There Is a Newer Version of the Wyoming Statutes
2011 Wyoming Statutes
ARTICLE 1 - IN GENERAL- 31-5-101. Short title.
- 31-5-102. Definitions.
- 31-5-103. Applicability of provisions to vehicles being operated upon highways.
- 31-5-104. Obedience to authorized persons directing traffic.
- 31-5-105. Applicability of provisions to drivers of public vehicles.
- 31-5-106. Authorized emergency vehicles.
- 31-5-107. Persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles.
- 31-5-108. Local regulations.
- 31-5-109. General powers of local authorities.
- 31-5-110. Limitations upon powers of local authorities; exceptions as to municipal authorities.
- 31-5-111. Right of real property owners to prohibit or regulate public vehicular use; handicapped parking.
- 31-5-112. Adoption of uniform system of traffic-control devices.
- 31-5-113. Placement and maintenance of traffic-control devices by department.
- 31-5-114. Renumbered as 31-18-602 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 4.
- 31-5-115. Operation of motorcycles and pedestrian vehicles.
- 31-5-116. Obstruction to driver's view or driving mechanism.
- 31-5-117. Dropping or throwing material on highway; removal of injurious material.
- 31-5-118. Regulations relative to school buses.
- 31-5-119. Clinging to vehicles.
- 31-5-120. Driving upon sidewalk.
- 31-5-121. Opening and closing vehicle doors.
- 31-5-122. Riding in house trailers.
- 31-5-123. Funeral processions; right-of-way; limitations.
- 31-5-124. Off-road recreational vehicles; multipurpose vehicles; limitation on use; equipment.
- 31-5-201. Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions.
- 31-5-202. Passing of vehicle approaching from opposite direction.
- 31-5-203. Rules governing overtaking on the left.
- 31-5-204. General limitations on overtaking on the left.
- 31-5-205. Additional limitations on driving on the left; exceptions.
- 31-5-206. Overtaking on the right.
- 31-5-207. No-passing zones.
- 31-5-208. One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands.
- 31-5-209. Driving on roadways laned for traffic.
- 31-5-210. Following too closely.
- 31-5-211. Driving on divided highways.
- 31-5-212. Driving onto or from controlled-access highways.
- 31-5-213. Restrictions on use of controlled-access highways.
- 31-5-214. Required position and method of turning at intersections.
- 31-5-215. Limitations on turning around.
- 31-5-216. Starting parked vehicle.
- 31-5-217. Turning movements and required signals.
- 31-5-218. Signals by hand and arm or signal lamps.
- 31-5-219. Manner of giving hand and arm signals.
- 31-5-220. Approaching or entering intersection.
- 31-5-221. Turning left at intersection.
- 31-5-222. Stop signs and yield signs.
- 31-5-223. Entering or crossing roadway.
- 31-5-224. Operation of vehicles upon approach of authorized emergency vehicles.
- 31-5-225. Fleeing or attempting to elude police officers; penalty.
- 31-5-226. Limitations on backing.
- 31-5-227. Driving through defiles or canyons or on mountain highways.
- 31-5-228. Loads on vehicles.
- 31-5-229. Reckless driving.
- 31-5-230. Coasting.
- 31-5-231. Following fire apparatus.
- 31-5-232. Driving over fire hose.
- 31-5-233. Driving or having control of vehicle while under influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled substances; penalties.
- 31-5-234. Unlawful operation of vehicle by youthful driver with detectable alcohol concentration; penalty.
- 31-5-235. Consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages in opened containers by operator of vehicle prohibited; definitions; penalty.
- 31-5-236. Careless driving.
- 31-5-237. Use of handheld electronic wireless communication devices for electronic messaging prohibited; exceptions; penalties.
- 31-5-301. Maximum speed limits.
- 31-5-302. Establishment of specific maximum speed limits by superintendent.
- 31-5-303. Establishing maximum speed limits by local authorities.
- 31-5-304. Minimum speed limits.
- 31-5-305. Special speed limit at bridges and other elevated structures.
- 31-5-306. Charging violations; burden of proving proximate cause.
- 31-5-401. Duty of local authorities to place and maintain.
- 31-5-402. Obedience to devices; exceptions.
- 31-5-403. Signal legend generally.
- 31-5-404. Pedestrian-control signals.
- 31-5-405. Flashing signals.
- 31-5-406. Display of unauthorized signs; advertising on traffic signs.
- 31-5-501. Authority to place signs prohibiting, regulating or restricting parking; handicapped parking; obedience to signs required; free parking areas.
- 31-5-502. Penalty for violation of W.S. 31-5-501.
- 31-5-503. Erection and maintenance of traffic-control devices to designate through highways.
- 31-5-504. Specific places where prohibited.
- 31-5-505. Roadways outside of business or residence districts.
- 31-5-506. Emerging from alley, building, private road or driveway.
- 31-5-507. Meeting or passing stopped school bus; markings and visual signals.
- 31-5-508. Removal of illegally stopped vehicles.
- 31-5-509. Requirements before leaving motor vehicle unattended.
- 31-5-510. Railroad crossings generally.
- 31-5-511. Stopping requirements for certain vehicles at railroad crossings.
- 31-5-512. Parking alongside curbs or on edge of roadways; angle parking; power of highway department to place devices restricting parking.
- 31-5-601. Obedience to traffic-control devices; general privileges and restrictions.
- 31-5-602. Right-of-way in crosswalks.
- 31-5-603. Crossing at other than crosswalks.
- 31-5-604. Use of right half of crosswalks.
- 31-5-605. Walking along roadways or highways.
- 31-5-606. Soliciting on streets and highways.
- 31-5-607. Exercise of due care by drivers.
- 31-5-608. Driving through or within safety zone.
- 31-5-609. Right-of-way on sidewalks.
- 31-5-610. Yielding of right-of-way to authorized emergency vehicles.
- 31-5-611. Blind pedestrian right-of-way.
- 31-5-612. Pedestrians under influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
- 31-5-613. Passing through railroad crossing gate or barrier.
- 31-5-701. Prohibited acts.
- 31-5-702. General rights and duties of riders.
- 31-5-703. Number of riders.
- 31-5-704. Riding on roadways and designated paths.
- 31-5-705. Carrying articles.
- 31-5-706. Lamps and other equipment.
- 31-5-901. General requirements; applicability of provisions.
- 31-5-910. Lighted lamps and illuminating devices.
- 31-5-911. Visibility distance.
- 31-5-912. Head lamps.
- 31-5-913. Tail lamps.
- 31-5-914. Rear reflectors.
- 31-5-915. Stop lamps; electric turn signal lamps.
- 31-5-916. Additional lamps and reflectors.
- 31-5-917. Color of lighting devices.
- 31-5-918. Vehicles in combination.
- 31-5-919. Lamps, reflectors and flags on projecting loads.
- 31-5-920. Parked vehicles.
- 31-5-921. Farm and other vehicles and equipment; slow moving vehicle emblems.
- 31-5-922. Spot lamps.
- 31-5-923. Vehicular traffic hazard lamps.
- 31-5-924. Multiple-beam lamps.
- 31-5-925. Single-beam lamps.
- 31-5-926. Alternate lighting for slow-moving vehicles.
- 31-5-927. Number of driving lamps.
- 31-5-928. General lighting restrictions; authorized emergency vehicles.
- 31-5-929. School buses.
- 31-5-930. Highway construction and maintenance vehicles.
- 31-5-931. Backup and side marker lamps.
- 31-5-932. Approved sale of lighting devices; mounting.
- 31-5-933. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 138, 3.
- 31-5-934. Approved sale of equipment generally.
- 31-5-935. Standards for safety equipment.
- 31-5-936. Identification requirements for equipment.
- 31-5-937. Approval of safety equipment by superintendent.
- 31-5-938. Duration of superintendent's approval.
- 31-5-939. Revocation of superintendent's approval; reapproval.
- 31-5-940. Testing and enforcement program.
- 31-5-950. General braking requirements.
- 31-5-951. Brakes on motor-driven cycles.
- 31-5-952. Horns and warning devices.
- 31-5-953. Mufflers.
- 31-5-954. Mirrors.
- 31-5-955. Windshields and wipers.
- 31-5-956. Tires; restriction of travel under hazardous conditions; penalties.
- 31-5-957. Required flares, lanterns or reflectors for certain vehicles.
- 31-5-958. Display of warning devices when vehicle disabled.
- 31-5-959. Vehicles transporting hazardous materials.
- 31-5-960. Pedestrian vehicles.
- 31-5-961. Television receivers; electronic displays.
- 31-5-962. Sunscreening devices.
- 31-5-970. Required safe mechanical condition.
- 31-5-1001. Renumbered as 31-18-801 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 3.
- 31-5-1002. Renumbered as 31-18-802 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 3.
- 31-5-1003. Renumbered as 31-18-803 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 4.
- 31-5-1004. Renumbered as 31-18-804 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 3.
- 31-5-1005. Renumbered as 31-18-805 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 3.
- 31-5-1006. Renumbered as 31-18-806 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 4.
- 31-5-1007. Renumbered as 31-18-807 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 3.
- 31-5-1008. Renumbered as 31-18-808 by Laws 1993, ch. 68, 3.
- 31-5-1009. Prohibition of triple trailers.
- 31-5-1101. Duty to stop vehicle where accident involves death or personal injuries; penalties.
- 31-5-1102. Duty to stop vehicle where accident involves damage to attended vehicle or property; penalty.
- 31-5-1103. Duty to give information and render aid.
- 31-5-1104. Duty upon colliding with unattended vehicle or property.
- 31-5-1105. Notice required of driver.
- 31-5-1106. Written reports required of driver and police officer; reporting of vehicles struck by bullets.
- 31-5-1107. Duty of occupant and owner when driver incapable of reporting.
- 31-5-1108. Report forms; failure to make report; false report.
- 31-5-1109. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 212, 4.
- 31-5-1110. Confidentiality of reports; exceptions.
- 31-5-1111. Reports required by municipalities.
- 31-5-1112. Tabulation and analysis of reports.
- 31-5-1201. Violation of provisions to constitute misdemeanor; penalties.
- 31-5-1202. Parties to crime.
- 31-5-1203. Unlawful acts by persons owning or controlling vehicles.
- 31-5-1204. Authority to make arrest; general arrest procedures; arrest of nonresidents.
- 31-5-1205. Traffic citations; notice to appear in court; release upon promise to appear; procedure before judge or court; arrest for driving under the influence.
- 31-5-1206. Violation of promise to appear; appearance by counsel.
- 31-5-1207. Procedure not exclusive.
- 31-5-1208. Inadmissibility of evidence of conviction.
- 31-5-1209. Effect of conviction upon credibility of witness.
- 31-5-1210. Traffic citation books.
- 31-5-1211. Disposition and records of traffic citations.
- 31-5-1212. Audit of traffic citation records; annual summary of traffic violation notices.
- 31-5-1213. Use of citations as lawful complaints.
- 31-5-1214. Record of traffic cases; reports of convictions.
- 31-5-1301. Short title.
- 31-5-1302. Definitions.
- 31-5-1303. Child safety restraint system; required use; exception.
- 31-5-1304. Penalty.
- 31-5-1305. Limiting application.
- 31-5-1501. Definitions.
- 31-5-1502. Motorcycle safety education program created.
- 31-5-1503. Rider training courses; certificates; exemption for licensing skills test.
- 31-5-1504. Instructor training and approval.
- 31-5-1505. Implementing authority; rules and regulations.
- 31-5-1506. Motorcycle safety education program account.
- 31-5-1507. Advisory committee created; appointments; terms; duties; removal; compensation.
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. Wyoming may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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