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this Chapter
2020 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 484B - Rules of the Road
Signal by Peace Officer Railroad Grade Crossings
- NRS 484B.003 - Definitions.
- NRS 484B.007 - "Administrative roadblock" defined.
- NRS 484B.010 - "Business district" defined.
- NRS 484B.017 - "Electric bicycle" defined.
- NRS 484B.018 - "Electric scooter" defined.
- NRS 484B.020 - "Flammable liquid" defined.
- NRS 484B.023 - "Freight curb loading zone" defined.
- NRS 484B.027 - "House coach" defined.
- NRS 484B.029 - "Mobile carrying device" defined.
- NRS 484B.030 - "Parking meter" defined.
- NRS 484B.033 - "Passenger curb loading zone" defined.
- NRS 484B.037 - Person with a disability of moderate duration" defined.
- NRS 484B.040 - Person with a permanent disability" defined.
- NRS 484B.043 - Person with a temporary disability" defined.
- NRS 484B.047 - "Railroad sign" and "railroad signal" defined.
- NRS 484B.050 - "Railroad train" defined.
- NRS 484B.053 - "Residence district" defined.
- NRS 484B.057 - "Safety zone" defined.
- NRS 484B.060 - "School crossing zone" defined.
- NRS 484B.063 - "School zone" defined.
- NRS 484B.067 - "Taxicab stand" defined.
- NRS 484B.070 - "Temporary roadblock" defined.
- NRS 484B.073 - "Two-directional highway" defined.
- NRS 484B.077 - "U-turn" defined.
- NRS 484B.100 - Obedience to police officer.
- NRS 484B.103 - Rights and duties of person riding animal or driving vehicle drawn by animal.
- NRS 484B.107 - Applicability of chapters 484A to 484E, inclusive, of NRS to person, motor vehicle or other equipment engaged in work upon highway.
- NRS 484B.110 - Driving through safety zone prohibited.
- NRS 484B.113 - Limitations on backing.
- NRS 484B.117 - Driving upon sidewalk; exceptions.
- NRS 484B.120 - Driving on defiles, canyons or mountain highways.
- NRS 484B.123 - Coasting prohibited in certain circumstances.
- NRS 484B.127 - Following too closely.
- NRS 484B.130 - Double penalty for certain traffic violations committed in work zones; exception in certain temporary traffic control zones.
- NRS 484B.135 - Double penalty for certain traffic violations committed in pedestrian safety zones; exception in certain pedestrian safety zones.
- NRS 484B.150 - Drinking alcoholic beverage while driving motor vehicle unlawful; open container of alcoholic beverage; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.153 - Boarding or alighting from vehicle; opening door of vehicle.
- NRS 484B.157 - Child less than 6 years of age and weighing 60 pounds or less to be secured in child restraint system while being transported in motor vehicle; requirements for system; penalties; programs of training; waiver or reduction of penalty under certain circumstances; application of section.
- NRS 484B.160 - Person riding upon bed of flatbed truck or within bed of pickup truck.
- NRS 484B.163 - Obstruction of or interference with driver’s view; interference with driver’s control over driving mechanism; vision of driver through required glass equipment; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.165 - Using handheld wireless communications device to type or enter text, send or read data, engage in nonvoice communication or engage in voice communications without use of hands-free device unlawful; exceptions; penalty; additional penalty for violation in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.167 - Riding in house trailer.
- NRS 484B.200 - Driving on right half of highway required; exceptions; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.203 - Duties of drivers passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.207 - Overtaking vehicle on left side: Duties of drivers of overtaking and overtaken vehicle; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.208 - Duty of driver to move out of left lane when traveling at a certain rate of speed: When required; exceptions.
- NRS 484B.210 - When overtaking on right side allowed; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.213 - Limitations on overtaking on left side; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.217 - Zones in which overtaking on left side or making left-hand turn prohibited; exceptions; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.220 - One-way highway; rotary traffic island.
- NRS 484B.223 - Driving on highway having multiple marked lanes for traffic; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.227 - Driving on divided highway: Prohibited turns; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.250 - Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.
- NRS 484B.253 - Vehicle turning left.
- NRS 484B.257 - Vehicle entering intersection marked stop or yield.
- NRS 484B.260 - Vehicle entering highway from private way.
- NRS 484B.263 - Vehicle entering or exiting controlled-access highway: Duty to yield right-of-way.
- NRS 484B.267 - Operation of vehicle on approach of authorized emergency vehicle or official vehicle of regulatory agency.
- NRS 484B.270 - Vehicles, bicycles, electric bicycles, electric scooters and pedestrians: Driver’s duty of due care; additional penalty if driver is proximate cause of collision with person riding bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter.
- NRS 484B.280 - Duties of driver of motor vehicle to pedestrian; additional penalty if driver is proximate cause of collision with pedestrian or if violation committed in pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.283 - Right-of-way in crosswalk; impeding ability of driver to yield prohibited; overtaking vehicle at crosswalk; obedience to signals and other devices for control of traffic; additional penalty if driver is proximate cause of collision with pedestrian or if violation committed in pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.287 - When pedestrian must yield right-of-way to vehicle; when crossing at crosswalk is required; crossing diagonally; additional penalty if violation occurs in pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.290 - Right-of-way of person who is blind; penalty.
- NRS 484B.293 - Direction of movement on crosswalk.
- NRS 484B.297 - Walking along and upon highways; solicitation of ride, business or contribution from driver or occupant of vehicle prohibited in certain circumstances; intoxicated pedestrian prohibited within traveled portion of highway; applicability to riders of animals; applicability where sidewalk is obstructed; penalty.
- NRS 484B.300 - Obedience to devices for control of traffic; exceptions; placement of devices; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.303 - Disobedience of directions of device for control of traffic unlawful; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.307 - Traffic controlled by official traffic-control devices exhibiting different colored lights: Rights and duties of vehicular traffic and pedestrians depending upon particular signal displayed; exceptions for person driving motorcycle, moped or trimobile or riding bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter; signals placed over individual lanes; certain restrictions upon local authorities; additional penalty for violation committed in pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.310 - Flashing signals.
- NRS 484B.313 - Display of unauthorized signs, signals, markings or street banners; limitation on placement of commercial advertising; removal as public nuisance; exceptions; use of advertising revenues to repay bonds.
- NRS 484B.317 - Interference with official device for control of traffic or sign or signal for railroad prohibited; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.320 - Devices and mechanisms capable of interfering with or altering signal of traffic-control signal: General prohibition against operating and selling; seizure by police; presence in or on vehicle as prima facie evidence of violation; penalty; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone; exceptions for providers of mass transit and response agencies.
- NRS 484B.323 - Carpool lanes: Use of carpool lanes in conformance with signs; penalty.
- NRS 484B.327 - Unlawful to remove barriers and signs stating highway is closed to traffic; driving on such highway unlawful; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.330 - Obedience to signal of authorized flagger; prosecution of violations; penalties.
- NRS 484B.350 - Stop required in obedience to direction or traffic-control signal of school crossing guard; penalty; additional penalty if driver is proximate cause of collision with pedestrian or person riding bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter.
- NRS 484B.353 - Overtaking and passing school bus: Duties of driver; exceptions; penalties.
- NRS 484B.357 - Report by driver of school bus of failure of driver of vehicle to stop; submission of report to school district and Department; provision of notice to owner of vehicle.
- NRS 484B.360 - Maximum speed of school bus.
- NRS 484B.363 - School zone or school crossing zone: Speed limit; designation; signs; U-turn and overtaking another vehicle prohibited; determination of hours in which speed limit is in effect; additional penalty if driver is proximate cause of collision with pedestrian or person riding bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter.
- NRS 484B.367 - School zone or school crossing zone: Requirements for signs; placement of portable signs.
- NRS 484B.400 - Required position and method of turning at intersections.
- NRS 484B.403 - When U-turns are authorized and prohibited; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.407 - Turning on curve or crest of grade prohibited in certain circumstances.
- NRS 484B.410 - Starting parked vehicle.
- NRS 484B.413 - Requirements for turning on highway; signal for stopping or decreasing speed.
- NRS 484B.417 - Signal by hand and arm or signal lamp or device authorized.
- NRS 484B.420 - Methods of giving signals by hand and arm.
- NRS 484B.440 - Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence district.
- NRS 484B.443 - Law enforcement officer authorized to remove certain vehicles and property; protocol for selection and use of towing services; duties and liability of person removing vehicle or property; responsibility for cost of removal.
- NRS 484B.447 - Preservation of criminal evidence when vehicle is removed from highway.
- NRS 484B.450 - Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places; exceptions.
- NRS 484B.453 - Prohibited parking in front of theaters, hotels and other buildings.
- NRS 484B.457 - Parallel and angle parking; stopping, standing and parking on highways under jurisdiction of Department of Transportation.
- NRS 484B.460 - Parking at angle designated by devices permitting angle parking.
- NRS 484B.463 - Special license plate or plates and special or temporary parking placards and stickers: Use; alternative use of special plate or plates issued to veteran with a disability; limitations. [Effective until the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient resources are available to carry out the provisions of chapter 129, Statutes of Nevada 2015, at page 476.]
- NRS 484B.463 - Special license plate or plates and special or temporary parking placards and stickers: Use; alternative use of special plate or plates issued to veteran with a disability; limitations. [Effective on the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient resources are available to enable the Department to carry out the provisions of chapter 129, Statutes of Nevada 2015, at page 476.]
- NRS 484B.467 - Parking space designated for persons who are handicapped: Signs; required plates, stickers or placards for parking; prohibited acts; penalty. [Effective until the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient resources are available to carry out the provisions of chapter 129, Statutes of Nevada 2015, at page 476.]
- NRS 484B.467 - Parking space designated for persons who are handicapped: Signs; required plates, stickers or placards for parking; prohibited acts; penalty. [Effective on the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient resources are available to enable the Department to carry out the provisions of chapter 129, Statutes of Nevada 2015, at page 476.]
- NRS 484B.468 - Parking space designated for charging electric or hybrid electric vehicles: Signs; prohibited acts; penalties.
- NRS 484B.470 - Local law enforcement agency authorized to appoint volunteers to enforce certain laws concerning parking for persons who are handicapped.
- NRS 484B.473 - Parked vehicle at nighttime: Reflectors; lights.
- NRS 484B.477 - Stopping, standing or parking in alley.
- NRS 484B.480 - All-night parking.
- NRS 484B.483 - Parking for certain purposes prohibited.
- NRS 484B.487 - Parking adjacent to school.
- NRS 484B.490 - Parking on narrow highway.
- NRS 484B.493 - Standing or parking on one-way street.
- NRS 484B.497 - Standing or parking on one-way roadway.
- NRS 484B.500 - Stopping, standing or parking near hazardous or congested place.
- NRS 484B.503 - Stopping, standing or parking in zone for loading passengers at curb.
- NRS 484B.507 - Stopping, standing or parking in zone for loading freight at curb.
- NRS 484B.510 - Stopping, standing or parking in restricted parking zone.
- NRS 484B.513 - Stopping, standing and parking of bus or taxicab.
- NRS 484B.517 - Restricted use of bus and taxicab stands.
- NRS 484B.520 - Regulation of stopping, standing or parking by local authority.
- NRS 484B.523 - Stopping, standing or parking in metered parking zone; unlawful tampering with meter.
- NRS 484B.527 - Local authority authorized to file notice of nonpayment with Department if registered owner of motor vehicle fails to pay certain penalties, fines or other charges; contents of notice; regulations.
- NRS 484B.530 - Unattended motor vehicle: Stopping engine, locking ignition and removing key.
- NRS 484B.533 - Unattended motor vehicle: Standing on grade.
Signal by Peace Officer Railroad Grade Crossings
- NRS 484B.553 - Obedience to signal indicating approach of railroad train or other on-track equipment.
- NRS 484B.557 - Stop required at certain railroad grade crossings.
- NRS 484B.560 - Certain vehicles required to stop at all railroad grade crossings; exceptions; vehicles required to completely cross railroad grade crossings.
- NRS 484B.563 - Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossing.
- NRS 484B.570 - Administrative roadblock: Establishment; minimum requirements.
- NRS 484B.573 - Temporary roadblock: Establishment; minimum requirements.
- NRS 484B.574 - Flooding or water on roadway: Liability for expenses if person travels through temporary roadblock or is convicted of reckless driving; limitations on liability and expenses; immunity from liability.
- NRS 484B.577 - Authority of police officers not limited by provisions relating to roadblocks.
- NRS 484B.580 - Failure to stop at roadblock; penalties.
- NRS 484B.587 - Obedience to signs relating to controlled-access highway; restrictions on driving on controlled-access highway; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone.
- NRS 484B.590 - Heavy-vehicle lanes: Authority of Department of Transportation to erect advisory signs on controlled-access facilities.
- NRS 484B.593 - Restrictions on use of controlled-access highway; penalty.
- NRS 484B.600 - Basic rule; additional penalties for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone or if driver is proximate cause of collision with pedestrian or person riding bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter; discretion of court to reduce violation in certain circumstances; maximum fine.
- NRS 484B.603 - Duty of driver to decrease speed under certain circumstances; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.607 - Duties of driver when approaching traffic incident; penalty.
- NRS 484B.610 - Speed limit in unincorporated town; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone.
- NRS 484B.613 - Speed limit: Establishment for vehicles on highways constructed and maintained by Department of Transportation; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone.
- NRS 484B.617 - Certain violations of speed limit in rural areas: Fines; Department not to record violation on driver’s record; violation not deemed moving traffic violation.
- NRS 484B.620 - Speed zones and signs.
- NRS 484B.621 - Establishment of State Route 159 Safety Speed Zone; considerations when establishing maximum speed; adequate signage or other forms of notice required to be evaluated and installed to support maximum speed established.
- NRS 484B.623 - Slow driving; establishment of minimum speed limit.
- NRS 484B.627 - Duties of driver driving motor vehicle at speed so slow as to impede forward movement of traffic; prohibition against stopping vehicle on roadway so as to impede or block normal and reasonable movement of traffic; exception.
- NRS 484B.630 - Circumstances in which driver of slow-moving vehicle has duty to turn off roadway; penalty.
- NRS 484B.633 - Special limitations on speed.
- NRS 484B.637 - "Low-speed vehicle" defined; highways upon which low-speed vehicles may be operated; exception.
- NRS 484B.650 - Acts constituting aggressive driving; penalties; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.653 - Reckless driving, organization of unauthorized speed contests and driving in or facilitating unauthorized trick driving displays prohibited; penalties; court to suspend driver’s license of certain offenders; additional penalties for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone or if driver is proximate cause of collision with pedestrian or person riding bicycle; court may order impounding vehicle of certain offenders.
- NRS 484B.657 - Vehicular manslaughter; penalty; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone.
- NRS 484B.700 - Privileges granted to driver of authorized emergency vehicle, official vehicle of regulatory agency or vehicle escorting funeral procession; application of privileges; limitation of privileges.
- NRS 484B.703 - Driving through funeral or other procession.
- NRS 484B.707 - Driving in procession.
- NRS 484B.710 - Following fire apparatus prohibited.
- NRS 484B.740 - Fusee: Limitation on color.
- NRS 484B.743 - Reflective material required for person directing or controlling traffic near school.
- NRS 484B.747 - Operator of tow car to place warning signs when rendering assistance to disabled vehicle on certain roadways.
- NRS 484B.748 - Use of flashing amber warning lights or nonflashing blue lights on tow car at scene of traffic hazard; compliance with standards approved by Department.
- NRS 484B.750 - Placement of red flares, red lanterns, warning lights or reflectors by tow car operator near warning signs when rendering assistance to disabled vehicle on highway in certain circumstances.
- NRS 484B.753 - When operator of tow car authorized to tow vehicle with person inside. [Effective until the date on which the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, or his or her authorized representative, rescinds that portion of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208 (49 C.F.R. § 571.208) which requires the installation of automatic restraints in new private passenger motor vehicles, unless the Secretary’s decision to rescind is not based on the enactment or continued operation of section 1 of chapter 29, Statutes of Nevada 2009.]
- NRS 484B.753 - When operator of tow car authorized to tow vehicle with person inside. [Effective on the date on which the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, or his or her authorized representative, rescinds that portion of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208 (49 C.F.R. § 571.208) which requires the installation of automatic restraints in new private passenger motor vehicles, unless the Secretary’s decision to rescind is not based on the enactment or continued operation of section 1 of chapter 29, Statutes of Nevada 2009.]
- NRS 484B.757 - Use of flashing amber warning lights by private patrol officer.
- NRS 484B.760 - Penalty for violation of provisions; responsibility of parent of child or guardian of ward; applicability of provisions to bicycles, electric bicycles and electric scooters.
- NRS 484B.763 - Application of traffic laws to person riding bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter.
- NRS 484B.767 - Certain persons operating bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter while on duty not required to comply with laws in certain circumstances.
- NRS 484B.768 - Required action of operator of bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter when turning from direct course; when signal not required.
- NRS 484B.769 - Signals required to be given by operator of bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter on roadway.
- NRS 484B.770 - Person riding bicycle or electric bicycle must be on or astride seat; limitation on number of persons carried on bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter.
- NRS 484B.773 - Attaching to vehicle upon roadway prohibited.
- NRS 484B.777 - Operating bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter on roadway.
- NRS 484B.780 - Carrying articles on bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter.
- NRS 484B.783 - Lamps, reflectors and brakes required on bicycles, electric bicycles and electric scooters.
- NRS 484B.785 - Operation of electric scooter: Limitations on place and speed; applicability of laws; rights and duties of operator.
- NRS 484B.790 - Mobile carrying device: Operation on sidewalks and crosswalks; limitations; duties of operator; device has rights and duties of pedestrian; penalties.
- NRS 484B.900 - Rental agency not liable for traffic violation by user of rented vehicle.
- NRS 484B.903 - Putting glass or other injurious substance on highway prohibited.
- NRS 484B.907 - Violation of curfew by drivers who are 16 or 17 years of age; exception for scheduled events; violation does not constitute primary offense.
- NRS 484B.910 - Motor must be shut off when supply tank being filled with fuel.
- NRS 484B.913 - Crossing fire hose.
- NRS 484B.917 - Police officer to remove and destroy lights and sirens unlawfully installed or operated.
- NRS 484B.920 - Permits required for certain parades and processions, sound trucks and oversized or overweight vehicles or equipment; duties of Department of Transportation; authority of cities and counties to provide recommendations and notice; regulations; penalty.
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