2024 Wyoming Statutes
Title 15 - Cities and Towns
Chapter 4 - Alternative Forms of Government
Article 3 - Property, Financial Affairs, Contracts, Streets, Subdivisions and Utilities
Section 15-4-306 - Construction or Reconstruction of Sidewalks and Curbs; Landowner's Duties; Notice; Assessment; Establishing Grade and Parking Width.
15-4-306. Construction or reconstruction of sidewalks and curbs; landowner's duties; notice; assessment; establishing grade and parking width.
(a) All owners of land adjoining any street, lane or alley shall construct or reconstruct a sidewalk and curb along the street, lane or alley next to the land when ordered to do so by the manager. All sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed as designated by the manager. However, the manager shall not require any person to construct a walk or curb in a different manner, or of a different material, than is required of other persons in the same block fronting the street. It is the duty of landowners to keep any sidewalk or curb now constructed, or which may hereafter be constructed in front of the land, in good repair and in safe condition.
(b) If the manager considers it necessary that a sidewalk or curb be constructed, reconstructed or repaired, notice shall be served upon the owner of the land along which it is to be constructed or repaired specifying the manner in which it is to be constructed or repaired and the estimated cost which may be assessed if the city or town does the work. The notice shall be served personally upon the owner, or if he is not to be found within the city or town, it shall be sent to him by registered or certified mail, requesting a return receipt, if his address is known. Otherwise it shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city or town. Unless the owner within two (2) weeks after service, mailing or publication of the notice, begins the construction or repair and completes it without delay, the manager shall have the work done at the expense of the permanent improvement revolving fund. Upon completion of the work, the manager shall certify the cost thereof to the clerk of the city or town. The governing body shall then fix a date for hearing upon the costs. The procedure for notice and hearing shall be as set forth in W.S. 15-6-405. Upon confirmation of the assessment by the governing body, the charge levied is a lien upon the property as set forth in W.S. 15-6-406. The governing body may levy and collect the assessment and provide for the manner of sale, redemption and conveyance of lands sold for nonpayment of the assessment in the manner provided in W.S. 15-6-401 through 15-6-448. When collected the assessment shall be paid into the revolving fund. The manager, upon proper showing made to him, may extend the time within which the construction or repair shall begin or be completed.
(c) Before ordering the construction of any new sidewalk or curb, the manager shall establish its grade and the width of the parking.