2022 U.S. Code
Title 13 - Census
Front Matter

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1990—Pub. L. 101–533, §5(b)(1), Nov. 7, 1990, 104 Stat. 2348, added item for chapter 10.

1962—Pub. L. 87–826, §1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 951, added item for chapter 9.


This title has been made positive law by act Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, §1, 68 Stat. 1012, which provided in part "That title 13 of the United States Code, entitled 'Census', is revised, codified, and enacted into law, and may be cited as 'Title 13, United States Code, section—' ".


Act Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, §3, 68 Stat. 1025, provided that: "Whenever reference is made in any other law or in any regulation or order to the Census Office, such reference shall be held and considered to mean the Bureau of the Census referred to in section 2 of Title 13, United States Code, as set out in section 1 of this Act. This section shall not be construed as affecting historical references to the Census Office which could have no present or future application to the Bureau of the Census."


Act Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, §4, 68 Stat. 1025, provided that: "If any part of Title 13, United States Code, as set in section 1 of this Act, is held invalid, the remainder of such title shall not be affected thereby."


Act Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, §5, 68 Stat. 1025, provided that: "No inference of a legislative construction is to be drawn by reason of the chapter in Title 13, United States Code, as set out in section 1 of this Act, in which any section is placed, nor by reason of the captions or catchlines used in such title."


Act Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, §6, 68 Stat. 1025, provided that: "The provisions of this Act shall take effect on January 1, 1955."


Act Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, §7, 68 Stat. 1025, provided that: "The sections of the Acts, and the Acts or parts of Acts, enumerated in the following schedule, are hereby repealed. Any rights or liabilities now existing under such statutes or parts thereof, and any proceedings instituted under, or growing out of, any of such statutes or parts thereof, shall not be affected by this repeal."


1 So in original. Does not conform to chapter heading.

2 So in original. Probably should be capitalized.

Publication Title United States Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement 4, Title 13 - CENSUS
Category Bills and Statutes
Collection United States Code
SuDoc Class Number Y 1.2/5:
Contained Within Title 13 - CENSUS
- Front Matter
Date 2022
Laws In Effect As Of Date January 5, 2023
Positive Law Yes
Disposition standard
Statutes at Large References 68 Stat. 1012, 1025
76 Stat. 951
104 Stat. 2348
Public Law References Public Law 87-826, Public Law 101-533
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