2019 Revised Code of Washington
Title 28A - Common School Provisions
Chapter 28A.160 - Student Transportation.
28A.160.210 School bus drivers—Training and qualifications—Rules.
RCW 28A.160.210 School bus drivers—Training and qualifications—Rules.
In addition to other powers and duties, the superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules governing the training and qualifications of school bus drivers. Such rules shall be designed to insure that persons will not be employed to operate school buses unless they possess such physical health and driving skills as are necessary to safely operate school buses: PROVIDED, That such rules shall insure that school bus drivers are provided a due process hearing before any certification required by such rules is canceled: PROVIDED FURTHER, That such rules shall not conflict with the authority of the department of licensing to license school bus drivers in accordance with chapter 46.25 RCW. The superintendent of public instruction may obtain a copy of the driving record, as maintained by the department of licensing, for consideration when evaluating a school bus driver's driving skills.
[ 2006 c 263 § 906; 1989 c 178 § 20; 1981 c 200 § 1; 1979 c 158 § 89; 1969 ex.s. c 153 § 4. Formerly RCW 28A.04.131.]
Findings—Purpose—Part headings not law—2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Effective dates—1989 c 178: See RCW 46.25.901.