NICI v Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc.

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NICI v Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc. 2012 NY Slip Op 32564(U) October 3, 2012 Supreme Court, New York County Docket Number: 111347/2007 Judge: Barbara Jaffe Republished from New York State Unified Court System's E-Courts Service. Search E-Courts ( for any additional information on this case. This opinion is uncorrected and not selected for official publication. SCANNEDON 1011012012 [* 1] s Justice - lridex Nurriher : 1 1 134.7/2007 N IC I, JANET INDEX NO. -_ vs. MOTION DATE __ CONSOLIDATED EDISON SEQUENCE NUMBER 004 VACATE NOTE OF ISSIJE/KI~ ADINESS The following papers, numbered 1 to Notic@ MQtiOnlOrdw to Show Cause of MOTION SEQ. NO. , were read on this motion t ~ h r - Affidavits - Exhibits 1 No(s). Answering Affidavits - Exhibits NQ(S). 3 Replying Affidavits Upon the foregoing papers, it i ordered that s t F IW s ) . 1 *? '- ; < , j , > I :-- mbfiL~ t QCT 18 2042 i .-4 ..................................................................... 1 1 CASE DISPOSED CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: ........................... MQTION IS: I I GRANTED DENIED / - I GRANTED INPART I -1 OTHER CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: ................................................ nSUBMIT ORDER SETTLE ORDE I 1 DO NOT POST [I FlDUClARY APPOINTMENT REFERENCE I. CHECK ONE: 2. 3. $ [* 2] Index No. 1 I 1347/07 Argued: Motion seq. no.: DEC181C)N ANI) 0III)ER C'ONS(I)I,IDATEI~ E1)ISON C'OMPANY 01; NEW YORE;, IN('., 'IULLY C'ONS'TRUCTION ('0.INC'., I I I E CITY 0 1 ; NI'W YORK, t ~ M P l l i I CITY SIJHWAY l coM PA N Y, r r i)., v 1i ii I ZON COM M I. I N IC'ATIONS, INC'., F1,EE'l' TRLJC'KIN(i INC'., and NICO ASPJJALT PAVING, INC'., 'I ' Izi rd- Part y Plai lit i ff: -against- VEI<I%ON COMMIJNI('ATIONS, IN('., -against- NIC'O ASPllhL'I I'AVING, INC., 590 139/08 1 5/29/12 004 [* 3] For- City: Lcslie D. litlight, AC'C' Michaol A Cnrd070 Cot-poiat iuii C'oiinscl 100 C l l U l C h St. NCWY~rl,, N Y 1 0007 217-788-0627 For Con IGJ: Vor ECSIVcriLon: Matllicw S. M a h a , Esq C'onwny, bwell elf N / 48 Wall St., 20"' FI. Ncw Yorh, N Y 10005 Rita c'. M:iriti, I'sq. Richard W. I3abinccz 4 Irving PI., lim. I800 NCWYak, N Y 10003-350& 71 2-400-335s 2 12-7XF-2010 and 3 12 1 and 22 NY C'RII 202.1 7 m c l 202.21 (c) for an ordcr vacating plaintiffs' notc 01' issue and cornpclling tlic otlicr defcndaiits i o pwvidc discovery responses and appc;ir Ihr esaiiiinatioiis before trial (H13T), and estendiiig thcir iimc i o imve for suinmary judgment. Liled OII March 20, 201 2. they t11cre;iftcr discovcred correclivc action reports ( ( ' A r k ) that had not becii disclosed by City during discovcry which rclatc to work performcd at thc accident localion, and that the CARS rctlect a necd h r furlhcr discovery ;ind 1-3BTs.(Aflirination of Matihcw S Matera, Esq., datcd Apr. 5 , 2012). r k r c ~ l d Consolidatcd Edisoii C'ompany of Ncw Yorlc, Inc. ( C o n Ed) opposcs I O tlic ~~t cxtent 01 asserting that it respondcd to inovants' cliscovcry dcmand daled March 19, 201 2. (Afliriiiation of' Rita C. Mnriii, ksq., datcd Apr. 16, 20 I I , Exh. A). PlaiutiUs oppose on the ground that although additional discovcry may be warranted, i t wo~ild unliir to thciii to strilic their note of' issue a s tioiie ol thc newly-requested discovcry is be owcd by thcm. (Allirmation 01' Eric Buchvar, Esq., datcd Apr. 16, 20 12). 2 [* 4] c i ty ilrgiics that it complied with tiiovants pre-note discovcry rcqtiests and objccts to providing m y post-notc discovery. (Alli-iiiatioii of Leslie 11. Knight, Arc, datcd May 2, 2012). I n rep1>, irwvants observc that <is dckndant Nico lliiled to oppos:c thc motion, it iiiust hc compelled to respoiid to iiiovaii ts discovery demnilcls, :ind withdraw their motjon as to C on Ed. I hcy argue, liowcver, that ils City fiiilecl to disclose thc C ARs m c 1 providc a manual relatcd to potholc repairs, liirthcr cliscovcry is ncedecl. (Reply A k i n a t i o n , datcd May 4, 20 12). Pursuanl to 22 NYC RR 202.21(e), n party m a y iiiovc to vacatc note of issue within 20 days oI its scrj ice on the ground that the case is not ready for trial aiid it appears that a tilaterial flict ill thc ccrtilicate of rcadiiiess is iiicorrcct. Moreovcr, whcrc uiiiisiial or \inaiiticipiited circiimstanccs dcvelop suhscquent to the filing ol a note o f issue and certificate o l readiiicss which require adclilioiial pretrial proceedings to prevcnt substantial Ixjudice, thc court, upon motion supportccl hy al fidavit, may grant permission t o conduct such neccssai-y proceedings. (22 NYC RTI 202.21 [cl]). I Icre, 3s movants independently discovered tlic CAlis in their ow11 rccords alicr plaintiffs filed their note 01 issue, they have iiot sliowii that a material liict in the ccrtikate of rei1diricss is incorrect, I I ~ I V C thcy established that C ity s rcsponse to their discovery rcqiiest was 1101 illsufficient as, although thcy may have wanted City 171-ovidea pothole rcpair I I I N W ~ Itliat ~, i s not what was requested in their discovery cleiiiancls. Moreovcr, notwitlistatding Nico s failurc to oppose the tiiotioii, inovaiits conclusory assertion that thcy discovered the CARS alicr the note 01 issue was frled docs not constitute i i ii us LI a 1 D r 1 iia 11 c i pa t cd ti c i rc 11I IIs t a iicc s ab sc I 1t m y cxplaii :it i on o f wlia 1 e f.1 nrts we rc I iiad e to cliscovcr them pre-notc or why the documents were discovcred only ilrter the notc was iilcd. (Scr 3 [* 5] pr-operly denied delay 1; C'olori ;IS untimely I' I'vii Rii nbscnt showing of spccial circunishnccs or sufficicnt cxplanatinn for 45 AD3d l S c ) 11 I)cpt 20071 [lack ol'diligeiice in seeliing discovery '' I Accordingly, i l is Iicichy Vcrizoii C'oriiiiiLinications, Inc.'s motion to viicnte plaintif'li' notc (of issue ;and to coiiipel is den ieci . 1 )A'IED: Octobcl- 3, 2012 New Yorlc, Ncw Y o r k 4

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