2022 U.S. Code
Title 49 - Transportation
Subtitle VII - Aviation Programs
Part B - Airport Development and Noise
Chapter 471 - Airport Development
Subchapter II - Surplus Property for Public Airports
Sec. 47153 - Waiving and adding terms

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Citation 49 U.S.C. § 47153 (2022)
Section Name §47153. Waiving and adding terms
Section Text

(a) General Authority.—(1) The Secretary of Transportation may waive, without charge, a term of a conveyance of an interest in property under this subchapter if the Secretary decides that—

(A) the property no longer serves the purpose for which it was conveyed; or

(B) the waiver will not prevent carrying out the purpose for which the conveyance was made and is necessary to advance the civil aviation interests of the United States.

(2) The Secretary of Transportation shall waive a term under paragraph (1) of this subsection on terms the Secretary considers necessary to protect or advance the civil aviation interests of the United States.

(b) Waivers and Inclusion of Additional Terms on Request.—On request of the Secretary of Transportation or the Secretary of a military department, a department, agency, or instrumentality of the executive branch of the United States Government or a wholly owned Government corporation may waive a term required by section 47152 of this title or add another term if the appropriate Secretary decides it is necessary to protect or advance the interests of the United States in civil aviation or for national defense.

(c) Public Notice Before Waiver.—Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b), before the Secretary may waive any term imposed under this section that an interest in land be used for an aeronautical purpose, the Secretary must provide notice to the public not less than 30 days before waiving such term.

Source Credit

(Pub. L. 103–272, §1(e), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1280; Pub. L. 106–181, title I, §§125(d), 135(d)(3), Apr. 5, 2000, 114 Stat. 76, 85.)

Editorial Notes
Historical and Revision Notes
Revised SectionSource (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
47153(a) 49 App.:1655(c)(1). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(c)(1), 80 Stat. 938; Jan. 12, 1983, Pub. L. 97–449, §7(b), 96 Stat. 2444.
  50 App.:1622c. Oct. 1, 1949, ch. 589, §4, 63 Stat. 700; Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §1402(c), 72 Stat. 807.
47153(b) 49 App.:1655(c)(1).
  50 App.:1622(g)(3). Oct. 3, 1944, ch. 479, 58 Stat. 765, §13(g)(3); added July 30, 1947, ch. 404, §2, 61 Stat. 680; Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §1402(c), 72 Stat. 807.

In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words "Notwithstanding any other provision of law" and "further" are omitted as surplus. The word "waive" is substituted for "grant releases from" and "and to convey, quitclaim, or release any right or interest reserved to the United States by" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "a term of a gift of an interest in property under this subchapter" are substituted for "any of the terms, conditions, reservations, and restrictions contained in . . . any such instrument of disposal" for clarity and consistency. In clause (1), the words "transferred by such instrument" are omitted as surplus. In clause (2), the text of 50 App.:1622c (last proviso) is omitted as executed. The words "protect or" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (b), the words "In making any disposition of surplus property under this subsection" are omitted as surplus. The words "Secretary of a military department" are substituted for "the Secretary of the Army, or the Secretary of the Navy" for consistency with other titles of the United States Code and to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "Secretary of the Army" are substituted for "Secretary of War" in section 13(g)(3) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944 (ch. 479, 58 Stat. 765) because of section 205(a) of the National Security Act of 1947 (ch. 343, 61 Stat. 501). The Secretary of the Air Force is included in "Secretary of a military department" because of section 207(a) and (f) of the National Security Act of 1947 (ch. 343, 61 Stat. 502, 503). The word "waive" is substituted for "omit from the instrument of disposal" to eliminate unnecessary words and for consistency in this subchapter. The words "conditions, reservations, and restrictions" are omitted as surplus.


2000—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 106–181, §135(d)(3), substituted "conveyance" for "gift" in introductory provisions and subpar. (B) and "conveyed" for "given" in subpar. (A).

Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 106–181, §125(d), added subsec. (c).


Amendment by Pub. L. 106–181 applicable only to fiscal years beginning after Sept. 30, 1999, see section 3 of Pub. L. 106–181, set out as a note under section 106 of this title.


Nothing in amendment by section 125(d) of Pub. L. 106–181 to be construed to authorize Secretary of Transportation to issue waiver or make a modification referred to in such amendment, see section 125(e) of Pub. L. 106–181, set out as a note under section 47107 of this title.

Publication Title United States Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement 4, Title 49 - TRANSPORTATION
Category Bills and Statutes
Collection United States Code
SuDoc Class Number Y 1.2/5:
Contained Within Title 49 - TRANSPORTATION
Sec. 47153 - Waiving and adding terms
Contains section 47153
Date 2022
Laws In Effect As Of Date January 5, 2023
Positive Law Yes
Disposition standard
Statutes at Large References 58 Stat. 765
61 Stat. 501, 502, 680
63 Stat. 700
72 Stat. 807
80 Stat. 938
96 Stat. 2444
108 Stat. 1280
114 Stat. 76
Public Law References Public Law 85-726, Public Law 89-670, Public Law 97-449, Public Law 103-272, Public Law 106-181
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