2020 Revised Code of Washington
Title 28A - Common School Provisions

  • RCW Dispositions - Information about RCW sections that have been repealed, expired, decodified, or recodified.


Actions against school districts: RCW 4.08.120.

Actions by school district in corporate name: RCW 4.08.110.

Armories, use of by school children: RCW 38.20.010.

Attorney general, supervision of prosecuting attorney: RCW 36.27.020(3).

Bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts: Chapter 39.64 RCW.

Blind, school for: Chapter 72.40 RCW.

Blind made products, purchase of authorized: RCW 19.06.020.

Bomb threats, penalty: RCW 9.61.160.

Bond issues

declaratory judgments: Chapter 7.25 RCW.

general provisions applicable to

declaratory judgments: Chapter 7.25 RCW.

facsimile signatures, legal sufficiency: RCW 39.44.100.

interest, payment of: RCW 39.44.120.

maturity of bonds: RCW 39.44.070.

registered bonds, statements and signatures: RCW 39.44.102.

registration of bonds, coupon interest payments: RCW 39.44.120.

registration of bonds, designation of fiscal agent to register bonds, fee: RCW 39.44.130.

mutual savings banks, authorized investment for: RCW 32.20.070, 32.20.090.

refunding bond issues, bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts: Chapter 39.64 RCW.

registration of bonds, principal payable to payee or assignee: RCW 39.44.110.

savings and loan associations, investment in: RCW 33.24.050 through 33.24.070.

United States, sale of bonds to at private sale: Chapter 39.48 RCW.

Boxing, kickboxing, martial arts, and wrestling events

exemptions for: RCW 67.08.015.

physical examination of contestants, urinalysis: RCW 67.08.090.

Buildings, earthquake standards for construction: RCW 70.86.020, 70.86.030.

Cities and towns operating generating utilities in another county

notice of loss: RCW 35.21.426.

payment formulas: RCW 35.21.427.

reimbursement: RCW 35.21.425.

Clerk of districts, agent to receive summons: RCW 4.28.080.

Common schools

general and uniform system to be established: State Constitution Art. 9 § 2.

special legislation affecting prohibited: State Constitution Art. 2 § 28.

superintendent of public instruction to supervise: State Constitution Art. 3 § 22.

Condemnation: Chapter 8.16 RCW.

Contracts made in violation of indebtedness limitations void: RCW 39.36.040.

Conveyance of real property by public bodies—Recording: RCW 65.08.095.

Crimes relating to

bomb threats to: RCW 9.61.160.

discrimination to deny public accommodations because of race, color or creed: RCW 9.91.010.

generally: Chapter 28A.635 RCW.

school buses

design, marking of, mode of operation, regulations for, violating: RCW 46.61.380.

stopped, failure to stop on approaching: RCW 46.61.370.

Deaf, mute, or blind youth in districts, clerks of school districts to make report of: RCW 72.40.060.

Debts, authority to contract: State Constitution Art. 8 § 6 (Amendment 27).

Declaratory judgments, bond issues: Chapter 7.25 RCW.

Discrimination—Separation of sexes in dormitories, residence halls, etc.: RCW 49.60.222.

Discrimination to deny public accommodations because of race, color or creed, penalty: RCW 9.91.010.

Diverse cultures and languages encouraged—State policy: RCW 1.20.100.

Drivers' training schools, generally: Chapter 46.82 RCW.

Earthquake standards for construction: RCW 70.86.020, 70.86.030.

Education: State Constitution Art. 9.

Educational employment relations act: Chapter 41.59 RCW.

Educational facilities and programs for state schools for the deaf and blind: RCW 72.40.028.

Educational service districts

deaf, mute, blind youth, reports of: RCW 72.40.070, 72.40.080.

teachers' retirement system, employer reports: RCW 41.50.230.


expenses of consolidated elections, sharing of costs: RCW 29A.04.410.

times for holding, in all other counties: RCW 29A.04.330.

Elementary or secondary school activities, admission tax exclusion: RCW 36.38.010.

Eminent domain by school districts: Chapter 8.16 RCW.

Employees, qualifications to hold school office: RCW 42.04.020.

Enrollment forecasts: RCW 43.62.050.


bank dividends unclaimed after liquidation and winding up escheat to permanent school fund: RCW 30A.44.150, 30A.44.180.

estate escheats for support of schools: RCW 11.08.160.

permanent school fund, deposited in: RCW 11.08.160.

trust company dividends unclaimed after liquidation and winding up: RCW 30A.44.150, 30A.44.180.

Establishment and maintenance of schools guaranteed: State Constitution Art. 26 § 4.

Fiscal year defined: RCW 1.16.030.

Free from sectarian control: State Constitution Art. 9 § 4, Art. 26 § 4.


apportionment by special act forbidden: State Constitution Art. 2 § 28(7).

county school fund, stock on highway, limitations, proceeds of sale to county school fund: RCW 16.24.070.

general school fund, school patrol uniforms, traffic signs and signals, insurance for, may be paid from: RCW 46.61.385.

permanent common school fund

applied exclusively to common schools: State Constitution Art. 9 § 2.

apportionment by special act forbidden: State Constitution Art. 2 § 28(7).

banks and trust companies, liquidation and winding up

dividends unclaimed deposited in: RCW 30A.44.150, 30A.44.180.

personal property, proceeds deposited in: RCW 30A.44.220.

enlargement of, legislature may provide: State Constitution Art. 9 § 3.

escheated estates deposited in: RCW 11.08.160.

game and game fish lands, payments to in lieu of property taxes: RCW 77.12.201.

game and game fish lands, withdrawn from lease, payment of amount of lease into: RCW 77.12.360.

income from, to be applied to common schools: State Constitution Art. 9 § 2.

interest in deposited in current state school fund, used for current expenses: State Constitution Art. 9 § 3.

investment generally: State Constitution Art. 16 § 5.

losses occasioned by default, fraud, etc., to become permanent debt against state: State Constitution Art. 9 § 5.

permanent and irreducible: State Constitution Art. 9 § 3.

safe deposit box contents, unclaimed after liquidation and winding up of bank or trust company, proceeds from sale deposited in: RCW 30A.44.220.

sources of: State Constitution Art. 9 § 3.

state land

acquired, lease and sale of, disposition of proceeds: RCW 79.10.030.

withdrawn for game purposes, payment of amount of lease into: RCW 77.12.360.

school fund, fines and forfeitures paid into: RCW 4.24.180.

Garnishment: Chapter 6.27 RCW.

Hearing, reports of deaf, mute, or blind youths in districts: RCW 72.40.060.

High school athletic eligibility, penalty for violating: RCW 67.04.140.

High schools included in public school system: State Constitution Art. 9 § 2.

Hospitalization and medical aid for public employees and dependents—Premiums, governmental contributions authorized: RCW 41.04.180.


authority to contract: State Constitution Art. 8 § 6 (Amendment 27).

bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts: Chapter 39.64 RCW.

computation of indebtedness: RCW 39.36.030.

exceeding limitations upon, capital outlays: State Constitution Art. 8 § 6 (Amendment 27).

limitation on levies: State Constitution Art. 7 § 2 (Amendment 59), RCW 84.52.050.

limitations upon

contracts made in violation of void: RCW 39.36.040.

definitions: RCW 39.36.010.

exceeding limitations, capital outlays: RCW 39.36.020.

liabilities incurred in violation void: RCW 39.36.040.

limitations prescribed: State Constitution Art. 8 § 6 (Amendment 27), RCW 39.36.020.

Intoxicating liquor, retail licenses, proximity limitations: RCW 66.24.010.

Labor relations consultants: RCW 43.09.230.


adverse possession against: RCW 7.28.090.

defined: RCW 79.02.010.

eminent domain

by cities against: RCW 8.12.030.

by corporations, service of notice: RCW 8.20.020.

by railroads and canal companies against: RCW 81.36.010.

by school districts: Chapter 8.16 RCW.

by state, service of notice: RCW 8.04.020.

parks and recreation commission, relinquishment of control over school lands: RCW 79A.05.175.

sale of

educational lands, board of natural resources to fix value: RCW 79.11.080.

generally: State Constitution Art. 16 §§ 2-4.

school district purchases of, maximum and minimum areas, preference right to purchase: RCW 79.11.010.

sale or lease of land and valuable materials, supervision and control of natural resources department over: RCW 79.11.020.

state lands, included in: RCW 79.02.010.

state parks and recreation, relinquishment of control over state lands: RCW 79A.05.175.

Legal adviser, prosecuting attorney as: RCW 36.27.020(2), (3).

Libraries, contracts for library service: RCW 27.12.180.

Medical schools, requisites for accreditation and approval: RCW 18.71.055.

Meetings, minutes of governmental bodies: RCW 42.30.035.

Motor vehicles, speed regulations when passing public school or playground cross walk: RCW 46.61.440.

Open to all children of state: State Constitution Art. 9 § 1, Art. 26 § 4.

Parental responsibility for children with disabilities: Chapter 26.40 RCW.

Parental schools personnel: RCW 72.05.310.

Parks and recreation

authority to acquire and operate: RCW 67.20.010.

parks, beaches and camps, authority generally: Chapter 67.20 RCW.

Periodicals, purchase of, manner of payment: RCW 42.24.035.

Port and other district dissolution, disposal of funds: RCW 53.48.050, 53.49.010, 53.49.020.


contracts for outside state work, labor requirements: RCW 43.19.754.

must be done within state, exception: RCW 43.19.748, 43.19.751.

Public bodies may retain collection agencies to collect public debts—Fees: RCW 19.16.500.

Public employment—Evidence of educational competence: RCW 41.04.015.

Public lands: Title 79 RCW.

Public libraries: Chapter 27.12 RCW.

Public school system, what included in: State Constitution Art. 9 § 2.

Public utility districts and operating agencies

construction projects causing burden to school districts, reimbursement of districts: Chapter 54.36 RCW.

privilege tax for school districts: RCW 54.28.080, 54.28.090.

Pupils, residence or absence does not affect right to vote: State Constitution Art. 6 § 4.

Purchases, periodicals, postage, manner of payment: RCW 42.24.035.

Religion, control of schools by, free from: State Constitution Art. 9 § 4, Art. 26 § 4.

Savings and loan associations, school savings accounts, priority in liquidation distribution: RCW 33.40.050.

School directors' association to furnish information to legislature and governor: RCW 44.04.170.

School districts


agent to receive service of summons: RCW 4.28.080.

deaf, mute, or blind youth in district, report of: RCW 72.40.060.

contracts, indebtedness limitations, contracts made in violation of void: RCW 39.36.040.

fiscal year defined: RCW 1.16.030.


computation of indebtedness: RCW 39.36.030.

exceeding limitations upon, capital outlays: State Constitution Art. 8 § 6 (Amendment 27).

limitation on levies: State Constitution Art. 7 § 2 (Amendment 59), RCW 84.52.050.

limitations upon

contracts made in violation of void: RCW 39.36.040.

definitions: RCW 39.36.010.

exceeding limitations, capital outlays: RCW 39.36.020.

liabilities incurred in violation void: RCW 39.36.040.

limitations prescribed: State Constitution Art. 8 § 6 (Amendment 27), RCW 39.36.020.

printing must be done within state: RCW 43.19.748.

service of summons to, personal service: RCW 4.28.080.

teachers' retirement system, employer reports: RCW 41.50.230.

School patrol: RCW 46.61.385.

Sectarian control, free from: State Constitution Art. 9 § 4.

State otologists, duties of: RCW 70.50.010, 70.50.020.

State school for blind: Chapter 72.40 RCW.

State school for deaf: Chapter 72.40 RCW.

State toxicological laboratories: RCW 68.50.107.

Superintendents, duties: State Constitution Art. 3 § 22.

System of schools to be established by state: State Constitution Art. 9 § 2.

Taxation, property taxes, exemptions: State Constitution Art. 7 § 1 (Amendment 14).

Taxing district relief act: Chapter 39.64 RCW.

Teachers' retirement and pensions: Chapter 41.32 RCW.

Technical schools, included in public school system: State Constitution Art. 9 § 2.

Traffic school of city or town and county: Chapter 46.83 RCW.


school buses

automated traffic safety cameras: RCW 46.63.180.

crossing arms: RCW 46.37.620.

defined for motor vehicle law: RCW 46.04.521.

design, marking and mode of operation, motor vehicle regulations: RCW 46.61.380.

highway-railroad grade crossings, to stop at: RCW 46.61.350.

lighting and safety devices: RCW 46.37.290.

seat and load capacity fees, exempt from: RCW 46.16A.455(7).

signal lamps, displaying alternately flashing red lights, to have: RCW 46.37.190.

special lighting equipment on: RCW 46.37.290.

stop signals and flasher signal lamps: RCW 46.61.370(1).

stopped school bus, vehicle must stop on approaching: RCW 46.61.370(1).

vehicle license and plates, inspection requisite: RCW 46.16A.170.

special warning equipment and lighting regulated by the Washington state patrol: RCW 46.37.290.


interest rate: RCW 39.56.020.

rate fixed by issuing officer: RCW 39.56.030.

Year, fiscal year defined: RCW 1.16.030.

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