2021 Wyoming Statutes
Title 33 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 26 - Physicians and Surgeons
Article 1 - General Provisions
Section 33-26-102 - Definitions.
33-26-102. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter:
(i) Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 143, § 2.
(ii) "A.O.A." means the American Osteopathic Association;
(iii) "Board" means the Wyoming state board of medicine;
(iv) "Errant conduct" means conduct by a licensee which may constitute grounds for discipline as set forth in this act;
(v) "Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 143, § 2.
(vi) "Health care entity" means any hospital, clinic, training program, professional society or committee of physicians or other licensed health care practitioners that follows a peer review process for the purpose of furthering quality health care;
(vii) "Impaired" means a person who is unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of one (1) or more of the following:
(A) Medical incompetence;
(B) Mental illness;
(C) Physical illness, including but not limited to deterioration through the aging process or loss of motor skill;
(D) Chemical or alcohol impairment, addiction, dependence or abuse.
(viii) "Lapsed" means the status of a license when the licensee fails to renew the license by July 1 of any year or when the holder of a temporary license fails to appear for an interview at the next board meeting following the date of issuance or fails to submit a written request for extension of a temporary license or when a written request for extension is not approved by the board;
(ix) "License" means a license to practice medicine in this state issued by the board pursuant to this chapter;
(x) "Licensee" means any person licensed by the board under this chapter;
(xi) "Practicing medicine" means any person who in any manner:
(A) Advertises, holds out, or represents to the public that he is authorized to practice medicine in this state; or
(B) Offers or undertakes to prevent, diagnose, correct or treat, in any manner, by any means, method or device, any human disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, infirmity, defect or abnormal physical or mental condition, injury, deformity or ailment, including the management of pregnancy and parturition; or
(C) Attaches the title of M.D., D.O., physician, surgeon, osteopathic physician or osteopathic surgeon, doctor, or any other words, letters or abbreviations or any combination thereof when used in the conduct of any occupation or profession pertaining to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of human disease or condition unless the designation additionally contains the description of another branch of the healing arts for which one holds a valid license in this state; or
Note: Effective 1/1/2022 this subparagraph will read as:
(C) Attaches the title of M.D., D.O., P.A., physician, surgeon, osteopathic physician or osteopathic surgeon, doctor, physician assistant or any other words, letters or abbreviations or any combination thereof when used in the conduct of any occupation or profession pertaining to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of human disease or condition unless the designation additionally contains the description of another branch of the healing arts for which one holds a valid license in this state; or
(D) Practices osteopathy; or
(E) Offers or undertakes to prescribe, order, give or administer drugs which can only be obtained by prescription according to law; or
(F) Renders a determination of medical necessity or appropriateness of proposed treatment.
(xii) "Reactivation" after a license has lapsed means the completion of all requirements set forth in W.S. 33-26-305(c);
(xiii) Repealed by Laws 2018, ch. 80, § 3.
(xiv) "USMLE" means the United States medical licensing examination;
(xv) "L.C.M.E." means the liaison committee on medical education;
(xvi) "A.C.G.M.E." means accreditation council for graduate medical education;
(xvii) "Fifth pathway" means an academic year of supervised clinical education provided by an L.C.M.E. accredited medical school to students who have:
(A) Repealed By Laws 2003, Ch. 190, § 3.
(B) Studied at a medical school outside of the United States, Puerto Rico or Canada;
(C) Completed all of the formal requirements of the foreign medical school, except internship or social service;
(D) Attained a score satisfactory to the sponsoring medical school on a screening examination; and
(E) Passed the foreign medical graduate examination in the medical sciences, parts I and II of the examination of the national board of medical examiners, or steps 1 and 2 of the USMLE.
(xviii) "FLEX examination" means the federation of state medical boards licensing examination;
(xix) "R.C.P.S.C." means the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Canada;
(xx) "Physician-patient relationship" means a relationship between a licensee and any person formed for the purpose of the licensee providing medical diagnosis or treatment to the person, whether or not for compensation;
(xxi) "This act" means the Medical Practice Act;
(xxii) "Board counsel" means an attorney designated by the board to provide legal counsel to the board and its staff in the conduct of the board's business;
(xxiii) "Board prosecutor" means an attorney designated by the board to prosecute, and to provide legal counsel to interviewers and petitioners in, disciplinary cases pending before the board pursuant to this act and the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act;
(xxiv) "COMLEX" means the comprehensive osteopathic medical licensing examination, administered by the national board of osteopathic medical examiners;
(xxv) "Condition" means a specific requirement or prohibition imposed by any medical licensing board of any jurisdiction, or by any health care facility on an applicant's or licensee's clinical privileges at that facility, that shall be fulfilled by an applicant or licensee in order to obtain or continue to hold a license in that jurisdiction, or clinical privileges at that facility;
(xxvi) "E.C.F.M.G." means the educational commission for foreign medical graduates;
(xxvii) "Restriction" means a limitation placed by any medical licensing board of any jurisdiction on an applicant's or licensee's scope of practice in that jurisdiction, or by any health care facility on an applicant's or licensee's clinical privileges at that facility;
(xxviii) "SPEX examination" means the federation of state medical boards special purpose post-licensure competency examination;
(xxix) "Telemedicine" means the practice of medicine by electronic communication or other means from a physician in a location to a patient in another location, with or without an intervening health care provider.