2023 Wyoming Statutes
Title 17 - Corporations, Partnerships and Associations
Chapter 28 - Registered Offices and Agents
Section 17-28-107 - Duties of the Registered Agent; Duties of the Entity.
17-28-107. Duties of the registered agent; duties of the entity.
(a) The registered agent shall:
(i) Maintain a physical address in accordance with W.S. 17-28-102(a)(ii) and as defined by the secretary of state by rule and maintain an email address as required by W.S. 17-28-101(e);
(ii) Accept service of process in accordance with W.S. 17-28-104(a);
(iii) Maintain the address of record to which all service of process is to be delivered for each entity represented;
(iv) Register as a commercial registered agent pursuant to W.S. 17-28-105 if applicable; and
(v) Maintain at the registered office, the following information for each domestic entity represented which shall be current within sixty (60) days of any change until the entity's first annual report is accepted for filing with the secretary of state and thereafter when the annual report is due for filing and shall be maintained in a format that can be reasonably produced on demand:
(A) Names and addresses of each entity's directors, officers, limited liability company managers, managing partners, trustees or persons serving in a similar capacity;
(B) The name, physical address and business telephone number of a natural person who is authorized to receive communications from the registered agent as specified in W.S. 17-28-104(d);
(C) A copy of the written contract or agreement creating an agency relationship between the registered agent and a natural person with respect to accepting service of process on behalf of each business entity represented by the registered agent.
(b) If the registered agent and the entity agree, the entity shall file with the secretary of state the information specified in paragraph (a)(iii) and subdivisions (a)(v)(A) and (B) of this section and the information specified in W.S. 17-28-104(d). As verification of the agreement, the entity shall file with the secretary of state a consent form, as provided by that office, which acknowledges the entity's election under this subsection. If the information or form acknowledging the entity's election is filed with the secretary of state, then the registered agent has complied with the requirement to maintain such information under this section.