2020 New York Laws
ELN - Election
Article 17 - Violations of the Elective Franchise
17-132 - Illegal Voting.
§ 17-132. Illegal voting. Any person who:
1. Knowingly votes or offers or attempts to vote at any election, when not qualified; or,
2. Procures, aids, assists, counsels or advises any person to go or come into any election district, for the purpose of voting at any election, knowing that such person is not qualified; or,
3. Votes or offers or attempts to vote at an election, more than once; or votes or offers or attempts to vote at an election under any other name than his own; or votes or offers or attempts to vote at an election, in an election district or from a place where he does not reside; or,
4. Procures, aids, assists, commands or advises another to vote or offer or attempt to vote at an election, knowing that such person is not qualified to vote thereat; or,
5. Prompts a person, applying to vote, to falsely answer questions put to him by the inspectors concerning his identity or qualifications for voting; or,
6. Being an applicant for an absentee voter's ballot, makes a material false statement in his application, or a person who makes a material false statement in a medical certificate or an affidavit filed in connection with an application for an absentee voter's ballot; or,
7. Not being a qualified absentee voter, and having knowledge or being chargeable with knowledge of that fact, votes or attempts to vote as an absentee voter; or,
8. Fraudulently signs the name of another upon an absentee voter's envelope or aids in doing or attempting to do a fraudulent act in connection with an absentee vote cast or attempted to be cast; or,
9. Falsely pretends or represents to the inspectors of election or any of them that he is incapacitated to mark his ballot, for the purpose of obtaining assistance in voting under the provisions of this chapter, is guilty of a felony.
Any offer or attempt under this section shall be deemed to be the doing of any act made necessary by this chapter preliminary to the delivery of a ballot to an elector or the deposit of the ballot in the ballot box or his admission to the booth or voting machine enclosure.