Watkins v Forsyth

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Watkins v Forsyth 2009 NY Slip Op 33329(U) June 29, 2009 Sup Ct, New York County Docket Number: 107677/07 Judge: Joan A. Madden Cases posted with a "30000" identifier, i.e., 2013 NY Slip Op 30001(U), are republished from various state and local government websites. These include the New York State Unified Court System's E-Courts Service, and the Bronx County Clerk's office. This opinion is uncorrected and not selected for official publication. SCANr,JED 0 7 ! ' F 2 C 0 0 - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - · · - · -· [* 1] SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK - NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: 1.+" ~ J "c. "'-1 A. f/\A uLkv PART \\ ~dex Number : 10767712007 INDEX NO. \WATKINS, PATRICIA !vs. ~ MOTION DATE FORSYTH, ALFRED l J Q~ MOTION SEO. NO. SEQUENCE NUMBER: 003 J MOTION CAL. NO. SUMMARY JUDGMENT n this motion t o / f o r - - - - - - - - - --··- PAPERS NUMBERED Notice of Motion/ Order to Show Cause - .. z Answering Affidavits VJ Cross-Motion: Exhibits ... Replying Affidavits _ _ _ __ VJ Affidavits 0 <( Exhibits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes iXNo w a: C> wz o- -~ t; ..... 0 ::::> ..., ....I o~ w 0 :c I- w ta: a: a: 0 ~ u.. w a: > ....I ....I ::::> LL l- o w a.. en w a: (/) w (/) <( 0 z 0 t- o :E Dated: ~ ~ 2ory Check one: J.S.C. FINAL DISPOSITION Check if appropriate: ~ NON-FINAL DISPOSITION DO NOT POST [* 2] Sl IPl\E:'vff COURT UI·- Tl Ir. ST1\TE OF NEW YURK C0l 1NTY OF NEW YOl\I(: IAS PAWr 11 ------ ·-----------------------------------------------------------------X I)/\ TIZIC 'IA W.i\TKINS, Index Nu. I ()](j 77/07 J(/,·' '·· I k fc mla 11 t. ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------x .IOJ\N J\. M/\DDEN_ L 111 1!11s pcrso11~1l i11jury :1clio11, dclcnd;u1t 1\li"red Fmsvlh (1-orsyth) rnovcs kn su111111,1r\' _J11dg111e11t p11rs11'111l lo CJ>LR :n I 2 dislllissing the cumplainl against liinL Dckndant Rolll<lll Lulak (Lutdk) sql;1r:1tcly 111ovcs for the same n_~liL·I. For the rc<1so11s sc·t r·orth below, but:1 rno1in11s ;1rc dcnicJ. ]JL1i1i1i If P:1lricia Watki11s (Watkins) :illc:!:'.c·:, Lh:1l she sust;1i11ecl pcrsu11al i11_juriL''> u11 Dc·cL·rnber I:~_ 2UO<i, ~1l approximately the sidewalk in Cront uJ' 7J ancl '"1- 45 p111, \\'l1e11 shL~ lripped ;111d ICll 011 J raised Sl'(:1iu11 01· 75 St. Mark's Pl<lL'l', New Yurk, NY, 1cspcclively Forsytl1 's a1HJ l.ut<1k's pro11crtics. 1 (W:1tkins lkp. at 18, 39). Al iiL:rckpusi1io11, Watkins testified th<1t :.he w:1s i11 Ilic process lli"w:ilki11g WL~Sl\Villll dow111hc 111iddlc of lhc sickw;dk wl1c11 lier right ruot I ii :1 \\:is 111-csc11ll'rl 11lwlugr:1phs oCthc site 0J'tl1c acciLiL'l1l :1t her Lkpusitio11 a11d Lcslified th;t\ tltc .-\t lier dcp,1;ilt<llL \\':1tki11s LL·stiflcd tl1:1t sllL· W<1', .,,;1lki11g hLlWt<:.'.11 /\vc11t1c /\ ~111d Fir-;t .\,L':lllL' ,II tJ1, titlll' ,,J'(i1L: dl'ClliClll. (W;1lki11s Lkjl. Jl IS). 1-l()\V'._'ll'I", ii IS ck~11 il'l'lll tilt' l"l'l'l)l"d 1l1:1l n :111d 7_~ SI l\l<trk s l'LlCl' h lwl\\CC-11 l;'irst a11d Sc·nrnd \\Tlllll.'" [* 3] p\1otugraphs dLTuratL:ly depicted the comlition ol'tl1e sidL:w<ilk at the time of the :1n·idv11t. (_10 . .il iS - -14 ). Al Iii~: rlcpusitiun. Forsyth testified Llrnl i11 I (NO. he hired :t contr:tclor to rcpL1n the l'lltir<.: sidcw:tlk in rrnnt or his property (t( n St M:trk's JllilCt. LuL1k lestilled th:1t SOllll' Liaw in Lile l 1J90's, Ilic City replaced tl1c entire sidewalk i11 J'rn111 01·11is property ;tt 7-'1 l'VL1rk's J!L1cc. tile site. Pici:Kco's s111\'CV showed that tlw cxp,111sion joi11L cu1111CL:li11~·- tl1c adj:IL'L'Ilt s1rk.,\alk T - ~·:-dcmli11g Olll' illch c;tst into the drL'(l in !'runt - - or Luiak's property. (Piciocco Affidavit, p:1ra ))_ Tlic :-;urvcy ,,J1uwcrl 1!1c VL:rtical gap to vary 11-<Jrn li:ill' an i11ch 1u Llircc-qu,trlcrs ril :111 illcli alu11g tl1L: middle purtirn1 u1·111e sidewalk_ (hl at Exhibit 13). Forsvll1 :111d l .11L1k c:1cl1 move for su1rnnary _jud~111e11[_ :irgui11g th:11. even :1s:;urn111~'- 111 CSl'llti s I d _-;i~clli ricrnt h'1/(lrl1." ( r:msytli Notice ul" \lotion fur Stilllllldry J udg11JL"ill. jldl ;1. 1<> )_ Silh,Tlllllll .·uh111its ;111 :11·11dnvit which incurpor:1(,>; by n..:lCJ"('llCCS :1n :1tl:1chi:d n:port d<tkd /\ugt1st I 0. :_:'()()7 wl1ich resulted from his 1\ugust 1007 invcstig:1tiu11 u1·11ic site·. (1, [* 4] !11 OJipusi1io11, W:llkim; submits Silbl:rlllai1's <iffoluvil. :1rgui11g lh:1t Sillic11n:rn's 1-ipi11iu11 ilS to llw n:ltL11-,· oCtlw dckct is sufficient tu rnise issues ur Lict rcgardir1g whctl1u the ckkcl :1t issttc· w:1s s11!llciL·111 to givL: misc to k11iility on the p<1rt ul'tlic deknd:1llts_ In his :tllid,1\ ii, l'<lllSL'd hy [: uL·l1 l ;t\m1pl cha11gL'S in elevation." (Si lhcrrn:1n T\cporl. :1t 2 - 3 ). Silhn111:111 :1b) 11uks lhal Ilic 1\d111i11islr;1li\'L' ('ode c!llt)J'l'l.'S a duty on :t pn>]JLTly owner to rcp:1ir :111y del'cctiL' '.,idc11alk lh; i11 Cronl ufhis prnperty. (Id_ at J - 4) is :1 questi()11 ul l'<lcl since: tlw ddccl is i11 J'n111t oJ' clcfc11cl:111ts' propcrtv. In :1dditirl11, \\ :11ki11s [hli11h 01it tl1:1t :1c·cmdi11µ 10 Silhcr111:111's allid:1vit. lhc ckCccl m:1y IW\C /(m11L:d d11c to '.1:1ILT to lake nolc ol thc rlckct C1ml rn:1kL: dUL' rq1:1irs. :11lmi;sihle LVi knee. /\dclitio11:1lly, lhc rlci'l:11d:l!ll-: argul' tk1t Silbc1m:111pruvidvs11u h:1:;i; lr">1 his 11pi111d11 Ll1:1l lilL· lJ/1(1 i11cl1 dcfcl't lw ubscrvui 11c:11·J_v L:ighl 1mrnlhs :1Ckr tllL' accick11L c\i·:kd :1 tile L lime uf lih: :1cc11k11L \\/i1!1 rL'SJ1L'Cl lo the Alimi11ic;tr:1llvL' ('()(k:, tl1c dcl"cmlct11lS <lr~·Jll' tli:1t cou1ts '-;LTlion 0 1'J-152(:1)(,I) u/'thr: .\(iil1i11islr:11ivc Culk (if the Cit\ ul· \Jew \'()rk prnl'irlcs. 111 1>5Li11c11l p:1~l. :t1:1t :11111\\11n ul'rc~1I propc1ly h:1s :111 ubli.~·<1ti1111 tu ''1cui11:.1rnct, n_·pC11r r11 l'-'ll:1\ c .. ll1u· l. idl'\\ _ilk 11:1.~ ¢,s" 1\ licrL\ i111i:r :tli:t. tl1, re· n ists ··:1 L1i:1 k1/:11"1l. IVill'l-l till-' -.L 1l iL':il "1·:1ck d11r,·1\ 111 ::11 hv11\ L.'L.'ll :1dj:1cc11l sickw:1lk lb.~.,·; i.-,; ~rL·:11CJ 1!1;_111 or cqu:tl lu UllL' l1:il 1· :111 :rich ... " [* 5] 11:1\l' gr~111!cr'. :-;1111m1:11·:1 _JL1Llg111L·nL evc11 though del·CL'ls :1l iss11e h:1\c viuldtL'd the 1\d111i111';;11·:1livc (_'11dc·. sl'l'_ l',g _ _\/ill;iplc111a \I. K:tnL' ;\s:c;oc;;s. Ti!_1_111l_;:__lllLJ~_ _:_s_11it'., 17 J\!11sc '.\cl 11:2(1(/\), ~-(I (Sup c_·1. ;\.Y. Co11111y :2007) i\dditi1111:llly_ For.';yth :1ssi:rts th:tl he c:rnnot 11'c lwld li:1hle si1ll'e, :1ccording 10 J!i,:iocL·1-i's surVL·y, tl1L· r·xp<1nsio11 _joi11l nvL·r wl1icli W:ilkins tripped sp:ms L.ut:1k's property :111d not his. Wcitl:i11s ci1Hl l 11L1k both opposL' Pnrsyth's :1rgu11ll:nl. 'vVatkins argues tli:ll J>iciuc,·,_i's .1lfol:1vit is :1111higurn1s :1s lo willTC W:itkins IC!! Si111il:11ly, I ut:1k :1rg11es that Picio,_·rn'-; 1dcnt1ficc1tin111ll"l11c lm::1tiun o!'thc cxp:ll1sio11joi111 0:1 tl1l' sidL·w:ilk Llues nol prove \\l1L·1·'--· \V:iti<ins kll. l 11l<lk J'11dliLT noks tlin! ~ 2-(Jl)(f)(4)(\'iii) ol'!lh_' l~uks o1'1lil' City urNn\ York 1mw1dcs ll1:11 -irk\v:1lk ll:igs with subsl:mti:ll dell·ci:: 111w;\ he r,,pLll'eli. :ind 011c ol'thc ,1dj:1LT111 1 ll:t~·· i11 qt1L· ii1·111s 111 1·1r111l nl'hirsyth':-; prnpcrty. LJ__l_'.i_l,J IS0_1 ~11 \_ U11 :1 1111itiu11 l'ur s11mm:1ry judgmc_'.Jll, the p1\-l]l011cn1 "11111s( rnnkc :i prir11:1 li1c1c· _c.;],uwi11g uf' L:11titkmenl 10 _1urlg111(·111 :1s ;1 rn:iltcr ul' law, tcndcri11g sunlci,·11t rwidc11LT lo L·lim1nalc :111:-.' rnall'1·ial iss11L·:, Cll' 1:w1 l'rnrn the 1:1cl' ... " Wincgr:1~l \'_New 'York Univ. Mcdc_UL, <1--l- NY2cl S5 I, :';)2 () ():\_')) ()11cc l11(' ]ll"U[J011Clil Ji:1S rn:1dc this shu\\'illg, lhe hurdc11 oJ"proo!'shiiLS lo li1L' jlLlt-ty u:1pu3i11g lhL· 11mtio11 tu product' cvidi:ntiary prour in :1clmissihle knm Lo es1ah1isll Lh:11111;1lL'riJI issttL'c; u1· 1·:1ct ,_·xisl :111d rL:quire CI lri:11. J\lv:1rc7. v_ l)rn. :pu·t l_l_(LSJL (l8 NY2d J2U, 32--l- (I ·IS(,). 1 "\Nh:tlK·r ;1 cbi1gL·rc1us m dcl\:·c1ivc COll(li!i(l11 ___ crc:1k[s] li:1bili1y 'Lkpelllls 011 tlw I l"llll ~~__l__( ~l'. i 1_1_lly__(:1r~11Ifo11-.;, ()(I Ny 2cl (!/ (J, ')'/I I I ()l1 7 I, ~j_I ~ i:! lll'l'!-il'I i i Sllll}l_D_J, I n ;\ [)2d rd 7 ( 2d Lk111 I ()l)_--;). I kll\'L'\'C'I "L1 i vi ill dcll·cts 011 .1 w;ilk w:1y 11ut L'Dn:-tit11t i11_~'. :1 1r:q1 u1- 1111i-0:111cc, <1s :1 co11SL'l]tlci1cL· ul-\\l1iL·i1 :1 pnkstri:rn mi.~_ 1.hl ... trip," Jrc :Ell '1L'lio11;1hlc. ~;_il_(::·b~-Y1\'-'1-l1<1y [.Q!J_l, 22(, .\ ll2d 271 ( 1:.t Dept 1')<)()) In dctc1rni11111g \\ l1c1livr :Ill ;ilkgcd dckcl 1s Im 1:11 :1s -f '1 [* 6] l!Llll\T o/' i:ll\', Ille COlllt llll!St ('\:ll11i11c ali lhc facts prc~;L~lllC([, i11cJudi11g tile wicJ[J1, dcpll1, (:lcv:i1iu11, ilTl'~'tli<lrity :inrl ;1p1w:1ra11cc of'tl1L: allcgc,1 Lkkcl, ~i1011g wilh Lhc lime, pl:tcc <t1Hl l:irc u ms l :t m: ,~s u /' 1I1c i 11j u 1-y, and whet! IL:r i l co11sli l t1 lcs a Lrcip 01· s11ctrc. JJ:i_nct;>i:y_~"'-C.llillll,l:J.lJ 'illlli'.lk. lJ() \JY2d ~tl <>77. citill!..!, _Ddd~yL'II v. Viii ul'hl_l~!.!.:l:;_. JO.cl- NY 2C1S (I CJ)2) ThL· ::ll'I 1'1:11 :t sidewalk dekd viobtcs the .-\d111i11is;1:i1ivL: C\Jclc 111:1) hL· 1111rndt1L"L'd :1s ':UlllL' e\iclcw,· ul'11c·!_',lig(·1wc, (s~_Q Fllilll v CiLv Liii'~cw York. CJS NY.2cl 730, 737 ( ICJlJl))), \111l 111,: d_·[c·l:l Ill:\\' slill lie· tri'. i:1l ;1:; :1 \llctlkr or l:1w. :--;~··' YiJl:ull_:!_l_)_:L_'{_ K:i11c i\SSllCS. Fct1ujly Llc\. I' · c.; '11 I), I 7 f\ I n_· :1 d I I 2 c ( i\ ) , <1 ( Su Jl. ( · l . N Y. ( \ 1t111 t y 2 I I( J7 ). l~ w 11 t 111 clc r t Ii L" !\cl m 111 i -, I 1"<1 l i w J ( ',llk. "':1 lw!_c ¢l11 dilkrL'!Il1:1l :ilc111c· i:; i11::ufliL·ic11l lu LSl:1hi1':h tl1c l \ist,·11cl: c1f-:1 d~!ll'.:-'Cr\lllC> 1 (k kc li \IC rn lilffL'IC\1CC i11 \l [it i (1\ l .. l 1 Id.: lcv;!lio11 \Cl:,_ v _gce_, ~vlm~llcs \I. IZ i \~ L~JY ( \1T1 .. n (i A [)2d Lil" :it 271 (I'll Ii 1 l h:it J ll-' ur :1huu1 :lll i11cl1, wilhoul ~tllVlhi11::; more, liues not l:011sliluk (I Li':![) m -.11:1rL' )_ I lo\\ '--"VLT, tliL: dcflTl 111~1y be ~1ctiunable wl1vn the L-liw1gc in height is ;ihrupl. S-1'!;'. Ti11L·u v. i~;_1_d<l_'_b~_8_L'! -; . ( ·n 11du., _, ( 1.i /\ U2d I kpl I C)l)lJ) ( rnli11g :J _1; I (1 J SJ ( I st Dcp l. 2 ()(13 ); N_i_11 v.__ lj~·rn:11:.J, 2) 7 .1\ D2d 41 7 ( I st or <Ill 111cl1 dl prcssirn1 lo !Jc :1 lr~IJl llr Sllli\"C hCL'<ll\Sl' ul' 1ts sl1:t1p edges). 1 ThL' 1-uli11gs i11 Ti11cu :11Hl Villiplana illustralL' the spl·r:il!cit:-i ol"clcl:1il 1·cqt1i1nl tu dcl\::11 a ckl~·11tLlllt 's 1111lt1rn1 Ji-ir s11111111:uv _judgn1L~lll In T1w"lL till' pl:ii11liff trip1wd uvvr :1 hrnk1_·11 :1ml Lill(:\ c"ll :oCl'llUJl 1lr:1.spli;tll p:l\'l'll\Cill, CILISing her [(1 /':ill. Till' lki'cL:t \\<JS /"our squ:irc ll!1l··~ q11:11Jl >. ,i[-:111 111,_·[1 liL"L"P- :1ml l'll'I Ill :Jll"J, .-;unk :ilrn1ptl:- :11 i 1 p~·1i1!k",c1· Phu1u~·1:q' is 11.-1!1c "1,cick11l s ·.11c 11c1"i.:: L:ti.LTI. ;1ml :111'--'\JILT!11it11L·:;s l·iic11"<tllL'ri1cJ tlw ::ill' :1·; <1 tripprn~ lu1:11·,1. I :1l' ,:1 ¢t1n tlicrL·l(11c rk11iL·1I su111n1;1r:. 1 jud~·.111c11l. Ji_ns,:u v. l);1r1'rJ1~·;;_1L"r ~c__i'rlllrio., ](q ,\U2d dl ~\~_) :1_1_8! '-."..ill;_1_uj_: 1_!_ii1~-'- _!..; :i 11c: .\.·>soc c., F:i 111 i Iv LLd. E0h i Jl, I 7 ;\/Ii s1: ,'-;l.;t \d I I :2 1 A) :i l 7. J( Vill:.1ll_:_!_!_li_I, lik,, the p1-csl:111 c:1sc, involved :1 trip ;iml 1·:1!] 0\cr :i vcniL·:il .1dc:·1\alk 11.1 ¢:; r<"L !_1 :1p bc·twccn two I IIlTL'_ 1i1L· piai11tiff p1-uvickd l:vidc·11cL' 1h~1L Ll11_: g:ip w;1s li:1IJ" :111 111L:h :1ml :tr~'.lll'd 1ii:tt 1i1L· ;-\d1!1ii;i:;lr:iti\C ( ude ci1:1r~1c1c1-11cd such ;1 '_~<lp :1s :1 ~-.lil1s1<11iLi~tl rkl1.Yl. 111 w1_·v1.T 1hc cuurt ) [* 7] nilc1_l tk1t \\ 1ll1u11l ~111y :1ddi1io1wl cvidrncc lo est,1hlish lhl' c\isll'ncc ol' a11y 11;1p-likc 1 ,·i1e11:: 1'lll'i:-:ti _·:-; ll')Clilil :1 l11_:ighl dil'll:i'L'llli:1l. tlw C:lc>~· lllihl hL d1:'dliiSS1_·,!_ yi_:1~wJ_1_!!_:_1_~_liJ_lll: , ·\.s_~<l·-:li~ L.!.JJ1j_l_·<lJ.iL l!'sl_11p. 17 Misc. _;cl 11 l')(J\) ;,[ """! - S. I krL\ l'Vc·11 il-1ilc dc·ll:rnLtnts lwvc 111ct their ln1rdC!l ol-prunl'b_v sll()\\i11~'- 1l1:il 111 lkkc·1 1 .: w;1s lrivi:il. 1N:1lki11s h:1s co11lrovcrll'J this showi11~ l>_v p1uvidi11g cvirk11li;11y pnHif.1h~11 1l1c Lki'cd 1:1e1y 1·,rnstit1 ll' :1 lrcip r11· :,11;ii-c_ i-lnlil W:11ki11s i11 l1lT dc:pu~1li1i11 :111d Silhn11i:111 i11 l11s ;11·11,L1vi1 :1:;c;cT: 111.Jl ti ¢ctp in 1_· till~ :irlcw.lik w;1s ;1brupl. Sililc·1·111:i111·urll1LT11pim.:s 111:11 tl1L· '-'.:Ip\\ ~1-; ";111 llllivlc.'.lll d:111~ ¢1_·1" i1111l'L'd ui'rcpair. J\Cl'lmii11gJy, lilc1·c arc [rt;t11Jc ISSLIC'S Of' 1:1cl Cl~ [Cl the: 11;\[LIJ'C of tliL: dcf'L·ct :llid tl1c dvkml:111ts' L'.Ul1SUILIL'nt li:1bility SillKrni:111's c1pi11i()11 !li:tl t11L' sidcw;tlk co11di1iu11s kid 1101 sig11illc[111lly L·ll:111gcd 1·rn111 ll\C 11111L· .1r11i,· :1l·,·idc111111llil tlw ti111c ul'his i11spc1_·ti1111 is suppo111_d hy h1> rL·1 i1_w iii \\'atki i~' 1-,J1ul11~1-:1ph:·. 1.l1iL'h :IL'l'01di11g Ill \\!;1Lk111s <lCClll<liCIVckp1l'l 1i1L: t:1liid11irn11il'll1L' ::idc::\\~llk <ll lhc 1\CL«1nli11:cly, umr1-ary tu Lkil'll1b111s' p1isitiu11. Sillw1111;.11's upi11i1i11 cd1111ut li11K 111' llll' ,1(1_ itknt. _ lie· di-;rL·g:1r1_kcl u111l1v gruu11d 111<11 liis i11spcc1iu11 ol'tl1c sidC\\ dik lH:c11ll'cd ::l11rnst eight 1rnrntl1.s :1lkr the aLT rk11l In :1 :w1 ;u1rnl i11ju1v :tcti1111 like tl1c pn_'su1t 1·:1~:L·.. ''it i; 11ot 1l1c pl:1i111. lrs IH11<lrn i11 ,)111)\),i11g 1111l(l l11s l(x s11111111(1ryj11dglllL'llt lo cs1<1lil1sl1 1k1t ckil_11cl:t11Ls had <l'lll<il notiL'L' ,1J'lli1_· 1 l1:e:1:dous c1111di1irn1 l~a1licr, ii is the dcCc1Hla11Ls' hmdc11 to L'Slahlish the ic1L·k ol'm1ticc :1:-; ;1 inalkr oC la1"" Cliuffrid~t v. Mctrn N. C'ornlllull'r l_~.J~jL. 2PJ .\D2d ¢PJ3 .. 11)4 ( 1sl Dcpl 2(i0 I). ".\ dc·ll·11d:11 I c:L·d:i11.'-' Ill dis1ni·;:; tlic· cu111pl:1i111111u:;l 1k11101hl1:1tc till' Lick IH1\\ !lw dlk_;1.I cunilitiu11 l':lllL' ()rt_'\ idclil·c 1<:, ¢.:ml111g i11tu nisk11Ct, h,1111·i·;1hk :11d :1p11:1rL·11l 11 '.1,1:;_ .111d lu1 l1cl\\ [c111g I j)('llll I ul li1111._· p11111 lll tl11._· <ll'l'itk11t 1l L'\is1c1l.'' hi_. 1 111 !IL l'IL'SL'itl 1._::1c:l'. Silhnrn:111'>: upi11ior1 tl1:1t 1l1c co11di1io11 ccJ11ld 1 :11· 1_' Ukc11 :1 ;1 1 ¢111 llc·;1111 11·.TI' .,Ju 1· 1i1.1v \11 d 1.~\, J,111 is su 1·11cil'll1 ly s11ppur1L'd Ii] l1is L'll'._'i11ccrn1::i r.:x11·::w11('l' ( ,j\ 1·11 1l1L· (1 [* 8] prcscnc1.,: or ;:(1rsylh :ind l ,utak CJ! the premises, their rcspon:oibility to 11w11:L1in the walk,\ ays in rroli( o/'tl1cir 1\:spccli\C pi-opcrtil'S ;rnd the qUCSllUllS or ract :1s \O whc1hCr lli(: g~lp \\ClS ;1 {ri\'i:d or Lt1\al, arc ldik. is 1111 dwr ()!\Lil ~IU:D tlw! lhc motion for summary j11dgrncnl by ckknd;1nt t .uL1k is d1.,,'11icd; and d is l"u1 thcr ' j__/ / ,t, ,'~~' . -p--5 .I ~).C

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