2022 U.S. Code
Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 63A - Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction
Subchapter IV - Reports
Sec. 4856 - Reports of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

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Citation 42 U.S.C. § 4856 (2022)
Section Name §4856. Reports of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Section Text (a) Annual report

The Secretary shall transmit to the Congress an annual report that—

(1) sets forth the Secretary's assessment of the progress made in implementing the various programs authorized by this chapter;

(2) summarizes the most current health and environmental studies on childhood lead poisoning, including studies that analyze the relationship between interim control and abatement activities and the incidence of lead poisoning in resident children;

(3) recommends legislative and administrative initiatives that may improve the performance by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in combating lead hazards through the expansion of lead hazard evaluation and reduction activities;

(4) describes the results of research carried out in accordance with subchapter III; and

(5) estimates the amount of Federal assistance annually expended on lead hazard evaluation and reduction activities.

(b) Biennial report (1) In general

24 months after October 28, 1992, and at the end of every 24-month period thereafter, the Secretary shall report to the Congress on the progress of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in implementing expanded lead-based paint hazard evaluation and reduction activities.

(2) Contents

The report shall—

(A) assess the effectiveness of section 4852d of this title in making the public aware of lead-based paint hazards;

(B) estimate the extent to which lead-based paint hazard evaluation and reduction activities are being conducted in the various categories of housing;

(C) monitor and report expenditures for lead-based paint hazard evaluation and reduction for programs within the jurisdiction of the Department of Housing and Urban Development;

(D) identify the infrastructure needed to eliminate lead-based paint hazards in all housing as expeditiously as possible, including cost-effective technology, standards and regulations, trained and certified contractors, certified laboratories, liability insurance, private financing techniques, and appropriate Government subsidies;

(E) assess the extent to which the infrastructure described in subparagraph (D) exists, make recommendations to correct shortcomings, and provide estimates of the costs of measures needed to build an adequate infrastructure; and

(F) include any additional information that the Secretary deems appropriate.

Source Credit

(Pub. L. 102–550, title X, §1061, Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3926.)


This chapter, referred to in subsec. (a)(1), was in the original "this title", meaning title X of Pub. L. 102–550, Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3897, known as the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992. For complete classification of this title to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4851 of this title and Tables.

Publication Title United States Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement 4, Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE
Category Bills and Statutes
Collection United States Code
SuDoc Class Number Y 1.2/5:
Contained Within Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE
Sec. 4856 - Reports of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Contains section 4856
Date 2022
Laws In Effect As Of Date January 5, 2023
Positive Law No
Disposition standard
Statutes at Large References 106 Stat. 3926, 3897
Public Law References Public Law 102-550
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