2024 Wyoming Statutes
Title 15 - Cities and Towns
Chapter 4 - Alternative Forms of Government
Article 3 - Property, Financial Affairs, Contracts, Streets, Subdivisions and Utilities
Section 15-4-310 - Subdividing; Survey and Plat Required; Procedure; Streets; Layout and Grading.
15-4-310. Subdividing; survey and plat required; procedure; streets; layout and grading.
(a) If any person subdivides any parcel of ground within the city or town into building lots for the purpose of sale, he shall have it surveyed and platted in accordance with the general laws. When the survey and plats are completed and acknowledged, a copy shall be presented to the city engineer, who shall advise the manager whether it should be accepted or rejected, or a modification directed. The manager shall then present it to the governing body with the recommendation.
(b) When any plat is accepted by the governing body, the clerk shall so certify upon the face of the plat, and it may then be recorded as provided by the general laws relating to the making and filing of plats. Except as otherwise provided by law, all provisions of the general laws relating to the making and filing of plats apply to the city. No person is entitled to damages for laying out or extension of any street or alley over any lot or parcel of land sold or offered for sale contrary to law.
(c) The acceptance of the plat or addition of any ground, either within or outside the limits of the city or town, does not make it liable to grade the streets therein designated, or responsible for an insufficiency in a street, until the governing body directs they be graded and opened for travel.