2023 West Virginia Code
Chapter 31D. West Virginia Business Corporation Act
Article 1. General Provisions
§31D-1-124. Correcting Filed Document
(a) A domestic or foreign corporation may correct a document filed by the Secretary of State if:
(1) The document contains an inaccuracy;
(2) The document was defectively executed, attested, sealed, verified or acknowledged; or
(3) The electronic transmission was defective.
(b) A document is corrected:
(1) By preparing articles of correction that:
(A) Describe the document, including its filing date, or attach a copy of the document to the articles;
(B) Specify the inaccuracy or defect to be corrected; and (C) Correct the inaccuracy or defect; and
(2) By delivering the articles to the Secretary of State for filing.
(c) Articles of correction are effective on the effective date of the document they correct: Provided, That articles of correction are effective when filed as to persons who have relied on the uncorrected document and have been adversely affected by the correction.