2019 U.S. Virgin Islands Code
Title 14 - Crimes
Chapter 85 - Rape and Related Offenses
§ 1701. Rape in the first degree
(a) Whoever perpetrates an act of sexual intercourse or sodomy with a person—
(1) when through idiocy, imbecility or any unsoundness of mind, either temporary or permanent, the person is incapable of giving consent, or, by reason of mental or physical weakness or immaturity or any bodily ailment, the person does not offer resistance;
(2) when the person's resistance is forcibly overcome;
(3) when the person's resistance is prevented by fear of immediate and great bodily harm which the person has reasonable cause to believe will be inflicted upon the person;
(4) when the person's resistance is prevented by stupor or weakness of mind produced by an intoxicating, narcotic or anaesthetic agent, or when the person is known by the defendant to be in such state of stupor or weakness of mind from any cause; or
(5) when the person is, at the time, unconscious of the nature of the act and this is known to the defendant—
is guilty of rape in the first degree and shall be imprisoned not less than 10 years nor more than 30 years. Notwithstanding the provisions of Title 5, chapters 313, 405 and 407, Virgin Islands Code, or any other provision of law, imposition or execution of this ten-year minimum period of incarceration shall not be suspended; neither shall probation, parole, or any other form of release be granted for this minimum period of incarceration.
(b) Whoever is convicted of a second or subsequent offense of rape in the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment for life or for any term of years, but not less than 10 years. Notwithstanding the provisions of Title 5, chapters 313, 405 and 407, Virgin Islands Code, or any other provision of law, imposition or execution of the ten-year minimum period of incarceration shall not be suspended; neither shall probation, parole, or any other form of release be granted for this minimum period of incarceration.
(c) Spousal consent shall be an affirmative defense in the event the persons are legally married pursuant to the provisions of title 16, chapter 1 of the Virgin Islands Code.