2019 U.S. Virgin Islands Code
Title 17 - Education
Chapter 42B - Bullying Prevention, Gang Resistance Education and Training
§ 781. Legislative findings; intent
(a) The Legislature finds that bullying has a negative effect on the social environment of schools, creates a climate of fear among students, inhibits their ability to learn, and leads to other antisocial behavior:
(1) Sexual, discrimination due to sexual orientation; and
(2) Harassment.
(b) Bullying behavior has been linked to other forms of antisocial behavior, such as: vandalism, shoplifting, truancy and non-completion of school, fighting, using drugs and alcohol, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.
(c) The Legislature further finds that the number of youth delinquent gangs continues to rise on a territory-wide basis. Given the higher rates of criminal offenses by gang members, as well as the availability of increasingly lethal weapons, the spiraling level of criminal activity by gang members has taken on greater importance for law enforcement agencies, schools, the community, and prevention efforts.