of program by Secretary of Energy
- Sec. 5903 - Duties and authorities of the Secretary
- Sec. 5903a - Nonduplication of programs, projects, and research facilities
- Sec. 5903b - Environmental and safety research, development, and demonstration program
- Sec. 5903c - Moneys received by Secretary from fossil energy activity; payment into Treasury; reports to House and Senate Committees
- Sec. 5903d - Clean coal technology projects; proposals, implementation, funding, etc.
- Sec. 5904 - Research, development, and demonstration program governing principles
- Sec. 5905 - Comprehensive planning and programming
- Sec. 5906 - Federal assistance and participation in programs
- Sec. 5907 - Demonstration projects
- Sec. 5907a - Small grant program
- Sec. 5908 - Patents and inventions
- Sec. 5909 - Relationship to antitrust laws
- Sec. 5910 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-66, title II, §2021(i), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 727
- Sec. 5911 - Acquisition of essential materials
- Sec. 5912 - Water resource assessments
- Sec. 5913 - Evaluation by National Institute of Standards and Technology of energy-related inventions prior to awarding of grants by Secretary; promulgation of regulations
- Sec. 5914 - Omitted
- Sec. 5915 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 5915a - Expiration of initial authorization to construct fossil energy demonstration plants
- Sec. 5916 - Central source of nonnuclear energy information
- Sec. 5917 - Repealed. Pub. L. 109-58, title X, §1009(b)(12), Aug. 8, 2005, 119 Stat. 936
- Sec. 5918 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-106, div. D, title XLIII, §4304(b)(5), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 664
- Secs. 5919, 5920 - Repealed. Pub. L. 109-58, title X, §1009(b)(12), Aug. 8, 2005, 119 Stat. 936
- Chapter 75 - Programs for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (Sections 6000 - 6083)
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 6000 - 6009)
- Subchapter II - Federal Assistance to State Developmental Disabilities Councils (Sections 6021 - 6030)
- Subchapter III - Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (Sections 6041 - 6043)
- Subchapter IV - University Affiliated Programs (Sections 6061 - 6066)
- Subchapter V - Projects of National Significance (Sections 6081 - 6083)
- Chapter 76 - Age Discrimination in Federally Assisted Programs (Sections 6101 - 6107)
- Chapter 77 - Energy Conservation (Sections 6201 - 6422)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 6201 - Congressional statement of purpose
- Sec. 6202 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Domestic Supply Availability (Sections 6211 - 6251)
- Subchapter II - Standby Energy Authorities (Sections 6261 - 6285)
- Subchapter III - Improving Energy Efficiency (Sections 6291 - 6374e)
- Subchapter IV - General Provisions (Sections 6381 - 6422)
- Chapter 78 - National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (Sections 6501 - 6508)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6501 - "Petroleum" defined
- Sec. 6502 - Designation of National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska; reservation of lands; disposition and conveyance of mineral materials, lands, etc., preexisting property rights
- Sec. 6503 - Transfer of jurisdiction, duties, property, etc., to Secretary of the Interior from Secretary of Navy
- Sec. 6504 - Administration of reserve
- Sec. 6505 - Executive department responsibility for studies to determine procedures used in development, production, transportation, and distribution of petroleum resources in reserve; reports to Congress by President; establishment of task force by Secretary of the Interior; purposes; membership; report and recommendations to Congress by Secretary; contents
- Sec. 6506 - Applicability of antitrust provisions; plans and proposals submitted to Congress to contain report by Attorney General on impact of plans and proposals on competition
- Sec. 6506a - Competitive leasing of oil and gas
- Sec. 6507 - Authorization of appropriations; Federal financial assistance for increased municipal services and facilities in communities located on or near reserve resulting from authorized exploration and study activities
- Sec. 6508 - Transferred
- Chapter 79 - Science and Technology Policy, Organization and Priorities (Sections 6601 - 6687)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - National Science, Engineering, and Technology Policy and Priorities (Sections 6601 - 6603)
- Subchapter II - Office of Science and Technology Policy (Sections 6611 - 6624)
- Subchapter III - President's Committee on Science and Technology (Sections 6631 - 6635)
- Subchapter IV - Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology (Sections 6651 - 6651)
- Subchapter V - General Provisions (Sections 6671 - 6671)
- Subchapter VI - National Critical Technologies Panel (Sections 6681 - 6687)
- Chapter 80 - Public Works Employment (Sections 6701 - 6736)
- Chapter 81 - Energy Conservation and Resource Renewal (Sections 6801 - 6892)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Electric Utility Rate Design Initiatives (Sections 6801 - 6808)
- Subchapter II - Energy Conservation Standards for New Buildings (Sections 6831 - 6840)
- Subchapter III - Energy Conservation and Renewable-Resource Assistance for Existing Buildings (Sections 6851 - 6892)
- Chapter 82 - Solid Waste Disposal (Sections 6901 - 6992k)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 6901 - 6908a)
- Subchapter II - Office of Solid Waste; Authorities of the Administrator (Sections 6911 - 6917)
- Subchapter III - Hazardous Waste Management (Sections 6921 - 6939g)
- Subchapter IV - State or Regional Solid Waste Plans (Sections 6941 - 6949a)
- Subchapter V - Duties of Secretary of Commerce in Resource and Recovery (Sections 6951 - 6956)
- Subchapter VI - Federal Responsibilities (Sections 6961 - 6966b)
- Subchapter VII - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 6971 - 6979b)
- Subchapter VIII - Research, Development, Demonstration, and Information (Sections 6981 - 6987)
- Subchapter IX - Regulation of Underground Storage Tanks (Sections 6991 - 6991m)
- Subchapter X - Demonstration Medical Waste Tracking Program (Sections 6992 - 6992k)
- Chapter 83 - Energy Extension Service (Sections 7001 - 7011)
- Chapter 84 - Department of Energy (Sections 7101 - 7386k)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 7101 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Declaration of Findings and Purposes (Sections 7111 - 7113)
- Subchapter II - Establishment of Department (Sections 7131 - 7144e)
- Subchapter III - Transfers of Functions (Sections 7151 - 7159)
- Subchapter IV - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Sections 7171 - 7178)
- Subchapter V - Administrative Procedures and Judicial Review (Sections 7191 - 7195)
- Subchapter VI - Administrative Provisions (Sections 7211 - 7279a)
- Subchapter VII - Transitional, Savings, and Conforming Provisions (Sections 7291 - 7301)
- Subchapter VIII - Energy Planning (Sections 7321 - 7322)
- Subchapter IX - Effective Date and Interim Appointments (Sections 7341 - 7342)
- Subchapter X - Sunset Provisions (Sections 7351 - 7352)
- Subchapter XI - Energy Targets (Sections 7361 - 7364)
- Subchapter XII - Renewable Energy Initiatives (Sections 7371 - 7375)
- Subchapter XIII - Department of Energy Science Education Programs (Sections 7381 - 7381r)
- Subchapter XIV - Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowships (Sections 7382 - 7382f)
- Subchapter XV - Matters Relating to Safeguards, Security, and Counterintelligence (Sections 7383 - 7383j)
- Subchapter XVI - Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (Sections 7384 - 7385s-16)
- Subchapter XVII - Repealed (Sections 7386 - 7386k)
- Chapter 85 - Air Pollution Prevention and Control (Sections 7401 - 7671q)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Programs and Activities (Sections 7401 - 7515)
- Subchapter II - Emission Standards for Moving Sources (Sections 7521 - 7590)
- Subchapter III - General Provisions (Sections 7601 - 7628)
- Subchapter IV - Noise Pollution (Sections 7641 - 7642)
- Subchapter IV-A - Acid Deposition Control (Sections 7651 - 7651o)
- Subchapter V - Permits (Sections 7661 - 7661f)
- Subchapter VI - Stratospheric Ozone Protection (Sections 7671 - 7671q)
- Chapter 86 - Earthquake Hazards Reduction (Sections 7701 - 7709)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7701 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 7702 - Congressional statement of purpose
- Sec. 7703 - Definitions
- Sec. 7704 - National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
- Sec. 7704a - Report on seismic safety property standards
- Secs. 7705, 7705a - Repealed. Pub. L. 105-47, §4, Oct. 1, 1997, 111 Stat. 1164
- Sec. 7705b - Seismic standards
- Sec. 7705c - Acceptance of gifts
- Sec. 7705d - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-503, title II, §203, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2305
- Sec. 7705e - Post-earthquake investigations program
- Sec. 7706 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 7707 - Advanced National Seismic Research and Monitoring System
- Sec. 7708 - Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
- Sec. 7709 - Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee
- Chapter 87 - Water Research and Development (Sections 7801 - 7883)
- Secs. 7801, 7802 - Repealed. Pub. L. 98-242, title I, §110(a), Mar. 22, 1984, 98 Stat. 101
- Subchapter I - Water Resources Research and Development (Sections 7811 - 7819)
- Subchapter II - Water Research and Development for Saline and Other Impaired Waters (Sections 7831 - 7836)
- Subchapter III - Technology Transfer and Information Dissemination (Sections 7851 - 7853)
- Subchapter IV - General Provisions (Sections 7871 - 7883)
- Chapter 88 - Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control (Sections 7901 - 7942)
- Chapter 89 - Congregate Housing Services (Sections 8001 - 8013)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8001 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 8002 - Definitions
- Sec. 8003 - Contracts to provide congregate services programs
- Sec. 8004 - Congregate services program
- Sec. 8005 - Eligibility for services
- Sec. 8006 - Application procedure for assistance
- Sec. 8007 - Evaluation of applications and programs
- Sec. 8008 - Funding procedures
- Sec. 8009 - Miscellaneous provisions
- Sec. 8010 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 8011 - Revised congregate housing services program
- Sec. 8012 - Hope for elderly independence
- Sec. 8013 - Supportive housing for persons with disabilities
- Chapter 90 - Neighborhood and City Reinvestment, Self-Help and Revitalization (Sections 8101 - 8146)
- Chapter 91 - National Energy Conservation Policy (Sections 8201 - 8287d)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 8201 - 8201)
- Subchapter II - Residential Energy Conservation (Sections 8211 - 8236b)
- Subchapter III - Federal Energy Initiative (Sections 8241 - 8279)
- Subchapter IV - Energy Conservation for Commercial Buildings and Multifamily Dwellings (Sections 8281 - 8284)
- Subchapter V - Energy Auditor Training and Certification (Sections 8285 - 8285c)
- Subchapter VI - Coordination of Federal Energy Conservation Factors and Data (Sections 8286 - 8286b)
- Subchapter VII - Energy Savings Performance Contracts (Sections 8287 - 8287d)
- Chapter 92 - Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use (Sections 8301 - 8484)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 8301 - 8303)
- Subchapter II - New Facilities (Sections 8311 - 8324)
- Subchapter III - Existing Facilities (Sections 8341 - 8354)
- Subchapter IV - Additional Prohibitions; Emergency Authorities (Sections 8371 - 8375)
- Subchapter V - System Compliance Option (Sections 8391 - 8391)
- Subchapter VI - Financial Assistance (Sections 8401 - 8402)
- Subchapter VII - Administration and Enforcement (Sections 8411 - 8473)
- Subchapter VIII - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 8481 - 8484)
- Chapter 93 - Emergency Energy Conservation (Sections 8501 - 8541)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8501 - Congressional findings and purposes
- Sec. 8502 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Emergency Energy Conservation Program (Sections 8511 - 8515)
- Subchapter II - Other Automobile Fuel Purchase Measures (Sections 8521 - 8522)
- Subchapter III - Studies (Sections 8531 - 8532)
- Subchapter IV - Administrative Provisions (Sections 8541 - 8541)
- Chapter 94 - Low-Income Energy Assistance (Sections 8601 - 8630)
- Chapter 95 - United States Synthetic Fuels Corporation (Sections 8701 - 8795)
- Sec. 8701 - Omitted
- Subchapter I - Introductory Provisions (Sections 8702 - 8702)
- Subchapter II - Establishment of Corporation (Sections 8711 - 8719)
- Subchapter III - Production Goal of the Corporation (Sections 8721 - 8725)
- Subchapter IV - Financial Assistance (Sections 8731 - 8740)
- Subchapter V - Corporation Construction Projects (Sections 8741 - 8745)
- Subchapter VI - Capitalization and Finance (Sections 8751 - 8755)
- Subchapter VII - Unlawful Acts, Penalties, and Suits Against the Corporation (Sections 8761 - 8768)
- Subchapter VIII - General Provisions (Sections 8771 - 8780)
- Subchapter IX - Disposal of Assets (Sections 8781 - 8782)
- Subchapter X - Termination of Corporation (Sections 8791 - 8793)
- Subchapter XI - Department of the Treasury (Sections 8795 - 8795)
- Chapter 96 - Biomass Energy and Alcohol Fuels (Sections 8801 - 8871)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8801 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 8802 - Definitions
- Sec. 8803 - Funding
- Sec. 8804 - Coordination with other authorities and programs
- Subchapter I - General Biomass Energy Development (Sections 8811 - 8821)
- Subchapter II - Municipal Waste Biomass Energy (Sections 8831 - 8840)
- Subchapter III - Rural, Agricultural, and Forestry Biomass Energy (Sections 8851 - 8855)
- Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous Biomass Provisions (Sections 8871 - 8871)
- Chapter 97 - Acid Precipitation Program and Carbon Dioxide Study (Sections 8901 - 8912)
- Chapter 98 - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Research and Development (Sections 9001 - 9009)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 9001 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 9002 - Comprehensive program management plan
- Sec. 9003 - Research and development
- Sec. 9004 - Pilot and demonstration plants
- Sec. 9005 - Technology application
- Sec. 9006 - Program selection criteria
- Sec. 9007 - Technical Panel of Energy Research Advisory Board
- Sec. 9008 - Definitions
- Sec. 9009 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 99 - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (Sections 9101 - 9168)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 9101 - Congressional declaration of policy
- Sec. 9102 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Regulation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Facilities and Plantships (Sections 9111 - 9127)
- Subchapter II - Maritime Financing for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (Sections 9141 - 9141)
- Subchapter III - Enforcement (Sections 9151 - 9153)
- Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 9161 - 9168)
- Chapter 100 - Wind Energy Systems (Sections 9201 - 9213)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 9201 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 9202 - Definitions
- Sec. 9203 - Comprehensive program management plan
- Sec. 9204 - Research, development, and demonstration
- Sec. 9205 - Technology application programs
- Sec. 9206 - Wind resource assessment
- Sec. 9207 - Criteria for program selection
- Sec. 9208 - Administrative provisions
- Sec. 9209 - Utilization of capabilities and facilities
- Sec. 9210 - Analysis of applications of wind energy systems
- Sec. 9211 - Encouragement and protection of small business
- Sec. 9212 - General provisions
- Sec. 9213 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 101 - Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering (Sections 9301 - 9312)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 9301 - Congressional findings and declaration of policy
- Sec. 9302 - Definitions
- Sec. 9303 - Program activities
- Sec. 9304 - Comprehensive program management plan; submittal to Congressional committees
- Sec. 9305 - Magnetic fusion engineering center
- Sec. 9306 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-46, title V, §509, Nov. 13, 1995, 109 Stat. 421
- Sec. 9307 - Program advisory committees
- Sec. 9308 - International cooperation; examination of impact on national magnetic fusion program; exploration of prospects for joint funding in construction of fusion engineering device; report to Congressional committees on results of examination and exploration
- Sec. 9309 - Technical manpower requirements; report to President and Congress
- Sec. 9310 - Dissemination of information
- Sec. 9311 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-66, title I, §1051(n), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 717
- Sec. 9312 - Authorization of appropriations; contract authority
- Chapter 102 - Mental Health Systems (Sections 9401 - 9523)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 9401 - Congressional statement of findings
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 9411 - 9423)
- Subchapter II - Grant Programs (Sections 9431 - 9438)
- Subchapter III - General Provisions Respecting Grant Programs (Sections 9451 - 9493)
- Subchapter IV - Mental Health Rights and Advocacy (Sections 9501 - 9502)
- Subchapter V - Sex Offense Prevention and Control (Sections 9511 - 9512)
- Subchapter VI - Miscellaneous (Sections 9521 - 9523)
- Chapter 103 - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability (Sections 9601 - 9675)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Hazardous Substances Releases, Liability, Compensation (Sections 9601 - 9628)
- Subchapter II - Hazardous Substance Response Revenue (Sections 9631 - 9641)
- Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 9651 - 9662)
- Subchapter IV - Pollution Insurance (Sections 9671 - 9675)
- Chapter 104 - Nuclear Safety Research, Development, and Demonstration (Sections 9701 - 9708)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 9701 - Congressional findings and declaration of policy
- Sec. 9702 - Definitions
- Sec. 9703 - Research, development, and demonstration program; establishment; purposes; implementation
- Sec. 9704 - National reactor engineering simulator feasibility study
- Sec. 9705 - Federal Nuclear Operations Corps' study
- Sec. 9706 - Dissemination of information
- Sec. 9707 - Comprehensive program management plan
- Sec. 9708 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 105 - Community Services Programs (Sections 9801 - 9887)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Community Economic Development (Sections 9801 - 9822)
- Subchapter II - Head Start Programs (Sections 9831 - 9852c)
- Subchapter II-A - Head Start Transition Project (Sections 9855 - 9855g)
- Subchapter II-B - Child Care and Development Block Grant (Sections 9857 - 9858r)
- Subchapter II-C - Child Care Safety and Health Grants (Sections 9859 - 9859f)
- Subchapter III - Follow Through Programs (Sections 9861 - 9869)
- Subchapter IV - Grants to States for Planning and Development of Dependent Care Programs and for Other Purposes (Sections 9871 - 9877)
- Subchapter V - Comprehensive Child Development Program (Sections 9881 - 9887)
- Chapter 106 - Community Services Block Grant Program (Sections 9901 - 9926)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 9901 - Purposes and goals
- Sec. 9902 - Definitions
- Sec. 9903 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 9904 - Establishment of block grant program
- Sec. 9905 - Distribution to territories
- Sec. 9906 - Allotments and payments to States
- Sec. 9907 - Uses of funds
- Sec. 9908 - Application and plan
- Sec. 9909 - Designation and redesignation of eligible entities in unserved areas
- Sec. 9910 - Tripartite boards
- Sec. 9911 - Payments to Indian tribes
- Sec. 9912 - Office of Community Services
- Sec. 9913 - Training, technical assistance, and other activities
- Sec. 9914 - Monitoring of eligible entities
- Sec. 9915 - Corrective action; termination and reduction of funding
- Sec. 9916 - Fiscal controls, audits, and withholding
- Sec. 9917 - Accountability and reporting requirements
- Sec. 9918 - Limitations on use of funds
- Sec. 9919 - Drug and child support services and referrals
- Sec. 9920 - Operational rule
- Sec. 9921 - Discretionary authority of Secretary
- Sec. 9922 - Community food and nutrition programs
- Sec. 9923 - National or regional programs designed to provide instructional activities for low-income youth
- Sec. 9924 - References
- Sec. 9925 - Demonstration partnership agreements addressing needs of poor
- Sec. 9926 - Projects to expand the number of job opportunities available to certain low-income individuals
- Chapter 107 - Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety (Sections 10001 - 10008)
- Chapter 108 - Nuclear Waste Policy (Sections 10101 - 10270)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 10101 - Definitions
- Sec. 10102 - Separability
- Sec. 10103 - Territories and possessions
- Sec. 10104 - Ocean disposal
- Sec. 10105 - Limitation on spending authority
- Sec. 10106 - Protection of classified national security information
- Sec. 10107 - Applicability to atomic energy defense activities
- Sec. 10108 - Applicability to transportation
- Subchapter I - Disposal and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Waste, Spent Nuclear Fuel, and Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Sections 10121 - 10175)
- Subchapter II - Research, Development, and Demonstration Regarding Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel (Sections 10191 - 10204)
- Subchapter III - Other Provisions Relating to Radioactive Waste (Sections 10221 - 10226)
- Subchapter IV - Nuclear Waste Negotiator (Sections 10241 - 10251)
- Subchapter V - Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Sections 10261 - 10270)
- Chapter 109 - Water Resources Research (Sections 10301 - 10309)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 10301 - Congressional findings and declarations
- Sec. 10302 - Congressional declaration of purpose
- Sec. 10303 - Water resources research and technology institutes
- Sec. 10304 - Research concerning water resource-related problems deemed to be in national interest
- Sec. 10305 - Development of water-related technology
- Sec. 10306 - Administrative costs
- Sec. 10307 - Types of research and development
- Sec. 10308 - Patent policy
- Sec. 10309 - New spending authority; amounts provided in advance
- Chapter 109A - Membrane Processes Research (Sections 10341 - 10345)
- Chapter 109B - Secure Water (Sections 10361 - 10370)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 10361 - Findings
- Sec. 10362 - Definitions
- Sec. 10363 - Reclamation climate change and water program
- Sec. 10364 - Water management improvement
- Sec. 10365 - Hydroelectric power assessment
- Sec. 10366 - Climate change and water intragovernmental panel
- Sec. 10367 - Water data enhancement by United States Geological Survey
- Sec. 10368 - National water availability and use assessment program
- Sec. 10369 - Research agreement authority
- Sec. 10370 - Effect
- Chapter 110 - Family Violence Prevention and Services (Sections 10401 - 10421)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 10401 - Short title; purpose
- Sec. 10402 - Definitions
- Sec. 10403 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 10404 - Authority of Secretary
- Sec. 10405 - Allotment of funds
- Sec. 10406 - Formula grants to States
- Sec. 10407 - State application
- Sec. 10408 - Subgrants and uses of funds
- Sec. 10409 - Grants for Indian tribes
- Sec. 10410 - National resource centers and training and technical assistance centers
- Sec. 10411 - Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalitions
- Sec. 10412 - Specialized services for abused parents and their children
- Sec. 10413 - National domestic violence hotline grant
- Sec. 10414 - Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA)
- Sec. 10415 - Repealed. Pub. L. 108-36, title IV, §410, June 25, 2003, 117 Stat. 827
- Sec. 10416 - Omitted
- Sec. 10417 - Repealed. Pub. L. 108-36, title IV, §412, June 25, 2003, 117 Stat. 829
- Secs. 10418, 10419 - Omitted
- Sec. 10420 - Grants to support families in the justice system
- Sec. 10421 - Omitted
- Chapter 111 - Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance (Sections 10501 - 10513)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 10501 - Application for assistance
- Sec. 10502 - Definitions
- Sec. 10503 - Limitation on authority
- Sec. 10504 - Prohibition of discrimination
- Sec. 10505 - Confidentiality of information
- Sec. 10506 - Prohibition of land acquisition
- Sec. 10507 - Repayment
- Sec. 10508 - Recordkeeping requirement
- Sec. 10509 - Repealed. Pub. L. 105-362, title X, §1001(a), Nov. 10, 1998, 112 Stat. 3291
- Sec. 10510 - Bureau of Justice Assistance
- Sec. 10511 - Limitation on civil justice matters
- Sec. 10512 - Issuance of rules
- Sec. 10513 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 112 - Victim Compensation and Assistance (Sections 10601 - 10609)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 10601 - Crime Victims Fund
- Sec. 10602 - Crime victim compensation
- Sec. 10603 - Crime victim assistance
- Sec. 10603a - Child abuse prevention and treatment grants
- Sec. 10603b - Compensation and assistance to victims of terrorism or mass violence
- Sec. 10603c - Compensation to victims of international terrorism
- Sec. 10603d - Crime victims legal assistance grants
- Sec. 10603e - Crime victims notification grants
- Sec. 10604 - Administrative provisions
- Sec. 10605 - Establishment of Office for Victims of Crime
- Sec. 10606 - Repealed. Pub. L. 108-405, title I, §102(c), Oct. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2264
- Sec. 10607 - Services to victims
- Sec. 10608 - Closed circuit televised court proceedings for victims of crime
- Sec. 10609 - Justice for United States victims of state sponsored terrorism
- Chapter 113 - State Justice Institute (Sections 10701 - 10713)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 10701 - Definitions
- Sec. 10702 - Establishment of Institute; duties
- Sec. 10703 - Board of Directors
- Sec. 10704 - Officers and employees
- Sec. 10705 - Grants and contracts
- Sec. 10706 - Limitations on grants and contracts
- Sec. 10707 - Restrictions on activities of the Institute
- Sec. 10708 - Administrative provisions
- Sec. 10709 - Presidential coordination
- Sec. 10710 - Records and reports
- Sec. 10711 - Audits
- Sec. 10712 - Report by Attorney General
- Sec. 10713 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 114 - Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Mental Illness (Sections 10801 - 10851)
- Chapter 115 - Child Development Associate Scholarship Assistance Program (Sections 10901 - 10905)
- Chapter 116 - Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know (Sections 11001 - 11050)
- Chapter 117 - Encouraging Good Faith Professional Review Activities (Sections 11101 - 11152)
- Chapter 118 - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Research (Sections 11201 - 11294)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 11201 - 11201)
- Subchapter II - Council on Alzheimer's Disease (Sections 11211 - 11212)
- Subchapter III - Advisory Panel on Alzheimer's Disease (Sections 11221 - 11223)
- Subchapter III-A - National Alzheimer's Project (Sections 11225 - 11225)
- Subchapter IV - Research Relating to Services for Individuals With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias and Their Families (Sections 11231 - 11283)
- Subchapter V - Educational Activities (Sections 11291 - 11294)
- Chapter 119 - Homeless Assistance (Sections 11301 - 11489)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 11301 - 11304)
- Subchapter II - United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (Sections 11311 - 11320)
- Subchapter III - Federal Emergency Management Food and Shelter Program (Sections 11331 - 11352)
- Subchapter IV - Housing Assistance (Sections 11360 - 11408a)
- Subchapter V - Identification and Use of Surplus Federal Property (Sections 11411 - 11412)
- Subchapter VI - Education and Training (Sections 11421 - 11489)
- Chapter 120 - Enterprise Zone Development (Sections 11501 - 11505)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 11501 - Designation of enterprise zones
- Sec. 11502 - Evaluation and reporting requirements
- Sec. 11503 - Interaction with other Federal programs
- Sec. 11504 - Waiver or modification of housing and community development rules in enterprise zones
- Sec. 11505 - Coordination with CDBG and UDAG programs
- Chapter 121 - International Child Abduction Remedies (Sections 11601 - 11611)
- Chapter 122 - Native Hawaiian Health Care (Sections 11701 - 11714)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 11701 - Findings
- Sec. 11702 - Declaration of policy
- Sec. 11703 - Comprehensive health care master plan for Native Hawaiians
- Sec. 11704 - Functions of Papa Ola Lokahi
- Sec. 11705 - Native Hawaiian health care systems
- Sec. 11706 - Administrative grant for Papa Ola Lokahi
- Sec. 11707 - Administration of grants and contracts
- Sec. 11708 - Assignment of personnel
- Sec. 11709 - Native Hawaiian health scholarships
- Sec. 11710 - Report
- Sec. 11711 - Definitions
- Sec. 11712 - Rule of construction
- Sec. 11713 - Compliance with Budget Act
- Sec. 11714 - Severability
- Chapter 123 - Drug Abuse Education and Prevention (Sections 11801 - 11851)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Drug Education and Prevention Relating to Youth Gangs (Sections 11801 - 11806)
- Subchapter II - Program for Runaway and Homeless Youth (Sections 11821 - 11825)
- Subchapter III - Community Program (Sections 11841 - 11842)
- Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous (Sections 11851 - 11851)
- Chapter 124 - Public Housing Drug Elimination (Sections 11901 - 11925)
- Chapter 125 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technology Competitiveness (Sections 12001 - 12007)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 12001 - Finding, purpose, and general authority
- Sec. 12002 - Definitions
- Sec. 12003 - National goals and multi-year funding for Federal wind, photovoltaics, and solar thermal programs
- Sec. 12004 - Energy efficiency authorizations
- Sec. 12005 - Demonstration and commercial application projects
- Sec. 12006 - Reports
- Sec. 12007 - No antitrust immunity or defenses
- Chapter 126 - Equal Opportunity for Individuals With Disabilities (Sections 12101 - 12213)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 12101 - Findings and purpose
- Sec. 12102 - Definition of disability
- Sec. 12103 - Additional definitions
- Subchapter I - Employment (Sections 12111 - 12117)
- Subchapter II - Public Services (Sections 12131 - 12165)
- Subchapter III - Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities (Sections 12181 - 12189)
- Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 12201 - 12213)
- Chapter 127 - Coordinated Services for Children, Youth, and Families (Sections 12301 - 12377)
- Chapter 128 - Hydrogen Research, Development, and Demonstration Program (Sections 12401 - 12408)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 12401 - Finding, purposes, and definitions
- Sec. 12402 - Report to Congress
- Sec. 12403 - Hydrogen research and development
- Sec. 12404 - Demonstrations
- Sec. 12405 - Technology transfer program
- Sec. 12406 - Coordination and consultation
- Sec. 12407 - Technical panel
- Sec. 12408 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 129 - National and Community Service (Sections 12501 - 12682)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 12501 - Findings and purpose
- Subchapter I - National and Community Service State Grant Program (Sections 12511 - 12657)
- Subchapter II - Points of Light Foundation (Sections 12661 - 12664)
- Subchapter III - Projects Honoring Victims of Terrorist Attacks (Sections 12671 - 12671)
- Subchapter IV - Authorization of Appropriations (Sections 12681 - 12682)
- Chapter 130 - National Affordable Housing (Sections 12701 - 12899i)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - General Provisions and Policies (Sections 12701 - 12714)
- Subchapter II - Investment in Affordable Housing (Sections 12721 - 12840)
- Subchapter III - National Homeownership Trust Demonstration (Sections 12851 - 12859)
- Subchapter IV - Hope for Homeownership of Multifamily and Single Family Homes (Sections 12870 - 12899i)
- Chapter 131 - Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (Sections 12901 - 12912)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 12901 - Purpose
- Sec. 12902 - Definitions
- Sec. 12903 - General authority
- Sec. 12904 - Eligible activities
- Sec. 12905 - Responsibilities of grantees
- Sec. 12906 - Grants for AIDS housing information and coordination services
- Sec. 12907 - AIDS short-term supported housing and services
- Sec. 12908 - Rental assistance
- Sec. 12909 - Single room occupancy dwellings
- Sec. 12910 - Grants for community residences and services
- Sec. 12911 - Report
- Sec. 12912 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 132 - Victims of Child Abuse (Sections 13001 - 13055)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Improving Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse Cases (Sections 13001 - 13005)
- Subchapter II - Court-Appointed Special Advocate Program (Sections 13011 - 13014)
- Subchapter III - Child Abuse Training Programs for Judicial Personnel and Practitioners (Sections 13021 - 13024)
- Subchapter IV - Reporting Requirements (Sections 13031 - 13032)
- Subchapter V - Child Care Worker Employee Background Checks (Sections 13041 - 13041)
- Subchapter VI - Treatment for Juvenile Offenders Who Are Victims of Child Abuse or Neglect (Sections 13051 - 13055)
- Chapter 133 - Pollution Prevention (Sections 13101 - 13109)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 13101 - Findings and policy
- Sec. 13102 - Definitions
- Sec. 13103 - EPA activities
- Sec. 13104 - Grants to States for State technical assistance programs
- Sec. 13105 - Source Reduction Clearinghouse
- Sec. 13106 - Source reduction and recycling data collection
- Sec. 13107 - EPA report
- Sec. 13108 - Savings provisions
- Sec. 13109 - Authorization of appropriations
- Chapter 134 - Energy Policy (Sections 13201 - 13574)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 13201 - "Secretary" defined
- Subchapter I - Alternative Fuels-General (Sections 13211 - 13220)
- Subchapter II - Alternative Fuels-Non-Federal Programs (Sections 13231 - 13239)
- Subchapter III - Availability and Use of Replacement Fuels, Alternative Fuels, and Alternative Fueled Private Vehicles (Sections 13251 - 13264)
- Subchapter IV - Electric Motor Vehicles (Sections 13271 - 13296)
- Subchapter V - Renewable Energy (Sections 13311 - 13317)
- Subchapter VI - Coal (Sections 13331 - 13370)
- Subchapter VII - Global Climate Change (Sections 13381 - 13389)
- Subchapter VIII - Reduction of Oil Vulnerability (Sections 13401 - 13438)
- Subchapter IX - Energy and Environment (Sections 13451 - 13495)
- Subchapter X - Energy and Economic Growth (Sections 13501 - 13506)
- Subchapter XI - Policy and Administrative Provisions (Sections 13521 - 13526)
- Subchapter XII - Miscellaneous (Sections 13541 - 13557)
- Subchapter XIII - Clean Air Coal Program (Sections 13571 - 13574)
- Chapter 135 - Residency and Service Requirements in Federally Assisted Housing (Sections 13601 - 13664)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Standards and Obligations of Residency in Federally Assisted Housing (Sections 13601 - 13604)
- Subchapter II - Authority to Provide Preferences for Elderly Residents and Units for Disabled Residents in Certain Section 8 Assisted Housing (Sections 13611 - 13620)
- Subchapter III - Service Coordinators for Elderly and Disabled Residents of Federally Assisted Housing (Sections 13631 - 13632)
- Subchapter IV - General Provisions (Sections 13641 - 13643)
- Subchapter V - Safety and Security in Public and Assisted Housing (Sections 13661 - 13664)
- Chapter 136 - Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement (Sections 13701 - 14223)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Prisons (Sections 13701 - 13727a)
- Subchapter II - Crime Prevention (Sections 13741 - 13921)
- Subchapter III - Violence Against Women (Sections 13925 - 14045d)
- Subchapter IV - Drug Control (Sections 14051 - 14053)
- Subchapter V - Criminal Street Gangs (Sections 14061 - 14062)
- Subchapter VI - Crimes Against Children (Sections 14071 - 14073)
- Subchapter VII - Rural Crime (Sections 14081 - 14083)
- Subchapter VIII - Police Corps and Law Enforcement Officers Training and Education (Sections 14091 - 14119)
- Subchapter IX - State and Local Law Enforcement (Sections 14131 - 14165b)
- Subchapter X - Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention (Sections 14171 - 14171)
- Subchapter XI - Protections for the Elderly (Sections 14181 - 14181)
- Subchapter XII - Presidential Summit on Violence and National Commission on Crime Prevention and Control (Sections 14191 - 14199)
- Subchapter XIII - Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund (Sections 14211 - 14214)
- Subchapter XIV - Miscellaneous (Sections 14221 - 14223)
- Chapter 137 - Management of Rechargeable Batteries and Batteries Containing Mercury (Sections 14301 - 14336)
- Chapter 138 - Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction (Sections 14401 - 14408)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 14401 - Findings and purpose
- Sec. 14402 - Restriction on use of Federal funds under health care programs
- Sec. 14403 - Restriction on use of Federal funds under certain grant programs
- Sec. 14404 - Restriction on use of Federal funds by advocacy programs
- Sec. 14405 - Restriction on use of other Federal funds
- Sec. 14406 - Clarification with respect to advance directives
- Sec. 14407 - Application to District of Columbia
- Sec. 14408 - Relation to other laws
- Chapter 139 - Volunteer Protection (Sections 14501 - 14505)
- Chapter 140 - Criminal Justice Identification, Information, and Communication (Sections 14601 - 14616)
- Chapter 140A - Jennifer's Law (Sections 14661 - 14665)
- Chapter 141 - Commercial Space Opportunities and Transportation Services (Sections 14701 - 14753)
- Sec. 14701 - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-314, §6, Dec. 18, 2010, 124 Stat. 3444
- Subchapter I - Promotion of Commercial Space Opportunities (Sections 14711 - 14715)
- Subchapter II - Federal Acquisition of Space Transportation Services (Sections 14731 - 14735)
- Subchapter III - Commercial Reusable In-Space Transportation (Sections 14751 - 14753)
- Chapter 142 - Poison Control Center Enhancement and Awareness (Sections 14801 - 14805)
- Chapter 143 - Intercountry Adoptions (Sections 14901 - 14954)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 14901 - Findings and purposes
- Sec. 14902 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - United States Central Authority (Sections 14911 - 14914)
- Subchapter II - Provisions Relating to Accreditation and Approval (Sections 14921 - 14925)
- Subchapter III - Recognition of Convention Adoptions in the United States (Sections 14931 - 14932)
- Subchapter IV - Administration and Enforcement (Sections 14941 - 14944)
- Subchapter V - General Provisions (Sections 14951 - 14954)
- Chapter 144 - Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights (Sections 15001 - 15115)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Programs for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (Sections 15001 - 15083)
- Subchapter II - Family Support (Sections 15091 - 15101)
- Subchapter III - Program for Direct Support Workers Who Assist Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (Sections 15111 - 15115)
- Chapter 145 - Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor and Tributes (Sections 15201 - 15208)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 15201 - Authorization of Medal
- Sec. 15202 - Medal of Valor Board
- Sec. 15203 - Board personnel matters
- Sec. 15204 - Definitions
- Sec. 15205 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 15206 - National Medal of Valor Office
- Sec. 15207 - Consultation requirement
- Sec. 15208 - Law enforcement tribute acts
- Chapter 145A - Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery (Sections 15231 - 15261)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 15231 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Federal Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery (Sections 15241 - 15244)
- Subchapter II - State and Local Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery (Sections 15251 - 15254)
- Subchapter III - Congressional Badge of Bravery Office (Sections 15261 - 15261)
- Chapter 146 - Election Administration Improvement (Sections 15301 - 15545)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Payments to States for Election Administration Improvements and Replacement of Punch Card and Lever Voting Machines (Sections 15301 - 15306)
- Subchapter II - Commission (Sections 15321 - 15472)
- Subchapter III - Uniform and Nondiscriminatory Election Technology and Administration Requirements (Sections 15481 - 15502)
- Subchapter IV - Enforcement (Sections 15511 - 15512)
- Subchapter V - Help America Vote College Program (Sections 15521 - 15523)
- Subchapter VI - Transfer to Commission of Functions Under Certain Laws (Sections 15531 - 15534)
- Subchapter VII - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 15541 - 15545)
- Chapter 147 - Prison Rape Elimination (Sections 15601 - 15609)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 15601 - Findings
- Sec. 15602 - Purposes
- Sec. 15603 - National prison rape statistics, data, and research
- Sec. 15604 - Prison rape prevention and prosecution
- Sec. 15605 - Grants to protect inmates and safeguard communities
- Sec. 15606 - National Prison Rape Elimination Commission
- Sec. 15607 - Adoption and effect of national standards
- Sec. 15608 - Requirement that accreditation organizations adopt accreditation standards
- Sec. 15609 - Definitions
- Chapter 148 - Windstorm Impact Reduction (Sections 15701 - 15707)
- Chapter 149 - National Energy Policy and Programs (Sections 15801 - 16538)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 15801 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Energy Efficiency (Sections 15811 - 15842)
- Subchapter II - Renewable Energy (Sections 15851 - 15891)
- Subchapter III - Oil and Gas (Sections 15901 - 15952)
- Subchapter IV - Coal (Sections 15961 - 15991)
- Subchapter V - Indian Energy (Sections 16001 - 16001)
- Subchapter VI - Nuclear Matters (Sections 16011 - 16042)
- Subchapter VII - Vehicles and Fuels (Sections 16051 - 16139)
- Subchapter VIII - Hydrogen (Sections 16151 - 16165)
- Subchapter IX - Research and Development (Sections 16181 - 16378)
- Subchapter X - Department of Energy Management (Sections 16391 - 16396)
- Subchapter XI - Personnel and Training (Sections 16411 - 16414)
- Subchapter XII - Electricity (Sections 16421 - 16481)
- Subchapter XIII - Miscellaneous (Sections 16491 - 16494)
- Subchapter XIV - Ethanol and Motor Fuels (Sections 16501 - 16503)
- Subchapter XV - Incentives for Innovative Technologies (Sections 16511 - 16516)
- Subchapter XVI - Studies (Sections 16521 - 16524)
- Subchapter XVII - Protecting America's Competitive Edge Through Energy (Sections 16531 - 16538)
- Chapter 150 - National Aeronautics and Space Programs, 2005 (Sections 16601 - 16850)
- Sec. 16601 - Transferred
- Subchapter I - General Principles and Reports (Sections 16611 - 16618)
- Subchapter II - Authorization of Appropriations (Sections 16631 - 16636)
- Subchapter III - Science (Sections 16651 - 16691)
- Subchapter IV - Aeronautics (Sections 16701 - 16751)
- Subchapter V - Human Space Flight (Sections 16761 - 16767)
- Subchapter VI - Other Program Areas (Sections 16781 - 16811)
- Subchapter VII - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 16821 - 16832)
- Subchapter VIII - Human Space Flight Independent Investigation Commission (Sections 16841 - 16850)
- Chapter 151 - Child Protection and Safety (Sections 16901 - 16991)
- Chapter 152 - Energy Independence and Security (Sections 17001 - 17386)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 17001 - Definitions
- Sec. 17002 - Relationship to other law
- Subchapter I - Improved Vehicle Technology (Sections 17011 - 17013)
- Subchapter II - Energy Security Through Increased Production of Biofuels (Sections 17021 - 17054)
- Subchapter III - Energy Savings in Buildings and Industry (Sections 17061 - 17124)
- Subchapter IV - Energy Savings in Government and Public Institutions (Sections 17131 - 17158)
- Subchapter V - Accelerated Research and Development (Sections 17171 - 17244)
- Subchapter VI - Carbon Capture and Sequestration (Sections 17251 - 17272)
- Subchapter VII - Improved Management of Energy Policy (Sections 17281 - 17305)
- Subchapter VIII - International Energy Programs (Sections 17321 - 17374)
- Subchapter IX - Smart Grid (Sections 17381 - 17386)
- Chapter 153 - Community Safety Through Recidivism Prevention (Sections 17501 - 17555)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 17501 - Purposes; findings
- Sec. 17502 - Definition of Indian Tribe
- Sec. 17503 - Submission of reports to Congress
- Sec. 17504 - Rule of construction
- Subchapter I - New and Innovative Programs to Improve Offender Reentry Services (Sections 17511 - 17511)
- Subchapter II - Enhanced Drug Treatment and Mentoring Grant Programs (Sections 17521 - 17555)
- Chapter 154 - Combating Child Exploitation (Sections 17601 - 17631)
- Chapter 155 - Aeronautics and Space Activities (Sections 17701 - 17829)
- Secs. 17701, 17702 - Transferred
- Subchapter I - Earth Science (Sections 17711 - 17714)
- Subchapter II - Aeronautics (Sections 17721 - 17724)
- Subchapter III - Exploration Initiative (Sections 17731 - 17734)
- Subchapter IV - Space Science (Sections 17741 - 17742)
- Subchapter V - Space Operations (Sections 17751 - 17771)
- Subchapter VI - Education (Sections 17781 - 17781)
- Subchapter VII - Near-Earth Objects (Sections 17791 - 17795)
- Subchapter VIII - Commercial Initiatives (Sections 17801 - 17801)
- Subchapter IX - Revitalization of Nasa Institutional Capabilities (Sections 17811 - 17812)
- Subchapter X - Other Provisions (Sections 17821 - 17829)
- Chapter 156 - Health Information Technology (Sections 17901 - 17953)
- Chapter 157 - Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans (Sections 18001 - 18122)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Immediate Actions to Preserve and Expand Coverage (Sections 18001 - 18003)
- Subchapter II - Other Provisions (Sections 18011 - 18014)
- Subchapter III - Available Coverage Choices for All Americans (Sections 18021 - 18063)
- Subchapter IV - Affordable Coverage Choices for All Americans (Sections 18071 - 18084)
- Subchapter V - Shared Responsibility for Health Care (Sections 18091 - 18101)
- Subchapter VI - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 18111 - 18122)
- Chapter 158 - Support for Pregnant and Parenting Teens and Women (Sections 18201 - 18204)
- Chapter 159 - Space Exploration, Technology, and Science (Sections 18301 - 18445)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 18301 - Findings
- Sec. 18302 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Policy, Goals, and Objectives for Human Space Flight and Exploration (Sections 18311 - 18313)
- Subchapter II - Expansion of Human Space Flight Beyond the International Space Station and Low-Earth Orbit (Sections 18321 - 18327)
- Subchapter III - Development and Use of Commercial Crew and Cargo Transportation Capabilities (Sections 18341 - 18342)
- Subchapter IV - Continuation, Support, and Evolution of the International Space Station (Sections 18351 - 18354)
- Subchapter V - Space Shuttle Retirement and Transition (Sections 18361 - 18363)
- Subchapter VI - Earth Science (Sections 18371 - 18374)
- Subchapter VII - Space Science (Sections 18381 - 18388)
- Subchapter VIII - Aeronautics and Space Technology (Sections 18401 - 18405)
- Subchapter IX - Education (Sections 18421 - 18421)
- Subchapter X - Re-Scoping and Revitalizing Institutional Capabilities (Sections 18431 - 18431)
- Subchapter XI - Other Matters (Sections 18441 - 18445)
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