2024 Wyoming Statutes
Title 42 - Welfare
Chapter 8 - Nursing Care Facility Assessment Act
Section 42-8-103 - Nursing Care Facility Assessment Account.
42-8-103. Nursing care facility assessment account.
(a) The nursing care facility assessment account is created.
(b) The state treasurer shall invest amounts deposited within the account in accordance with law, and all investment earnings shall be credited back to the account.
(c) The account shall consist of:
(i) Amounts collected or received by the department from nursing care facility assessments under this article;
(ii) All federal matching funds received by the department as a result of expenditures made by the department attributable to the account;
(iii) Any interest or penalties levied in conjunction with the administration of this article.
(d) The account is created for the purpose of receiving funds as specified in this section. Collected assessment funds shall be used to secure federal matching funds available through the state Medicaid plan, which shall be used to make Medicaid payments for nursing care facility services which exceed the amount of nursing care facility Medicaid rates, in the aggregate, as calculated in accordance with the approved state Medicaid plan in effect on October 1, 2010. The fund shall be used exclusively for the following purposes:
(i) To pay administrative expenses incurred by the department or its agent in performing the activities authorized by this article, provided that such expenses shall not exceed a total of one percent (1%) of the aggregate assessment funds collected in the fiscal year;
(ii) To increase nursing care facility payments to fund covered services to Medicaid beneficiaries within Medicare upper payment limits, as negotiated with the department. The upper payment limit for private nursing care facilities, state government-owned facilities and nonstate government-owned nursing facilities shall be calculated by the department using the higher of the cost-based or prospective payment system approach in accordance with the provisions of 42 C.F.R. 447.272;
(iii) To repay the federal government any excess payments made to nursing facilities if the state plan, after approval by the federal centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, is subsequently disapproved for any reason and after the state has appealed. Nursing care facilities shall refund the excess payments to the assessment account. The department shall return the excess payments to the federal government and nursing care facility providers in the same proportion as the original financing. Individual nursing care facilities shall be reimbursed based on the proportion of the individual nursing care facility's assessment to the total assessment paid by nursing care facilities. If a nursing care facility is unable to refund payments as provided in this paragraph, the department shall develop a payment plan and deduct amounts from future Medicaid payments. The department shall refund the federal government for the federal portion of those overpayments; or
(iv) To make quarterly adjustment payments as provided in W.S. 42-8-108.