There Is a Newer Version
the New York Laws
2022 New York Laws
Consolidated Laws
- ABP - Abandoned Property
- AGM - Agriculture and Markets
- ABC - Alcoholic Beverage Control
- ACG - Alternative County Government
- ACA - Arts and Cultural Affairs
- BNK - Banking
- BVO - Benevolent Orders
- BSC - Business Corporation
- CAL - Canal
- CAN - Cannabis
- CVP - Civil Practice Law and Rules
- CVR - Civil Rights
- CVS - Civil Service
- CCO - Cooperative Corporations
- COR - Correction
- CNT - County
- CPL - Criminal Procedure
- DCD - Debtor and Creditor
- DOM - Domestic Relations
- COM - Economic Development Law
- EDN - Education
- ELD - Elder
- ELN - Election
- EDP - Eminent Domain Procedure
- EML - Employers' Liability
- ENG - Energy
- ENV - Environmental Conservation
- EPT - Estates, Powers and Trusts
- EXC - Executive
- FIS - Financial Services Law
- GAS - General Associations
- GBS - General Business
- GCT - General City
- GCN - General Construction
- GMU - General Municipal
- GOB - General Obligations
- HAY - Highway
- IND - Indian
- ISC - Insurance
- JUD - Judiciary
- LAB - Labor
- LEG - Legislative
- LIE - Lien
- LLC - Limited Liability Company Law
- LFN - Local Finance
- MHY - Mental Hygiene
- MIL - Military
- MDW - Multiple Dwelling
- MRE - Multiple Residence
- MHR - Municipal Home Rule
- NAV - Navigation
- PPD - New York State Printing and Public Documents
- NPC - Not-For-Profit Corporation
- PAR - Parks, recreation and historic preservation
- PTR - Partnership
- PEN - Penal
- PEP - Personal Property
- PVH - Private Housing Finance
- PBA - Public Authorities
- PBB - Public Buildings
- PBH - Public Health
- PBG - Public Housing
- MHA - Municipal Housing Authority (Article 5 of the former State Housing Law)
- PBL - Public Lands
- PBO - Public Officers
- PBS - Public Service
- PML - Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law
- RRD - Railroad
- RAT - Rapid Transit
- RPP - Real Property
- RPA - Real Property Actions and Proceedings
- RPT - Real Property Tax
- RCO - Religious Corporations
- RSS - Retirement and Social Security
- REL - Rural Electric Cooperative
- SCC - Second Class Cities
- SOS - Social Services
- SWC - Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- STL - State
- SAP - State Administrative Procedure Act
- STF - State Finance
- STT - State Technology
- SLG - Statute of Local Governments
- TAX - Tax
- TWN - Town
- TRA - Transportation
- TCP - Transportation Corporations
- UCC - Uniform Commercial Code
- VAT - Vehicle and Traffic
- VET - Veterans' Services Law
- VIL - Village
- VAW - Volunteer Ambulance Workers' Benefit
- VOL - Volunteer Firefighters' Benefit
- WKC - Workers' Compensation
- BAT - Bridges and Tunnels New York/New Jersey 47/31
- BSW - Boxing, Sparring and Wrestling Ch. 912/20
- CCT - Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobacco 235/52
- DEA - Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51
- DPN - Development of Port of New York 43/22
- EHC - Expanded Health Care Coverage Act 703/88
- ERL - Emergency Housing Rent Control Law 274/46 337/61
- ETP - Emergency Tenant Protection Act 576/74
- FDC - Facilities Development Corporation Act 359/68
- FEA - NYS Financial Emergency Act for the city of NY 868/75
- GCM - General City Model 772/66
- HHC - New York City health and hospitals corporation act 1016/69
- LEH - Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 21/62
- LSA - Lost and Strayed Animals 115/1894
- MCF - Medical Care Facilities Finance Agency 392/73
- NNY - New, New York Bond Act 649/92
- NYP - NYS Project Finance Agency Act7/75
- NYW - N. Y. wine/grape 80/85
- PAB - Private Activity Bond 47/90
- PCM - Police Certain Municipalities 360/11
- PNY - Port of New York Authority 154/21
- POA - Port of Albany 192/25
- RLA - Regulation of Lobbying Act 1040/81
- SCT - Suffolk County Tax Act
- SNH - Special Needs Housing Act 261/88
- TRY - City of Troy Issuance of Serial Bonds
- TSF - Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation Act
- UDA - Urban Development Corporation Act 174/68
- UDG - Urban development guarantee fund of New York 175/68
- UDR - Urban development research corporation act 173/68
- YFA - Yonkers financial emergency act 103/84
- YTS - Yonkers income tax surcharge
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. New York may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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