2021 Revised Code of Washington
Title 29A - Elections
Chapter 29A.05 - Government Of, By, and for the People Act.
29A.05.040 - Joint resolution for amendment to United States Constitution.
The voters of the state of Washington urge immediate action by the current and future Washington state congressional delegations to propose a joint resolution for an amendment to the Constitution of the United States clarifying that:
(1) The rights listed and acknowledged in the Constitution of the United States are the rights of individual human beings only.
(2) The judiciary shall not construe the spending of money to be free speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Federal, state, and local governments shall be fully empowered to regulate political contributions and expenditures to ensure that no person or artificial legal entity gains undue influence over government and the political process.
(3) All political contributions and expenditures shall be disclosed promptly and in a manner accessible to voters prior to elections.
(4) Chapter 1, Laws of 2017 does not limit the people's rights to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free exercise of religion, or freedom of association.
[ 2017 c 1 ยง 3 (Initiative Measure No. 735, approved November 8, 2016).]