Scher v Paramount Pictures Corp.

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Scher v Paramount Pictures Corp. 2012 NY Slip Op 33784(U) February 27, 2012 Supreme Court, New York County Docket Number: 116541/06 Judge: Paul Wooten Cases posted with a "30000" identifier, i.e., 2013 NY Slip Op 30001(U), are republished from various state and local government websites. These include the New York State Unified Court System's E-Courts Service, and the Bronx County Clerk's office. This opinion is uncorrected and not selected for official publication. [* 1] ' ... HON •.PAUL W0.0TEN Defentl~ints-~ '·,. · The'fQl!owintfpap~t$~ :nuJTibere·d 1 ·t~A~Were. read on .thl$ ·:m~tionJ>V def~ndan~ to rQargJ1e:1p,(1i'$Yant to . . CPLF(~221. - . . . . . ·PAF!ER$' NUMBERED fiq\i~,91 l>!!!tl!!!li ~rdftt!! $hRW .c•~~~-j ~~~!IJ'.~J#'b.f.L)f ·...,..'·. ____,:_,. , -~. .·~.: ., .\. ,. -._-.-_.,. .:_.·,. . . . 1Afl,sW@rln9Affiday.1~- E;xhtb.its (M@mQ) .. _ . _.- • ~ .- . -- . . - . ~"·.:-:-:-a\_ ·:_· =='--~, .R~~ly.1he·Affi~~jdiJ~lRil?fY~M,rro<>l.:....··-.....-;..,:;---=._·.....,..._........,.,......-.,....'-..... ....~~rrfti'i::r'n'r-<l'ttiitft:'!~--~-.. -':""........·'~•;~--......--....·-~-~--' · --.-.---:·- _ -... Cross-'Motion~ ... .. 0 Yes.-lil No. - . _. · ._ . -N~YOR~ ·:. · _ · Thi.s is.a :!llc:>tion· ~Y def~nd,E!nts ·paramount 'Pi~~~~~~fiW,~'~B.6~R~~9i :(dgf@'.Q'.fJ)]I($): " · • t ' • - ,_);, ' Co.udls '.cfe,pisiori ·-~n~t order dat~d: Se,ptf;jITT.ber 3()1·~0-~:1 :anq;:enteted -oh~Octciber;~~:._ :2.0W~J(rtior · D~cisioaj and v~catit)g pla'intiff's-Note:-of ls.sue':and .Q,ettmciate of'R~a~iness fOttri~LfileC!tr~>:n· - • ·--_ > • • '. ~ • . . ._... - .... - - .. _ _ _ ..,_ •..-• • • • • ~ ,. 4_,..:.._~-- ....... ·.-: ·-..•.. :.:· ...:~: _____ ·_ ' Nov:~mber, 1.-20~,1. In its ··Prior Ded.$l0.n, this·:C:t:>l;!f:tgi:~l:)i~~:lh~ -0\C)tiqh:~y·pl~hit.iffM~t!~~~. ' • -. . . - " '. ::. .._,, .. •, .- .. . 'i~ Sche·r (plaintiff) :Jo .strike tb.e defencf~i:il$' answ~.rfor defendants·' 'failure to, cc>'rnply wit_b. ·glsqov,ery . •' ::: . • . ,, .· . · . : '.- .• 1' -- - ..... requests: and pfevidu$ orders of.'this·,;~_olfrt:.and' 1deniedid~f.~ndar:itis'--cross..mO.tiO:MifP- :epm~el . . ·. :» ., '.' -.. . . ' ' . . .. discovery. Upon reargumenf, defendants seek that this'CQurtto reverse its·Prior Decision, deny plaintiff's motion ·to· ;strike, ar;d gra.nt defendants~ m·otio_n to compel discoveryJre>n1the. plaintiff. Defendants also seek an order vacating plaintiff's Note of Issue and C~rtifiqate of Readiness and striking this matter from the trial calendar~ Plaintiff is in opposition to · defendants' motion. In support of their motion to reargue defendants set forth mostly theisame arguments I offered in opposition to the plaintiff's' motion to strike, but they submit an incomplete record Of Page 1 of 4 I I [ [* 2] ·. - . - -' ' . . .. ' -' . ' . - . - ~ :~ . :~ ~ ' .' .· ~ .:-_·· alt:the,papers'·in the.original motion·lOefen(lant's-affil'fuation i.h$,tjppott~ 1V21?~4_;); D.~fen~_~nts · ·p~offer, 111t~r a/fa, th~t the Court rni$~ppr~hen~ed &o~h the law and-~he·F!rio·r ; · -_ · Deci~iqh., .Specificany1 d~f~ndarits:.rnaintaih -thai·th~-'Qbt.ii1 faHe.d.Jo~ conside·rc~ffjqavif~~:Pf . · Pa~amount_-employees:; '1"7 .a~d .19., "20.~0 •. in whj¢hJliey claime.d th.a.~. the_,y majit:fa :§e.arph.fq_r~yar.i.ous r~cO:rg~ at~rt\:fri~Q~g(fl~d .UmEt· , . . . tn 0P1iosition. pi~lntifftnafntaia~:'.thalHiis:·c.o.utf.$h9~ldi'tQt:gftnt·d~f~'!ilc;f~nt$f019fip~::t9 reargue because the $ourt in re~ohi~g ,lt~ PriotD~.~isJQ.11 did,-119tm!s~pprehepd or.:'a~etlook, , · . -m~ttersdof)~W or·t~ct ;~pe«~'ifica1tyJ:,:PlalqWt·~ass~ri~:lhattl~fep~lfr11t$~, r¢Uan:c.~o.n :th~tv/o -- ·affidavits"~$-lhe basis;,fqr:this rnotio11.i$::!'t_ro,ubll119·~,~ari~,·~P.~set~~$~' Q'epaµse{d~f:>9$itib_n'. 1~~Jlrftony wtiich·l9~~~place~stib$~1ii!et1t·t().Jhe¥l:!fil!il~siqn:J>fi!~e;:fy/o>~tfld~yi~s"tlear1y·'evidende-cf•tl!latifh~:., . :, ..-. . . ; . . . - . ' - affidavits, which were .submitt.ed after:(J.efendan~~· failure lo Potnpty With fourc;<>n!?·ee!!Jti~~g~f{.er:s 1 0 . .·'._','-', I. I I :9.fitbis, Cg,µrl:i~ir.e.ctir19::.~~fe.n~.~Rf$:~~~t~·r~$P9hCI tg.',:9.~~~t~li~ipS:',cJ!~~~v~n7.·:·w~$-.,~,:eso.~p~e·'th~ c (- .• · consequence of their-wilff~I and· contl.Jmacious colldU'Ci,and'thafthe Cpurt". oaving been apprised of: the, falsity 9.flhe. :affidavit~ properly :$tl}l~l(the ,def~n:g~nts' ahswe.i:s.. • I .. ' - '~ : . • STANDARD·.. . . . ··. . .' ' . ··'···· CPLR 22Z1(d) :Provides, in r~ievant :PE.ITt•. thaba\:rt'fotiorrto- reargue m.usf be identified; as. .. . . - . . . . . - .... · ,. . . such and ~shall. be .bas~ci,~pon matters onact· orl.~W" aH~gedlY· 9v~tt<loke~ :p.f:rnisa1i!·~re~:~hd~ by the couifin determining the prior rrjqtion, but s}iall ne>t inch.itle _any matter$.offact not-dffered on .the prior motion." A motion for reargument "addressed to th~tdiscretion c;>f ,the couft, is designed lo afford aparty ari opportunity to esfabli$1i:that 'the CO!.frfoverfook~d or misapprehended the relevant facts, or misapplied any controllin_g principle ~f law" (Foley v Roche, 68 Ab2d 558, .567 [1st Dept 1979); seeCPLR 2221[d) [2]). Arearg~ment motion is based solely on the papers submitted in connection with the prior motion. It: is not a means by which an unsuccessful party can obtain a second opportunity to argue one or more issues Page 2 of 4 I l [*,. 3] h- .... ._ I I- i :· .... prev[O.U$1y qecic:fed,· if~li-_ c;>pP.Ort~nilY·to: $µ~tnif:heW:or-~af;fglj{ot1.~l:fa9t~ ~qti:pf.~'li~IJ$fY _submitted as.pact-:of,;lhe motiori ($ee·MoGill:v,:Goldman,261. AGl2¢f593: ! 594.(gcft;)e#t1·_1~'9~j~ -1'$. E. (53 St. Co. v Cook, 120-AD2d 442, 443 [1.$f0ept1.986]; ·Foleyv:/~oche, 6SiAD~<t§J5e,;$6't'~5~e r1_stD~pJ 1979])'. :DIS.OUSSiflN i I !. i I I Upon the foregoinQ -p~pers; defeni:tants1·h_$V~ ·demonsfr~tedhthat the ·Qourt.;tn''.ft$;;Pdor . De-cisi9n~ overlooked ·or fni$._appre~ended matter$: Qf:f~cHo it$. d~f~_dninati~m 9Utl~,\PJ~itit!ff's-. ' _prior moti9n to:.strik~ ~ursuaht to ·CPl:;R: $12.6. (se-e CPL;R.'42Qt[d][~]). Ttius, tb~·G.c:i9r;t9Jants· " 1.-1 I " - 0 • • <' • < : " "', •"' • " - "-.__ • T d_~feh(:f $nt$1 'ftlPttoH ·,tq reatg\Je.:this Court~$,:Rcior :Pec_i$iono1'.l':ptaitftiffl$ motioo't'to(str~i1 ' ·: --· ~p:en-rearg\.l_rlteht; and ,after-ca tevrevn~f';Jh~ :re:c-afd1c 0lh~1,~0.Qtirtii~-~~-~t~$~:to ·it5.fcti:~ln~l 1 !~ r- - ' I dete.tminatlon. the defendahts h~ve..fallecf to c_ornply:,with .otd~rs;.'.of this ~Court ·.dilte:d~J~aua.~ I: 16.,-.2009, October· 1, 2009, ~uly 19, 201:0, 11., '3Ptt:C).i .an.d·~&1~y ·12,.' ;\N,liJ~h;~cJireJil~~t 1:· 1: . ' ' .. ' . .' .' ' ~~~- I· -1ti~-·tfjfer)'(l.~Jjt$·. to ~itli~t provide -ttie 'Plainiiff .With. re·qu~~~.e~Lao9\\(srl ~ntauo·q.~a!Mffgt\~!JR.nflt:.t:i. · !. 1: ·satiifaetory ·affi°tfavit. st.atlng 'that no such -do~ument~~i~n exi$t~t i: I I: ! :p~fe.;id~nt~ ,wer~ ;p4t·:ori nc>t!ce'9mpliance~oo,r1ference··lleJd on July 1$, 201'0 ~ba.f ·s.ho\.ilelr:tbe~,f~it:to ·eqrnply-,;;lhe ,pfaii:ltift 1 . . _ Wpylg:'m(?VEfto :$tri~e; the r~lief ·$.h~ sougbt::at1iil'Wa$ ~r@nt¢d.1. Tf{e-rJ~f.epd~nt$·haV~ch.t>t · •, ·- . . .. . - ,, . . - . ' . ·, ' . .. --- .• "·' . ·-- .. --··I ._ •.,., subr:n1tfedrsufficient documentatic>ri or sn affida~iltwM.lohA~tQYidesra:·$~fisfa·ct~ty.~e~plam~tion·-.:as .. :tcrth~(d~i!3Y inpro\tidii1g.such 'The ($ffldavtt~·:$tibmlt.tetl:"qy the .def~pd~ot~: ir.i :.,_ · _ . - pppo_siti,on t6 plaihtiff's:'motion whii;:h state .'that· a :search. for·:r~·qµ~~te~ d(>cunten.t~.w~~ · . . conducted-are contradicted by deposjtion-testlmony·rgivE!n·~y"both'.affi~rtsa~d taken.aft~rthe- . submission ofthe affidavits. The affidavi~s are accordingly r~ndered false: arid ve>i~i ~Qd~do' not ·satisfy defendants' burden to provide discovery. Defendants' willful failure to. procjuce;the 1 The Court notes that in the notice of motion the defendants do not request reargument of their'cross- . motion to compel discovery from the plaintiff (Defendant's Notice of Motion W 1-3), but briefly'.refer to it in 1J 15 of the supporting affirmation. However, the defendants do not meet the standard.for reargumenta~ they have not demonstrated that the Court overlooked or misapprehended any matters of fact or law which would have chang~d the determination of defendants' motion to compel (see CPLR 2221 [d)(2)). Page 3 of 4 c - - - -- - [* 4] .. .' i~~J~s1~~tdlso.9v.e.~'i:qr~a·:satisf~~J9w:·~ft~_avit;,iticitcatih~;;~rse~t9h1W~~"Qon,~t~~!i~ffgt't~~ ,. ·. · • · • • •- - " :" .,- ' - : .. ' ' _ • '• • ~ • ' . ' , •j ' , . ·:,. • • 11 : ' . I , ' reqµestect. :~iS.~q,Y:Ei.i'Y·~'~Ji~ .th~f n9'~L!¢tlt~J~~&vg(r}(e~i~fs~~$;JrFq9dtrav.~.@tf9,r<:>dhis:':o~"C1tti.$~ ·· · .·: ;.. I. ' ,, I , previous, Prd~nh indutjing·-the,JLllf.1;3i ~~m~ie:.9otl~iUoM~H)tQ.~r~ i,~,~·:$g,q~;··ttl.$+:~~f~g~~~~7Will.:h~~i: . ' : H.' .. . - .' .:::1:~.:~==~::~::~:;~~::~~:t:;~~~:;::~:::1:;z; • ·,- •• '· ' . N<' • - . . . ' . :....·- ' • - •.. ::· ~- ... -•.- -.. :·x ' .•-'. . i\ L.'I I· . 1.·. 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