There Is a Newer Version of the Arizona Revised Statutes
2005 Arizona Revised Statutes - Title 16 - Elections and Electors
Chapter 1 - QUALIFICATION AND REGISTRATION OF ELECTORSArticle 1 - Qualifications for Registration
- §16-101 Qualifications of registrant; definition
- §16-102 Power of attorney; prohibited use
- §16-103 Qualified person temporarily absent from state; persons in the service of the United States
- §16-104 Registration in incorporated cities and towns
- §16-105 Registration required by city ordinance or charter
Article 1.1 - Driver's License Voter Registration
Article 2 - Qualifications for Voting
- §16-120 Eligibility to vote
- §16-121 Qualified elector; definition
- §16-121.01 Requirements for proper registration
- §16-122 Registration and records prerequisite to voting
- §16-124 Public officer residing in county of post of duty
- §16-125 Change of residence to different county during twenty‑nine day period preceding election
- §16-126 Authority to vote in presidential election after moving from state
Article 3 - Registration Officers and Procedures
- §16-131 Registration of electors; deputy registrars
- §16-134 Return of registrations made outside office of county recorder; incomplete or illegible forms
- §16-135 Change of residence from one address to another
- §16-136 Change of political party
- §16-137 Change of name
- §16-139 Registration expenses as county charge
- §16-140 Voter registration assistance agencies; definitions
- §16-141 Armed forces recruiting offices; voter registration assistance
- §16-142 Secretary of state; national voter registration act; uniformed and overseas citizens; voter fraud hotline
Article 4 - Forms
- §16-151 Forms for registration supplied by county recorder and secretary of state
- §16-152 Registration form
- §16-153 Voter registration; confidentiality; definitions
Article 5 - Registration Rolls
- §16-161 Official record of registration
- §16-162 Retention of registration forms and record of cancellation
- §16-163 Assignment of registrations to general county register; exception; notification to elector; filing of registration forms
- §16-164 Cancellation of registration on new registration form effecting change of precinct, party, address or name
- §16-165 Causes for cancellation
- §16-166 Verification of registration
- §16-168 Precinct registers; date of preparation; contents; copies; reports; statewide database; violation; classification
- §16-169 Disposition and use of precinct registers; signature roster; form
- §16-170 Transmittal of signature roster to county recorder; comparison of names by recorder
- §16-171 Preservation of signature rosters as permanent records
- §16-172 Use of county registration rolls by political subdivisions
- §16-173 County recorder to file data processing system or program
Article 6 - Penal Provisions
- §16-181 Return of registration; violation; classification
- §16-182 False registration; classification; cancellation of registration
- §16-183 Violations; classification
- §16-184 Additional violations; classification
Article 1 - Applicability
- §16-191 Applicability
- §16-192 Use of special district resources to influence elections; applicability
Article 1 - Primary Election
- §16-201 Primary elections
- §16-202 Notice of offices for which candidates are to be nominated at primary
- §16-203 Primary election for nomination of candidates in municipalities
- §16-204; Version 2 Declaration of statewide concern; consolidated election dates
- §16-204 Declaration of statewide concern; consolidated election dates
- §16-205 Election dates; notice; administration
Article 2 - General Election
- §16-211 General election
- §16-212 Election of presidential electors
- §16-213 Election of United States senator
- §16-214 Issuance of proclamation for general election by governor; publication by boards of supervisors
Article 3 - Other Elections; Special Provisions Relating to Election of Certain Officers
- §16-221 Special election to fill vacancy in Congress
- §16-222 Vacancy in the office of United States senator or representative
- §16-223 Issuance of proclamation for special election by governor; publication by boards of supervisors
- §16-224 Proclamation by governor; time for electing delegates to convention for ratification of amendment to the Constitution of the United States
- §16-225 Special district election dates
- §16-226 Nonpartisan elections; time of calling; definition
- §16-227 Publication of call of election for nonpartisan elections
- §16-228 Notice of election for nonpartisan elections
- §16-229 Affidavit of compliance
- §16-230 Vacancy in certain state or county offices; election
Article 4 - Presidential Preference Election
- §16-241 Presidential preference election; conduct of election
- §16-242 Qualifications for ballot; nomination paper
- §16-243 National convention delegates; pledged support to candidates
- §16-244 Representation on ballot
- §16-245 Form and content of ballot
- §16-246 Early balloting; satellite locations; additional procedures
- §16-247 Write-in candidates prohibited
- §16-248 Designation of polling places
- §16-249 Certification of election to parties; automatic recount inapplicable; tabulation
- §16-250 Expenses of election
Article 1 - Party Nomination Requirements
- §16-301 Nomination of candidates for printing on official ballot of general or special election
- §16-302 Failure to nominate candidate in primary election
Article 2 - Filing and Forms
- §16-311 Nomination papers; filing; definitions
- §16-312 Filing of nomination papers for write‑in candidates
- §16-313 Filing of nomination paper and petitions for special primary election
- §16-314 Filing and form of nomination petitions; definition
- §16-315 Form of petitions
Article 3 - Signature Requirements
- §16-321 Signing and certification of nomination petition
- §16-322 Number of signatures required on nomination petitions
Article 4 - Judicial Offices
- §16-331 Election of superior court judges by declared divisions of court
- §16-332 Election of justices of supreme court or judges of court of appeals by declared terms
- §16-333 Preparation and filing of nominating petition for certain judicial offices
Article 5 - Nomination Other Than by Primary
- §16-341 Nomination petition; method and time of filing; form; qualifications and number of petitioners required
- §16-342 Special election nominations by delegate convention
- §16-343 Filling vacancy caused by death or incapacity or withdrawal of candidate
- §16-344 Office of presidential elector; appointment by state committee chairman
Article 6 - Challenge of Nomination Petitions
Chapter 4 - CONDUCT OF ELECTIONSArticle 1 - General Provisions
- §16-400 Definition of mark
- §16-401 Applicability of general election law to primary elections
- §16-402 Absence from employment for purpose of voting; application therefor; violation; classification
- §16-403 City or town primaries; duties of officers
- §16-404 Preparation of polling place; voting booths; ballot boxes for paper ballots
- §16-405 Preparation for elections
- §16-406 Public display of voting equipment
- §16-407 Election officers; qualifications; certificates; certification programs; plan; exemption; election training fund
- §16-407.01 Election officer education, training and certification advisory committee
- §16-408 Cost of special district elections; bond
- §16-409 Certain cities, towns and school districts; mail ballot elections; report
Article 2 - Election Precincts and Polling Places
- §16-411 Designation of election precincts and polling places; electioneering; wait times
- §16-412 Effective date of new precincts
- §16-413 Precincts; special district boundaries
Article 3 - Voting Equipment; Lever
- §16-421 Adoption of voting machines; experimental use
- §16-422 Definitions; applicability of general laws
- §16-423 Authorization for use at all elections
- §16-424 Specifications of voting machine
- §16-425 Preparation of machines prior to election
- §16-426 Equipment to be provided with machine
- §16-427 Instruction of voters prior to election as to use of machine
- §16-428 Machine to remain sealed after election
- §16-429 Custody of voting machines and keys
- §16-430 Number of voting machines in a precinct
Article 4 - Voting Equipment; Electromechanical
- §16-441 Effective date of article; approval of counting equipment
- §16-442 Committee approval; adoption of vote tabulating equipment; experimental use; emergency
- §16-442.01 Accessible voting technology; recommendations; certification; applicability
- §16-443 Authorization of use at all elections
- §16-444 Definitions; applicability of general laws
- §16-445 Filing of computer election programs with secretary of state
- §16-446 Specifications of electronic voting system
- §16-447 Voting devices; inspection; specifications and number of booths
- §16-448 Write-in votes; marking with rubber stamp or other devices; instructions
- §16-449 Required test of equipment and programs; notice; procedures manual
- §16-450 Location and acquisition of vote tabulating devices
- §16-451 Cost; means of financing
- §16-452 Rules; instructions and procedures manual; approval of manual; field check and review of systems; violation; classification
Article 5 - Ballots and Supplies; Primary
- §16-461 Sample primary election ballots; submission to party chairmen for examination; preparation, printing and distribution of ballot
- §16-462 Form of paper ballot
- §16-463 Form of ballots; lever machines
- §16-464 Rotation of names on ballots
- §16-465 Arrangement of candidates' names at primary election
- §16-466 Ballots, ballot labels and ballot screens; electromechanical
- §16-467 Method of voting on ballot
- §16-468 Form of ballot; optical scanning system; sample ballots
Article 6 - Ballots and Supplies; General
- §16-501 Compliance with primary election law as prerequisite to printing name on ballot
- §16-502 Form and contents of ballot
- §16-503 Duty to prepare and provide ballots; cost of printing ballots and instruction cards as public expense
- §16-504 Form of ballots; lever machines
- §16-505 Procedure for excessive size of ballot
- §16-506 Ballot and ballot labels; electromechanical
- §16-507 Presentation of presidential electors on ballot
- §16-508 Number of ballots furnished each polling place
- §16-509 Delivery of ballots to election officers
- §16-510 Sample ballots; preparation and distribution
- §16-511 Duty of board of supervisors to furnish election supplies to precinct officers
- §16-512 Displaying United States flag at polls
- §16-513 Instructions for voters and election officers
- §16-513.01 Right to vote a provisional ballot; notice
- §16-514 Notice to voters; form
- §16-515 "Seventy‑five foot limit" notices; posting; violation; classification
- §16-516 Form of poll lists
- §16-517 Form of tally list
Article 7 - Election Boards and Tally Boards
- §16-531 Appointment of election boards and tally boards; qualifications
- §16-532 Instruction of election board inspectors and judges; certificate of qualification; optional training; instruction of counting center election officials
- §16-533 Filling vacancy in election board by electors
- §16-534 Inspector as chairman and supervisor of board; powers; power of board and clerks to administer oaths; oath of members
- §16-535 Election marshal; appointment; powers and duties
- §16-536 Compensation of election and tally board officers
- §16-537 Powers and duties of election officers with respect to special elections
Article 8 - Early Voting
- §16-541 Early voting
- §16-542 Request for ballot
- §16-543 Application for ballot; United States service; emergency procedures
- §16-543.01 Procedures for voting with special write‑in early ballots
- §16-543.02 Federal write‑in early ballots; procedure; registration form
- §16-545 Early ballot
- §16-546 Early votes
- §16-547 Ballot affidavit; form
- §16-548 Preparation and transmission of ballot
- §16-549 Special election boards; procedure for voting ill or disabled electors; expenses
- §16-550 Receipt of voter's ballot
- §16-551 Early election board
- §16-552 Early ballots; processing; challenges
Article 8.1 - Optional Special District Mail Ballot Elections
- §16-558 Special districts; mail ballot election option; conduct
- §16-558.01 Mailing of ballots
- §16-558.02 Replacement ballots
Article 9 - Polling Place Procedures
- §16-561 Examination of machines on election day
- §16-562 Preparation and arrangement of polling place with voting booths and ballot boxes
- §16-563 Posting sample ballots, instruction cards and notice to voters before opening polls
- §16-564 Opening, exhibiting and locking ballot box before receipt of ballots; removal and opening of box
- §16-565 Hours polls opened and closed; proclamation of opening and closing polls
- §16-566 Opening and closing of polling place; unused ballots
- §16-570 Conduct of election; duties of officers; placing machines
- §16-571 Poll lists to be kept by election clerk; posting
- §16-572 Delivery and custody of ballots at polling place
- §16-573 Substitution of ballots when official ballots not available
- §16-574 Repair or substitution of machines; use of paper ballots
- §16-578 Instruction and assistance to voters
- §16-579; Version 2 Procedure for obtaining ballot by elector
- §16-579 Procedure for obtaining ballot by elector
- §16-580 Manner of voting; assistance for certain electors
- §16-581 Elderly or handicapped persons; inaccessible polling places; definitions
- §16-583 Voter not on precinct register; inactive voter list; procedure
- §16-584 Qualified elector not on precinct register; recorder's certificate; verified ballot; procedure
- §16-585 Spoiled ballots; disposition
- §16-590 Appointment of challengers and party representatives
- §16-591 Grounds for challenging an elector
- §16-592 Proceedings on challenge; disposition of ballot
- §16-593 Rules determining residence of voter upon challenge; reading of rules upon request
- §16-594 List of challenges, grounds and rulings
Article 10 - Tally and Returns
- §16-601 Tally of vote
- §16-602 Removal of ballots from ballot boxes; disposition of ballots folded together or excessive ballots; designated margin; hand counts; vote count verification committee
- §16-603 Inspection of ballots by party representative
- §16-604 Count of votes cast; tally list
- §16-605 Disposition of paper ballots after count; marking rejected ballots
- §16-606 Tally and return of votes; lever voting machine
- §16-607 Statements of tally
- §16-608 Delivery of ballots; electronic voting system
- §16-609 Questioned legality of ballots; procedure
- §16-610 Uncertainty of voter's choice as cause for rejection
- §16-611 Certain defects invalidating vote for particular office
- §16-612 Determination of write‑in choice of voter
- §16-614 Signing of tally lists after completion of tally
- §16-615 Delivery of returns
- §16-616 Preparation and disposition of unofficial returns
- §16-617 Transmittal of signature roster and precinct registers to board of supervisors after election
- §16-618 Preparation, disposition and posting of abstract of vote; exception to posting
- §16-619 Preparation, delivery and publication of condensed abstract of vote
- §16-620 Tabulation and publication of condensed abstracts; costs of transmittal
- §16-621 Proceedings at the counting center
- §16-622 Official canvass; unofficial results
- §16-623 Copy of abstract of vote of certain counties filed with secretary of state
- §16-624 Disposition of official returns and ballots
Article 11 - Official Canvass
- §16-641 Retally of vote; lever voting machine
- §16-642 Canvass of election; postponements
- §16-643 Method of canvass
- §16-644 Effect of want of form in precinct returns
- §16-645 Canvass and return of precinct vote; declaring nominee of party; certificate of nomination; write‑in candidates
- §16-646 Statement, contents and mailing of official canvass
- §16-647 Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election
- §16-648 Canvass for state offices, amendments and measures; postponement
- §16-649 Determination of tie vote; notice to candidates; exception
- §16-650 Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election
- §16-651 Proclamation by governor on amendments and initiated and referred measures
Article 12 - Recounts
- §16-661 Automatic recount; requirements; exemption
- §16-662 Certification to superior court of facts requiring recount
- §16-663 Recount of votes; method
- §16-664 Recount of votes by automatic tabulating system
- §16-665 Determination of results by court; distribution of copies of order of determination
- §16-666 Expenses of recount
- §16-667 Supplementary nature of article
Article 13 - Contest of Elections
- §16-671 Contest of primary elections
- §16-672 Contest of state election; grounds; venue
- §16-673 Statement of contest; verification; filing
- §16-674 Contest of county or other election
- §16-675 Summons; form; answer
- §16-676 Time for hearing contest; continuance; findings of the court; judgment
- §16-677 Inspection of ballots before trial; petition; bond; appointment of inspectors
- §16-678 Inapplicability of article to contests of election of legislators
Article 14 - Ratification of Amendments to United States Constitution by Convention
- §16-701 Applicability of election laws
- §16-702 Number of delegates
- §16-703 Qualifications of candidates for delegate; nominations
- §16-704 Ballots; form
- §16-705 Determination of delegates; vacancies; delegate bound to vote in accordance with pre‑election statement; classification
- §16-706 Meeting of delegates in convention
- §16-707 Organization of convention
- §16-708 Journal of proceedings
- §16-709 Certificate of ratification
- §16-710 Compensation and mileage of delegates
- §16-711 Congressional provisions as superseding article
Article 1 - Representation on Ballot
- §16-801 Representation of new party on ballot at primary and general elections
- §16-802 Representation of new party on ballot for county or municipal election
- §16-803 Filing petition for recognition; submission of petitions to county recorder for signature verification
- §16-804 Continued representation on basis of votes cast at last preceding general election or registered electors
- §16-805 Findings of fact and statement of public policy by the legislature of the state of Arizona concerning steps which must be taken to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens of this state and the safety of this state from international Communistic conspiracy
- §16-806 Proscription of Communist Party of United States, its successors, and subsidiary organizations
- §16-807 Political parties trust fund
Article 2 - Party Organization and Government
- §16-821 County committee; vacancy in office of precinct committeeman
- §16-822 Precinct committeemen; eligibility; vacancy; duties
- §16-823 Legislative district committee; organization; boundary change; reorganization
- §16-824 Meeting, organization and officers of county committee
- §16-825 State committee
- §16-825.01 State committee; vacancy; filling of vacancy
- §16-826 Meeting, organization and officers of state committee
- §16-827 Executive committee of state committee
- §16-828 Proxies
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §16-901 Definitions
- §16-901.01 Limitations on certain unreported expenditures and contributions
- §16-902 Organization of political committees
- §16-902.01 Registration of political committees; contents; amendment
- §16-902.02 Out‑of‑state political committees; registration; initial reporting
- §16-903 Candidate's campaign committees; exploratory committees; designation; candidate as agent; civil penalty
- §16-904 Treasurer; duties; records; civil penalty
- §16-905 Contribution limitations; civil penalty; complaint
- §16-906 Loans; repayments; guarantors
- §16-907 Prohibited contributions; classification
- §16-912 Candidates and independent expenditures; campaign literature and advertisement sponsors; identification; civil penalty
- §16-912.01 Ballot measure committees; campaign literature and advertising funding; identification; disclosure; civil penalty; definition
- §16-913 Campaign finance reports; reporting of receipts and disbursements; exemptions; civil penalty
- §16-914 Termination statement
- §16-914.01 Reporting of contributions by committees acting on ballot measures; civil penalty; definition
- §16-915 Contents of campaign finance reports
- §16-915.01 Disposal of surplus monies; transfer of debt
- §16-916 Filing statements of contributions and expenditures; public inspection
- §16-916.01 Electronic filing; statements of contributions and expenditures
- §16-917 Independent expenditures; in-kind contribution; civil penalty
- §16-918 Campaign finance reports; notice; civil penalty; prohibition on candidacy
- §16-919 Prohibition of contributions by corporations, limited liability companies or labor organizations; exemption; classification; definitions
- §16-920 Permitted expenditures by corporations and labor organizations
- §16-921 Unlawful contributions by corporations and labor organizations from a fund; procedures; definitions
- §16-923 Volunteering services for expected compensation; classification
- §16-924 Civil penalties; attorney general; county, city or town attorney
- §16-925 Deceptive mailings; civil penalty
Article 2 - Citizens Clean Elections Act
- §16-940 Findings and declarations
- §16-941 Limits on spending and contributions for political campaigns
- §16-942 Civil penalties and forfeiture of office
- §16-943 Criminal violations and penalties
- §16-944 Fees imposed on lobbyists
- §16-945 Limits on early contributions
- §16-946 Qualifying contributions
- §16-947 Certification as a participating candidate
- §16-948 Controls on participating candidates' campaign accounts
- §16-949 Caps on spending from citizens clean elections fund
- §16-950 Qualification for clean campaign funding
- §16-951 Clean campaign funding
- §16-952 Equal funding of candidates
- §16-953 Return of monies to the citizens clean elections fund
- §16-954 Clean elections tax reduction; return of excess monies
- §16-955 Citizens clean election commission; structure
- §16-956 Voter education and enforcement duties
- §16-957 Enforcement procedure
- §16-958 Manner of filing reports
- §16-959 Inflationary and other adjustments of dollar values
- §16-960 Severability
- §16-961 Definitions
Article 1 - General Provisions
- §16-1001 Applicability of penal provisions
- §16-1002 Counterfeiting or distributing unlawful ballots; classification
- §16-1003 False endorsement, knowing destruction or delay in delivery of ballot; classification
- §16-1004 Interference with or corruption of election officer; interference with voting equipment; classification
- §16-1005 Early ballot abuse; classification
- §16-1006 Changing vote of elector by corrupt means or inducement; classification
- §16-1007 Election officer ascertaining or disclosing elector's vote; classification
- §16-1008 Election officer changing vote of elector by menace or reward; classification
- §16-1009 Failure or refusal to perform duty by election officer; classification
- §16-1010 Refusal by election officer to perform duty; violation of election law; classification
- §16-1011 Counterfeiting election returns; classification
- §16-1012 Intimidation of elector by employer; classification
- §16-1013 Coercion or intimidation of elector; classification
- §16-1014 Corruption of electors; classification
- §16-1015 Election wagers; classification
- §16-1016 Illegal voting; pollution of ballot box; removal or destruction of ballot box, poll lists or ballots; classification
- §16-1017 Unlawful acts by voters with respect to voting; classification
- §16-1018 Additional unlawful acts by persons with respect to voting; classification
- §16-1019 Political signs; tampering; classification
- §16-1020 Signing of petitions; violation; classification
- §16-1021 Enforcement by attorney general and county, city or town attorney
Article 1 - In General
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