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2006 Code of Virginia § 54.1-3300 - Definitions

54.1-3300. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Board" means the Board of Pharmacy.

"Collaborative agreement" means a voluntary, written arrangement betweenone pharmacist and his designated alternate pharmacists involved directly inpatient care at a location where patients receive services and a practitionerof medicine, osteopathy, or podiatry and his designated alternatepractitioners involved directly in patient care which authorizes cooperativeprocedures with respect to patients of such practitioners. Collaborativeprocedures shall be related to treatment using drug therapy, laboratory testsor medical devices, under defined conditions or limitations, for the purposeof improving patient outcomes. A collaborative agreement is not required forthe management of patients of an inpatient facility.

"Dispense" means to deliver a drug to an ultimate user or research subjectby or pursuant to the lawful order of a practitioner, including theprescribing and administering, packaging, labeling or compounding necessaryto prepare the substance for delivery.

"Pharmacist" means a person holding a license issued by the Board topractice pharmacy.

"Pharmacy" means every establishment or institution in which drugs,medicines or medicinal chemicals are dispensed or offered for sale, or a signis displayed bearing the word or words "pharmacist," "pharmacy,""apothecary," "drugstore," "druggist," "drugs," "medicine store,""drug sundries," "prescriptions filled," or any similar words intended toindicate that the practice of pharmacy is being conducted.

"Pharmacy intern" means a student currently enrolled in or a graduate of anapproved school of pharmacy who is registered with the Board for the purposeof gaining the practical experience required to apply for licensure as apharmacist.

"Pharmacy technician" means a person registered with the Board to assist apharmacist under the pharmacist's supervision.

"Practice of pharmacy" means the personal health service that is concernedwith the art and science of selecting, procuring, recommending,administering, preparing, compounding, packaging and dispensing of drugs,medicines and devices used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention ofdisease, whether compounded or dispensed on a prescription or otherwiselegally dispensed or distributed, and shall include the proper and safestorage and distribution of drugs; the maintenance of proper records; theresponsibility of providing information concerning drugs and medicines andtheir therapeutic values and uses in the treatment and prevention of disease;and the management of patient care under the terms of a collaborativeagreement as defined in this section.

"Supervision" means the direction and control by a pharmacist of theactivities of a pharmacy intern or a pharmacy technician whereby thesupervising pharmacist is physically present in the pharmacy or in thefacility in which the pharmacy is located when the intern or technician isperforming duties restricted to a pharmacy intern or technician,respectively, and is available for immediate oral communication.

Other terms used in the context of this chapter shall be defined as providedin Chapter 34 ( 54.1-3400 et seq.) of this title unless the context requiresa different meaning.

(Code 1950, 54-399, 54-487; 1952, c. 451; 1958, c. 551, 54-524.2; 1966,c. 193; 1968, c. 582; 1970, c. 650; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 94; 1972, c. 798;1975, c. 425; 1976, c. 14; 1977, c. 193; 1978, c. 833; 1979, c. 435; 1980, c.150; 1988, c. 765; 1999, cc. 895, 1011; 2001, c. 317; 2002, c. 411.)

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