2006 Code of Virginia § 54.1-3222 - TPA certification; certification for treatment of diseases or abnormal conditions with therapeutic ...
54.1-3222. TPA certification; certification for treatment of diseases orabnormal conditions with therapeutic pharmaceutical agents.
A. The Board shall certify an optometrist to prescribe for and treat diseasesor abnormal conditions of the human eye and its adnexa with therapeuticpharmaceutical agents, if the optometrist files a written application,accompanied by the fee required by the Board and satisfactory proof that theapplicant:
1. Is licensed by the Board as an optometrist and certified to administerdiagnostic pharmaceutical agents pursuant to Article 4 ( 54.1-3220 et seq.)of this chapter;
2. Has satisfactorily completed such didactic and clinical training programsfor the treatment of diseases and abnormal conditions of the eye and itsadnexa as are determined, after consultation with a school or college ofoptometry and a school of medicine, to be reasonable and necessary by theBoard to ensure an appropriate standard of medical care for patients; and
3. Passes such examinations as are determined to be reasonable and necessaryby the Board to ensure an appropriate standard of medical care for patients.
B. TPA certification shall enable an optometrist to prescribe and administer,within his scope of practice, Schedules III through VI controlled substancesand devices as set forth in the Drug Control Act ( 54.1-3400 et seq.) totreat diseases and abnormal conditions of the human eye and its adnexa asdetermined by the Board, within the following conditions:
1. Treatment with oral therapeutic pharmaceutical agents shall be limited to(i) analgesics included on Schedules III through VI, as defined in 54.1-3450 and 54.1-3455 of the Drug Control Act ( 54.1-3400 et seq.), whichare appropriate to alleviate ocular pain and (ii) other Schedule VIcontrolled substances as defined in 54.1-3455 of the Drug Control Actappropriate to treat diseases and abnormal conditions of the human eye andits adnexa.
2. Therapeutic pharmaceutical agents shall include topically applied ScheduleVI drugs as defined in 54.1-3455 of the Drug Control Act.
3. Treatment of angle closure glaucoma shall be limited to initiation ofimmediate emergency care.
4. Treatment of infantile or congenital glaucoma shall be prohibited.
5. Treatment through surgery or other invasive modalities shall not bepermitted, except for treatment of emergency cases of anaphylactic shock withintramuscular epinephrine.
6. Entities permitted or licensed by the Board of Pharmacy to distribute ordispense drugs, including, but not limited to, wholesale distributors andpharmacists, shall be authorized to supply TPA-certified optometrists withthose therapeutic pharmaceutical agents specified by the Board on theTPA-Formulary.
(1996, cc. 152, 158; 2004, c. 744.)
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