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2020 U.S. Code
Title 49 - Transportation
Subtitle VII - Aviation Programs
Part A - Air Commerce and Safety
Subpart ii - Economic Regulation
Chapter 421 - Labor-Management Provisions
Subchapter II - Mutual Aid Agreements and Labor Requirements of Air Carriers
Sec. 42111 - Mutual aid agreements

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Citation 49 U.S.C. § 42111 (2020)
Section Name §42111. Mutual aid agreements
Section Text

An air carrier that will receive payments from another air carrier under an agreement between the air carriers for the time the one air carrier is not providing foreign air transportation, or is providing reduced levels of foreign air transportation, because of a labor strike must file a true copy of the agreement with the Secretary of Transportation and have it approved by the Secretary under section 41309 of this title. Notwithstanding section 41309, the Secretary shall approve the agreement only if it provides that—

(1) the air carrier will receive payments of not more than 60 percent of direct operating expenses, including interest expenses, but not depreciation or amortization expenses;

(2) benefits may be paid for not more than 8 weeks, and may not be for losses incurred during the first 30 days of a strike; and

(3) on request of the striking employees, the dispute will be submitted to binding arbitration under the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 151 et seq.).

Source Credit

(Pub. L. 103–272, §1(e), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1160.)

Editorial Notes
Historical and Revision Notes
Revised SectionSource (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
42111 49 App.:1382(c). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, 72 Stat. 731, §412(c); added Oct. 24, 1978, Pub. L. 95–504, §29(a), 92 Stat. 1730; Feb. 15, 1980, Pub. L. 96–192, §11(2), 94 Stat. 39; Oct. 4, 1984, Pub. L. 98–443, §9(s), 98 Stat. 1708.
  49 App.:1551(b)(1)(C) (related to 49 App.:1382(c)). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, 72 Stat. 731, §1601(b)(1)(C) (related to §412(c)); added Oct. 24, 1978, Pub. L. 95–504, §40(a), 92 Stat. 1745; Oct. 14, 1982, Pub. L. 97–309, §4(b), 96 Stat. 1454; Oct. 4, 1984, Pub. L. 98–443, §3(a), 98 Stat. 1703.

In this section, before clause (1), the text of 49 App.:1382(c)(1) is omitted as executed. The words "For purposes of this subsection, the term . . . (A) 'mutual aid agreement' means" are omitted because of the restatement. The words "contract or", "which are parties to such contract or agreement", and "during which" are omitted as surplus. The word "providing" is substituted for "engaging in" for consistency. The words "service in" are omitted as surplus. The words "No air carrier shall enter into any mutual aid agreement with any other air carrier" are omitted as surplus. In clause (1), the words "For purposes of this subsection, the term . . .  (B) 'direct operating expenses' includes" are omitted because of the restatement. The words "for any period" and "during such period" are omitted as surplus. In clause (2), the words "under the agreement" and "during any labor strike" are omitted as surplus.


The Railway Labor Act, referred to in par. (3), is act May 20, 1926, ch. 347, 44 Stat. 577, as amended, which is classified principally to chapter 8 (§151 et seq.) of Title 45, Railroads. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 151 of Title 45 and Tables.

Publication Title United States Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement 2, Title 49 - TRANSPORTATION
Category Bills and Statutes
Collection United States Code
SuDoc Class Number Y 1.2/5:
Contained Within Title 49 - TRANSPORTATION
subpart ii - economic regulation
Sec. 42111 - Mutual aid agreements
Contains section 42111
Date 2020
Laws In Effect As Of Date January 13, 2021
Positive Law Yes
Disposition standard
Statutes at Large References 44 Stat. 577
72 Stat. 731
92 Stat. 1730, 1745
94 Stat. 39
96 Stat. 1454
98 Stat. 1703, 1708
108 Stat. 1160
Public Law References Public Law 85-726, Public Law 95-504, Public Law 96-192, Public Law 97-309, Public Law 98-443, Public Law 103-272
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