2019 Tennessee Code
Title 62 - Professions, Businesses and Trades
Chapter 6 - Contractors and Contracting
Part 3 - Tennessee Home Inspector License Act of 2005
§ 62-6-303. Powers and duties of commissioner -- Advisory committee --Restraining or enjoining violations -- Jurisdiction.
(a) The commissioner has the power and the duty to:
(1) Administer and enforce this part;
(2) Issue and renew licenses to home inspectors pursuant to this part;
(3) Suspend, revoke or fail to renew the license of a home inspector;
(4) Establish standards for the initial and continuing education of home inspectors, including prescribing the form and content of examinations to determine the qualifications of persons applying for licensure;
(5) Promulgate rules and regulations that are reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. The rules shall be promulgated in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5;
(6) Adopt and publish a code of ethics and standards of practice for home inspectors; and
(7) Charge and collect fees, including license application and renewal fees, to be utilized to fund activities that may be necessary to carry out this part.
(b) The commissioner may appoint a committee of licensed home inspectors with at least five (5) years experience in the field of home inspection to advise the commissioner with respect to any contemplated rulemaking under this section. The commissioner shall include at least one (1) member from each of the following:
(1) The American Society of Home Inspectors;
(2) The Home Inspectors of Tennessee Association;
(3) The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors;
(4) The National Association of Home Inspectors; and
(5) The American Home Inspection Association.
(c) The commissioner may seek relief at law or equity to restrain or enjoin any act or practice in violation of this part or of any rule promulgated under this part. Jurisdiction is conferred upon the chancery and circuit courts of this state to hear and determine such a suit. No bond shall be required for the prosecution of the suit or for the issuance of an injunction.