2024 Wyoming Statutes
Title 41 - Water
Chapter 6 - Irrigation and Drainage Districts Generally
Article 3 - Determination of Rights of Joint Users or Claimants
Section 41-6-304 - Affidavits of Interest; Parties Joining In; Filing; Contents.
41-6-304. Affidavits of interest; parties joining in; filing; contents.
Any person, persons, partnership or association of individuals, or corporation, may file in the office of the board of control, and in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein any ditch, reservoir or other irrigation works shall be located, an affidavit, duly sworn to before an officer authorized to acknowledge deeds, or before a water superintendent of this state, joined in, signed, and sworn to by all the parties having an interest in such ditch or ditch right, or by the guardian of any such person, if insane or a minor, or in case of a corporation by any two (2) of its officers, stating therein the name of the ditch, the ownership of said ditch, the interest each claimant owns therein specifically, the method of securing rights of way or irrigation works and the date of such procedure and referring to the records of the office of the state engineer or board of control, or both, relative to dimensions of irrigation works, their location, and adjudicated rights to water conveyed in or stored in such works and such other information as may be deemed necessary.