Special Property Tax in Chilton County.
The county commission of Chilton county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, not exceeding two and one-half mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property outside the corporate limits of any incorporated municipality in the county, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for fire, medical and emergency services to areas outside the incorporated municipalities of the county.
The tax assessor of Chilton county shall assess the tax herein provided for, and the tax collector of Chilton county shall collect the tax, in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected, and the funds shall be distributed to the Chilton county commission to be distributed by said commission, in equal shares, to all of the rural fire departments in said county that have and maintain an insurance services office of Alabama approved rating.
After the special tax shall have been levied for a period of twenty years from the date of ratification of this amendment, it shall be discontinued unless a majority of qualified electors of Chilton county, participating in an election called by the county commission, shall vote in favor of its continuance. This amendment shall not become operative as to Chilton county unless the same is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Chilton county who vote thereon upon its submission.