There Is a Newer Version of the N
2009 New Jersey Code
- 39:4-1 - Application of chapter
- 39:4-2 - Transfer of powers and duties of commissioner to director of Division of Motor Vehicles
- 39:4-6 - Duties of commissioner
- 39:4-7 - Director's hearings; subpoenas
- 39:4-8 - Commissioner of Transportation's approval required; exceptions
- 39:4-8.1 - Approval of handicapped parking spaces, signs
- 39:4-8.2 - Definitions relative to traffic regulation
- 39:4-8.3 - Regulation of traffic, parking on public highways, transportation systems
- 39:4-8.4 - Issuance of order
- 39:4-8.5 - Official permanent record of orders
- 39:4-8.6 - Continuance, adoption of rules, regulations
- 39:4-8.7 - Orders not considered rule, regulation pursuant to C.52:14B-1 et seq
- 39:4-8.8 - Construction of act
- 39:4-8.9 - Definitions relative to speed humps
- 39:4-8.10 - Construction of speed humps, traffic calming measures by municipality, county
- 39:4-8.11 - Conformance of speed humps to DOT standards
- 39:4-8.12 - Findings, declarations relative to traffic control signal monitoring systems
- 39:4-8.13 - Definitions relative to traffic control signal monitoring systems; recording requirements
- 39:4-8.14 - Five-year pilot program relative to effectiveness of installation, utilization of traffic control signal monitoring systems, public awareness campaign
- 39:4-8.15 - Review of recorded images by law enforcement official; issuance of summons
- 39:4-8.16 - Rules, regulations
- 39:4-8.17 - Reports from municipalities; annual report to Governor, Legislature
- 39:4-8.18 - Effective date, expiration date
- 39:4-8.19 - Request for commissioner's review; fees; rules, regulations
- 39:4-8.20 - Payment of fine; distribution
- 39:4-8.21 - Construction of curb extension, bulbout on certain private roads
- 39:4-9.1 - Exchange of information between states concerning certain violations
- 39:4-10 - Lights and reflectors on bicycles
- 39:4-10.1 - Bicycle helmets, requirements
- 39:4-10.2 - Violations, warnings, fines; "Bicycle and Skating Safety Fund."
- 39:4-10.3 - Posting of sign required; violations, penalties; renters required to provide helmet; immunity
- 39:4-10.4 - Rules, regulations
- 39:4-10.6 - Violations, penalties, disposition of fines collected
- 39:4-10.7 - Noncompliance no bar to action
- 39:4-10.8 - Warning notice for roller skates, skateboards, electric personal assistive mobility devices; immunity from civil liability
- 39:4-10.9 - Posting of sign required; violations; penalties
- 39:4-10.10 - Rights, duties of roller skaters, skateboarders on roadway
- 39:4-10.10a - Regulation of skateboarding, roller skating; "roller skates" defined
- 39:4-10.10b - Accommodation of roller skates, skateboards not required
- 39:4-10.11 - Roller skaters, skateboarders to keep to right of roadway; exceptions
- 39:4-10.12 - Act not applicable to roller skating rinks
- 39:4-10.13 - Rules, regulations
- 39:4-11 - Audible signal
- 39:4-11.1 - Brake required
- 39:4-12 - Position of hands and feet; carrying another person
- 39:4-14 - Hitching on vehicles prohibited
- 39:4-14.1 - Rights, duties of bicycle riders on roadways, exemptions
- 39:4-14.2 - Keeping to right; exceptions; single file
- 39:4-14.3 - Regulations relative to motorized bicycles
- 39:4-14.3a - Retail sales; conformance of bicycles to act and regulations
- 39:4-14.3b - Violations; penalties
- 39:4-14.3c - Rules and regulations
- 39:4-14.3d - Operator only on bicycle
- 39:4-14.3e - Compulsory liability insurance coverage
- 39:4-14.3f - Accident reports
- 39:4-14.3g - Operation by person under influence of liquor or drugs; penalty
- 39:4-14.3h - Suspension of privilege; second violation
- 39:4-14.3i - Registration; requirements; form and content of certificate; expiration; renewal
- 39:4-14.3j - Form for sale of motorized bicycles; registration; fees
- 39:4-14.3k - License plate
- 39:4-14.3l - Removal from state, destruction, theft or discontinued usage; notice; transfer of ownership
- 39:4-14.3m - Display of license
- 39:4-14.3n - Make and model numbers; certification; list of approved bicycles
- 39:4-14.3o - Nonresident motorized bicycle owner; registration
- 39:4-14.3p - Proof of ownership; bicycle purchased prior to effective date of act
- 39:4-14.3q - Helmet
- 39:4-14.3r - Dealer licensed as motor vehicle dealer; inapplicability of restrictions contained in Municipal Land Use Law
- 39:4-14.3s - Rules and regulations
- 39:4-14.3t - Violations; fine
- 39:4-14.3u - Ownership acquired prior to effective date of act; compliance with act
- 39:4-14.3v - Education program for safe operation; fund
- 39:4-14.3v1 - Educational program for safe operation of bicycles; fund
- 39:4-14.3x - Motorized bicycle operators subject to penalties
- 39:4-14.4 - Sale or rent of bicycle; equipment with reflectors
- 39:4-14.4a - Helmet use; required display of promotional statement
- 39:4-14.5 - Bicycle defined
- 39:4-14.6 - Inapplicability of act to person not regularly engaged in selling or renting bicycles
- 39:4-14.7 - Equipment; rules and regulations
- 39:4-14.7a - Rules, regulations; warning cards
- 39:4-14.8 - Violations; penalties
- 39:4-14.9 - Enforcement of act; jurisdiction of proceedings to collect fine
- 39:4-14.10 - Electric personal assistive mobility device defined; regulations concerning
- 39:4-14.11 - Noncompliance with regulations on electric personal assistive mobility device operation, warning, fine
- 39:4-14.12 - Motorized scooter, prohibited from operation on public street, highway, sidewalk; exceptions
- 39:4-14.14 - Operation of motorized scooters permitted on designated municipal, county property, requirements
- 39:4-14.15 - Issuance of placard, sticker authorizing operation of motorized scooter by handicapped person; regulations; definition
- 39:4-15 - Sleigh bells on horses attached to a sleigh
- 39:4-16 - Unattended horses; precautions used
- 39:4-17 - Unbitted horses
- 39:4-18 - Removing part of vehicle or harness
- 39:4-19 - Obstructing sidewalk with tie rope, etc., prohibited
- 39:4-20 - Hitching horses to pole, post, tree or hydrant prohibited
- 39:4-21 - Racing on highway prohibited; exception
- 39:4-22 - Reins held in hands
- 39:4-23 - Mistreatment of horse, violations, disorderly person; certain acts, crime of fourth degree
- 39:4-24 - Use of whip
- 39:4-25 - Lights on animal-drawn vehicles
- 39:4-25.1 - Rights and duties of persons riding or driving animals
- 39:4-26 - Moving heavy machinery, apparatus, etc.; registration fee; permits; reciprocity
- 39:4-27 - Loading and operation of trailer; permittee's responsibility in damages
- 39:4-28 - Height; overhead wires
- 39:4-29 - Time for moving along street railway tracks
- 39:4-30 - Exceptions to application of article; "temporary" or "in-transit" registration plates
- 39:4-31 - Violations of article; fine
- 39:4-31.1 - Operation of low-speed vehicle on public roads; conditions
- 39:4-31.2 - Requirements for low-speed vehicles operated on public road, highway
- 39:4-31.3 - Valid driver's license required for operation of low-speed vehicle; registration, insurance
- 39:4-31.4 - Certificate of origin of low-speed vehicle; waiver of liability by purchaser
- 39:4-31.5 - Low-speed vehicle exempt from inspection
- 39:4-32 - Crossing roadway; signal
- 39:4-33 - Use of designated crosswalk; keeping to right
- 39:4-34 - Pedestrians to cross within crosswalk or at right angles; facing traffic; sidewalks
- 39:4-36 - Driver to yield to pedestrians, exceptions; violations, penalties
- 39:4-36.1 - Crossing having pedestrian tunnel or overhead crossing; right of way
- 39:4-36.2 - "Pedestrian Safety Enforcement and Education Fund."
- 39:4-36.3 - Findings, declarations relative to pedestrian safety
- 39:4-36.4 - Identification of problem intersections
- 39:4-37 - Regulating crossing at intersections by local authorities
- 39:4-37.1 - Right-of-way crossing intersection for blind person, guide dog instructor
- 39:4-38 - Vehicles travelling upon street car route to give way to street car; intersections; overtaking and passing street cars
- 39:4-39 - Distance to be kept behind street car
- 39:4-40 - Passing street car
- 39:4-41 - Driving through safety zones prohibited
- 39:4-42 - Action of motorman on collision
- 39:4-43 - Crossing signals
- 39:4-44 - Car stops
- 39:4-45 - Obstruction of crosswalks by street cars
- 39:4-46 - Commercial motor vehicle identification; GVWR to be displayed
- 39:4-47 - Violations of article; fine
- 39:4-48 - Operating or using motor vehicle without consent of owner; fine
- 39:4-49 - Tampering with vehicle; fine
- 39:4-49.1 - Drug possession by motor vehicle operator
- 39:4-49.2 - Exemption; physicians, dentists, etc
- 39:4-49.3 - Exemption; common carriers, warehousemen, etc
- 39:4-50 - Driving while intoxicated
- 39:4-50a - and 39:4-50b have been reallocated as 39:4-50.22 and 39:4-50.23, respectively
- 39:4-50.2a - Guidelines for DWI and breath test refusal prosecutions
- 39:4-50.3 - Method of analyses; approval of techniques; certification of analysts; reports; forms
- 39:4-50.4a - Revocation for refusal to submit to breath test; penalties
- 39:4-50.5 - Severability
- 39:4-50.8 - Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund
- 39:4-50.9 - Short title
- 39:4-50.10 - "Victim" defined
- 39:4-50.11 - Victims' rights
- 39:4-50.12 - Consultation with prosecutor
- 39:4-50.13 - Tort Claims Act rights
- 39:4-50.14 - Penalties for underage person operating motor vehicle after consuming alcohol
- 39:4-50.15 - Additional penalty for driving under the influence with a minor as a passenger
- 39:4-50a - and 39:4-50b have been reallocated as 39:4-50.22 and 39:4-50.23, respectively
- 39:4-50.2a - Guidelines for DWI and breath test refusal prosecutions
- 39:4-50.3 - Method of analyses; approval of techniques; certification of analysts; reports; forms
- 39:4-50.4a - Revocation for refusal to submit to breath test; penalties
- 39:4-50.5 - Severability
- 39:4-50.8 - Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund
- 39:4-50.9 - Short title
- 39:4-50.10 - "Victim" defined
- 39:4-50.11 - Victims' rights
- 39:4-50.12 - Consultation with prosecutor
- 39:4-50.13 - Tort Claims Act rights
- 39:4-50.14 - Penalties for underage person operating motor vehicle after consuming alcohol
- 39:4-50.15 - Additional penalty for driving under the influence with a minor as a passenger
- 39:4-50.16 - Findings, declarations relative to ignition interlock devices
- 39:4-50.17 - Sentencing drunk driving offenders; device defined
- 39:4-50.17a - Monthly leasing fee for installation of ignition interlock device
- 39:4-50.18 - DMV notation of interlock device installation
- 39:4-50.19 - Violation of law; penalties
- 39:4-50.20 - Certification of devices
- 39:4-50.21 - Rules, regulations
- 39:4-50.22 - Written statement of potential civil, criminal liability for permitting an intoxicated arrestee's operation of motor vehicle
- 39:4-50.23 - Impoundment of vehicle operated by arrestee; conditions of release; fee for towing, storage
- 39:4-51 - Sentence for violation of 39:4-50; service, work release; rules, regulations
- 39:4-51a - No consumption of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles; presumption; penalties
- 39:4-51b - Prohibition of possession of open, unsealed alcoholic beverage container, circumstances
- 39:4-52 - Racing on highway prohibited; fine
- 39:4-53 - Leaving vehicle with engine running prohibited; fine
- 39:4-54 - Trailers; number permitted; towing methods; auxiliary axles; converter dolly
- 39:4-55 - Action on steep grades and curves
- 39:4-56 - Delaying traffic prohibited
- 39:4-56.1 - Willfully causing vehicle to become disabled; abandonment of vehicle upon public highway
- 39:4-56.2 - Violations; penalties
- 39:4-56.3 - Suspension of registration
- 39:4-56.4 - Legislative findings and declarations
- 39:4-56.5 - Abandonment of motor vehicle
- 39:4-56.6 - Abandonment of vehicle on private property; removal by owner of property; costs; sale of vehicle
- 39:4-56.7 - Issuance of summons for violation by law enforcement officer
- 39:4-56.8 - Definitions; removal of disabled motor vehicles by towing service under contract; failure to remove debris surrounding vehicle; penalty
- 39:4-57 - Observance of directions of officers
- 39:4-57.1 - Activation of interior light in vehicle upon request of police officer; fine
- 39:4-58 - Driving vehicle with view to rear and sides obstructed
- 39:4-59 - Begging rides prohibited
- 39:4-60 - Soliciting trade or contributions permitted, certain; designation of particular highway as hazardous for such purposes; signs; penalty
- 39:4-60.1 - Certain rotating or flashing lights prohibited
- 39:4-60.2 - Removal without notice
- 39:4-60.3 - Emergency use
- 39:4-61 - Tailboard riding
- 39:4-62 - Leaving curb
- 39:4-63 - Placing, throwing or depositing from motor vehicle, injurious substance on highway; fine; forfeiture of right to operate motor vehicle
- 39:4-64 - Highway littering ban
- 39:4-64.1 - Signs informing of consequences of violation
- 39:4-65 - Letting off or taking on persons
- 39:4-66 - Emerging from alley, driveway, garage, or private road or driveway
- 39:4-66.1 - Right of way on entering or leaving alley, driveway, garage, or private road or driveway
- 39:4-66.2 - Avoidance of traffic control signal, sign; violations, penalties
- 39:4-67 - Obstructing passage of other vehicles or street cars prohibited; clearance of intersections
- 39:4-68 - Doors of street car or autobus closed
- 39:4-69 - Riding on part not intended for passengers prohibited
- 39:4-71 - Driving on sidewalk
- 39:4-75 - Overweight vehicles on bridge; penalty
- 39:4-76 - Driving overweight vehicles on interstate bridges; penalty; liability for damages; disposition of penalties
- 39:4-77 - Loading so as to spill prohibited; minimum safety standards; penalty
- 39:4-77.1 - Snow, ice dislodged from moving vehicle causing injury, property damage; penalties; public awareness campaign, data collection system
- 39:4-77.2 - "Motor Vehicle Snow and Ice Removal Safety Fund."
- 39:4-78 - Carrying metals
- 39:4-79 - Backing to curb
- 39:4-80 - Traffic control by officers
- 39:4-80.1 - Penalty for failure to comply with school crossing guard's signal to stop
- 39:4-81 - Traffic signals, observance; rule at nonoperational signals
- 39:4-82 - Keeping to right
- 39:4-82.1 - Two roadway highways; driving upon
- 39:4-83 - Keeping to right at intersections; exception on one-way roadway
- 39:4-84 - Passing to right when proceeding in opposite directions
- 39:4-85 - Passing to left when overtaking; passing when in lines; signalling to pass; passing upon right
- 39:4-85.1 - Designation of one-way traffic
- 39:4-86 - Overtaking and passing vehicles; crossing "No Passing" lines
- 39:4-87 - Overtaken vehicle to give way
- 39:4-87.1 - Right of way of certain buses reentering traffic
- 39:4-88 - Traffic on marked lanes
- 39:4-89 - Following; space between trucks
- 39:4-90 - Right of way at intersections
- 39:4-90.1 - Limited access highways, driving onto or from
- 39:4-91 - Right of way of emergency vehicles; liability of drivers
- 39:4-92 - Authorized emergency vehicles; clearance for; following or parking near
- 39:4-92.1 - Fire department vehicle returning to fire station; flashing red light
- 39:4-92.2 - Procedure for motorist approaching stationary authorized emergency vehicle, tow truck, highway maintenance or emergency service vehicle
- 39:4-93 - Processions
- 39:4-94 - Railroad blocking highway
- 39:4-94.2 - State, county or municipal highway, road or street closed with posted notice and barricade; violations; penalty
- 39:4-95 - "Vehicle" defined
- 39:4-96 - Reckless driving; punishment
- 39:4-97 - Careless driving
- 39:4-97a - Agricultural, recreational property protected
- 39:4-97.1 - Slow speeds as blocking traffic
- 39:4-97.2 - Driving, operating a motor vehicle in an unsafe manner, offense created; fines; surcharge
- 39:4-97.3 - Use of wireless telephone, electronic communication device in moving vehicle; definitions; enforcement
- 39:4-97.4 - Inapplicability of act to certain officials
- 39:4-97.5 - Supersedure, preemption of local ordinances
- 39:4-98 - Rates of speed
- 39:4-98.1 - Designation of lower maximum speed limits for trucks of registered gross weight of 10,000 pounds and over
- 39:4-98.2 - Counties or municipalities; reduction of regular speed limit for 72 hours for maintenance or repairs; notice to commissioner
- 39:4-98.3 - Short title
- 39:4-98.4 - Definitions relative to 65mph speed limit
- 39:4-98.5 - Speed limit of 65mph established, certain highways
- 39:4-98.6 - Certain fines doubled where speed limit is 65mph
- 39:4-98.7 - Speeding 20mph or more over limit; fines, certain; doubled
- 39:4-98.8 - Study to determine effect of 65mph speed limit; report; implementation
- 39:4-98.9 - Emergency orders
- 39:4-99 - Exceeding speed limitations; speed specified in charge
- 39:4-100 - Rate of speed across sidewalk
- 39:4-101 - Speedways
- 39:4-102 - Speeding by physicians in emergencies
- 39:4-103 - Exemptions from speed regulations
- 39:4-103.1 - Photo radar defined, usage prohibited
- 39:4-104 - Violations of article; penalty
- 39:4-105 - Color system
- 39:4-106 - Sequence of lights
- 39:4-107 - Period or cycle
- 39:4-111 - Power of lights
- 39:4-112 - Visibility of signals to traffic at intersections
- 39:4-113 - Continuously controlled highway
- 39:4-114 - Traffic signal in paved roadway or poles in crosswalk lanes prohibited
- 39:4-115 - Making right or left turn
- 39:4-116 - Special right or left turn
- 39:4-117 - Special pedestrian interval
- 39:4-118 - Beacon or flashing signal
- 39:4-119 - Traffic control signals operating as flashing mechanisms; red; amber
- 39:4-120 - Traffic control signal devices
- 39:4-120.1 - Official traffic control signals
- 39:4-120.2 - Flashing mechanism; use by municipalities
- 39:4-120.3 - Submission of written information to commissioner
- 39:4-120.5 - Definitions
- 39:4-120.6 - Erection of traffic control device by owner of private open road
- 39:4-120.7 - Approval for traffic control device
- 39:4-120.8 - Owner's responsibilities
- 39:4-120.9 - Drivers' obedience
- 39:4-120.10 - Penalties
- 39:4-120.11 - Rules, regulations
- 39:4-120.4 - Ordinance, regulation or resolution; effective date
- 39:4-121 - Traffic lights on state roads in suburban districts at location of fire engine houses; installation by state highway commission
- 39:4-121.1 - Dangerous intersections in counties or municipalities; traffic lights
- 39:4-121.2 - Expenses paid from state highway fund
- 39:4-121.3 - Installation, alteration, maintenance of traffic control devices
- 39:4-122 - Signal by police whistle
- 39:4-123 - Right and left hand turns
- 39:4-124 - Method of turning at intersection; local authorities may determine
- 39:4-125 - Turning on curve, grade or place where view obstructed or State highway marked with "no U turn" sign
- 39:4-126 - Signaling before starting, turning or stopping
- 39:4-127 - Backing or turning in street
- 39:4-127.1 - Railroad crossings; stopping
- 39:4-127.2 - Movable span bridges
- 39:4-128 - Vehicles required to stop at grade crossings; method of crossing; exceptions; notice to railroad of intention to cross with certain vehicles or machinery; violations; penalties
- 39:4-128.1 - School buses stopped for children; duty of motorists; duty of bus driver; violations; revocation of license
- 39:4-128.3 - Definitions
- 39:4-128.4 - Approaching or overtaking stopped frozen dessert truck; stopping
- 39:4-128.5 - Frozen dessert truck; equipment
- 39:4-128.6 - Stopped frozen dessert truck; duty of driver
- 39:4-128.7 - Conditions for vending
- 39:4-128.8 - Backing up truck to make sale; prohibition
- 39:4-128.9 - Riding in or on frozen dessert truck; authorized persons only
- 39:4-128.10 - Violations; penalty
- 39:4-128.11 - Regulations relative to certain commercial vehicles stopping at railroad crossings
- 39:4-129 - Action in case of accident
- 39:4-130 - Immediate notice of accident; written report
- 39:4-131 - Accident reports; availability
- 39:4-131.1 - Inconsistent rule, regulation, resolution or ordinance inconsistent with act or establishing fee in excess of fee under Right to Know Law; supersedure
- 39:4-132 - Certain damages reported by repairman
- 39:4-134 - Report of death to director
- 39:4-134.1 - Application of article
- 39:4-135 - Parking; direction and side of street; angle parking; one-way street
- 39:4-136 - Parking on highway; removing vehicle; disabled vehicle
- 39:4-137 - Vehicle without driver; brakes set; motor stopped; wheels turned to curb
- 39:4-138 - Places where parking prohibited; exceptions; moving vehicle not under one's control into prohibited area
- 39:4-138.1 - Determination of "no parking zones"
- 39:4-138.3 - Parking in front of driveway permitted; conditions
- 39:4-138.4 - Permits; issuance, application, description
- 39:4-138.5 - Display required; permit fees
- 39:4-138.6 - Municipal authority to set certain permissible parking distances
- 39:4-139 - Loading or unloading passengers or materials; period at certain places
- 39:4-139.2 - Short title
- 39:4-139.3 - Definitions
- 39:4-139.4 - Uniform traffic ticket; complaint and summons; contents; personal service
- 39:4-139.5 - Joint liability of owner and operator; recovery by owner against operator; leased vehicles
- 39:4-139.6 - Failure to answer or appear; rule applicable; procedures; notice
- 39:4-139.7 - Answer to parking ticket or failure to appear notice
- 39:4-139.8 - Evidence; submission to court; presence of officer; default judgment after failure to answer or pay fine and penalties; effect; assessment of costs; appeals; limitation of actions
- 39:4-139.9 - Operating costs; civil contempt
- 39:4-139.10 - Failure to respond, pay parking judgment, penalties
- 39:4-139.10a - Time limit on enforcement of parking violations
- 39:4-139.11 - Restoration of driver's license, registration after satisfaction of fines and penalties; recordation
- 39:4-139.12 - Suspension of license; fee; deposit
- 39:4-139.13 - Impoundment or immobilization of vehicle with outstanding warrants; authorization by municipalities by ordinance; sale at auction; reclamation of possession prior to sale; disposition of proceeds
- 39:4-139.14 - Contracts by municipalities with public agency or private organization for services to process parking offenses; plan by municipality; approval by Supreme Court
- 39:4-140 - Designation of through highways, stop intersections and yield intersections; erection of stop or yield signs
- 39:4-141 - Placing of signs
- 39:4-143 - Intersecting through streets
- 39:4-144 - Stopping or yielding right of way before entering stop or yield intersections
- 39:4-183.1 - Legal authority
- 39:4-183.1a - Installation of traffic control device, sign by municipality at request of school
- 39:4-183.1b - Designation of "Older and Walking Impaired Persons Crossing" areas
- 39:4-183.2 - Signs hereafter erected
- 39:4-183.3 - Display of unauthorized traffic signs
- 39:4-183.4 - Prohibited signs deemed a nuisance; action for removal
- 39:4-183.6 - Determination of signage
- 39:4-183.8 - Materials
- 39:4-183.9 - Design of traffic signs
- 39:4-183.10 - Message; wording and symbols
- 39:4-183.11 - Illumination; reflectorization
- 39:4-183.12 - Location
- 39:4-183.15 - Continuous maintenance
- 39:4-183.21a - Removal of certain signs
- 39:4-183.22a - Construction warning signs
- 39:4-183.24 - Standard location, information signs
- 39:4-183.25 - Repeal
- 39:4-183.27 - Rules and regulations; placement, specifications, location and maintenance of traffic signs and markings
- 39:4-183.28 - Repeals
- 39:4-183.29 - Continuance of rules and regulations promulgated by department of transportation prior to act
- 39:4-183.30 - Effect of act on offenses, liabilities, penalties or forfeitures prior to date of act
- 39:4-183.31 - Posting of pedestrian crossing yield signs
- 39:4-191.1 - Legal authority; uniformity
- 39:4-191.2 - Types of markings
- 39:4-191.6 - Illumination and reflectorization
- 39:4-191.7 - Word markings limited
- 39:4-196.1 - Local authority
- 39:4-196.2 - Types of safety zones and traffic islands
- 39:4-196.3 - Location, design and protection
- 39:4-197 - Ordinance, resolution, regulation on matters covered by chapter
- 39:4-197.1 - Prohibiting normal traffic on county or state highway; consent of board of chosen freeholders or highway commission necessary
- 39:4-197.2 - County road lying within municipality; regulation of traffic and parking
- 39:4-197.3 - Special traffic regulations
- 39:4-197.4 - Angle parking ordinances; exemption from approval by state; conditions
- 39:4-197.5 - Restricted parking for use by handicapped persons; ordinances, resolutions or regulations
- 39:4-197.6 - Restricted parking zone, residence of handicapped person
- 39:4-197.7 - Permits for motor vehicle; fee
- 39:4-197.8 - State Highway Route No. 94 in Sussex and Warren Counties; regulations limiting use
- 39:4-197.9 - Handicapped parking enforcement units
- 39:4-197.10 - Qualifications for appointment to unit
- 39:4-197.11 - Preference for handicapped persons
- 39:4-197.12 - Reimbursement for mileage
- 39:4-197.13 - Course of instruction required
- 39:4-197.14 - Permissive benefits
- 39:4-197.15 - Uniform and maintenance allowance
- 39:4-197.16 - Findings, declarations relative to prohibiting certain trucks, truck-trailer combinations from using portions of Route 29
- 39:4-197.17 - Weight prohibitions
- 39:4-197.18 - Exceptions for emergency, government or local service
- 39:4-197.19 - Exceptions for certain vehicles after hearing
- 39:4-197.20 - Necessary signage by DOT
- 39:4-197.21 - Violations, fines
- 39:4-198 - Notice of ordinance, resolution or regulation by signs
- 39:4-199 - Safety zones, signals, guideposts and other structures on state highway; approval by highway commission
- 39:4-199.1 - Official traffic signs at traffic islands, safety zones and grade separations, etc
- 39:4-201 - Resolutions, ordinances, regulations pertaining to traffic on county roads; notice; penalties
- 39:4-201.1 - "No passing" zones
- 39:4-202 - Approval of resolutions, ordinances or regulation by commissioner
- 39:4-203 - General penalty for violations of chapter
- 39:4-203.1 - Indigents permitted to pay fines in installments, waiver, certain; guideline for indigency
- 39:4-203.2 - Failure to comply with installment order; additional penalties
- 39:4-203.3 - Violations pertaining to pedestrians and bicycles by juvenile under 17; warning; penalties
- 39:4-203.4 - Conviction for violation after Jan. 1, 1983; petition for reduction in sentence
- 39:4-203.5 - Offenses in area of highway construction, repair or designated safe corridor
- 39:4-204 - Handicapped person defined
- 39:4-205 - Handicapped person identification cards; application; issuance; forfeiture or revocation; indefinite validity
- 39:4-206 - Vehicle identification card
- 39:4-207 - Parking overtime by driver of motor vehicle with placard or wheelchair symbol license plates; no penalty
- 39:4-207.1 - Rules and regulations
- 39:4-207.2 - Person with an intellectual disability defined
- 39:4-207.3 - Issuance of insignia for motor vehicle used for transporting persons with intellectual disabilities
- 39:4-207.4 - Authorization to park in space marked for physically handicapped
- 39:4-207.5 - Out-of-State handicapped plates
- 39:4-207.6 - Definitions
- 39:4-207.7 - Removal of motor vehicle parked unlawfully in restricted parking space or zone
- 39:4-207.8 - Issuance of handicapped nursing home resident identification card and windshield placard for nursing home vehicles
- 39:4-207.9 - Parking spaces for handicapped; requirements for snow removal; penalty
- 39:4-208 - Trenton, State's property at; regulations authorized
- 39:4-209 - Violations; penalties
- 39:4-210 - Jurisdiction of offenses; disposition of fines
- 39:4-211 - Enforcement of regulations
- 39:4-212 - Consultation, cooperation relative to enforcement of regulations
- 39:4-213 - Control of traffic during emergency conditions; Attorney-General's powers
- 39:4-214 - Signals; signs; police personnel
- 39:4-215 - Failure to obey signals, signs or directions
- 39:4-216 - Commercial activity or solicitation of contributions; prohibition
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