2019 Revised Code of Washington
Title 28A - Common School Provisions
Chapter 28A.160 - Student Transportation.
28A.160.205 School bus replacement incentive program—Rules.
RCW 28A.160.205 School bus replacement incentive program—Rules.
(1) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall implement a school bus replacement incentive program. As part of the program, the office shall fund up to ten percent of the cost of a new 2007 or later model year school bus that meets the 2007 federal motor vehicle emission control standards and is purchased by a school district by no later than June 30, 2009, provided that the new bus is replacing a 1994 or older school bus in the school district's fleet. Replacement of the oldest buses must be given highest priority.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall ensure that buses being replaced through this program are surplused under RCW 28A.335.180. As part of the surplus process, school districts must provide written documentation to the office of the superintendent of public instruction demonstrating that buses being replaced are scrapped and not purchased for road use. The documentation must include bus make, model, year, vehicle identification number, engine make, engine serial number, and salvage yard receipts; and must demonstrate that the engine and body of the bus being replaced has been rendered unusable.
(3) The office of the superintendent of public instruction may adopt any rules necessary for the implementation of chapter 348, Laws of 2007.
[ 2007 c 348 § 101.]
Findings—2007 c 348: See RCW 43.325.005.