2020 Wyoming Statutes
Title 21 - Education
Chapter 15 - Capital Construction Projects
Section 21-15-117 - Annual Evaluation of School Buildings and Facilities; Remediation Schedule; Needs Prioritization; Combining Facilities; Implementation of Remedy.
21-15-117. Annual evaluation of school buildings and facilities; remediation schedule; needs prioritization; combining facilities; implementation of remedy.
(a) Through the identification of school building and facility conditions and needs provided by the assessment conducted and maintained under W.S. 21-15-115, and a comparison of the identified conditions and needs with the established statewide building adequacy standards and the district facility plans developed under W.S. 21-15-116, the commission shall, based upon reports provided by the department and in coordination and cooperation with the districts, evaluate the adequacy of school buildings and facilities within local school districts. Based upon this evaluation, the commission shall establish a schedule for building and facility remediation. Remediation shall bring all buildings and facilities to conditions such that over time, only routine maintenance is required to maintain building adequacy. The schedule shall identify and prioritize building and facility remedies on a statewide basis, based upon a building condition score developed by the commission subject to the following:
(i) Criteria and measures for building condition which incorporate educational suitability and technology readiness, specifically taking into consideration appropriate and up-to-date standards for air quality, illumination and appropriateness of the student environment, as established by commission rule and regulation and compiled under the building systems condition reference guide, which over time bring statewide buildings and facilities to targeted adequate levels prescribed by the commission, reviewed annually, based upon assessment results and findings, broken down by educational and noneducational building category;
(ii) Repealed By Laws 2011, Ch. 71, § 2.
(iii) Analysis of student enrollment changes, as based upon commission approved enrollment projection methodology, to determine the need for changes in building capacities for compliance with statewide adequacy standards over a five (5) year projection period commencing on the date of anticipated completion of project construction. The commission may adjust projections computed under this paragraph as necessary to reflect more precise analysis and evaluation of historical, economic, social and other data impacting the community in which the building is or is to be located. Analysis under this paragraph shall prioritize remediation for those buildings requiring additional space to comply with statewide adequacy standards;
(iv) Priority shall be given to educational buildings and to conditions in those buildings which impede the delivery of the prescribed statewide educational program;
(v) A methodology and process for identifying the most critical building and facility needs, which independently provides full consideration to each of the measures provided in paragraphs (i) through (iv) of this subsection.
(b) The commission shall for each building and facility remedy scheduled under subsection (a) of this section, ensure the adoption of the most cost effective method of remediation of building and facility needs to deliver quality educational services and ensure compliance with the statewide adequacy standards. The commission shall only request capital outlay for a building with capacity needs identified under paragraph (a)(iii) of this section after consideration of all other remedies for that building. For any scheduled remedy for which major building and facility repair and replacement payments under W.S. 21-15-109 are not sufficient to remedy the scheduled need, as determined by the commission, the commission shall determine if the remedy requires capital outlay.
(i) Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 93, § 2.
(ii) Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 93, § 2.
(c) In determining the most cost effective method in meeting capital construction needs in order to deliver quality educational services, the commission in consultation with the select committee on school facilities, may recommend consolidating educational facilities within, between or among school districts. The legislature shall approve any consolidation of educational facilities between two (2) or more school districts.
(d) In determining building and facility remedies under subsection (b) of this section, in developing criteria and procedures for site analysis under W.S. 21-15-114(a)(xii) and in approving district facility plans under W.S. 21-15-116 and otherwise administering this act, the commission shall adopt the remedy that is in the best financial and educational interests of the state, taking into consideration the recommendations of the department and the most efficient and cost effective approach in order to deliver quality educational services and address building and facility need. Expenditures from the school capital construction account shall be for necessary and related costs to implement efficient and cost effective building and facility remedies required to deliver quality educational services. In making determinations under this paragraph, the commission shall take into consideration the effects of the proposed activity on the local community. The commission shall implement this subsection in carrying out building and facility remedies and shall, giving proper consideration to the prevention of unnecessary delays in proceeding with a remedy, establish a process to work with other political subdivisions of the state in implementing this subsection.
(e) For any building subject to paragraph (a)(iii) of this section, and when prioritizing buildings and facilities based upon condition pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the commission shall consider criteria for building capacity established by commission rule and regulation which include:
(i) A comparison of the existing and projected student population served by each building to square footage guidelines established by the commission under W.S. 21-15-115(a) for that building;
(ii) An analysis of the number of classrooms within the building including an examination of the building square footage devoted to classrooms compared to the building total square footage;
(iii) An analysis of the building's square footage per student;
(iv) An examination of loading and utilization factors for that building to encourage the efficient use of classrooms with a factor of eighty-five percent (85%) of the instructional area applied to middle and high school level buildings, and a factor of one hundred percent (100%) of the home room instructional area applied to elementary school buildings; and
(v) Total acreage of the site on which the building is situated.