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2020 U.S. Code
Title 29 - Labor
Publication Title | United States Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement 2, Title 29 - LABOR |
Category | Bills and Statutes |
Collection | United States Code |
SuDoc Class Number | Y 1.2/5: |
Contains | Sections 1 to 3361 |
Date | 2020 |
Laws In Effect As Of Date | January 13, 2021 |
Positive Law | No |
- Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Labor Statistics
(Sections 1 - 9b)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Bureau of Labor Statistics (Sections 1 - 8)
- Subchapter II - Special Statistics (Sections 9 - 9b)
Chapter 2 - Women's Bureau
(Sections 11 - 16)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 11 - Bureau established
- Sec. 12 - Director of bureau; appointment
- Sec. 13 - Powers and duties of bureau
- Sec. 14 - Assistant director of bureau; appointment; duties
- Sec. 15 - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 644
- Sec. 16 - Repealed. Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, §1(54), 65 Stat. 703
- + Chapter 2A - Children's Bureau (Sections 18 - 18c)
- + Chapter 3 - National Trade Unions (Sections 21 - 25)
- + Chapter 4 - Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons Injured in Industry (Sections 31 - 45b)
- + Chapter 4A - Employment Stabilization (Sections 48 - 48g)
Chapter 4B - Federal Employment Service
(Sections 49 - 49n)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 49 - United States Employment Service established
- Sec. 49a - Definitions
- Sec. 49b - Duties of Secretary
- Sec. 49c - Acceptance by States; creation of State agencies
- Sec. 49c-1 - Transfer to States of property used by United States Employment Service
- Sec. 49c-2 - Omitted
- Sec. 49c-3 - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 653
- Sec. 49c-4 - Transferred
- Sec. 49c-5 - Omitted
- Sec. 49d - Appropriations; certification for payment to States
- Sec. 49d-1 - Omitted
- Sec. 49e - Allotment of funds
- Sec. 49f - Percentage disposition of allotted funds
- Sec. 49g - State plans
- Sec. 49h - Fiscal controls and accounting procedures
- Sec. 49i - Recordkeeping and accountability
- Sec. 49j - Notice of strikes and lockouts to applicants
- Sec. 49k - Rules and regulations
- Sec. 49l - Miscellaneous operating authorities
- Sec. 49l-1 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 49l-2 - Workforce and labor market information system
- Secs. 49m, 49n - Omitted
Chapter 4C - Apprentice Labor
(Sections 50 - 50c)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 50 - Promotion of labor standards of apprenticeship
- Sec. 50a - Publication of information; national advisory committees
- Sec. 50b - Appointment of employees
- Sec. 50c - Improved apprenticeship program coordination between the Department of Labor and the Department of Veterans Affairs
- + Chapter 5 - Labor Disputes; Mediation and Injunctive Relief (Sections 51 - 53)
Chapter 6 - Jurisdiction of Courts in Matters Affecting Employer and Employee
(Sections 101 - 115)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 101 - Issuance of restraining orders and injunctions; limitation; public policy
- Sec. 102 - Public policy in labor matters declared
- Sec. 103 - Nonenforceability of undertakings in conflict with public policy; "yellow dog" contracts
- Sec. 104 - Enumeration of specific acts not subject to restraining orders or injunctions
- Sec. 105 - Doing in concert of certain acts as constituting unlawful combination or conspiracy subjecting person to injunctive remedies
- Sec. 106 - Responsibility of officers and members of associations or their organizations for unlawful acts of individual officers, members, and agents
- Sec. 107 - Issuance of injunctions in labor disputes; hearing; findings of court; notice to affected persons; temporary restraining order; undertakings
- Sec. 108 - Noncompliance with obligations involved in labor disputes or failure to settle by negotiation or arbitration as preventing injunctive relief
- Sec. 109 - Granting of restraining order or injunction as dependent on previous findings of fact; limitation on prohibitions included in restraining orders and injunctions
- Sec. 110 - Review by court of appeals of issuance or denial of temporary injunctions; record
- Secs. 111, 112 - Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62 Stat. 862, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
- Sec. 113 - Definitions of terms and words used in chapter
- Sec. 114 - Separability
- Sec. 115 - Repeal of conflicting acts
Chapter 7 - Labor-Management Relations
(Sections 141 - 197)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 141 - 144)
- Subchapter II - National Labor Relations (Sections 151 - 169)
- Subchapter III - Conciliation of Labor Disputes; National Emergencies (Sections 171 - 183)
- Subchapter IV - Liabilities of and Restrictions on Labor and Management (Sections 185 - 188)
- Subchapter V - Congressional Joint Committee on Labor-Management Relations (Sections 191 - 197)
Chapter 8 - Fair Labor Standards
(Sections 201 - 219)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 201 - Short title
- Sec. 202 - Congressional finding and declaration of policy
- Sec. 203 - Definitions
- Sec. 204 - Administration
- Sec. 205 - Repealed. Pub. L. 110-28, title VIII, §8103(c)(1)(A), May 25, 2007, 121 Stat. 189
- Sec. 206 - Minimum wage
- Sec. 207 - Maximum hours
- Sec. 208 - Repealed. Pub. L. 110-28, title VIII, §8103(c)(1)(A), May 25, 2007, 121 Stat. 189
- Sec. 209 - Attendance of witnesses
- Sec. 210 - Court review of wage orders in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
- Sec. 211 - Collection of data
- Sec. 212 - Child labor provisions
- Sec. 213 - Exemptions
- Sec. 214 - Employment under special certificates
- Sec. 215 - Prohibited acts; prima facie evidence
- Sec. 216 - Penalties
- Sec. 216a - Repealed. Oct. 26, 1949, ch. 736, §16(f), 63 Stat. 920
- Sec. 216b - Liability for overtime work performed prior to July 20, 1949
- Sec. 217 - Injunction proceedings
- Sec. 218 - Relation to other laws
- Sec. 218a - Repealed. Pub. L. 114-74, title VI, §604, Nov. 2, 2015, 129 Stat. 599
- Sec. 218b - Notice to employees
- Sec. 218c - Protections for employees
- Sec. 219 - Separability
Chapter 9 - Portal-to-Portal Pay
(Sections 251 - 262)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 251 - Congressional findings and declaration of policy
- Sec. 252 - Relief from certain existing claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, the Walsh-Healey Act, and the Bacon-Davis Act
- Sec. 253 - Compromise and waiver
- Sec. 254 - Relief from liability and punishment under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, the Walsh-Healey Act, and the Bacon-Davis Act for failure to pay minimum wage or overtime compensation
- Sec. 255 - Statute of limitations
- Sec. 256 - Determination of commencement of future actions
- Sec. 257 - Pending collective and representative actions
- Sec. 258 - Reliance on past administrative rulings, etc.
- Sec. 259 - Reliance in future on administrative rulings, etc.
- Sec. 260 - Liquidated damages
- Sec. 261 - Applicability of "area of production" regulations
- Sec. 262 - Definitions
- + Chapter 10 - Disclosure of Welfare and Pension Plans (Sections 301 - 309)
Chapter 11 - Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Procedure
(Sections 401 - 531)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 401 - 402)
- Subchapter II - Bill of Rights of Members of Labor Organizations (Sections 411 - 415)
- Subchapter III - Reporting by Labor Organizations, Officers and Employees of Labor Organizations, and Employers (Sections 431 - 441)
- Subchapter IV - Trusteeships (Sections 461 - 466)
- Subchapter V - Elections (Sections 481 - 483)
- Subchapter VI - Safeguards for Labor Organizations (Sections 501 - 504)
- Subchapter VII - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 521 - 531)
Chapter 12 - Department of Labor
(Sections 551 - 568)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 551 - Establishment of Department; Secretary; seal
- Sec. 552 - Deputy Secretary; appointment; duties
- Sec. 553 - Assistant Secretaries; appointment; duties
- Sec. 554 - Assistants to Secretary
- Sec. 555 - Solicitor
- Sec. 556 - Chief clerk; other employees
- Sec. 557 - Bureaus and offices in Department
- Sec. 557a - Mine Safety and Health Administration
- Sec. 557b - Office of disability employment policy
- Sec. 558 - Library, records, etc., of Department
- Sec. 559 - Rented quarters
- Sec. 560 - Reports and investigations
- Sec. 561 - Records and papers and furniture transferred to Department
- Sec. 562 - Laws operative
- Sec. 563 - Working capital fund; establishment; availability; capitalization; reimbursement
- Sec. 563a - Repealed. Pub. L. 115-245, div. B, title I, §117(b)(2), Sept. 28, 2018, 132 Stat. 3067
- Sec. 564 - Repealed. Pub. L. 115-245, div. B, title I, §117(b)(1), Sept. 28, 2018, 132 Stat. 3067
- Sec. 565 - Repealed. Pub. L. 103-382, title III, §391(i), Oct. 20, 1994, 108 Stat. 4023
- Sec. 566 - Employee drug and alcohol abuse assistance programs
- Sec. 567 - Labor-management dispute settlement expenses
- Sec. 568 - Acceptance of donations by Secretary
Chapter 13 - Exemplary Rehabilitation Certificates
(Sections 601 - 607)
- Secs. 601 to 605 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-306, title III, §311, Oct. 14, 1982, 96 Stat. 1442
- Sec. 606 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-306, title III, §311, Oct. 14, 1982, 96 Stat. 1442; Pub. L. 97-375, title I, §110(a), Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1820
- Sec. 607 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-306, title III, §311, Oct. 14, 1982, 96 Stat. 1442
Chapter 14 - Age Discrimination in Employment
(Sections 621 - 634)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 621 - Congressional statement of findings and purpose
- Sec. 622 - Education and research program; recommendation to Congress
- Sec. 623 - Prohibition of age discrimination
- Sec. 624 - Study by Secretary of Labor; reports to President and Congress; scope of study; implementation of study; transmittal date of reports
- Sec. 625 - Administration
- Sec. 626 - Recordkeeping, investigation, and enforcement
- Sec. 627 - Notices to be posted
- Sec. 628 - Rules and regulations; exemptions
- Sec. 629 - Criminal penalties
- Sec. 630 - Definitions
- Sec. 631 - Age limits
- Sec. 632 - Omitted
- Sec. 633 - Federal-State relationship
- Sec. 633a - Nondiscrimination on account of age in Federal Government employment
- Sec. 634 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 15 - Occupational Safety and Health
(Sections 651 - 678)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 651 - Congressional statement of findings and declaration of purpose and policy
- Sec. 652 - Definitions
- Sec. 653 - Geographic applicability; judicial enforcement; applicability to existing standards; report to Congress on duplication and coordination of Federal laws; workmen's compensation law or common law or statutory rights, duties, or liabilities of employers and employees unaffected
- Sec. 654 - Duties of employers and employees
- Sec. 655 - Standards
- Sec. 656 - Administration
- Sec. 657 - Inspections, investigations, and recordkeeping
- Sec. 658 - Citations
- Sec. 659 - Enforcement procedures
- Sec. 660 - Judicial review
- Sec. 661 - Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
- Sec. 662 - Injunction proceedings
- Sec. 663 - Representation in civil litigation
- Sec. 664 - Disclosure of trade secrets; protective orders
- Sec. 665 - Variations, tolerances, and exemptions from required provisions; procedure; duration
- Sec. 666 - Civil and criminal penalties
- Sec. 667 - State jurisdiction and plans
- Sec. 668 - Programs of Federal agencies
- Sec. 669 - Research and related activities
- Sec. 669a - Expanded research on worker health and safety
- Sec. 670 - Training and employee education
- Sec. 671 - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- Sec. 671a - Workers' family protection
- Sec. 672 - Grants to States
- Sec. 673 - Statistics
- Sec. 674 - Audit of grant recipient; maintenance of records; contents of records; access to books, etc.
- Sec. 675 - Annual reports by Secretary of Labor and Secretary of Health and Human Services; contents
- Sec. 676 - Omitted
- Sec. 677 - Separability
- Sec. 678 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 16 - Vocational Rehabilitation and Other Rehabilitation Services
(Sections 701 - 797b)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Content -314 - General Provisions (Sections 701 - 718)
- Subchapter I - Vocational Rehabilitation Services (Sections 720 - 751)
- Subchapter II - Research and Training (Sections 760 - 766)
- Subchapter III - Professional Development and Special Projects and Demonstrations (Sections 771 - 776)
- Subchapter IV - National Council on Disability (Sections 780 - 785)
- Subchapter V - Rights and Advocacy (Sections 790 - 794g)
- Subchapter VI - Employment Opportunities for Individuals With Disabilities (Sections 795 - 795o)
- Subchapter VII - Independent Living Services and Centers for Independent Living (Sections 796 - 796l)
- Subchapter VIII - Special Demonstrations and Training Projects (Sections 797 - 797b)
Chapter 17 - Comprehensive Employment and Training Programs
(Sections 801 - 999)
- Secs. 801, 802 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-300, title I, §184(a)(1), Oct. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1357
- Subchapter I - Administrative Provisions (Sections 811 - 837)
- Subchapter II - Comprehensive Employment and Training Services (Sections 841 - 859)
- Subchapter III - Special Federal Responsibilities (Sections 871 - 886)
- Subchapter IV - Youth Programs (Sections 891 - 945)
- Subchapter V - National Commission for Employment Policy (Sections 951 - 955)
- Subchapter VI - Countercyclical Public Service Employment Program (Sections 961 - 970)
- Subchapter VII - Private Sector Opportunities for the Economically Disadvantaged (Sections 981 - 986)
- Subchapter VIII - Young Adult Conservation Corps (Sections 991 - 999)
Chapter 18 - Employee Retirement Income Security Program
(Sections 1001 - 1461)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Protection of Employee Benefit Rights (Sections 1001 - 1191d)
- Subchapter II - Jurisdiction, Administration, Enforcement; Joint Pension Task Force, Etc. (Sections 1201 - 1242)
- Subchapter III - Plan Termination Insurance (Sections 1301 - 1461)
Chapter 19 - Job Training Partnership
(Sections 1501 - 1792b)
- Secs. 1501 to 1505 - Repealed. Pub. L. 105-220, title I, §199(b)(2), Aug. 7, 1998, 112 Stat. 1059
- Sec. 1506 - Transferred
- Subchapter I - Job Training and Employment Assistance System (Sections 1511 - 1592)
- Subchapter II - Training Services for the Disadvantaged (Sections 1601 - 1646)
- Subchapter III - Employment and Training Assistance for Dislocated Workers (Sections 1651 - 1662e)
- Subchapter IV - Federally Administered Programs (Sections 1671 - 1784b)
- Subchapter V - Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals Incentive Bonus Program (Sections 1791 - 1791j)
- Subchapter VI - State Human Resource Investment Council (Sections 1792 - 1792b)
Chapter 20 - Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection
(Sections 1801 - 1872)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 1801 - Congressional statement of purpose
- Sec. 1802 - Definitions
- Sec. 1803 - Applicability of chapter
- Subchapter I - Farm Labor Contractors (Sections 1811 - 1816)
- Subchapter II - Migrant Agricultural Worker Protections (Sections 1821 - 1823)
- Subchapter III - Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protections (Sections 1831 - 1832)
- Subchapter IV - Further Protections for Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers (Sections 1841 - 1844)
- Subchapter V - General Provisions (Sections 1851 - 1872)
Chapter 21 - Helen Keller National Center for Youths and Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind
(Sections 1901 - 1908)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1901 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 1902 - Continued operation of Center
- Sec. 1903 - Audit; monitoring and evaluation
- Sec. 1904 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 1905 - Definitions
- Sec. 1906 - Construction; effect on agreements
- Sec. 1907 - Helen Keller National Center Federal Endowment Fund
- Sec. 1908 - Registry
Chapter 22 - Employee Polygraph Protection
(Sections 2001 - 2009)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2001 - Definitions
- Sec. 2002 - Prohibitions on lie detector use
- Sec. 2003 - Notice of protection
- Sec. 2004 - Authority of Secretary
- Sec. 2005 - Enforcement provisions
- Sec. 2006 - Exemptions
- Sec. 2007 - Restrictions on use of exemptions
- Sec. 2008 - Disclosure of information
- Sec. 2009 - Effect on other law and agreements
Chapter 23 - Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification
(Sections 2101 - 2109)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2101 - Definitions; exclusions from definition of loss of employment
- Sec. 2102 - Notice required before plant closings and mass layoffs
- Sec. 2103 - Exemptions
- Sec. 2104 - Administration and enforcement of requirements
- Sec. 2105 - Procedures in addition to other rights of employees
- Sec. 2106 - Procedures encouraged where not required
- Sec. 2107 - Authority to prescribe regulations
- Sec. 2108 - Effect on other laws
- Sec. 2109 - Report on employment and international competitiveness
Chapter 24 - Technology Related Assistance for Individuals With Disabilities
(Sections 2201 - 2288)
- Secs. 2201, 2202 - Repealed. Pub. L. 105-394, title IV, §401, Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3661
- Subchapter I - Grants to States (Sections 2211 - 2217)
- Subchapter II - Programs of National Significance (Sections 2231 - 2251)
- Subchapter III - Alternative Financing Mechanisms (Sections 2281 - 2288)
- + Chapter 25 - Displaced Homemakers Self-Sufficiency Assistance (Sections 2301 - 2314)
- + Chapter 26 - National Center for the Workplace (Sections 2401 - 2405)
Chapter 27 - Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations
(Sections 2501 - 2509)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2501 - Findings; statement of purpose
- Sec. 2502 - Outreach to employers and labor unions
- Sec. 2503 - Technical assistance
- Sec. 2504 - Competitive grants
- Sec. 2505 - Applications
- Sec. 2506 - Liaison role of Department of Labor
- Sec. 2507 - Study of barriers to participation of women in apprenticeable occupations and nontraditional occupations
- Sec. 2508 - Definitions
- Sec. 2509 - Technical assistance program authorization
Chapter 28 - Family and Medical Leave
(Sections 2601 - 2654)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2601 - Findings and purposes
- Subchapter I - General Requirements for Leave (Sections 2611 - 2620)
- Subchapter II - Commission on Leave (Sections 2631 - 2636)
- Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 2651 - 2654)
- + Chapter 29 - Workers Technology Skill Development (Sections 2701 - 2706)
Chapter 30 - Workforce Investment Systems
(Sections 2801 - 2945)
- Subchapter I - Workforce Investment Definitions (Sections 2801 - 2801)
- Subchapter II - Statewide and Local Workforce Investment Systems (Sections 2811 - 2872)
- Subchapter III - Job Corps (Sections 2881 - 2901)
- Subchapter IV - National Programs (Sections 2911 - 2920)
- Subchapter V - Administration (Sections 2931 - 2945)
Chapter 31 - Assistive Technology for Individuals With Disabilities
(Sections 3001 - 3058)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3001 - Findings and purposes
- Sec. 3002 - Definitions
- Sec. 3003 - State grants for assistive technology
- Sec. 3004 - State grants for protection and advocacy services related to assistive technology
- Sec. 3005 - National activities
- Sec. 3006 - Administrative provisions
- Sec. 3007 - Authorization of appropriations
- Secs. 3011 to 3015 - Omitted
- Secs. 3031 to 3037 - Omitted
- Secs. 3051 to 3058 - Omitted
Chapter 32 - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
(Sections 3101 - 3361)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 3101 - Purposes
- Sec. 3102 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Workforce Development Activities (Sections 3111 - 3255)
- Subchapter II - Adult Education and Literacy (Sections 3271 - 3333)
- Subchapter III - General Provisions (Sections 3341 - 3361)
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