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2021 U.S. Code
Title 12 - Banks and Banking
Publication Title | United States Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement 3, Title 12 - BANKS AND BANKING |
Category | Bills and Statutes |
Collection | United States Code |
SuDoc Class Number | Y 1.2/5: |
Contains | Sections 1 to 5710 |
Date | 2021 |
Laws In Effect As Of Date | January 3, 2022 |
Positive Law | No |
- Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - The Comptroller of the Currency
(Section 1 - 16)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1 - Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
- Sec. 2 - Comptroller of the Currency; appointment; term
- Sec. 3 - Oath of Comptroller
- Sec. 4 - Deputy Comptrollers
- Sec. 4a - Delegation of authority by Comptroller
- Sec. 4b - Deputy Comptroller for the supervision and examination of Federal savings associations
- Secs. 5, 6 - Repealed. Pub. L. 86-251, §1(b), (c)(1), Sept. 9, 1959, 73 Stat. 487, 488
- Sec. 7 - Chief of examining division
- Sec. 8 - Clerks
- Sec. 9 - Additional examiners, clerks, and other employees
- Sec. 9a - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 645
- Sec. 10 - Salaries of Deputy Comptrollers, examiners, and other employees as part of bank examination expenses
- Sec. 11 - Interest in national banks
- Sec. 12 - Seal of Comptroller
- Sec. 13 - Rooms for Currency Bureau
- Sec. 14 - Report of Comptroller
- Sec. 15 - Repealed. Aug. 7, 1946, ch. 770, §1(40, 50), 60 Stat. 869, 870
- Sec. 16 - Funding of Office
Chapter 2 - National Banks
(Section 21 - 216d)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Organization and General Provisions (Section 21 - 43)
- Subchapter II - Capital, Stock, and Stockholders (Section 51 - 67)
- Subchapter III - Directors (Section 71 - 78)
- Subchapter IV - Regulation of the Banking Business; Powers and Duties of National Banks (Section 81 - 95b)
- Subchapter V - Obtaining and Issuing Circulating Notes (Section 101 - 110)
- Subchapter VI - Redemption and Replacement of Circulating Notes (Section 121 - 127)
- Subchapter VII - Proceedings on Failure of Bank to Redeem Circulating Notes (Section 131 - 138)
- Subchapter VIII - Reserve Cities; Lawful Reserves (Section 141 - 146)
- Subchapter IX - Formation of Associations to Issue Gold Notes (Section 151 - 153)
- Subchapter X - Bank Examinations; Reports (Section 161 - 165)
- Subchapter XI - Miscellaneous Provisions Regarding United States Bonds in Relation to National Banks (Section 168 - 178)
- Subchapter XII - Voluntary Dissolution (Section 181 - 186)
- Subchapter XIII - Receivership (Section 191 - 200)
- Subchapter XIV - Bank Conservation Act (Section 201 - 213)
- Subchapter XV - Conversion of National Banks Into State Banks (Section 214 - 214d)
- Subchapter XVI - Consolidation and Merger (Section 215 - 215c)
- Subchapter XVII - Disposition of Unclaimed Property Recovered From Closed National Banks (Section 216 - 216d)
Chapter 3 - Federal Reserve System
(Section 221 - 522)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Definitions, Organization, and General Provisions Affecting System (Section 221 - 228)
- Subchapter II - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Section 241 - 252)
- Subchapter III - Federal Advisory Council (Section 261 - 262)
- Subchapter IV - Federal Open Market Committee (Section 263 - 263)
- Subchapter V - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Section 264 - 266)
- Subchapter VI - Capital and Stock of Federal Reserve Banks; Dividends and Earnings (Section 281 - 290)
- Subchapter VII - Directors of Federal Reserve Banks; Reserve Agents and Assistants (Section 301 - 308)
- Subchapter VIII - State Banks as Members of System (Section 321 - 339a)
- Subchapter IX - Powers and Duties of Federal Reserve Banks (Section 341 - 364)
- Subchapter X - Powers and Duties of Member Banks (Section 371 - 378)
- Subchapter XI - Depositaries and Fiscal Agents (Section 391 - 395)
- Subchapter XII - Federal Reserve Notes (Section 411 - 422)
- Subchapter XIII - Circulating Notes and Bonds Securing Same (Section 441 - 448)
- Subchapter XIV - Bank Reserves (Section 461 - 467)
- Subchapter XV - Bank Examinations (Section 481 - 486)
- Subchapter XVI - Civil Liability of Federal Reserve and Member Banks, Shareholders, and Officers (Section 501 - 506)
- Subchapter XVII - Reserve-Bank Branches (Section 521 - 522)
Chapter 4 - Taxation
(Section 531 - 570)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Federal Reserve Banks (Section 531 - 531)
- Subchapter II - National Bank Circulation (Section 541 - 547)
- Subchapter III - National Bank Shares (Section 548 - 548)
- Subchapter IV - State Bank Circulation (Section 561 - 570)
Chapter 5 - Crimes and Offenses
(Section 581 - 599)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - In General (Section 581 - 588d)
- Subchapter II - Federal Reserve and Member Banks, Officers, Employees, and Examiners (Section 591 - 599)
- + Chapter 6 - Foreign Banking (Section 601 - 633)
Chapter 6A - Export-Import Bank of the United States
(Section 635 - 635t)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Section 635 - 635i-9)
- Subchapter II - Export Financing (Section 635j - 635n)
- Subchapter III - Tied Aid Credit Export Subsidies (Section 635o - 635t)
Chapter 7 - Farm Credit Administration
(Section 636 - 1138f)
- Content - Farm Credit Administration; General Administrative Provisions (Section 636 - 640-1)
- Content - District Organizations Under Supervision of Farm Credit Administration; Farm Credit Districts and Farm Credit Boards (Section 640a - 640l)
- Subchapter I - Federal Land Banks, Joint-Stock Land Banks, and Federal Land Bank Associations (Section 641 - 1012)
- Subchapter II - Loans to Farmers by Land Bank Commissioner (Section 1016 - 1019)
- Subchapter II-A - Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation (Section 1020 - 1020h)
- Subchapter II-B - Loans to Farmers by Governor of Farm Credit Administration (Section 1020i - 1020o)
- Subchapter III - Federal Intermediate Credit Banks (Section 1021 - 1129)
- Subchapter IV - Production Credit Associations (Section 1131 - 1131j)
- Subchapter V - Regional Banks for Cooperatives and Central Bank for Cooperatives (Section 1134 - 1134m)
- Subchapter VI - Provisions Common to Production Credit Associations, and Regional and Central Banks for Cooperatives (Section 1138 - 1138f)
Chapter 7A - Agricultural Marketing
(Section 1141 - 1141j)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 1141 - Declaration of policy; effective merchandising of agricultural commodities; speculation; cooperative marketing; surpluses; administration of chapter
- Sec. 1141a - Repealed. Aug. 6, 1953, ch. 335, §19, 67 Stat. 400
- Secs. 1141b to 1141f - Repealed. Pub. L. 115-334, title V, §5411(52)-(56), (58), Dec. 20, 2018, 132 Stat. 4685
- Sec. 1141g - Omitted
- Sec. 1141h - Avoidance of duplication; cooperation with other governmental establishments; obtaining information and data; cooperation with States, Territories, and agencies or subdivisions thereof; indicating research problems; transfer of offices, functions, etc.
- Sec. 1141i - Repealed. Pub. L. 115-334, title V, §5411(57), Dec. 20, 2018, 132 Stat. 4685
- Sec. 1141j - Miscellaneous provisions
Chapter 7B - Regional Agricultural Credit Corporations
(Section 1148 - 1148d)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1148 - Repealed. Pub. L. 115-334, title V, §5411(59), Dec. 20, 2018, 132 Stat. 4685
- Sec. 1148a - Repealed. Pub. L. 92-181, title V, §5.26(a), Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 624
- Secs. 1148a-1 to 1148a-3 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87-128, title III, §341(a), Aug. 8, 1961, 75 Stat. 318
- Secs. 1148a-4 to 1148d - Repealed. Pub. L. 115-334, title V, §5411(60)-(63), Dec. 20, 2018, 132 Stat. 4686
Chapter 8 - Adjustment and Cancellation of Farm Loans
(Section 1150 - 1150c)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 1150 - Compromise, adjustment, and cancellation of farm loans; conditions; delegation of powers and duties by Secretary of Agriculture
- Sec. 1150a - Farm loans to which chapter is applicable
- Sec. 1150b - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 1150c - Self-hauling of hay or other roughages under hay transportation assistance program; liability for or refund of excess payments; availability of funds for payments
Chapter 9 - National Agricultural Credit Corporations
(Section 1151 - 1322)
- Content - Formation (Section 1151 - 1151a)
- Content - Requisites of Articles and Certificate (Section 1161 - 1163)
- Content - Corporate Powers (Section 1171 - 1172)
- Content - Debentures and Other Obligations; Liability; Security (Section 1181 - 1182)
- Content - Limitations (Section 1191 - 1191)
- Content - Interest Rates (Section 1201 - 1202)
- Content - Capital Stock (Section 1211 - 1215)
- Content - Rediscount Corporations (Section 1221 - 1223)
- Content - Permit to Begin Business (Section 1231 - 1232)
- Content - Miscellaneous Administrative Provisions (Section 1241 - 1249)
- Content - Banks of Federal Reserve System as Stockholders (Section 1251 - 1251)
- Content - Taxation (Section 1261 - 1261)
- Content - Deposits (Section 1271 - 1271)
- Content - Conversion of Corporations (Section 1281 - 1283)
- Content - Consolidation of Corporations (Section 1291 - 1293)
- Content - Insolvency, Receivership, and Liquidation (Section 1301 - 1303)
- Content - Penalty Provisions (Section 1311 - 1318)
- Content - Partial Invalidity; Amendments and Repeals (Section 1321 - 1322)
- + Chapter 10 - Local Agricultural-Credit Corporations, Livestock-Loan Companies and Like Organizations; Loans to Individuals to Aid in Formation or to Increase Capital Stock (Section 1401 - 1404)
Chapter 11 - Federal Home Loan Banks
(Section 1421 - 1449)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1421 - Short title
- Sec. 1422 - Definitions
- Secs. 1422a, 1422b - Repealed. Pub. L. 110-289, div. A, title II, §1204(1), July 30, 2008, 122 Stat. 2785
- Sec. 1423 - Federal Home Loan Bank districts; number and boundaries; establishment of Federal Home Loan Banks; names
- Sec. 1424 - Eligibility for membership
- Secs. 1425 to 1425b - Repealed. Pub. L. 101-73, title VII, §§705, 716, 720, Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 416, 421, 423
- Sec. 1426 - Capital structure of Federal home loan banks
- Sec. 1426a - Exclusion from certain requirements
- Sec. 1427 - Directors
- Sec. 1428 - Examination of State laws, regulations, and procedures; studies of values, etc.
- Sec. 1428a - Repealed. Pub. L. 101-73, title VII, §718, Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 422
- Sec. 1429 - Eligibility to secure advances
- Sec. 1430 - Advances to members
- Sec. 1430a - Omitted
- Sec. 1430b - Advances to nonmember mortgagee; terms and conditions
- Sec. 1430c - Housing goals
- Sec. 1431 - Powers and duties of banks
- Sec. 1432 - Incorporation of banks; corporate powers; housing project loans
- Sec. 1433 - Exemption from taxation; obligations acceptable as credit on debt of home owner
- Sec. 1434 - Depositaries of public money; financial agents
- Sec. 1435 - Obligations as lawful investments; liability of United States for debentures, etc., issued by banks
- Sec. 1436 - Reserves and dividends; emergency suspensions of requirements
- Sec. 1437 - Repealed. Pub. L. 101-73, title VII, §703(a), Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 415
- Sec. 1438 - Omitted
- Sec. 1438a - Nonadministrative expenses; expenses of studies and investigations
- Secs. 1439, 1439-1 - Repealed. Pub. L. 101-73, title VII, §§708, 712, Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 418, 419
- Sec. 1439a - Deposits in special fund; availability for all purposes of Federal Home Loan Bank Board and Federal Home Loan Bank Administration
- Sec. 1440 - Examinations and audits
- Sec. 1440a - Sharing of information among Federal Home Loan Banks
- Sec. 1441 - Financing Corporation
- Sec. 1441a - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-203, title III, §364(b), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1555
- Sec. 1441a-1 - Definitions
- Sec. 1441a-2 - Authorization for State housing finance agencies and nonprofit entities to purchase mortgage-related assets
- Sec. 1441a-3 - RTC and FDIC properties
- Sec. 1441b - Resolution Funding Corporation established
- Sec. 1442 - Member financial information
- Sec. 1442a - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-102, title VI, §606(c), Nov. 12, 1999, 113 Stat. 1454
- Sec. 1443 - Forms of bank stock and obligations
- Sec. 1444 - Eligibility to membership in banks
- Sec. 1445 - Succession of Federal Home Loan Banks
- Sec. 1446 - Liquidation or reorganization; acquisition of assets by other banks; assumption of liabilities
- Sec. 1447 - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-102, title VI, §606(c), Nov. 12, 1999, 113 Stat. 1454
- Sec. 1448 - Effect of partial invalidity of chapter
- Sec. 1449 - Reservation of right to amend or repeal chapter
Chapter 11A - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
(Section 1451 - 1459)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1451 - Definitions
- Sec. 1452 - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- Sec. 1453 - Capitalization of Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- Sec. 1454 - Purchase and sale of mortgages; residential mortgages; conventional mortgages; terms and conditions of sale or other disposition; authority to enter into, perform, and carry out transactions
- Sec. 1455 - Obligations and securities of the Corporation
- Sec. 1456 - Immunity of Corporation; audits and reporting requirements; data collection; Housing Advisory Council
- Sec. 1457 - Prohibited activities; penalties for violations by organizations, officers and members of organizations, and individuals
- Sec. 1458 - Territorial applicability
- Sec. 1459 - Separability
Chapter 12 - Savings Associations
(Section 1461 - 1470)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1461 - Short title
- Sec. 1462 - Definitions
- Sec. 1462a - Administrative provisions
- Sec. 1463 - Supervision of savings associations
- Sec. 1464 - Federal savings associations
- Sec. 1464a - Election to operate as a covered savings association
- Sec. 1465 - State law preemption standards for Federal savings associations clarified
- Sec. 1466 - Applicability
- Sec. 1466a - District associations
- Sec. 1467 - Examination fees
- Sec. 1467a - Regulation of holding companies
- Sec. 1467b - Intermediate holding companies
- Sec. 1468 - Transactions with affiliates; extensions of credit to executive officers, directors, and principal shareholders
- Sec. 1468a - Advertising
- Sec. 1468b - Powers of examiners
- Sec. 1468c - Separability
- Sec. 1469 - Authority to invest in State housing corporations
- Sec. 1470 - Federal supervision of insured institutions, State member and nonmember banks; access to information; definitions
Chapter 13 - National Housing
(Section 1701 - 1750jj)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 1701 - Short title
- Sec. 1701a - Short title of amendment of 1938
- Sec. 1701b - Short title of amendment of 1942
- Sec. 1701c - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Sec. 1701c-1 - Omitted
- Sec. 1701d - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 655
- Secs. 1701d-1, 1701d-2 - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-19, §§6(i), 12(a), May 25, 1967, 81 Stat. 22, 23
- Sec. 1701d-3 - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-609, title V, §503(3), Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1785
- Sec. 1701d-4 - Exchange and assembly of housing and urban planning and development data; payment of expenses; acceptance of funds, services, facilities, materials, and other donations; approval of Secretary of State for international programs and activities
- Secs. 1701e, 1701f - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-609, title V, §503(1), Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1785
- Sec. 1701f-1 - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-19, §5(c), May 25, 1967, 81 Stat. 21
- Secs. 1701g to 1701g-3 - Omitted
- Sec. 1701g-4 - Omitted
- Sec. 1701g-5 - Revolving fund in connection with liquidating programs
- Sec. 1701g-5a - Transfer of New Communities Fund assets and liabilities
- Sec. 1701g-5b - Liquidation of New Communities Program; cancellation of debt
- Sec. 1701g-5c - Transfer of rehabilitation loan fund assets and liabilities
- Sec. 1701h - Advisory committees; payment of transportation and other expenses
- Sec. 1701h-1 - Housing for elderly persons advisory committee
- Secs. 1701i, 1701i-1 - Omitted
- Sec. 1701j - Repealed. Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title VIII, §813, 68 Stat. 647
- Sec. 1701j-1 - Builder's certification as to construction
- Sec. 1701j-2 - National Institute of Building Sciences
- Sec. 1701j-3 - Preemption of due-on-sale prohibitions
- Sec. 1701k - Right to redeem property on which United States has lien
- Sec. 1701l - Limitation on interest rates of insured mortgages; terms of sales
- Sec. 1701l-1 - Mortgage proceeds fraudulently misappropriated by mortgagor; recovery of deficiency after foreclosure
- Sec. 1701m - Credit and cancellation of notes transferred from Reconstruction Finance Corporation; net loss computation
- Sec. 1701n - Reduction of vulnerability of congested urban areas to enemy attack
- Sec. 1701o - Annual report of Secretary
- Sec. 1701p - Contents of report to President and Congress
- Sec. 1701p-1 - Periodic report on residential mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures
- Sec. 1701p-2 - Default and foreclosure database
- Sec. 1701q - Supportive housing for the elderly
- Sec. 1701q-1 - Civil money penalties against mortgagors under section 1701q of this title
- Sec. 1701q-2 - Grants for conversion of elderly housing to assisted living facilities and other purposes
- Sec. 1701q-3 - Funds for housing for elderly and persons with disabilities available for cost of maintenance and disposal of such properties
- Sec. 1701r - Congressional findings respecting housing for senior citizens
- Sec. 1701r-1 - Pet ownership in assisted rental housing for the elderly or handicapped
- Sec. 1701s - Rent supplement payments for qualified lower income families
- Sec. 1701t - Congressional affirmation of national goal of decent homes and suitable living environment for American families
- Sec. 1701u - Economic opportunities for low- and very low-income persons
- Sec. 1701v - Congressional findings and declaration for improved architectural design in Government housing programs
- Sec. 1701w - Budget, debt management, and related counseling services for mortgagors; authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 1701x - Assistance with respect to housing for low- and moderate-income families
- Sec. 1701x-1 - Home inspection counseling
- Sec. 1701x-2 - Legal assistance for foreclosure-related issues
- Sec. 1701y - National Homeownership Foundation
- Sec. 1701z - New technologies in the development of housing for lower income families
- Sec. 1701z-1 - Research and demonstrations; authorization of appropriations; continuing availability of funds
- Sec. 1701z-2 - Advanced technologies, methods, and materials for housing construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance
- Sec. 1701z-3 - Experimental housing allowance payment program
- Sec. 1701z-4 - Abandoned properties demonstration project
- Sec. 1701z-5 - Demonstrations of heating or cooling residential housing utilizing solar energy
- Sec. 1701z-6 - Special housing need research and demonstration authority
- Sec. 1701z-7 - Studies to determine extent of need for counseling to mortgagors; report to Congress
- Sec. 1701z-8 - Energy conservation and renewable-resource demonstration
- Sec. 1701z-9 - Expansion of home ownership opportunities in urban areas
- Sec. 1701z-10 - Model rehabilitation guidelines in inspection and approval of rehabilitated properties; report to Congress
- Sec. 1701z-10a - Biennial survey of economic and housing market conditions
- Sec. 1701z-11 - Management and disposition of multifamily housing projects
- Sec. 1701z-12 - Housing access
- Sec. 1701z-13 - Solar energy for single-family and multifamily housing units
- Sec. 1701z-14 - Lower cost technology demonstration program
- Sec. 1701z-15 - Approval of individual residential water purification or treatment units
- Sec. 1701z-16 - Energy efficient mortgages pilot program
- Sec. 1701z-17 - Increasing access and understanding of energy efficient mortgages
- Subchapter I - Housing Renovation and Modernization (Section 1702 - 1706f)
- Subchapter II - Mortgage Insurance (Section 1707 - 1715z-25)
- Subchapter III - National Mortgage Associations (Section 1716 - 1723i)
- Subchapter IV - Insurance of Savings and Loan Accounts (Section 1724 - 1730i)
- Subchapter V - Miscellaneous (Section 1731 - 1735h)
- Subchapter VI - War Housing Insurance (Section 1736 - 1746a)
- Subchapter VII - Insurance for Investments in Rental Housing for Families of Moderate Income (Section 1747 - 1747l)
- Subchapter VIII - Armed Services Housing Mortgage Insurance (Section 1748 - 1748i)
- Subchapter IX - Housing for Educational Institutions (Section 1749 - 1749d)
- Subchapter IX-A - Mortgage Insurance for Land Development and New Communities (Section 1749aa - 1749ll)
- Subchapter IX-B - Mortgage Insurance for Group Practice Facilities and Medical Practice Facilities (Section 1749aaa - 1749aaa-5)
- Subchapter IX-C - National Insurance Development Program (Section 1749bbb - 1749bbb-21)
- Subchapter X - National Defense Housing Insurance (Section 1750 - 1750g)
- Subchapter XI - Voluntary Home Mortgage Credit (Section 1750aa - 1750jj)
Chapter 14 - Federal Credit Unions
(Section 1751 - 1795k)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1751 - Short title
- Sec. 1751a - Omitted
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Section 1752 - 1775)
- Subchapter II - Share Insurance (Section 1781 - 1790e)
- Subchapter III - Central Liquidity Facility (Section 1795 - 1795k)
- + Chapter 15 - Federal Loan Agency (Section 1801 - 1805)
Chapter 16 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(Section 1811 - 1835a)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1811 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Sec. 1812 - Management
- Sec. 1813 - Definitions
- Sec. 1814 - Insured depository institutions
- Sec. 1815 - Deposit insurance
- Sec. 1816 - Factors to be considered
- Sec. 1817 - Assessments
- Sec. 1818 - Termination of status as insured depository institution
- Sec. 1819 - Corporate powers
- Sec. 1820 - Administration of Corporation
- Sec. 1820a - Examination of investment companies
- Sec. 1821 - Insurance Funds
- Sec. 1821a - FSLIC Resolution Fund
- Sec. 1822 - Corporation as receiver
- Sec. 1823 - Corporation monies
- Sec. 1824 - Borrowing authority
- Sec. 1825 - Issuance of notes, debentures, bonds, and other obligations; exemptions
- Sec. 1826 - Forms of obligations; preparation by Secretary of the Treasury
- Sec. 1827 - Reports by Corporation; audit of financial transactions; report on audits; employment of certified public accountants for audits
- Sec. 1828 - Regulations governing insured depository institutions
- Sec. 1828a - Prudential safeguards
- Sec. 1828b - Interagency data sharing
- Sec. 1829 - Penalty for unauthorized participation by convicted individual
- Sec. 1829a - Participation by State nonmember insured banks in lotteries and related activities
- Sec. 1829b - Retention of records by insured depository institutions
- Sec. 1829c - Making online banking initiation legal and easy
- Sec. 1830 - Nondiscrimination
- Sec. 1831 - Separability of certain provisions of this chapter
- Sec. 1831a - Activities of insured State banks
- Sec. 1831b - Disclosures with respect to certain federally related mortgage loans
- Sec. 1831c - Assuring consistent oversight of subsidiaries of holding companies
- Sec. 1831d - State-chartered insured depository institutions and insured branches of foreign banks
- Sec. 1831e - Activities of savings associations
- Sec. 1831f - Brokered deposits
- Sec. 1831f-1 - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-569, title XII, §1203, Dec. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 3032
- Sec. 1831g - Contracts between depository institutions and persons providing goods, products, or services
- Sec. 1831h - Repealed. Pub. L. 109-173, §8(a)(33), Feb. 15, 2006, 119 Stat. 3615
- Sec. 1831i - Agency disapproval of directors and senior executive officers of insured depository institutions or depository institution holding companies
- Sec. 1831j - Depository institution employee protection remedy
- Sec. 1831k - Reward for information leading to recoveries or civil penalties
- Sec. 1831l - Coordination of risk analysis between SEC and Federal banking agencies
- Sec. 1831m - Early identification of needed improvements in financial management
- Sec. 1831m-1 - Reports of information regarding safety and soundness of depository institutions
- Sec. 1831n - Accounting objectives, standards, and requirements
- Sec. 1831o - Prompt corrective action
- Sec. 1831o-1 - Source of strength
- Sec. 1831p - Transferred
- Sec. 1831p-1 - Standards for safety and soundness
- Sec. 1831q - FDIC affordable housing program
- Sec. 1831r - Payments on foreign deposits prohibited
- Sec. 1831r-1 - Notice of branch closure
- Sec. 1831s - Transferred
- Sec. 1831t - Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance
- Sec. 1831u - Interstate bank mergers
- Sec. 1831v - Authority of State insurance regulator and Securities and Exchange Commission
- Sec. 1831w - Safety and soundness firewalls applicable to financial subsidiaries of banks
- Sec. 1831x - Insurance customer protections
- Sec. 1831y - CRA sunshine requirements
- Sec. 1831z - Bi-annual FDIC survey and report on encouraging use of depository institutions by the unbanked
- Sec. 1831aa - Enforcement of agreements
- Sec. 1831bb - Capital requirements for certain acquisition, development, or construction loans
- Sec. 1832 - Withdrawals by negotiable or transferable instruments for transfers to third parties
- Sec. 1833 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-208, div. A, title II, §2224(b), Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009-415
- Sec. 1833a - Civil penalties
- Sec. 1833b - Comparability in compensation schedules
- Sec. 1833c - Comptroller General audit and access to records
- Sec. 1833d - Repealed. Pub. L. 102-242, title I, §121(b), Dec. 19, 1991, 105 Stat. 2251
- Sec. 1833e - Equal opportunity
- Sec. 1834 - Reduced assessment rate for deposits attributable to lifeline accounts
- Sec. 1834a - Assessment credits for qualifying activities relating to distressed communities
- Sec. 1834b - Community development organizations
- Sec. 1835 - Insured depository institution capital requirements for transfers of small business obligations
- Sec. 1835a - Prohibition against deposit production offices
Chapter 17 - Bank Holding Companies
(Section 1841 - 1852)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1841 - Definitions
- Sec. 1842 - Acquisition of bank shares or assets
- Sec. 1843 - Interests in nonbanking organizations
- Sec. 1844 - Administration
- Sec. 1845 - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-485, §9, July 1, 1966, 80 Stat. 240
- Sec. 1846 - Reservation of rights to States
- Sec. 1847 - Penalties
- Sec. 1848 - Judicial review
- Sec. 1848a - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-203, title VI, §604(c)(2), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1601
- Sec. 1849 - Saving provision
- Sec. 1850 - Acquisition of subsidiary and tying arrangement: Federal Reserve Board proceedings; application for authorization; competitor as party in interest and person aggrieved; judicial review
- Sec. 1850a - Securities holding companies
- Sec. 1851 - Prohibitions on proprietary trading and certain relationships with hedge funds and private equity funds
- Sec. 1852 - Concentration limits on large financial firms
Chapter 18 - Bank Service Companies
(Section 1861 - 1867)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1861 - Short title and definitions
- Sec. 1862 - Amount of investment in bank service company
- Sec. 1863 - Permissible bank service company activities for depository institutions
- Sec. 1864 - Permissible bank service company activities for other persons
- Sec. 1865 - Prior approval for investments in bank service companies
- Sec. 1866 - Services to nonstockholders or nonmembers
- Sec. 1867 - Regulation and examination of bank service companies
- + Chapter 19 - Security Measures for Banks and Savings Associations (Section 1881 - 1884)
- + Chapter 20 - Credit Control (Section 1901 - 1910)
Chapter 21 - Financial Recordkeeping
(Section 1951 - 1960)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1951 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 1952 - Reports on ownership and control
- Sec. 1953 - Recordkeeping and procedures
- Sec. 1954 - Injunctions
- Sec. 1955 - Civil penalties
- Sec. 1956 - Criminal penalty
- Sec. 1957 - Additional criminal penalty in certain cases
- Sec. 1958 - Compliance
- Sec. 1959 - Administrative procedure
- Sec. 1960 - Safe harbor with respect to keep open directives
Chapter 22 - Tying Arrangements
(Section 1971 - 1978)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1971 - Definitions
- Sec. 1972 - Certain tying arrangements prohibited; correspondent accounts
- Sec. 1973 - Jurisdiction of courts; duty of United States attorneys; equitable proceedings; petition; expedition of cases; temporary restraining orders; bringing in additional parties; subpenas
- Sec. 1974 - Actions by United States; subpenas for witnesses
- Sec. 1975 - Civil actions by persons injured; jurisdiction and venue; amount of recovery
- Sec. 1976 - Injunctive relief for persons against threatened loss or damages; equitable proceedings; preliminary injunctions
- Sec. 1977 - Limitation of actions; suspension of limitations
- Sec. 1978 - Actions under other Federal or State laws unaffected; regulations or orders barred as a defense
Chapter 23 - Farm Credit System
(Section 2001 - 2279cc)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 2001 - Congressional declaration of policy and objectives
- Sec. 2002 - Farm Credit System
- Subchapter I - Farm Credit Banks (Section 2011 - 2023)
- Subchapter II - Farm Credit Associations (Section 2071 - 2098)
- Subchapter III - Banks for Cooperatives (Section 2121 - 2149a)
- Subchapter IV - Provisions Applicable to Two or More Classes of Institutions of the System (Section 2151 - 2219e)
- Subchapter V - Farm Credit Administration Organization (Section 2221 - 2277a-14)
- Subchapter VI - Assistance to Farm Credit System (Section 2278a - 2278b-11)
- Subchapter VII - Restructuring of System Institutions (Section 2279a - 2279g)
- Subchapter VIII - Agricultural Mortgage Secondary Market (Section 2279aa - 2279cc)
Chapter 24 - Federal Financing Bank
(Section 2281 - 2296)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2281 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 2282 - Definitions
- Sec. 2283 - Creation of Federal Financing Bank
- Sec. 2284 - Board of Directors
- Sec. 2285 - Functions
- Sec. 2285a - Acquisition of obligations involving loan guarantees for New York City
- Sec. 2286 - Approval of financing plans by Secretary of the Treasury
- Sec. 2287 - Initial capital
- Sec. 2288 - Bank obligations
- Sec. 2289 - General powers
- Sec. 2290 - Exemptions
- Sec. 2291 - Preparation of obligations
- Sec. 2292 - Annual report to the President and Congress
- Sec. 2293 - Budget and audit provisions of Government corporation control law applicable
- Sec. 2294 - Payments on behalf of public bodies
- Sec. 2294a - Contracts for periodic payments to offset costs of purchase of obligations of local public housing agencies
- Sec. 2295 - Authority or responsibility under other provisions of law not to be affected or impaired
- Sec. 2296 - Increase not authorized in amounts of obligations issued, sold, or guaranteed by Federal agencies
Chapter 25 - National Commission on Electronic Fund Transfers
(Section 2401 - 2408)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2401 - Establishment of Commission
- Sec. 2402 - Membership of Commission
- Sec. 2403 - Functions of Commission
- Sec. 2404 - Powers of Commission
- Sec. 2405 - Executive Director and additional staff personnel; appointment and compensation; experts and consultants; employment and compensation; audits by Comptroller General
- Sec. 2406 - Compensation of members of Commission
- Sec. 2407 - Cooperation and assistance of other Federal departments, agencies, and instrumentalities
- Sec. 2408 - Authorization of appropriations
- + Chapter 26 - Disposition of Abandoned Money Orders and Traveler's Checks (Section 2501 - 2503)
Chapter 27 - Real Estate Settlement Procedures
(Section 2601 - 2617)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2601 - Congressional findings and purpose
- Sec. 2602 - Definitions
- Sec. 2603 - Uniform settlement statement
- Sec. 2604 - Home buying information booklets
- Sec. 2605 - Servicing of mortgage loans and administration of escrow accounts
- Sec. 2606 - Exempted transactions
- Sec. 2607 - Prohibition against kickbacks and unearned fees
- Sec. 2608 - Title companies; liability of seller
- Sec. 2609 - Limitation on requirement of advance deposits in escrow accounts
- Sec. 2610 - Prohibition of fees for preparation of truth-in-lending, uniform settlement, and escrow account statements
- Secs. 2611 to 2613 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-208, div. A, title II, §2103(h), Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009-401
- Sec. 2614 - Jurisdiction of courts; limitations
- Sec. 2615 - Contracts and liens; validity
- Sec. 2616 - State laws unaffected; inconsistent Federal and State provisions
- Sec. 2617 - Authority of Bureau
Chapter 28 - Emergency Mortgage Relief
(Section 2701 - 2712)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2701 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 2702 - Mortgages eligible for assistance
- Sec. 2703 - Manner of assistance and repayment
- Sec. 2704 - Insurance for emergency mortgage loans and advances
- Sec. 2705 - Emergency mortgage relief payments
- Sec. 2706 - Emergency Homeowners' Relief Fund
- Sec. 2707 - Authority of Secretary
- Sec. 2708 - Expiration date
- Secs. 2709, 2710 - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-203, title XIV, §1496(b)(7), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 2209
- Sec. 2711 - Nonapplicability of other laws
- Sec. 2712 - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-203, title XIV, §1496(b)(7), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 2209
Chapter 29 - Home Mortgage Disclosure
(Section 2801 - 2811)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2801 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 2802 - Definitions
- Sec. 2803 - Maintenance of records and public disclosure
- Sec. 2804 - Enforcement
- Sec. 2805 - Relation to State laws
- Sec. 2806 - Compliance improvement methods
- Sec. 2807 - Report
- Sec. 2808 - Effective date
- Sec. 2809 - Compilation of aggregate data
- Sec. 2810 - Disclosure by Secretary; commencement, scope, etc.
- Sec. 2811 - Repealed. Pub. L. 100-242, title V, §565(b), Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1945
Chapter 30 - Community Reinvestment
(Section 2901 - 2908)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2901 - Congressional findings and statement of purpose
- Sec. 2902 - Definitions
- Sec. 2903 - Financial institutions; evaluation
- Sec. 2904 - Report to Congress
- Sec. 2905 - Regulations
- Sec. 2906 - Written evaluations
- Sec. 2907 - Operation of branch facilities by minorities and women
- Sec. 2908 - Small bank regulatory relief
- + Chapter 31 - National Consumer Cooperative Bank (Section 3001 - 3051)
Chapter 32 - Foreign Bank Participation in Domestic Markets
(Section 3101 - 3111)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3101 - Definitions
- Sec. 3102 - Establishment of Federal branches and agencies by foreign bank
- Sec. 3103 - Interstate banking by foreign banks
- Sec. 3104 - Insurance of deposits
- Sec. 3105 - Authority of Federal Reserve System
- Sec. 3106 - Nonbanking activities of foreign banks
- Sec. 3106a - Compliance with State and Federal laws
- Sec. 3107 - Representative offices
- Sec. 3108 - Regulation and enforcement
- Sec. 3109 - Cooperation with foreign supervisors
- Sec. 3110 - Penalties
- Sec. 3111 - Criminal penalty
Chapter 33 - Depository Institution Management Interlocks
(Section 3201 - 3208)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3201 - Definitions
- Sec. 3202 - Dual service of management official as management official of unaffiliated institution or holding company in same area, town, or village prohibited
- Sec. 3203 - Dual service of management official of $2,500,000,000 institution or holding company as management official of unaffiliated $1,500,000,000 institution or holding company prohibited
- Sec. 3204 - Exceptions
- Sec. 3205 - Management official in position prior to November 10, 1978
- Sec. 3206 - Administration and enforcement
- Sec. 3207 - Rules and regulations
- Sec. 3208 - Powers available to Attorney General for enforcement
Chapter 34 - Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
(Section 3301 - 3311)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3301 - Declaration of purpose
- Sec. 3302 - Definitions
- Sec. 3303 - Financial Institutions Examination Council
- Sec. 3304 - Costs and expenses of Council
- Sec. 3305 - Functions of Council
- Sec. 3306 - State liaison
- Sec. 3307 - Administration
- Sec. 3308 - Access to books, accounts, records, etc., by Council
- Sec. 3309 - Risk management training
- Sec. 3310 - Establishment of Appraisal Subcommittee
- Sec. 3311 - Required review of regulations
Chapter 34A - Appraisal Subcommittee of Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
(Section 3331 - 3356)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3331 - Purpose
- Sec. 3332 - Functions of Appraisal Subcommittee
- Sec. 3333 - Chairperson of Appraisal Subcommittee; term of Chairperson; meetings
- Sec. 3334 - Officers and staff
- Sec. 3335 - Powers of Appraisal Subcommittee
- Sec. 3336 - Procedures for establishing appraisal standards and requiring use of certified and licensed appraisers
- Sec. 3337 - Startup funding
- Sec. 3338 - Roster of State certified or licensed appraisers; authority to collect and transmit fees
- Sec. 3339 - Functions of Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies relating to appraisal standards
- Sec. 3340 - Time for proposal and adoption of standards
- Sec. 3341 - Functions of Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies relating to appraiser qualifications
- Sec. 3342 - Transactions requiring services of State certified appraiser
- Sec. 3343 - Transactions requiring services of State licensed appraiser
- Sec. 3344 - Time for proposal and adoption of rules
- Sec. 3345 - Certification and licensing requirements
- Sec. 3346 - Establishment of State appraiser certifying and licensing agencies
- Sec. 3347 - Monitoring of State appraiser certifying and licensing agencies
- Sec. 3348 - Recognition of State certified and licensed appraisers for purposes of this chapter
- Sec. 3349 - Violations in obtaining and performing appraisals in federally related transactions
- Sec. 3350 - Definitions
- Sec. 3351 - Miscellaneous provisions
- Sec. 3352 - Emergency exceptions for disaster areas
- Sec. 3353 - Appraisal management company minimum requirements
- Sec. 3354 - Automated valuation models used to estimate collateral value for mortgage lending purposes
- Sec. 3355 - Broker price opinions
- Sec. 3356 - Exemption from appraisals of real estate located in rural areas
Chapter 35 - Right to Financial Privacy
(Section 3401 - 3423)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3401 - Definitions
- Sec. 3402 - Access to financial records by Government authorities prohibited; exceptions
- Sec. 3403 - Confidentiality of financial records
- Sec. 3404 - Customer authorizations
- Sec. 3405 - Administrative subpena and summons
- Sec. 3406 - Search warrants
- Sec. 3407 - Judicial subpena
- Sec. 3408 - Formal written request
- Sec. 3409 - Delayed notice
- Sec. 3410 - Customer challenges
- Sec. 3411 - Duty of financial institutions
- Sec. 3412 - Use of information
- Sec. 3413 - Exceptions
- Sec. 3414 - Special procedures
- Sec. 3415 - Cost reimbursement
- Sec. 3416 - Jurisdiction
- Sec. 3417 - Civil penalties
- Sec. 3418 - Injunctive relief
- Sec. 3419 - Suspension of limitations
- Sec. 3420 - Grand jury information; notification of certain persons prohibited
- Sec. 3421 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-66, title III, §3001(d), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 734
- Sec. 3422 - Applicability to Securities and Exchange Commission
- Sec. 3423 - Immunity from suit for disclosure of financial exploitation of senior citizens
Chapter 36 - Depository Institutions Deregulation and Financial Regulation Simplification
(Section 3501 - 3524)
- Subchapter I - Depository Institutions Deregulation (Section 3501 - 3509)
- Subchapter II - Regulatory Simplification (Section 3521 - 3524)
- + Chapter 37 - Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank (Section 3601 - 3620)
Chapter 38 - Multifamily Mortgage Foreclosure
(Section 3701 - 3717)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3701 - Findings and purpose
- Sec. 3702 - Definitions
- Sec. 3703 - Applicability
- Sec. 3704 - Foreclosure commissioner; designation, duties, etc.
- Sec. 3705 - Prerequisites to foreclosure
- Sec. 3706 - Notice of default and foreclosure sale; condition and term of sale
- Sec. 3707 - Commencement of foreclosure; powers and duties of foreclosure commissioner or substitute
- Sec. 3708 - Service of notice of default and foreclosure sale
- Sec. 3709 - Presale reinstatement
- Sec. 3710 - Foreclosure sale
- Sec. 3711 - Foreclosure costs
- Sec. 3712 - Disposition of sale proceeds
- Sec. 3713 - Transfer of title and possession
- Sec. 3714 - Record of foreclosure and sale
- Sec. 3715 - Computation of time
- Sec. 3716 - Separability
- Sec. 3717 - Regulations
Chapter 38A - Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure
(Section 3751 - 3768)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3751 - Findings and purpose
- Sec. 3752 - Definitions
- Sec. 3753 - Applicability
- Sec. 3754 - Designation of foreclosure commissioner
- Sec. 3755 - Prerequisites to foreclosure
- Sec. 3756 - Commencement of foreclosure
- Sec. 3757 - Notice of default and foreclosure sale
- Sec. 3758 - Service of notice of foreclosure sale
- Sec. 3759 - Presale reinstatement
- Sec. 3760 - Conduct of sale; adjournment
- Sec. 3761 - Foreclosure costs
- Sec. 3762 - Disposition of sale proceeds
- Sec. 3763 - Transfer of title and possession
- Sec. 3764 - Record of foreclosure and sale
- Sec. 3765 - Effect of sale
- Sec. 3766 - Computation of time
- Sec. 3767 - Severability
- Sec. 3768 - Deficiency judgment
- + Chapter 39 - Alternative Mortgage Transactions (Section 3801 - 3806)
Chapter 40 - International Lending Supervision
(Section 3901 - 3912)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3901 - Congressional declaration of policy
- Sec. 3902 - Definitions
- Sec. 3903 - Strengthened supervision of international lending
- Sec. 3904 - Reserves
- Sec. 3904a - Additional reserve requirements
- Sec. 3905 - Accounting for fees on international loans
- Sec. 3906 - Collection and disclosure of international lending data
- Sec. 3907 - Capital adequacy
- Sec. 3908 - Foreign loan evaluations
- Sec. 3909 - General authorities
- Sec. 3910 - Audit authority of Government Accountability Office
- Sec. 3911 - Equal representation for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of Thrift Supervision
- Sec. 3912 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-208, div. A, title II, §2224(c), Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009-415
Chapter 41 - Expedited Funds Availability
(Section 4001 - 4010)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4001 - Definitions
- Sec. 4002 - Expedited funds availability schedules
- Sec. 4003 - Safeguard exceptions
- Sec. 4004 - Disclosure of funds availability policies
- Sec. 4005 - Payment of interest
- Sec. 4006 - Miscellaneous provisions
- Sec. 4007 - Effect on State law
- Sec. 4008 - Regulations and reports by Board
- Sec. 4009 - Administrative enforcement
- Sec. 4010 - Civil liability
Chapter 42 - Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership
(Section 4101 - 4147)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Prepayment of Mortgages Insured Under National Housing Act (Section 4101 - 4125)
- Subchapter II - Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (Section 4141 - 4147)
Chapter 43 - Actions Against Persons Committing Bank Fraud Crimes
(Section 4201 - 4247)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Declarations Providing New Claims to United States (Section 4201 - 4213)
- Subchapter II - Declarations Providing United States With New Information Concerning Recovery of Assets (Section 4221 - 4230)
- Subchapter III - Use of Private Legal Resources (Section 4241 - 4247)
Chapter 44 - Truth in Savings
(Section 4301 - 4313)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4301 - Findings and purpose
- Sec. 4302 - Disclosure of interest rates and terms of accounts
- Sec. 4303 - Account schedule
- Sec. 4304 - Disclosure requirements for certain accounts
- Sec. 4305 - Distribution of schedules
- Sec. 4306 - Payment of interest
- Sec. 4307 - Periodic statements
- Sec. 4308 - Regulations
- Sec. 4309 - Administrative enforcement
- Sec. 4310 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-208, div. A, title II, §2604(a), Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009-470
- Sec. 4311 - Credit unions
- Sec. 4312 - Effect on State law
- Sec. 4313 - Definitions
Chapter 45 - Payment System Risk Reduction
(Section 4401 - 4422)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Bilateral and Clearing Organization Netting (Section 4401 - 4407)
- Subchapter II - Multilateral Clearing Organizations (Section 4421 - 4422)
Chapter 46 - Government Sponsored Enterprises
(Section 4501 - 4642)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 4501 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 4502 - Definitions
- Sec. 4503 - Protection of taxpayers against liability
- Subchapter I - Supervision and Regulation of Enterprises (Section 4511 - 4603)
- Subchapter II - Required Capital Levels for Regulated Entities, Special Enforcement Powers, and Reviews of Assets and Liabilities (Section 4611 - 4624)
- Subchapter III - Enforcement Provisions (Section 4631 - 4642)
Chapter 47 - Community Development Banking
(Section 4701 - 4750)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions (Section 4701 - 4719)
- Subchapter II - Small Business Capital Enhancement (Section 4741 - 4750)
Chapter 48 - Financial Institutions Regulatory Improvement
(Section 4801 - 4809)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4801 - Incorporated definitions
- Sec. 4802 - Administrative consideration of burden with new regulations
- Sec. 4803 - Streamlining of regulatory requirements
- Sec. 4804 - Elimination of duplicative filings
- Sec. 4805 - Call report simplification
- Sec. 4805a - Call report simplification
- Sec. 4806 - Regulatory appeals process, ombudsman, and alternative dispute resolution
- Sec. 4807 - Time limit on agency consideration of completed applications
- Sec. 4808 - Revising regulatory requirements for transfers of all types of assets with recourse
- Sec. 4809 - "Plain language" requirement for Federal banking agency rules
Chapter 49 - Homeowners Protection
(Section 4901 - 4910)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4901 - Definitions
- Sec. 4902 - Termination of private mortgage insurance
- Sec. 4903 - Disclosure requirements
- Sec. 4904 - Notification upon cancellation or termination
- Sec. 4905 - Disclosure requirements for lender paid mortgage insurance
- Sec. 4906 - Fees for disclosures
- Sec. 4907 - Civil liability
- Sec. 4908 - Effect on other laws and agreements
- Sec. 4909 - Enforcement
- Sec. 4910 - Construction
Chapter 50 - Check Truncation
(Section 5001 - 5018)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5001 - Findings; purposes
- Sec. 5002 - Definitions
- Sec. 5003 - General provisions governing substitute checks
- Sec. 5004 - Substitute check warranties
- Sec. 5005 - Indemnity
- Sec. 5006 - Expedited recredit for consumers
- Sec. 5007 - Expedited recredit procedures for banks
- Sec. 5008 - Delays in an emergency
- Sec. 5009 - Measure of damages
- Sec. 5010 - Statute of limitations and notice of claim
- Sec. 5011 - Consumer awareness
- Sec. 5012 - Effect on other law
- Sec. 5013 - Variation by agreement
- Sec. 5014 - Regulations
- Sec. 5015 - Study and report on funds availability
- Sec. 5016 - Statistical reporting of costs and revenues for transporting checks between reserve banks
- Sec. 5017 - Evaluation and report by the Comptroller General
- Sec. 5018 - Depositary services efficiency and cost reduction
Chapter 51 - Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing
(Section 5101 - 5117)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5101 - Purposes and methods for establishing a mortgage licensing system and registry
- Sec. 5102 - Definitions
- Sec. 5103 - License or registration required
- Sec. 5104 - State license and registration application and issuance
- Sec. 5105 - Standards for State license renewal
- Sec. 5106 - System of registration administration by Federal agencies
- Sec. 5107 - Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection backup authority to establish loan originator licensing system
- Sec. 5108 - Backup authority to establish a nationwide mortgage licensing and registry system
- Sec. 5109 - Fees
- Sec. 5110 - Background checks of loan originators
- Sec. 5111 - Confidentiality of information
- Sec. 5112 - Liability provisions
- Sec. 5113 - Enforcement by the Bureau
- Sec. 5114 - State examination authority
- Sec. 5115 - Reports and recommendations to Congress
- Sec. 5116 - Study and reports on defaults and foreclosures
- Sec. 5117 - Employment transition of loan originators
Chapter 52 - Emergency Economic Stabilization
(Section 5201 - 5261)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5201 - Purposes
- Sec. 5202 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Troubled Assets Relief Program (Section 5211 - 5241)
- Subchapter II - Budget-Related Provisions (Section 5251 - 5253)
- Subchapter III - Tax Provisions (Section 5261 - 5261)
Chapter 53 - Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
(Section 5301 - 5641)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 5301 - Definitions
- Sec. 5302 - Severability
- Sec. 5303 - Antitrust savings clause
- Subchapter I - Financial Stability (Section 5311 - 5374)
- Subchapter II - Orderly Liquidation Authority (Section 5381 - 5394)
- Subchapter III - Transfer of Powers to the Comptroller of the Currency, the Corporation, and the Board of Governors (Section 5401 - 5452)
- Subchapter IV - Payment, Clearing, and Settlement Supervision (Section 5461 - 5472)
- Subchapter V - Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Section 5481 - 5603)
- Subchapter VI - Federal Reserve System Provisions (Section 5611 - 5614)
- Subchapter VII - Improving Access to Mainstream Financial Institutions (Section 5621 - 5628)
- Subchapter VIII - Miscellaneous (Section 5641 - 5641)
Chapter 54 - State Small Business Credit Initiative
(Section 5701 - 5710)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5701 - Definitions
- Sec. 5702 - Federal funds allocated to States
- Sec. 5703 - Approving States for participation
- Sec. 5704 - Approving State capital access programs
- Sec. 5705 - Approving collateral support and other innovative credit access and guarantee initiatives for small businesses and manufacturers
- Sec. 5706 - Reports
- Sec. 5707 - Remedies for State program termination or failures
- Sec. 5708 - Implementation and administration
- Sec. 5709 - Regulations
- Sec. 5710 - Oversight and audits
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