2022 Revised Code of Washington
Title 59 - Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 59.28 - Federally Assisted Housing.
59.28.030 - Contracts—Expiration or termination—Notice—Applicability.
RCW 59.28.030
Contracts—Expiration or termination—Notice—Applicability.
(1) This chapter shall not apply to the expiration or termination of a housing assistance contract between a public housing agency and an owner of existing housing participating in either the section 8 certificate or voucher program (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1437f).
(2) An owner of federally assisted housing shall not be required to give notice of a prepayment under this chapter, if the owner has: (a) Entered into an agreement with a federal, state, or local agency continuing existing, or imposing new, low-income use restrictions for at least twenty years that ensure that the tenants residing in the development at the time of prepayment are not involuntarily displaced except for good cause and that the housing will continue to serve very low and low-income families and persons in need of affordable housing; and (b) served notice of the agreement on the clerk of the city, or county if in an unincorporated area, in which the property is located, on any public housing agency that would be responsible for administering tenant-based rental assistance to persons who would otherwise be displaced from this housing, and on the *department of community, trade, and economic development by regular and certified mail and posted a copy of the agreement in a conspicuous place at the development where it is likely to be seen by the tenants. The posted agreement shall be maintained intact and in legible form for the life of the agreement.
(3) An owner of federally assisted housing is not required to give notice that a rental assistance contract is expiring if: (a) The owner has entered into an agreement with the United States department of housing and urban development or other federal, state, or local agency to renew the rental assistance contract for a minimum of five years subject to the availability of adequate appropriations; (b) the agreement itself does not expire in less than twelve months; and (c) the owner has served written notice of the agreement on the clerk of the city, or county if in an unincorporated area, in which the property is located, on any public housing agency that would be responsible for administering tenant-based rental assistance to persons who would otherwise be displaced from this housing, and on the *department of community, trade, and economic development, by regular and certified mail and posted these notices in a conspicuous place at the development where they are likely to be seen by the tenants. The posted notices shall be maintained intact and in legible form for the life of the agreement to renew the rental assistance contract.
[ 2000 c 255 § 2; 1989 c 188 § 3.]
*Reviser's note: The "department of community, trade, and economic development" was renamed the "department of commerce" by 2009 c 565.