2021 Revised Code of Washington
Title 4 - Civil Procedure
Chapter 4.44 - Trial.
4.44.180 - Implied bias defined.
A challenge for implied bias may be taken for any or all of the following causes, and not otherwise:
(1) Consanguinity or affinity within the fourth degree to either party.
(2) Standing in the relation of guardian and ward, attorney and client, master and servant or landlord and tenant, to a party; or being a member of the family of, or a partner in business with, or in the employment for wages, of a party, or being surety or bail in the action called for trial, or otherwise, for a party.
(3) Having served as a juror on a previous trial in the same action, or in another action between the same parties for the same cause of action, or in a criminal action by the state against either party, upon substantially the same facts or transaction.
(4) Interest on the part of the juror in the event of the action, or the principal question involved therein, excepting always, the interest of the juror as a member or citizen of the county or municipal corporation.
[ 2003 c 406 § 7; Code 1881 § 212; 1877 p 44 § 216; 1869 p 52 § 216; 1854 p 165 § 187; RRS § 330.]