Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Blount County.

The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Blount county and approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Blount county at a referendum election, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the probate judge, the tax assessor, and the tax collector of Blount county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.

In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which places any officers in Blount county on a salary basis, or any law fixing, regulating, and altering the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries of any officer in Blount county, may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.

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