Bishop v 59 W. 12th St. Condominium

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Bishop v 59 W. 12th St. Condominium 2007 NY Slip Op 34582(U) May 26, 2007 Supreme Court, New York County Docket Number: 101683/04 Judge: Louis B. York Cases posted with a "30000" identifier, i.e., 2013 NY Slip Op 30001(U), are republished from various state and local government websites. These include the New York State Unified Court System's E-Courts Service, and the Bronx County Clerk's office. This opinion is uncorrected and not selected for official publication. [* 1] \ f1/ SUP~MECO(JRTOF,THESTATEOFNEWYO~-··· NEWYORl{C(jtJNTY PRESENT: PART . 2 · .Hon. LOUIS B. YORK Justice --------------------------------------------------~--------------~~---)( F1·1_.·.·.·-11;· .Jlidex N.o. .. · ·:._ ... . f!1 . ·.·. : . ~016~~!04 RANDA BISHOP, Plaintiff, JUN ·. .. ·~otio~ p~t.e,~95116/07 · -against- . . , 0 6 200~ Motiqn Seq. No.. . 05 . · 59 WEST 12TH.STREET CONDO~ ET ~Yo ...... Motiofi Cal. No. . Defend~ts, "-VLJNTyc~~'b. · . -------:------------------ ---------------------~-"."'---------------~--·--x. . . . ~· Tlie following papers, nwn~,ered 1 to were read on this moti~Ii for RearOOerit I .PAPERS NUMBERED N6tice of Motioril Order to Show Cause~ Affidavits _._'.Exhibits_·._:-~ . I .· Answering A.ffidavits - Exhibits-------...------------- 1 ., .------________ · ·Replying. Affidavits ·( ;! Yes :Cr~ss~Motjon: '( ] No >1" . .This crdss-mo;tlon designated as a reargument pf the rulings in theCofil.pliarJ:~e Order ' • I •' ' ' ' - ' '' ' • ; • : • \ ', ' :. • ~ , - ; • ·, ' dat~d October 18, 2(106 is in. reality a 111otion to .m~difythat_(>rder. as tJ:iere .was n~veran . . . . . . ~ argument but, according to cross-movant, a give ·and take betwe¢n ~e parti~s' 3:ttt)meys and the justice's law-clerk. · Plaintiff has brought this action, inter alia, to· allow her to alter two maids' rooms, turning them into a re;;idential apartment which the defendants·have ·currently refused to do. Plaintiff.alleges that the Board of Directors has, violated its fiduciary obligation to not engage in disparate t:J~eatment of the owners of the condominium's apartments. Plaintiff, 1 I • . alth9ugh having submitted its application for the alterations since 1994, has been blocked by "RECEIV..~:JO. ·· MAY s o·.aou1 ·. the Board of Directors from continufog the alteration~:. . . . ~f:; .:.. . . . . • .. ~··;t;: IAS MOTION•\ SUPPORT OFFICE .· ~ .. -· , .. : , .' .. · [* 2] Bis~op .:v 59 West 12'h St. Index No.: 10~f~83/04 · -2- i I. I· r ! · Piaintiff' s discovery request is t6 seekthe rec.o;r~-.of all requests· made from.two. yeitts, before plaintiff w~ sfopped from doing the alterations.~ l.e., 1992. Defendant stat~s ·fl:\a~ first . .. . the f6rm:ula is ·not sufficiently tailored to ·include .tho~e who .·.wer~· ~ct.ually in" a. ·siJltllar ·: . . . .. ' . ' .. - ' ' ' . ·' ' . '' - ;· -" . .... : . . ' '', '-- situatiop. as plaintiff. Jhose.would .be, .acqordirig. tq plaintif~, all c.oncfo owners: who sought ·· . . r " I [ { ! i to convert th~ir apartpients. fyqm co~ercial. u~e: _(j.e.·, the·. maids' toQms .to ·¢p~ents ... (~esidentiaI-use). Th(~ plai~tiff Gounters that tha(is . afalse cJesririptlon.' S~e staie:~}Jl:anhis ~ , _·; ·. · · · ·._. . DeferiQaQ.t als() .states tl1at th~. period of cQin:pansoit~.Jfiotil.d·,·be three ye~s hefot¢:~Q04~ tl1·e ·· -> :'." · . .. . .. . . .. - ·_ ": . . .. ~ _· , --~ . ' . ' . . -. - •. -. . . ., ' . .. . . ~ .- ' aatethi:s action was commenced; to wit, 2001 .. They ¢JaDn th~t that for the '. • ~. • . sra.tute oflimitatforts - -. • - -· • • • • • ··~. . - -· • '" • • •. • .·~ • 1 ' any rivicJei,iCe Qef9~ that P~dod iS in thiS .action. Consequell.t1).1; ·.... · rrrelev~t. - ,·\ ·... ~ \ ..... · ... :l'he Court moclifies -the· discovery <;>tder to t¢quite $e cofidoimnil1m to.prp'.duce :t1fe:.. "· :.,.: .. .. '. - .. . ' .~ . -_ ' . .. - : . .' alt~r~tion,file.s for all ::esidential apartments fro~J992_to the present For ~e ptttpo~es ~{ • • • j - discovery, the tenants siµtllarly' situated to plaii;ltiff-are:thC>se. owners who·h'ave·'sought permission. from the condominiu111 to alter their. apartment~. The time period .for this inf<;>fmation starts at 1992 because that is a reasonable period w'1en many, ifnot most or all of the· board members who rejected .plaintiff's request were· rejecting or grantjng such I req~es~~· Wh~ther tP.~~ . . . .. . '. . ,• :' . Stawte: _of Limitation~. is .tbfee:.:' yeru;s. ~ ,9~f~ndan.t mai~tains or sb,c .. . . . . . ·. . ' ... - . ' ' ' . ·.. '"'." ' _,. -_ - . . _· . .. ' ' . . ' ·• . _. ~.. . ' .. ;ears as pl3.intiff maintains. is irrelevant for this discovkrY issue~ ·The. Statute of Limitatibhs. . ,- '; ·, -·~' . ' . . '. - ... ~' -. . .· ........ ' .. - . - . . :. ~ ' - .- : - :.. ~ . . '·'..,., ' - "' .·' [* 3] . · Bishop v 59 West 12t11 St. Index No{101~68~l04 · -3- ,'only}iifilts .the period of time that a lawsuit may be brqught after an evertt th~t_.·startsjts . running. It has n~thinj~ to do with this discovery issu~~- ·Whether or not aJ;J.y ~f thesetec-~r~s . . . . will. be. admissible' at trial :will be .qetennined at trial; but they should be revealed. in .. . . . . ., ~ cµ.scovery, wh~re the rules on admis.sibnity are.far·mote flexible than at trial.. · P~fe11dant's 1~otion seeks to ~~ring back the plaintiff for .approxlmately.rwo.mQre_ .-.,. . ·,:·.· : . hours ofexaniip.ation. ··Atthe stitrt of th~.deposition, counsel told defendant that pl$tiff was;··~.-· .. . .. .. . . . - ' . . .• . . ' . ' ·· ;.. mtownforonlym1e day, afet-which sJie·was flyi11g Q~tk,hotn¢ to Las:Vegas~ Coull~~lJQf. ; • .. - - ' • •• - • ' • ' ~ ~ • • • ' • •• - - •• • f • ·, :.. :platntiff suggest~d .tb!it the depositio~- begin ·prompqy: ~f 9;:00 ·~.m. Defendant'{cbU?~~l - . - , • - - - , • • • ' '• ! · ·ili&i$t~~ -on .10:00 a.m~· and arrived at. l.O: 15 :a.m. It is .unQispµt~d:-fuafcounsd sugg~sted. ~ . .. . - ,,. ' . - - . . - ~.. ~ ·. :~_bbtevfatedJurich of a't>0ut30minute$. l)~fendarit's c®Ii$el insisted on afullhour,- ®c;ltQok'. . . - ~ . . - ' . . .. ' - . - . . ; . . . . . .- aJittl~ .-i~I1ger than that. At 5:30 defendant: s counsel_.~topped t\J.e.deposition\vhlQh,.Jte ·state& .. -. ·. . . ' . : ' ,• . ' . . ' ·had· about two 'hours to go. Defendant's· .counsel reflJse.~ to ·dO' SO, insisting ·th~t·plaintiff. ;... . . '··,fieeded to ·fly back to :~ew Yorkfor :~e :relllainingtwo hotir~. . ~: ·. . · : The behavior j r . . cf co~nsel appears niore to inco.nvemence and harass ·plaintiff th® to ... obtain legitimate diSC()V~ry. A slight effort on his part would have concluded the..depOsitic)ri ... I ! The Court does not countenance such incivility and will do 1'0thing to assist the perp~trator I i i r I ."of such..uncivilbehaviorl .The motion. to require plaintiff to appear for the continuance·ofher .· t. r ·. :' '.:deposi,tjon}s de~ed. I ! L. ... I . .. t f . ~ . f I - :i [* 4] : nisbop v 59 West 12th St. Iilde~ No~ 191683/04 -4- . -Finally, defend~it's motj.()n fo compelproduction ()f disc~very material is· .. moot. The parties both ~Lgreed that these:documents haq fi~ally, if belatedly~ be~n ·ptbdirc,ed. ·~ This constitutes the Order and Decision of tlie.· Collrt~ . .. ,. ; - ' - - . ' '' . ,' ·. F 1·.i.;E D .••••.•.... , ' !·;. , ,• _ ... ··N~YORK.. .. · :~CPUNTY CLERK'S 'C>FFICF .. . ·. . . . . ."·. .:. I I ! 1· ·• ·. ·. J~~- 0 62~;· . . ..·. ·. ·. '' I' '1 - : ' - ~ .- .' - - ' : ~ I i, Enter:·. . : '. - towr~-· . , •' , ·QIJe~~ 9ne: D FINAL DISPOSITl9N :-~ ~q~~flNAL . 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