2020 Wyoming Statutes
Title 21 - Education
Chapter 7 - Teachers and Employees
Article 1 - Teacher Contracts
Section 21-7-102 - Definitions.
21-7-102. Definitions.
(a) As used in this article the following definitions shall apply:
(i) "Board".-The board of trustees of any school district in the state of Wyoming offering instruction in any of the grades kindergarten through twelve (12);
(ii) "Continuing Contract Teacher" means:
(A) Any initial contract teacher who has been employed by the same school district in the state of Wyoming for a period of three (3) consecutive school years and has had his contract renewed for a fourth consecutive school year; or
(B) A teacher who has achieved continuing contract status in one (1) district, and who without lapse of time has taught two (2) consecutive school years and has had his contract renewed for a third consecutive school year by the employing school district.
(iii) "Dismissal".-The cancellation of any teacher's contract of employment by the board of trustees while such contract is in effect. In the case of a continuing contract teacher, dismissal shall mean cancellation of his contract at any time other than at the end of a school year where proper notice has been given;
(iv) "Initial Contract Teacher".-Any teacher who has not achieved continuing contract status;
(v) "Superintendent".-The chief administrative officer of any school district;
(vi) "Suspension" means the removal of a teacher from the classroom during the school year. Unless otherwise agreed to by the teacher and the district superintendent or board, suspension shall be with, or without, pay as follows:
(A) By the superintendent "with pay" pending:
(I) The investigation of an allegation of misconduct which investigation shall not exceed thirty (30) days; and
(II) The final action of the board following completion of the investigation under subdivision (I) of this subparagraph and, if requested, the outcome of a hearing in accordance with W.S. 21-7-110.
(B) By the board "without pay" for a period not to exceed one (1) calendar year following the outcome of a hearing in accordance with W.S. 21-7-110.
(vii) "Teacher".-Any person employed under contract by the board of trustees of a school district as a certified professional employee;
(viii) "Termination".-The failure of the board of trustees of a school district in Wyoming to reemploy a teacher at the end of a school year in any given year;
(ix) "Repealed by Laws 2011, Ch. 182, § 2.