2024 Wyoming Statutes
Title 21 - Education
Chapter 4 - Pupils
Article 4 - Isolation
Section 21-4-401 - Transportation or Maintenance for Isolated Pupils.
21-4-401. Transportation or maintenance for isolated pupils.
(a) The board of trustees of any school district within the state shall provide transportation or maintenance for isolated elementary, middle, junior high or high school pupils resident within the district, whenever it would be in the best interests of the affected children to provide transportation or maintenance than to establish a school to serve these pupils, and for those isolated pupils resident within the district who are attending a school in another district pursuant to W.S. 21-4-502. Amounts paid under this section shall be subject to subsections (d) and (e) of this section and shall not exceed the actual costs incurred by parents or pupils.
(b) The state superintendent shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations pertaining to residence requirements establishing eligibility under this section and for provision of tuition and transportation or maintenance. No person is eligible as an isolated pupil under this section unless the pupil's parents or legal guardians demonstrate to the local school board that the family's residing in the isolated location is necessary for the family's financial well being. The burden shall be on the parent or guardian to demonstrate that the family's residing in the isolated location is necessary for the family's financial well being. The final decision as to eligibility shall be made by the district board of trustees.
(c) The rights accorded under this section shall be enforceable by writ of mandamus, and in such event the district shall pay all costs and legal expenses of a petitioner successful in obtaining such writ.
(d) To receive transportation payments under this section, the parent or legal guardian of any isolated pupil eligible under this section shall file a transportation reimbursement claim with the district on a form provided by the district specifying the total round trip miles traveled each day to and from the bus stop or the school, as applicable. The total round trip miles shall be multiplied by the applicable mileage rate prescribed under W.S. 9-3-103(a)(iii) to compute the daily mileage reimbursement amount. Where combined transportation is provided for two (2) or more isolated pupils being transported to the same school, only one (1) reimbursement shall be made. Payments to parents or guardians for transporting students to and from school shall be computed excluding the first two (2) miles traveled each way. No payments shall be paid to a parent or guardian for transportation of students unless the pupil resides in an isolated location as specified under subsection (b) of this section.
(e) Monthly maintenance payments may be paid under this section in lieu of transportation payments if the pupil resides at a location near the school rather than the isolated location. The amount paid shall be the lesser of the amount of maintenance payments claimed or the transportation payments that would have been payable under subsection (d) of this section. Monthly maintenance payments under this section shall reimburse the isolated student's parent or legal guardian for additional reasonable living expenses for only those months school is in session. A district shall be reimbursed for the full amount of isolation or maintenance payments it makes under this section. Reimbursement shall be made as if the district's total foundation program amount computed under W.S. 21-13-309(p) was increased by the amount of isolation or maintenance payments made during the preceding year.