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2018 U.S. Code
Title 15 - Commerce and Trade
Publication Title | United States Code, 2018 Edition, Title 15 - COMMERCE AND TRADE |
Category | Bills and Statutes |
Collection | United States Code |
SuDoc Class Number | Y 1.2/5: |
Contains | Sections 1 to 8852 |
Date | 2018 |
Laws In Effect As Of Date | January 14, 2019 |
Positive Law | No |
- Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Monopolies and Combinations in Restraint of Trade
(Sections 1 - 38)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 1 - Trusts, etc., in restraint of trade illegal; penalty
- Sec. 2 - Monopolizing trade a felony; penalty
- Sec. 3 - Trusts in Territories or District of Columbia illegal; combination a felony
- Sec. 4 - Jurisdiction of courts; duty of United States attorneys; procedure
- Sec. 5 - Bringing in additional parties
- Sec. 6 - Forfeiture of property in transit
- Sec. 6a - Conduct involving trade or commerce with foreign nations
- Sec. 7 - "Person" or "persons" defined
- Sec. 8 - Trusts in restraint of import trade illegal; penalty
- Sec. 9 - Jurisdiction of courts; duty of United States attorneys; procedure
- Sec. 10 - Bringing in additional parties
- Sec. 11 - Forfeiture of property in transit
- Sec. 12 - Definitions; short title
- Sec. 13 - Discrimination in price, services, or facilities
- Sec. 13a - Discrimination in rebates, discounts, or advertising service charges; underselling in particular localities; penalties
- Sec. 13b - Cooperative association; return of net earnings or surplus
- Sec. 13c - Exemption of non-profit institutions from price discrimination provisions
- Sec. 14 - Sale, etc., on agreement not to use goods of competitor
- Sec. 15 - Suits by persons injured
- Sec. 15a - Suits by United States; amount of recovery; prejudgment interest
- Sec. 15b - Limitation of actions
- Sec. 15c - Actions by State attorneys general
- Sec. 15d - Measurement of damages
- Sec. 15e - Distribution of damages
- Sec. 15f - Actions by Attorney General
- Sec. 15g - Definitions
- Sec. 15h - Applicability of parens patriae actions
- Sec. 16 - Judgments
- Sec. 17 - Antitrust laws not applicable to labor organizations
- Sec. 18 - Acquisition by one corporation of stock of another
- Sec. 18a - Premerger notification and waiting period
- Sec. 19 - Interlocking directorates and officers
- Sec. 19a - Repealed. Aug. 23, 1935, ch. 614, §329, 49 Stat. 717
- Sec. 20 - Repealed. Pub. L. 101-588, §3, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 2880
- Sec. 21 - Enforcement provisions
- Sec. 21a - Actions and proceedings pending prior to June 19, 1936; additional and continuing violations
- Sec. 22 - District in which to sue corporation
- Sec. 23 - Suits by United States; subpoenas for witnesses
- Sec. 24 - Liability of directors and agents of corporation
- Sec. 25 - Restraining violations; procedure
- Sec. 26 - Injunctive relief for private parties; exception; costs
- Sec. 26a - Restrictions on the purchase of gasohol and synthetic motor fuel
- Sec. 26b - Application of antitrust laws to professional major league baseball
- Sec. 27 - Effect of partial invalidity
- Sec. 27a - Transferred
- Sec. 28 - Repealed. Pub. L. 98-620, title IV, §402(11), Nov. 8, 1984, 98 Stat. 3358
- Sec. 29 - Appeals
- Sec. 30 - Repealed. Pub. L. 107-273, div. C, title IV, §14102(f), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1922
- Sec. 31 - Repealed. Pub. L. 107-273, div. C, title IV, §14102(a), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1921
- Secs. 32, 33 - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-452, title II, §§209, 210, Oct. 15, 1970, 84 Stat. 929
- Sec. 34 - Definitions applicable to sections 34 to 36
- Sec. 35 - Recovery of damages, etc., for antitrust violations from any local government, or official or employee thereof acting in an official capacity
- Sec. 36 - Recovery of damages, etc., for antitrust violations on claim against person based on official action directed by local government, or official or employee thereof acting in an official capacity
- Sec. 37 - Immunity from antitrust laws
- Sec. 37a - Definitions
- Sec. 37b - Confirmation of antitrust status of graduate medical resident matching programs
- Sec. 38 - Association of marine insurance companies; application of antitrust laws
Chapter 2 - Federal Trade Commission; Promotion of Export Trade and Prevention of Unfair Methods of Competition
(Sections 41 - 77)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Federal Trade Commission (Sections 41 - 58)
- Subchapter II - Promotion of Export Trade (Sections 61 - 66)
- Subchapter III - Labeling of Wool Products (Sections 68 - 68j)
- Subchapter IV - Labeling of Fur Products (Sections 69 - 69j)
- Subchapter V - Textile Fiber Products Identification (Sections 70 - 70k)
- Subchapter VI - Prevention of Unfair Methods of Competition (Sections 71 - 77)
Chapter 2A - Securities and Trust Indentures
(Sections 77a - 77bbbb)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Domestic Securities (Sections 77a - 77aa)
- Subchapter II - Foreign Securities (Sections 77bb - 77mm)
- Subchapter III - Trust Indentures (Sections 77aaa - 77bbbb)
Chapter 2B - Securities Exchanges
(Sections 78a - 78qq)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 78a - Short title
- Sec. 78b - Necessity for regulation
- Sec. 78c - Definitions and application
- Sec. 78c-1 - Swap agreements
- Sec. 78c-2 - Securities-related derivatives
- Sec. 78c-3 - Clearing for security-based swaps
- Sec. 78c-4 - Security-based swap execution facilities
- Sec. 78c-5 - Segregation of assets held as collateral in security-based swap transactions
- Sec. 78d - Securities and Exchange Commission
- Sec. 78d-1 - Delegation of functions by Commission
- Sec. 78d-2 - Transfer of functions with respect to assignment of personnel to chairman
- Sec. 78d-3 - Appearance and practice before the Commission
- Sec. 78d-4 - Additional duties of Inspector General
- Sec. 78d-5 - Deadline for completing enforcement investigations and compliance examinations and inspections
- Sec. 78d-6 - Report and certification of internal supervisory controls
- Sec. 78d-7 - Triennial report on personnel management
- Sec. 78d-8 - Annual financial controls audit
- Sec. 78d-9 - Report on oversight of national securities associations
- Sec. 78e - Transactions on unregistered exchanges
- Sec. 78f - National securities exchanges
- Sec. 78g - Margin requirements
- Sec. 78h - Restrictions on borrowing and lending by members, brokers, and dealers
- Sec. 78i - Manipulation of security prices
- Sec. 78j - Manipulative and deceptive devices
- Sec. 78j-1 - Audit requirements
- Sec. 78j-2 - Position limits and position accountability for security-based swaps and large trader reporting
- Sec. 78j-3 - Compensation committees
- Sec. 78j-4 - Recovery of erroneously awarded compensation policy
- Sec. 78k - Trading by members of exchanges, brokers, and dealers
- Sec. 78k-1 - National market system for securities; securities information processors
- Sec. 78l - Registration requirements for securities
- Sec. 78l-1 - Applications for unlisted trading privileges deemed filed under section 78l of this title
- Sec. 78m - Periodical and other reports
- Sec. 78m-1 - Reporting and recordkeeping for certain security-based swaps
- Sec. 78m-2 - Reporting requirements regarding coal or other mine safety
- Sec. 78n - Proxies
- Sec. 78n-1 - Shareholder approval of executive compensation
- Sec. 78n-2 - Corporate governance
- Sec. 78o - Registration and regulation of brokers and dealers
- Sec. 78o-1 - Brokers deemed to be registered
- Sec. 78o-2 - Liabilities arising prior to amendment unaffected
- Sec. 78o-3 - Registered securities associations
- Sec. 78o-4 - Municipal securities
- Sec. 78o-4a - Commission Office of Municipal Securities
- Sec. 78o-5 - Government securities brokers and dealers
- Sec. 78o-6 - Securities analysts and research reports
- Sec. 78o-7 - Registration of nationally recognized statistical rating organizations
- Sec. 78o-8 - Universal ratings symbols
- Sec. 78o-9 - Study and rulemaking on assigned credit ratings
- Sec. 78o-10 - Registration and regulation of security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants
- Sec. 78o-11 - Credit risk retention
- Sec. 78p - Directors, officers, and principal stockholders
- Sec. 78q - Records and reports
- Sec. 78q-1 - National system for clearance and settlement of securities transactions
- Sec. 78q-2 - Automated quotation systems for penny stocks
- Sec. 78r - Liability for misleading statements
- Sec. 78s - Registration, responsibilities, and oversight of self-regulatory organizations
- Sec. 78t - Liability of controlling persons and persons who aid and abet violations
- Sec. 78t-1 - Liability to contemporaneous traders for insider trading
- Sec. 78u - Investigations and actions
- Sec. 78u-1 - Civil penalties for insider trading
- Sec. 78u-2 - Civil remedies in administrative proceedings
- Sec. 78u-3 - Cease-and-desist proceedings
- Sec. 78u-4 - Private securities litigation
- Sec. 78u-5 - Application of safe harbor for forward-looking statements
- Sec. 78u-6 - Securities whistleblower incentives and protection
- Sec. 78u-7 - Implementation and transition provisions for whistleblower protection
- Sec. 78v - Hearings by Commission
- Sec. 78w - Rules, regulations, and orders; annual reports
- Sec. 78x - Public availability of information
- Sec. 78y - Court review of orders and rules
- Sec. 78z - Unlawful representations
- Sec. 78aa - Jurisdiction of offenses and suits
- Sec. 78aa-1 - Special provision relating to statute of limitations on private causes of action
- Sec. 78bb - Effect on existing law
- Sec. 78cc - Validity of contracts
- Sec. 78dd - Foreign securities exchanges
- Sec. 78dd-1 - Prohibited foreign trade practices by issuers
- Sec. 78dd-2 - Prohibited foreign trade practices by domestic concerns
- Sec. 78dd-3 - Prohibited foreign trade practices by persons other than issuers or domestic concerns
- Sec. 78ee - Transaction fees
- Sec. 78ff - Penalties
- Sec. 78gg - Separability
- Sec. 78hh - Effective date
- Sec. 78hh-1 - Effective date of certain sections
- Sec. 78ii - Omitted
- Sec. 78jj - Repealed. Pub. L. 100-181, title III, §330, Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 1259
- Sec. 78kk - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 78ll - Requirements for the EDGAR system
- Sec. 78mm - General exemptive authority
- Sec. 78nn - Tennessee Valley Authority
- Sec. 78oo - Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Home Loan Banks
- Sec. 78pp - Investor Advisory Committee
- Sec. 78qq - Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee
Chapter 2B-1 - Securities Investor Protection
(Sections 78aaa - 78lll)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 78aaa - Short title
- Sec. 78bbb - Application of Securities Exchange Act of 1934
- Sec. 78ccc - Securities Investor Protection Corporation
- Sec. 78ddd - SIPC Fund
- Sec. 78eee - Protection of customers
- Sec. 78fff - General provisions of a liquidation proceeding
- Sec. 78fff-1 - Powers and duties of a trustee
- Sec. 78fff-2 - Special provisions of a liquidation proceeding
- Sec. 78fff-3 - SIPC advances
- Sec. 78fff-4 - Direct payment procedure
- Sec. 78ggg - SEC functions
- Sec. 78hhh - Examining authority functions
- Sec. 78iii - Functions of self-regulatory organizations
- Sec. 78jjj - Prohibited acts
- Sec. 78kkk - Miscellaneous provisions
- Sec. 78lll - Definitions
- + Chapter 2C - Public Utility Holding Companies (Sections 79 - 79z-6)
Chapter 2D - Investment Companies and Advisers
(Sections 80a-1 - 80b-21)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Investment Companies (Sections 80a-1 - 80a-64)
- Subchapter II - Investment Advisers (Sections 80b-1 - 80b-21)
- + Chapter 2E - Omnibus Small Business Capital Formation (Sections 80c - 80c-3)
- + Chapter 3 - Trade-Marks (Sections 81 - 134)
Chapter 4 - China Trade
(Sections 141 - 162)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 141 - Short title
- Sec. 142 - Definitions
- Sec. 143 - Registrar; designation; station; supervision by Secretary of Commerce
- Sec. 144 - China trade corporations
- Sec. 144a - Incorporation fee for perpetual existence
- Sec. 145 - Certificate of incorporation
- Sec. 146 - General powers of corporation
- Sec. 146a - Jurisdiction of suits by or against China Trade Act corporation
- Sec. 147 - Stock; issuance at par value
- Sec. 148 - Payment of stock in real or personal property
- Sec. 149 - Bylaws
- Sec. 150 - Stockholders' meetings
- Sec. 151 - Directors
- Sec. 152 - Reports; records for public inspection
- Sec. 153 - Dividends
- Sec. 154 - Investigations by registrar; revocation of certificate of incorporation
- Sec. 155 - Authority of registrar in obtaining evidence
- Sec. 156 - Dissolution of corporation; trustees
- Sec. 157 - Regulations and fees; disposition of fees and penalties
- Sec. 158 - False or fraudulent statements prohibited; penalties
- Sec. 159 - Unauthorized use of legend; penalty
- Sec. 160 - Maintenance of agent for service
- Sec. 161 - Alteration, amendment, or repeal
- Sec. 162 - Creation of China corporations restricted
Chapter 5 - Statistical and Commercial Information
(Sections 171 - 198)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 171 - Repealed. Pub. L. 90-620, §3, Oct. 22, 1968, 82 Stat. 1308
- Sec. 172 - Transfer of duties of Department of Labor; special investigations
- Secs. 173, 174 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87-826, §3, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 953
- Sec. 175 - Additional duties of Bureau
- Sec. 176 - Collection of commercial statistics
- Sec. 176a - Confidential nature of information furnished Bureau
- Sec. 176b - Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62 Stat. 862
- Sec. 177 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87-826, §3, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 953
- Sec. 178 - Collection of statistics of foreign and interstate commerce and transportation
- Sec. 179 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87-826, §3, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 953
- Sec. 180 - Repealed. Feb. 28, 1933, ch. 131, §1, 47 Stat. 1349
- Sec. 181 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87-826, §3, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 953
- Sec. 182 - Statistics of manufactures
- Sec. 183 - Report of statistics
- Secs. 184 to 187 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87-826, §3, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 953
- Sec. 188 - Publication of commercial information
- Secs. 189, 189a - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-412, §3(b), (c), Sept. 25, 1970, 84 Stat. 864
- Sec. 190 - Discussions in commercial reports of partisan questions
- Sec. 191 - Terms of measure, weight, and money in commercial reports
- Secs. 192, 192a - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-412, §3(a), (b), Sept. 25, 1970, 84 Stat. 864
- Sec. 193 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87-826, §3, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 953
- Secs. 194, 195 - Omitted
- Sec. 196 - Payments for rent of offices in foreign countries
- Secs. 197 to 197d - Repealed. Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 957, title XI, §1131(54), 60 Stat. 1039
- Sec. 197e - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 647
- Sec. 197f - Repealed. Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 957, title XI, §1131(54), 60 Stat. 1039
- Sec. 198 - Repealed. Oct. 10, 1940, ch. 851, §4, 54 Stat. 1111
Chapter 6 - Weights and Measures and Standard Time
(Sections 201 - 267)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Weights, Measures, and Standards Generally (Sections 201 - 205)
- Subchapter II - Metric Conversion (Sections 205a - 205l)
- Subchapter III - Standard Gauge for Iron and Steel (Sections 206 - 208)
- Subchapter IV - Screw Threads (Sections 208a - 212)
- Subchapter V - Standards of Electricity (Sections 221 - 224)
- Subchapter VI - Standard Barrels (Sections 231 - 242)
- Subchapter VII - Standard Baskets and Containers (Sections 251 - 256)
- Subchapter VIII - Standard Hampers, Round Stave Baskets, and Splint Baskets for Fruits and Vegetables (Sections 257 - 257i)
- Subchapter IX - Standard Time (Sections 260 - 267)
Chapter 7 - National Institute of Standards and Technology
(Sections 271 - 286)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 271 - Findings and purposes
- Sec. 272 - Establishment, functions, and activities
- Sec. 272a - Technology services
- Sec. 272b - Annual budget submission
- Sec. 273 - Functions; for whom exercised
- Sec. 273a - Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology
- Sec. 274 - Director; powers and duties; report; compensation
- Sec. 275 - Appointment of officers and employees
- Sec. 275a - Service charges
- Sec. 275b - Charges for activities performed for other agencies
- Sec. 275c - Cost recovery authority
- Sec. 276 - Ownership of facilities
- Sec. 277 - Regulations
- Sec. 278 - Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology
- Sec. 278a - Repealed. Pub. L. 88-611, §4(a)(1), Oct. 2, 1964, 78 Stat. 991
- Sec. 278b - Working Capital Fund
- Sec. 278c - Acquisition of land for field sites
- Sec. 278d - Construction and improvement of buildings and facilities
- Sec. 278e - Functions and activities
- Sec. 278f - Fire Research Center
- Sec. 278g - International activities
- Sec. 278g-1 - Education and outreach
- Sec. 278g-2 - Post-doctoral fellowship program
- Sec. 278g-2a - Teacher science and technology enhancement Institute program
- Sec. 278g-3 - Computer standards program
- Sec. 278g-4 - Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board
- Sec. 278g-5 - Enterprise integration initiative
- Sec. 278h - Research program on security of computer systems
- Sec. 278i - Reports to Congress
- Sec. 278j - Studies by National Research Council
- Sec. 278k - Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership
- Sec. 278k-1 - Competitive awards program
- Sec. 278l - Assistance to State technology programs
- Sec. 278m - Repealed. Pub. L. 110-69, title III, §3013(d), Aug. 9, 2007, 121 Stat. 599
- Sec. 278n - Repealed. Pub. L. 114-329, title II, §205(a)(1), Jan. 6, 2017, 130 Stat. 3000
- Sec. 278n-1 - Emergency communication and tracking technologies research initiative
- Sec. 278n-2 - Green manufacturing and construction
- Sec. 278o - User fees
- Sec. 278p - Notice to Congress
- Sec. 278q - Appropriations; availability
- Sec. 278r - Collaborative manufacturing research pilot grants
- Sec. 278s - Network for Manufacturing Innovation
- Sec. 279 - Absence of Director
- Secs. 280, 281 - Repealed. Pub. L. 100-418, title V, §5113, Aug. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 1432
- Sec. 281a - Structural failures
- Sec. 282 - Repealed. Pub. L. 100-418, title V, §5113, Aug. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 1432
- Sec. 282a - Assessment of emerging technologies requiring research in metrology
- Sec. 283 - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 655, 656
- Sec. 284 - Omitted
- Secs. 285, 286 - Repealed. Pub. L. 85-890, §3, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1712
Chapter 7A - Standard Reference Data Program
(Sections 290 - 290f)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 290 - Congressional declaration of policy
- Sec. 290a - Definitions
- Sec. 290b - Collection, compilation, critical evaluation, publication and dissemination of standard reference data
- Sec. 290c - Standards, criteria, and procedures for preparation and publication of standard reference data; publication in Federal Register
- Sec. 290d - Sale of standard reference data; cost recovery; proceeds subject to National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Sec. 290e - United States copyright and renewal rights
- Sec. 290f - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 8 - Falsely Stamped Gold or Silver or Goods Manufactured Therefrom
(Sections 291 - 300)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 291 - Stamping with words "United States assay", etc., unlawful
- Sec. 292 - Forfeiture
- Sec. 293 - Penalty for infraction
- Sec. 294 - Importation or transportation of falsely marked gold or silver ware prohibited
- Sec. 295 - Standard of fineness of gold articles; deviation
- Sec. 296 - Standard of fineness of silver articles; deviation
- Sec. 297 - Stamping plated articles
- Sec. 298 - Violations of law
- Sec. 299 - Definitions
- Sec. 300 - Application of State laws
Chapter 9 - National Weather Service
(Sections 311 - 329)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 311 - Omitted
- Sec. 312 - Employees
- Sec. 313 - Duties of Secretary of Commerce
- Sec. 313a - Establishment of meteorological observation stations in the Arctic region
- Sec. 313b - Institute for Aviation Weather Prediction
- Sec. 313c - Authorized activities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Sec. 313d - NIDIS program
- Sec. 314 - Omitted
- Sec. 315 - Changes or assignment to duty
- Sec. 316 - Omitted
- Sec. 317 - Appropriations and estimates
- Sec. 318 - Weather signals on mail cars
- Sec. 319 - Omitted
- Sec. 320 - Repealed. Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, §1(34), 65 Stat. 702
- Sec. 321 - Repealed. Oct. 25, 1951, ch. 562, §1(15), 65 Stat. 638
- Sec. 322 - Odd jobs for part-time employees
- Sec. 323 - Repealed. July 25, 1947, ch. 327, §1, 61 Stat. 449
- Sec. 324 - Omitted
- Sec. 325 - Authority for certain functions and activities
- Sec. 326 - Maintenance of printing office in Washington, D.C.
- Sec. 327 - Employees for conduct of meteorological investigations in Arctic region; appointment and compensation; extra compensation to other Government employees for taking observations
- Sec. 328 - Transfer from other Government Departments of surplus equipment and supplies for Arctic stations
- Sec. 329 - Omitted
- + Chapter 9A - Weather Modification Activities or Attempts; Reporting Requirement (Sections 330 - 330e)
- + Chapter 10 - War Finance Corporation (Sections 331 - 374)
- + Chapter 10A - Collection of State Cigarette Taxes (Sections 375 - 378)
Chapter 10B - State Taxation of Income From Interstate Commerce
(Sections 381 - 391)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Net Income Taxes (Sections 381 - 384)
- Subchapter II - Discriminatory Taxes (Sections 391 - 391)
- + Chapter 11 - Caustic Poisons (Sections 401 - 411)
- + Chapter 12 - Discrimination Against Farmers' Cooperative Associations by Boards of Trade (Sections 431 - 433)
- + Chapter 13 - Textile Foundation (Sections 501 - 506)
- + Chapter 13A - Fishing Industry (Sections 521 - 522)
- + Chapter 14 - Reconstruction Finance Corporation (Sections 601 - 619)
Chapter 14A - Aid to Small Business
(Sections 631 - 657u)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 631 - Declaration of policy
- Sec. 631a - Congressional declaration of small business economic policy
- Sec. 631b - Reports to Congress; state of small business
- Sec. 631c - Small Business Manufacturing Task Force
- Sec. 632 - Definitions
- Sec. 633 - Small Business Administration
- Sec. 633a - Detailed justification for proposed changes in budget requests
- Sec. 634 - General powers
- Sec. 634a - Office of Advocacy within Small Business Administration; Chief Counsel for Advocacy
- Sec. 634b - Primary functions of Office of Advocacy
- Sec. 634c - Additional duties of Office of Advocacy
- Sec. 634d - Staff and powers of Office of Advocacy
- Sec. 634e - Assistance of Government agencies
- Sec. 634f - Reports
- Sec. 634g - Budgetary line item and authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 635 - Deposit of moneys; depositaries, custodians, and fiscal agents; contributions to employees' compensation funds
- Sec. 636 - Additional powers
- Sec. 636a - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-35, title XIX, §1917, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 781
- Sec. 636b - Disaster loan interest rates
- Sec. 636c - Age of applicant for disaster loans
- Sec. 636d - Disaster aid to major sources of employment
- Sec. 636e - Definitions
- Sec. 636f - Coordination of efforts between the Administrator and the Internal Revenue Service to expedite loan processing
- Sec. 636g - Development and implementation of major disaster response plan
- Sec. 636h - Disaster planning responsibilities
- Sec. 636i - Small business bonding threshold
- Sec. 636j - Expedited disaster assistance loan program
- Sec. 636k - Reports on disaster assistance
- Sec. 637 - Additional powers
- Sec. 637a - Repealed. Pub. L. 89-409, §3(b), May 2, 1966, 80 Stat. 133
- Sec. 637b - Availability of information
- Sec. 637c - Definitions
- Sec. 637d - Subcontracting plan reports
- Sec. 638 - Research and development
- Sec. 638a - GAO study with respect to venture capital operating company, hedge fund, and private equity firm involvement
- Sec. 638b - Reducing vulnerability of SBIR and STTR programs to fraud, waste, and abuse
- Sec. 639 - Reporting requirements and agency cooperation
- Sec. 639a - Review of loan program; submission of estimated needs for additional authorization
- Sec. 640 - Voluntary agreements among small-business concerns
- Sec. 641 - Transfer to Administration of other functions, powers, and duties
- Sec. 642 - Requirements for loans
- Sec. 643 - Fair charge for use of Government-owned property
- Sec. 644 - Awards or contracts
- Sec. 644a - Small Business Procurement Advisory Council
- Sec. 645 - Offenses and penalties
- Sec. 645a - Annual report on suspensions and debarments proposed by Small Business Administration
- Sec. 646 - Liens
- Sec. 647 - Duplication of activities of other Federal departments or agencies
- Sec. 648 - Small business development center program authorization
- Sec. 648a - Repealed. Pub. L. 102-140, title VI, §609(e), Oct. 28, 1991, 105 Stat. 826
- Sec. 648b - Grants for SBDCs
- Sec. 648c - SBA and USPTO partnerships
- Sec. 649 - Office of International Trade
- Sec. 649a - Omitted
- Sec. 649b - Grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for international marketing programs
- Sec. 649c - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 649d - Central information clearinghouse
- Sec. 650 - Supervisory and enforcement authority for small business lending companies
- Sec. 651 - National small business tree planting program
- Sec. 652 - Central European Enterprise Development Commission
- Sec. 653 - Office of Rural Affairs
- Sec. 654 - Paul D. Coverdell drug-free workplace program
- Sec. 655 - Pilot Technology Access Program
- Sec. 656 - Women's business center program
- Sec. 657 - Oversight of regulatory enforcement
- Sec. 657a - HUBZone program
- Sec. 657b - Veterans programs
- Sec. 657c - Repealed. Pub. L. 112-239, div. A, title XVI, §1699(a), Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 2092
- Sec. 657d - Federal and State Technology Partnership Program
- Sec. 657e - Mentoring Networks
- Sec. 657f - Procurement program for small business concerns owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans
- Sec. 657g - Participation in federally funded projects
- Sec. 657h - Small business energy efficiency
- Sec. 657i - Coordination of disaster assistance programs with FEMA
- Sec. 657j - Information tracking and follow-up system for disaster assistance
- Sec. 657k - Disaster processing redundancy
- Sec. 657l - Comprehensive disaster response plan
- Sec. 657m - Plans to secure sufficient office space
- Sec. 657n - Immediate Disaster Assistance program
- Sec. 657o - Annual reports on disaster assistance
- Sec. 657p - Outreach regarding health insurance options available to children
- Sec. 657q - Consolidation of contract requirements
- Sec. 657r - Mentor-protege programs
- Sec. 657s - Limitations on subcontracting
- Sec. 657t - Office of Credit Risk Management
- Sec. 657u - Lender Oversight Committee
Chapter 14B - Small Business Investment Program
(Sections 661 - 697g)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Sections 661 - 662)
- Subchapter II - Small Business Investment Division of Small Business Administration (Sections 671 - 672)
- Subchapter III - Investment Division Programs (Sections 681 - 690q)
- Subchapter IV - State Chartered Investment Companies and State Development Companies (Sections 691 - 691)
- Subchapter IV-A - Guarantees (Sections 692 - 694c)
- Subchapter V - Loans to State and Local Development Companies (Sections 695 - 697g)
Chapter 15 - Economic Recovery
(Sections 701 - 714p)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Generally (Sections 701 - 713d-3)
- Subchapter II - Commodity Credit Corporation (Sections 714 - 714p)
Chapter 15A - Interstate Transportation of Petroleum Products
(Sections 715 - 715m)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 715 - Purpose of chapter
- Sec. 715a - Definitions
- Sec. 715b - Interstate transportation of contraband oil forbidden
- Sec. 715c - Suspension of operation of section 715b of this title
- Sec. 715d - Enforcement of chapter
- Sec. 715e - Penalties for violation of chapter
- Sec. 715f - Forfeiture of contraband oil shipped in violation of law; procedure
- Sec. 715g - Refusal of carrier to accept shipment without certificate of clearance; certificate as justifying acceptance of shipment
- Sec. 715h - Hearings and investigation by boards; appointment of board and employees
- Sec. 715i - Restraining violations
- Sec. 715j - "President" as including agencies, officers and employees
- Sec. 715k - Saving clause
- Sec. 715l - Repealed. June 22, 1942, ch. 436, 56 Stat. 381
- Sec. 715m - Cooperation between Secretary of the Interior and Federal and State authorities
Chapter 15B - Natural Gas
(Sections 717 - 717z)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 717 - Regulation of natural gas companies
- Sec. 717a - Definitions
- Sec. 717b - Exportation or importation of natural gas; LNG terminals
- Sec. 717b-1 - State and local safety considerations
- Sec. 717c - Rates and charges
- Sec. 717c-1 - Prohibition on market manipulation
- Sec. 717d - Fixing rates and charges; determination of cost of production or transportation
- Sec. 717e - Ascertainment of cost of property
- Sec. 717f - Construction, extension, or abandonment of facilities
- Sec. 717g - Accounts; records; memoranda
- Sec. 717h - Rates of depreciation
- Sec. 717i - Periodic and special reports
- Sec. 717j - State compacts for conservation, transportation, etc., of natural gas
- Sec. 717k - Officials dealing in securities
- Sec. 717l - Complaints
- Sec. 717m - Investigations by Commission
- Sec. 717n - Process coordination; hearings; rules of procedure
- Sec. 717o - Administrative powers of Commission; rules, regulations, and orders
- Sec. 717p - Joint boards
- Sec. 717q - Appointment of officers and employees
- Sec. 717r - Rehearing and review
- Sec. 717s - Enforcement of chapter
- Sec. 717t - General penalties
- Sec. 717t-1 - Civil penalty authority
- Sec. 717t-2 - Natural gas market transparency rules
- Sec. 717u - Jurisdiction of offenses; enforcement of liabilities and duties
- Sec. 717v - Separability
- Sec. 717w - Short title
- Sec. 717x - Conserved natural gas
- Sec. 717y - Voluntary conversion of natural gas users to heavy fuel oil
- Sec. 717z - Emergency conversion of utilities and other facilities
Chapter 15C - Alaska Natural Gas Transportation
(Sections 719 - 719o)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 719 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 719a - Congressional statement of purpose
- Sec. 719b - Definitions
- Sec. 719c - Federal Power Commission reviews and reports
- Sec. 719d - Federal and State officer or agency and other interested persons' reports
- Sec. 719e - Presidential decision and report
- Sec. 719f - Congressional review
- Sec. 719g - Transportation system certificates, rights-of-way, permits, leases, or other authorizations
- Sec. 719h - Judicial review
- Sec. 719i - Supplemental enforcement authority
- Sec. 719j - Export limitations
- Sec. 719k - Equal access to facilities
- Sec. 719l - Antitrust laws
- Sec. 719m - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 719n - Separability
- Sec. 719o - Civil rights; affirmative action of Federal officers and agencies; rules: promulgation and enforcement
Chapter 15D - Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline
(Sections 720 - 720n)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 720 - Definitions
- Sec. 720a - Issuance of certificate of public convenience and necessity
- Sec. 720b - Environmental reviews
- Sec. 720c - Pipeline expansion
- Sec. 720d - Federal Coordinator
- Sec. 720e - Judicial review
- Sec. 720f - State jurisdiction over in-State delivery of natural gas
- Sec. 720g - Study of alternative means of construction
- Sec. 720h - Clarification of ANGTA status and authorities
- Sec. 720i - Sense of Congress concerning use of steel manufactured in North America and negotiation of a project labor agreement
- Sec. 720j - Sense of Congress concerning participation by small business concerns
- Sec. 720k - Alaska pipeline construction training program
- Sec. 720l - Sense of Congress concerning natural gas demand
- Sec. 720m - Sense of Congress concerning Alaskan ownership
- Sec. 720n - Loan guarantees
- + Chapter 16 - Emergency Relief (Sections 721 - 728)
- + Chapter 16A - Emergency Petroleum Allocation (Sections 751 - 760h)
Chapter 16B - Federal Energy Administration
(Sections 761 - 790h)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Federal Energy Administration (Sections 761 - 789)
- Subchapter II - Office of Energy Information and Analysis (Sections 790 - 790h)
Chapter 16C - Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination
(Sections 791 - 798)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 791 - Congressional declaration of purpose
- Sec. 792 - Coal conversion and allocation
- Sec. 793 - Protection of public health and environment
- Sec. 794 - Energy conservation study
- Sec. 795 - Report to Congress by January 31, 1975
- Sec. 796 - Reporting of energy information
- Sec. 797 - Enforcement
- Sec. 798 - Definitions
Chapter 17 - Production, Marketing, and Use of Bituminous Coal
(Sections 801 - 852)
- Subchapter A - Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935 (Sections 801 - 827)
- Subchapter B - Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 (Sections 828 - 852)
- + Chapter 18 - Transportation of Firearms (Sections 901 - 910)
Chapter 19 - Miscellaneous
(Sections 1001 - 1007)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1001 - Prize-fight films as subjects of interstate or foreign commerce
- Sec. 1002 - Golden Gate Bridge tolls; Government traffic and personnel in performance of office business not subject to tolls
- Sec. 1003 - Authorization for free travel on Golden Gate Bridge; issuance, presentation, and acceptance; other authorization devices
- Sec. 1004 - Penalties
- Sec. 1005 - San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge tolls; Government traffic and personnel on official business exempted; Government personnel on Yerba Buena Island or Treasure Island exempted
- Sec. 1006 - Authorization for free travel on San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge; issuance, presentation, and acceptance; other authorization devices
- Sec. 1007 - Penalties
Chapter 20 - Regulation of Insurance
(Sections 1011 - 1015)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1011 - Declaration of policy
- Sec. 1012 - Regulation by State law; Federal law relating specifically to insurance; applicability of certain Federal laws after June 30, 1948
- Sec. 1013 - Suspension until June 30, 1948, of application of certain Federal laws; Sherman Act applicable to agreements to, or acts of, boycott, coercion, or intimidation
- Sec. 1014 - Effect on other laws
- Sec. 1015 - "State" defined
Chapter 21 - National Policy on Employment and Productivity
(Sections 1021 - 1026)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1021 - Congressional declarations
- Sec. 1022 - Economic Report of President; coverage; supplementary reports; reference to Congressional joint committee; percentage rate of unemployment; definitions
- Sec. 1022a - Medium-term economic goals and policies respecting full employment and balanced growth
- Sec. 1022b - Presentation of analysis respecting short-term and medium-term goals in Economic Report of President; mutually reinforcing means
- Sec. 1022c - Inclusion of priority policies and programs in President's Budget
- Sec. 1022d - President's Budget
- Sec. 1022e - Inflation
- Sec. 1022f - Advisory board or boards
- Sec. 1023 - Council of Economic Advisers
- Sec. 1024 - Joint Economic Committee
- Sec. 1025 - Printing of monthly publication by Joint Economic Committee entitled "Economic Indicators"; distribution
- Sec. 1026 - Repealed. Pub. L. 94-136, title VI, §601, Nov. 28, 1975, 89 Stat. 742
Chapter 22 - Trademarks
(Sections 1051 - 1141n)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - The Principal Register (Sections 1051 - 1072)
- Subchapter II - The Supplemental Register (Sections 1091 - 1096)
- Subchapter III - General Provisions (Sections 1111 - 1129)
- Subchapter IV - The Madrid Protocol (Sections 1141 - 1141n)
Chapter 23 - Dissemination of Technical, Scientific and Engineering Information
(Sections 1151 - 1157)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1151 - Purpose of chapter
- Sec. 1152 - Clearinghouse for technical information; removal of security classification
- Sec. 1153 - Rules, regulations, and fees
- Sec. 1153a - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-412, §3(f), Sept. 25, 1970, 84 Stat. 865
- Sec. 1154 - Reference of data to armed services and other Government agencies
- Sec. 1155 - General standards and limitations; preservation of security classification
- Sec. 1156 - Use of existing facilities
- Sec. 1157 - Relation to other provisions
Chapter 24 - Transportation of Gambling Devices
(Sections 1171 - 1178)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1171 - Definitions
- Sec. 1172 - Transportation of gambling devices as unlawful; exceptions; authority of Federal Trade Commission
- Sec. 1173 - Registration of manufacturers and dealers
- Sec. 1174 - Labeling and marking of shipping packages
- Sec. 1175 - Specific jurisdictions within which manufacturing, repairing, selling, possessing, etc., prohibited; exceptions
- Sec. 1176 - Penalties
- Sec. 1177 - Confiscation of gambling devices and means of transportation; laws governing
- Sec. 1178 - Nonapplicability of chapter to certain machines and devices
Chapter 25 - Flammable Fabrics
(Sections 1191 - 1204)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1191 - Definitions
- Sec. 1192 - Prohibited transactions
- Sec. 1193 - Flammability standards or regulations
- Sec. 1194 - Administration and enforcement
- Sec. 1195 - Injunction and condemnation proceedings
- Sec. 1196 - Penalties
- Sec. 1197 - Guaranties
- Sec. 1198 - Shipments from foreign countries; demand for redelivery; claim for liquidated damages
- Sec. 1199 - Chapter as additional legislation
- Sec. 1200 - Persons excluded from operation of chapter
- Sec. 1201 - Study and investigation; research, development and training
- Sec. 1202 - Exemptions
- Sec. 1203 - Preemption of Federal standards
- Sec. 1204 - Congressional veto of flammability regulations
- + Chapter 26 - Household Refrigerators (Sections 1211 - 1214)
- + Chapter 27 - Automobile Dealer Suits Against Manufacturers (Sections 1221 - 1226)
- + Chapter 28 - Disclosure of Automobile Information (Sections 1231 - 1233)
- + Chapter 29 - Manufacture, Transportation, or Distribution of Switchblade Knives (Sections 1241 - 1245)
Chapter 30 - Hazardous Substances
(Sections 1261 - 1278a)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1261 - Definitions
- Sec. 1262 - Declaration of hazardous substances
- Sec. 1263 - Prohibited acts
- Sec. 1264 - Penalties; exceptions
- Sec. 1265 - Seizures
- Sec. 1266 - Hearing before report of criminal violation
- Sec. 1267 - Injunctions; criminal contempt; trial by court or jury
- Sec. 1268 - Proceedings in name of United States; subpenas
- Sec. 1269 - Regulations
- Sec. 1270 - Examinations and investigations
- Sec. 1271 - Records of interstate shipment
- Sec. 1272 - Publicity; reports; dissemination of information
- Sec. 1273 - Imports
- Sec. 1274 - Remedies respecting banned hazardous substances
- Sec. 1275 - Toxicological Advisory Board
- Sec. 1276 - Congressional veto of hazardous substances regulations
- Sec. 1277 - Labeling of art materials
- Sec. 1278 - Requirements for labeling certain toys and games
- Sec. 1278a - Children's products containing lead; lead paint rule
- + Chapter 31 - Destruction of Property Moving in Commerce (Sections 1281 - 1282)
Chapter 32 - Telecasting of Professional Sports Contests
(Sections 1291 - 1295)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1291 - Exemption from antitrust laws of agreements covering the telecasting of sports contests and the combining of professional football leagues
- Sec. 1292 - Area telecasting restriction limitation
- Sec. 1293 - Intercollegiate and interscholastic football contest limitations
- Sec. 1294 - Antitrust laws unaffected as regards to other activities of professional sports contests
- Sec. 1295 - "Persons" defined
- + Chapter 33 - Brake Fluid Regulation (Sections 1301 - 1303)
- + Chapter 34 - Antitrust Civil Process (Sections 1311 - 1314)
- + Chapter 35 - Seat Belt Regulation (Sections 1321 - 1323)
Chapter 36 - Cigarette Labeling and Advertising
(Sections 1331 - 1341)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1331 - Congressional declaration of policy and purpose
- Sec. 1332 - Definitions
- Sec. 1333 - Labeling
- Sec. 1334 - Preemption
- Sec. 1335 - Unlawful advertisements on medium of electronic communication
- Sec. 1335a - List of cigarette ingredients; annual submission to Secretary; transmittal to Congress; confidentiality
- Sec. 1336 - Authority of Federal Trade Commission; unfair or deceptive acts or practices
- Sec. 1337 - Omitted
- Sec. 1338 - Criminal penalty
- Sec. 1339 - Injunction proceedings
- Sec. 1340 - Cigarettes for export
- Sec. 1341 - Smoking, research, education and information
Chapter 37 - State Technical Services
(Sections 1351 - 1368)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1351 - Declaration of purpose
- Sec. 1352 - Definitions
- Sec. 1353 - Selection of designated agency
- Sec. 1354 - Five-year plan; annual technical services program
- Sec. 1355 - Conditions precedent to acceptance of plans and programs for review and approval by Secretary
- Sec. 1356 - Review and approval of plans and programs by Secretary
- Sec. 1357 - Interstate cooperation in administration and coordination of plans and programs
- Sec. 1358 - Consent of Congress for interstate compacts; reservation of right to alter, amend, or repeal
- Sec. 1359 - Advisory councils for technical services; appointment; functions; compensation and expenses
- Sec. 1360 - Appropriations and payments
- Sec. 1361 - Reference services to assist designated agencies to obtain information outside State
- Sec. 1362 - Rules and regulations
- Sec. 1363 - Prohibition against control over educational institutions; functions or responsibilities of other departments not affected
- Sec. 1364 - Annual report by designated agencies to Secretary; reports by Secretary to President and Congress
- Sec. 1365 - Public committee; appointment; functions; report
- Sec. 1366 - Termination of payments for noncompliance with law or diversion of funds
- Sec. 1367 - Repayments
- Sec. 1368 - Records
Chapter 38 - Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety
(Sections 1381 - 1431)
- Sec. 1381 - Repealed. Pub. L. 103-272, §7(b), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1379
- Subchapter I - Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (Sections 1391 - 1420)
- Subchapter II - Tire Safety (Sections 1421 - 1426)
- Subchapter III - Research and Test Facilities (Sections 1431 - 1431)
Chapter 39 - Fair Packaging and Labeling Program
(Sections 1451 - 1461)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1451 - Congressional declaration of policy
- Sec. 1452 - Unfair and deceptive packaging and labeling; scope of prohibition
- Sec. 1453 - Requirements of labeling; placement, form, and contents of statement of quantity; supplemental statement of quantity
- Sec. 1454 - Rules and regulations
- Sec. 1455 - Procedure for promulgation of regulations
- Sec. 1456 - Enforcement
- Sec. 1457 - Omitted
- Sec. 1458 - Cooperation with State authorities; transmittal of regulations to States; noninterference with existing programs
- Sec. 1459 - Definitions
- Sec. 1460 - Savings provisions
- Sec. 1461 - Effect upon State law
Chapter 39A - Special Packaging of Household Substances for Protection of Children
(Sections 1471 - 1477)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1471 - Definitions
- Sec. 1472 - Special packaging standards
- Sec. 1472a - Special packaging for liquid nicotine containers
- Sec. 1473 - Conventional packages, marketing
- Sec. 1474 - Regulations for special packaging standards
- Sec. 1475 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-35, title XII, §1205(c), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 716
- Sec. 1476 - Preemption of Federal standards
- Sec. 1477 - Enforcement by State Attorneys General
Chapter 40 - Department of Commerce
(Sections 1501 - 1548)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1501 - Establishment of Department; Secretary; seal
- Secs. 1502, 1503 - Omitted
- Sec. 1503a - Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs
- Sec. 1503b - Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere; duties; appointment; compensation
- Sec. 1504 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-195, §1(c)(1), June 16, 1982, 96 Stat. 115
- Sec. 1505 - Additional Assistant Secretary; duties, rank of Assistant Secretaries
- Sec. 1506 - Additional Assistant Secretary; appointment; applicability of section 1505
- Sec. 1507 - Additional Assistant Secretary; appointment; compensation; duties
- Sec. 1507a - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-31, §12(5), Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 154
- Sec. 1507b - Assistant Secretary of Commerce; appointment; compensation; duties
- Sec. 1507c - Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere; duties; appointment; compensation
- Sec. 1508 - General Counsel
- Sec. 1509 - Designation of officer to sign routine papers
- Sec. 1510 - Clerical assistants
- Sec. 1511 - Bureaus in Department
- Sec. 1511a - Repealed. Pub. L. 95-219, §3(a)(2), Dec. 28, 1977, 91 Stat. 1613
- Sec. 1511b - United States fishery trade officers
- Sec. 1511c - Estuarine Programs Office
- Sec. 1511d - Chesapeake Bay Office
- Sec. 1511e - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-314, §6, Dec. 18, 2010, 124 Stat. 3444
- Sec. 1512 - Powers and duties of Department
- Sec. 1513 - Duties and powers vested in Department
- Sec. 1513a - Cost estimates for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration programs included in Department budget justification
- Sec. 1513b - Cost estimates for National Institute of Standards and Technology construction projects included in Department budget justification
- Sec. 1514 - Basic authority for performance of certain functions and activities of Department
- Sec. 1515 - Records, etc., of bureaus transferred to Department of Commerce
- Sec. 1516 - Statistical information
- Sec. 1516a - Statistics relating to social, health, and economic conditions of Americans of Spanish origin or descent
- Sec. 1517 - Transfer of statistical or scientific work
- Sec. 1518 - Custody of buildings; officers transferred
- Sec. 1519 - Annual and special reports
- Sec. 1519a - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-449, §7(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2443
- Sec. 1520 - Repealed. Pub. L. 91-412, §3(d), Sept. 25, 1970, 84 Stat. 864
- Sec. 1521 - Working capital fund; establishment; amount; uses; reimbursement
- Sec. 1522 - Acceptance of gifts and bequests for purposes of the Department; separate fund; disbursements
- Sec. 1523 - Tax status of gifts and bequests of property
- Sec. 1524 - Investment and reinvestments of moneys; credit and disbursement of interest
- Sec. 1525 - Special studies; special compilations, lists, bulletins, or reports; clearinghouse for technical information; transcripts or copies; cost payments for special work; joint projects: cost apportionment, waiver
- Sec. 1526 - Receipts for work or services; deposit in special accounts; availability for payment of costs, repayment or advances to appropriations or funds, refunds, credits to working capital funds; appropriation limitation of annual expenditures from accounts
- Sec. 1527 - Fees or charges for services or publications under existing law unaffected
- Sec. 1527a - Economics and Statistics Administration Revolving Fund
- Sec. 1528 - Transferred
- Sec. 1529 - Relinquishment of legislative jurisdiction over certain lands
- Sec. 1530 - Awarding of contracts for performance of commercial activity by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Sec. 1531 - Buying Power Maintenance accounts for International Trade Administration, Export Administration, and United States Travel and Tourism Administration
- Sec. 1532 - Telecommunications; electromagnetic radiation; research, analysis, dissemination of information; other functions of Secretary
- Sec. 1533 - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-358, title IV, §407(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 4004
- Sec. 1534 - Assessment of fees for access to environmental data
- Sec. 1535 - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-314, §6, Dec. 18, 2010, 124 Stat. 3444
- Sec. 1536 - Prohibition against fraudulent use of "Made in America" labels
- Sec. 1537 - Needs assessment for data management, archival, and distribution
- Sec. 1538 - Notice of reprogramming
- Sec. 1539 - Financial assistance
- Sec. 1540 - Cooperative agreements
- Sec. 1541 - Administrative Law Judges
- Sec. 1542 - Establishment of the Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship Program
- Sec. 1543 - Task force on job repatriation and manufacturing growth
- Sec. 1544 - Promotion of tourist travel
- Sec. 1545 - Cooperation with travel agencies; publication of information
- Sec. 1546 - Advisory committee for promotion of tourist travel; expenses
- Sec. 1547 - Rules and regulations; employees
- Sec. 1548 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 41 - Consumer Credit Protection
(Sections 1601 - 1693r)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Consumer Credit Cost Disclosure (Sections 1601 - 1667f)
- Subchapter II - Restrictions on Garnishment (Sections 1671 - 1677)
- Subchapter II-A - Credit Repair Organizations (Sections 1679 - 1679j)
- Subchapter III - Credit Reporting Agencies (Sections 1681 - 1681x)
- Subchapter IV - Equal Credit Opportunity (Sections 1691 - 1691f)
- Subchapter V - Debt Collection Practices (Sections 1692 - 1692p)
- Subchapter VI - Electronic Fund Transfers (Sections 1693 - 1693r)
Chapter 42 - Interstate Land Sales
(Sections 1701 - 1720)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1701 - Definitions
- Sec. 1702 - Exemptions
- Sec. 1703 - Requirements respecting sale or lease of lots
- Sec. 1704 - Registration of subdivisions
- Sec. 1705 - Information required in statement of record
- Sec. 1706 - Effective date of statements of record and amendments thereto
- Sec. 1707 - Property report
- Sec. 1708 - Certification of substantially equivalent State law
- Sec. 1709 - Civil liabilities
- Sec. 1710 - Court review of orders
- Sec. 1711 - Limitation of actions
- Sec. 1712 - Contrary stipulations void
- Sec. 1713 - Additional remedies
- Sec. 1714 - Investigations, injunctions, and prosecution of offenses
- Sec. 1715 - Administration
- Sec. 1716 - Unlawful representations
- Sec. 1717 - Penalties for violations
- Sec. 1717a - Civil money penalties
- Sec. 1718 - Rules, regulations, and orders
- Sec. 1719 - Jurisdiction of offenses and suits
- Sec. 1719a - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-66, title I, §1071(c), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 720
- Sec. 1720 - Authorization of appropriations
- + Chapter 43 - Newspaper Preservation (Sections 1801 - 1804)
Chapter 44 - Protection of Horses
(Sections 1821 - 1831)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1821 - Definitions
- Sec. 1822 - Congressional statement of findings
- Sec. 1823 - Horse shows and exhibitions
- Sec. 1824 - Unlawful acts
- Sec. 1824a - Export of horses
- Sec. 1825 - Violations and penalties
- Sec. 1826 - Notice of violations to Attorney General
- Sec. 1827 - Utilization of personnel of Department of Agriculture and officers and employees of consenting States; technical and other nonfinancial assistance to State
- Sec. 1828 - Rules and regulations
- Sec. 1829 - Preemption of State laws; concurrent jurisdiction; prohibition on certain State action
- Sec. 1830 - Omitted
- Sec. 1831 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 45 - Emergency Loan Guarantees to Business Enterprises
(Sections 1841 - 1852)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 1841 - Emergency Loan Guarantee Board; establishment; membership; voting
- Sec. 1842 - Authority for loan guarantees; terms and conditions
- Sec. 1843 - Limitations and conditions of loan guarantees
- Sec. 1844 - Security for loan guarantees
- Sec. 1845 - Requirements applicable to loan guarantees
- Sec. 1846 - Powers and duties
- Sec. 1847 - Maximum obligation
- Sec. 1848 - Emergency loan guarantee fund
- Sec. 1849 - Federal Reserve banks as fiscal agents
- Sec. 1850 - Protection of Government's interest
- Sec. 1851 - Reports to Congress; recommendations
- Sec. 1852 - Termination date
- + Chapter 45A - Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee (Sections 1861 - 1875)
Chapter 46 - Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings
(Sections 1901 - 2034)
- Sec. 1901 - Repealed. Pub. L. 103-272, §7(b), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1379
- Subchapter I - Bumper Standards (Sections 1911 - 1922)
- Subchapter II - Automobile Consumer Information Study (Sections 1941 - 1950)
- Subchapter III - Diagnostic Inspection Demonstration Projects (Sections 1961 - 1964)
- Subchapter IV - Odometer Requirements (Sections 1981 - 1991)
- Subchapter V - Improving Automotive Efficiency (Sections 2001 - 2013)
- Subchapter VI - Theft Prevention (Sections 2021 - 2034)
- + Chapter 46A - Automobile Title Fraud (Sections 2041 - 2044)
Chapter 47 - Consumer Product Safety
(Sections 2051 - 2089)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2051 - Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
- Sec. 2052 - Definitions
- Sec. 2053 - Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Sec. 2053a - Employee training exchanges
- Sec. 2054 - Product safety information and research
- Sec. 2055 - Public disclosure of information
- Sec. 2055a - Publicly available consumer product safety information database
- Sec. 2056 - Consumer product safety standards
- Sec. 2056a - Standards and consumer registration of durable nursery products
- Sec. 2056b - Mandatory toy safety standards
- Sec. 2056c - Sulfur content in drywall standard
- Sec. 2057 - Banned hazardous products
- Sec. 2057a - Banning of butyl nitrite
- Sec. 2057b - Banning of isopropal nitrite and other nitrites
- Sec. 2057c - Prohibition on sale of certain products containing specified phthalates
- Sec. 2058 - Procedure for consumer product safety rules
- Sec. 2059 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-35, title XII, §1210, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 721
- Sec. 2060 - Judicial review of consumer product safety rules
- Sec. 2061 - Imminent hazards
- Sec. 2062 - Repealed. Pub. L. 97-35, title XII, §1211(b), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 721
- Sec. 2063 - Product certification and labeling
- Sec. 2064 - Substantial product hazards
- Sec. 2065 - Inspection and recordkeeping
- Sec. 2066 - Imported products
- Sec. 2067 - Exemption of exports
- Sec. 2068 - Prohibited acts
- Sec. 2069 - Civil penalties
- Sec. 2070 - Criminal penalties
- Sec. 2071 - Injunctive enforcement and seizure
- Sec. 2072 - Suits for damages
- Sec. 2073 - Additional enforcement of product safety rules and section 2064 orders
- Sec. 2074 - Private remedies
- Sec. 2075 - State standards
- Sec. 2076 - Additional functions of Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Sec. 2076a - Report on civil penalties
- Sec. 2076b - Inspector General audits and reports
- Sec. 2077 - Chronic Hazard Advisory Panels
- Sec. 2078 - Cooperation with States and other Federal agencies
- Sec. 2079 - Transfers of functions
- Sec. 2080 - Limitations on jurisdiction of Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Sec. 2081 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 2082 - Interim cellulose insulation safety standard
- Sec. 2083 - Congressional veto of consumer product safety rules
- Sec. 2084 - Information reporting
- Sec. 2085 - Low-speed electric bicycles
- Sec. 2086 - Prohibition on industry-sponsored travel
- Sec. 2087 - Whistleblower protection
- Sec. 2088 - Financial responsibility
- Sec. 2089 - All-terrain vehicles
- + Chapter 48 - Hobby Protection (Sections 2101 - 2106)
Chapter 49 - Fire Prevention and Control
(Sections 2201 - 2234)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2201 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 2202 - Declaration of purpose
- Sec. 2203 - Definitions
- Sec. 2204 - United States Fire Administration
- Sec. 2205 - Public education
- Sec. 2206 - National Academy for Fire Prevention and Control
- Sec. 2207 - Fire technology
- Sec. 2208 - National Fire Data Center
- Sec. 2209 - Master plans
- Sec. 2210 - Reimbursement for costs of firefighting on Federal property
- Sec. 2211 - Review of fire prevention codes
- Sec. 2212 - Fire safety effectiveness statements
- Sec. 2213 - Annual conference
- Sec. 2214 - Public safety awards
- Sec. 2215 - Reports to Congress and President
- Sec. 2216 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 2217 - Public access to information
- Sec. 2218 - Administrative provisions
- Sec. 2219 - Assistance to Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Sec. 2220 - Arson prevention, detection, and control
- Sec. 2221 - Arson prevention grants
- Secs. 2222, 2223 - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-503, title I, §110(a)(1)(B), Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2302
- Sec. 2223a - Review
- Sec. 2223b - Working group
- Sec. 2223c - Report and recommendations
- Sec. 2223d - Annual revision of recommendations
- Sec. 2223e - "Emergency response personnel" defined
- Sec. 2224 - Listings of places of public accommodation
- Sec. 2225 - Fire prevention and control guidelines for places of public accommodation
- Sec. 2225a - Prohibiting Federal funding of conferences held at non-certified places of public accommodation
- Sec. 2226 - Dissemination of fire prevention and control information
- Sec. 2227 - Fire safety systems in federally assisted buildings
- Sec. 2228 - CPR training
- Sec. 2229 - Firefighter assistance
- Sec. 2229a - Staffing for adequate fire and emergency response
- Sec. 2230 - Surplus and excess Federal equipment
- Sec. 2231 - Cooperative agreements with Federal facilities
- Sec. 2232 - Burn research
- Sec. 2233 - Removal of civil liability barriers that discourage the donation of fire equipment to volunteer fire companies
- Sec. 2234 - Encouraging adoption of standards for firefighter health and safety
Chapter 50 - Consumer Product Warranties
(Sections 2301 - 2312)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2301 - Definitions
- Sec. 2302 - Rules governing contents of warranties
- Sec. 2303 - Designation of written warranties
- Sec. 2304 - Federal minimum standards for warranties
- Sec. 2305 - Full and limited warranting of a consumer product
- Sec. 2306 - Service contracts; rules for full, clear and conspicuous disclosure of terms and conditions; addition to or in lieu of written warranty
- Sec. 2307 - Designation of representatives by warrantor to perform duties under written or implied warranty
- Sec. 2308 - Implied warranties
- Sec. 2309 - Procedures applicable to promulgation of rules by Commission
- Sec. 2310 - Remedies in consumer disputes
- Sec. 2311 - Applicability to other laws
- Sec. 2312 - Effective dates
Chapter 51 - National Productivity and Quality of Working Life
(Sections 2401 - 2471)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Findings, Purpose, and Policy; Definitions (Sections 2401 - 2404)
- Subchapter II - National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life (Sections 2411 - 2418)
- Subchapter III - Federal Agency Coordination and Liaison With Center (Sections 2431 - 2435)
- Subchapter IV - Administrative Provisions (Sections 2451 - 2451)
- Subchapter V - Evaluation by Comptroller General (Sections 2461 - 2461)
- Subchapter VI - Authorization of Appropriations (Sections 2471 - 2471)
Chapter 52 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration
(Sections 2501 - 2514)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2501 - Congressional findings and policy
- Sec. 2502 - Definitions
- Sec. 2503 - Duties of Secretary of Energy
- Sec. 2504 - Coordination between Secretary of Energy and other agencies
- Sec. 2505 - Research and development
- Sec. 2506 - Demonstrations
- Sec. 2507 - Contracts
- Sec. 2508 - Encouragement and protection of small business
- Sec. 2509 - Loan guarantees
- Sec. 2510 - Use of electric and hybrid vehicles by Federal agencies
- Sec. 2511 - Patents
- Sec. 2512 - Studies
- Sec. 2513 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-66, title I, §1051(o), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 717
- Sec. 2514 - Authorization for appropriations
Chapter 53 - Toxic Substances Control
(Sections 2601 - 2697)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Control of Toxic Substances (Sections 2601 - 2629)
- Subchapter II - Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response (Sections 2641 - 2656)
- Subchapter III - Indoor Radon Abatement (Sections 2661 - 2671)
- Subchapter IV - Lead Exposure Reduction (Sections 2681 - 2692)
- Subchapter V - Healthy High-Performance Schools (Sections 2695 - 2695d)
- Subchapter VI - Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products (Sections 2697 - 2697)
Chapter 54 - Automotive Propulsion Research and Development
(Sections 2701 - 2710)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2701 - Congressional findings and purpose
- Sec. 2702 - Definitions
- Sec. 2703 - Advanced systems program implementation by Secretary of Energy
- Sec. 2704 - Evaluation by Secretary of Transportation on utilization of advanced technology by automobile industry
- Sec. 2705 - Coordinating and consulting requirements and authorities of Secretary of Energy
- Sec. 2706 - Informational and testing functions of Secretary of Energy
- Sec. 2707 - Patents and inventions; statutory provisions applicable; contracts or grants covered
- Sec. 2708 - Comptroller General audit and examination of books, etc.; statutory provisions applicable; contracts or grants covered
- Sec. 2709 - Reports to Congress by Secretary of Energy
- Sec. 2710 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 55 - Petroleum Marketing Practices
(Sections 2801 - 2841)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Franchise Protection (Sections 2801 - 2807)
- Subchapter II - Octane Disclosure (Sections 2821 - 2824)
- Subchapter III - Subsidization of Motor Fuel Marketing (Sections 2841 - 2841)
Chapter 56 - National Climate Program
(Sections 2901 - 2908)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2901 - Findings
- Sec. 2902 - Purpose
- Sec. 2903 - Definitions
- Sec. 2904 - National Climate Program
- Sec. 2905 - Repealed. Pub. L. 99-272, title VI, §6084(g), Apr. 7, 1986, 100 Stat. 137
- Sec. 2906 - Annual report
- Sec. 2907 - Contract and grant authority; records and audits
- Sec. 2908 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 56A - Global Change Research
(Sections 2921 - 2961)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 2921 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - United States Global Change Research Program (Sections 2931 - 2938)
- Subchapter II - International Cooperation in Global Change Research (Sections 2951 - 2953)
- Subchapter III - Growth Decision Aid (Sections 2961 - 2961)
- + Chapter 57 - Interstate Horseracing (Sections 3001 - 3007)
Chapter 58 - Full Employment and Balanced Growth
(Sections 3101 - 3152)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3101 - Congressional findings
- Sec. 3102 - Report to Congressional committees
- Sec. 3103 - National Employment Conference
- Subchapter I - Structural Economic Policies and Programs Including Treatment of Resource Restraints (Sections 3111 - 3117)
- Subchapter II - Policies and Procedures for Congressional Review (Sections 3131 - 3133)
- Subchapter III - General Provisions (Sections 3151 - 3152)
Chapter 59 - Retail Policies for Natural Gas Utilities
(Sections 3201 - 3211)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3201 - Purposes; coverage
- Sec. 3202 - Definitions
- Sec. 3203 - Adoption of certain standards
- Sec. 3204 - Special rules for standards
- Sec. 3205 - Federal participation
- Sec. 3206 - Gas utility rate design proposals
- Sec. 3207 - Judicial review and enforcement
- Sec. 3208 - Relationship to other applicable law
- Sec. 3209 - Reports respecting standards
- Sec. 3210 - Prior and pending proceedings
- Sec. 3211 - Relationship to other authority
Chapter 60 - Natural Gas Policy
(Sections 3301 - 3432)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 3301 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Wellhead Pricing (Sections 3311 - 3333)
- Subchapter II - Incremental Pricing (Sections 3341 - 3348)
- Subchapter III - Additional Authorities and Requirements (Sections 3361 - 3375)
- Subchapter IV - Natural Gas Curtailment Policies (Sections 3391 - 3394)
- Subchapter V - Administration, Enforcement, and Review (Sections 3411 - 3418)
- Subchapter VI - Coordination With Natural Gas Act; Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 3431 - 3432)
Chapter 61 - Soft Drink Interbrand Competition
(Sections 3501 - 3503)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3501 - Exclusive territorial licenses to manufacture, distribute, and sell trademarked soft drink products; ultimate resale to consumers; substantial and effective competition
- Sec. 3502 - Price fixing agreements, horizontal restraints of trade, or group boycotts
- Sec. 3503 - "Antitrust law" defined
Chapter 62 - Condominium and Cooperative Conversion Protection and Abuse Relief
(Sections 3601 - 3616)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3601 - Congressional findings and purpose
- Sec. 3602 - Conversion lending
- Sec. 3603 - Definitions
- Sec. 3604 - Exemptions
- Sec. 3605 - Notice of conversion and opportunity to purchase; responsibility of State and local governments
- Sec. 3606 - Federal Housing Administration mortgage or loan insurance; expedition of application process and decision
- Sec. 3607 - Termination of self-dealing contracts
- Sec. 3608 - Judicial determinations respecting unconscionable leases
- Sec. 3609 - Void lease or contract provisions
- Sec. 3610 - Relationship of statutory provisions to State and local laws
- Sec. 3611 - Additional remedies
- Sec. 3612 - Concurrent State and Federal jurisdiction; venue; removal of cases
- Sec. 3613 - Limitation of actions
- Sec. 3614 - Waiver of rights as void
- Sec. 3615 - Nonexclusion of other statutory rights and remedies
- Sec. 3616 - Separability
Chapter 63 - Technology Innovation
(Sections 3701 - 3724)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3701 - Findings
- Sec. 3702 - Purpose
- Sec. 3703 - Definitions
- Sec. 3704 - Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Technology
- Sec. 3704a - Clearinghouse for State and Local Initiatives on Productivity, Technology, and Innovation
- Sec. 3704b - National Technical Information Service
- Sec. 3704b-1 - Recovery of operating costs through fee collections
- Sec. 3704b-2 - Transfer of Federal scientific and technical information
- Sec. 3705 - Cooperative Research Centers
- Sec. 3706 - Grants and cooperative agreements
- Sec. 3707 - National Science Foundation Cooperative Research Centers
- Sec. 3708 - Administrative arrangements
- Sec. 3709 - Repealed. Pub. L. 99-502, §9(a), Oct. 20, 1986, 100 Stat. 1795
- Sec. 3710 - Utilization of Federal technology
- Sec. 3710a - Cooperative research and development agreements
- Sec. 3710b - Rewards for scientific, engineering, and technical personnel of Federal agencies
- Sec. 3710c - Distribution of royalties received by Federal agencies
- Sec. 3710d - Employee activities
- Sec. 3711 - National Technology and Innovation Medal
- Sec. 3711a - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
- Sec. 3711b - Conference on advanced automotive technologies
- Sec. 3711c - Advanced motor vehicle research award
- Sec. 3712 - Personnel exchanges
- Sec. 3713 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 3714 - Spending authority
- Sec. 3715 - Use of partnership intermediaries
- Sec. 3716 - Critical industries
- Sec. 3717 - National Quality Council
- Sec. 3718 - President's Council on Innovation and Competitiveness
- Sec. 3719 - Prize competitions
- Sec. 3720 - Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Sec. 3721 - Federal loan guarantees for innovative technologies in manufacturing
- Sec. 3722 - Regional innovation program
- Sec. 3723 - STEM apprenticeship programs
- Sec. 3724 - Crowdsourcing and citizen science
Chapter 64 - Methane Transportation Research, Development, and Demonstration
(Sections 3801 - 3810)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 3801 - Congressional statement of findings and declaration of policy
- Sec. 3802 - Definitions
- Sec. 3803 - Duties of Secretary of Energy
- Sec. 3804 - Coordination with other Federal departments and agencies
- Sec. 3805 - Research and development activities
- Sec. 3806 - Demonstrations
- Sec. 3807 - Use of methane-fueled vehicles by Federal agencies and departments
- Sec. 3808 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-66, title I, §1051(p), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 717
- Sec. 3809 - Authorization of appropriations; required funding
- Sec. 3810 - Relationship to other laws
- + Chapter 65 - Liability Risk Retention (Sections 3901 - 3906)
Chapter 66 - Promotion of Export Trade
(Sections 4001 - 4053)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Export Trading Companies and Trade Associations (Sections 4001 - 4003)
- Subchapter II - Export Trade Certificates of Review (Sections 4011 - 4021)
- Subchapter III - Export Promotion Programs (Sections 4051 - 4053)
Chapter 67 - Arctic Research and Policy
(Sections 4101 - 4111)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4101 - Congressional findings and declaration of purposes
- Sec. 4102 - Arctic Research Commission
- Sec. 4103 - Duties of Commission; publication of guidelines; report to Congress
- Sec. 4104 - Cooperation with Commission
- Sec. 4105 - Administration
- Sec. 4106 - Implementation of Arctic research policy
- Sec. 4107 - Duties of Interagency Committee; report to Congress
- Sec. 4108 - Arctic research plan
- Sec. 4109 - Coordination and review of budget requests; Office of Science and Technology Policy; Office of Management and Budget
- Sec. 4110 - Authorization of appropriations; new spending authority
- Sec. 4111 - "Arctic" defined
Chapter 68 - Land Remote-Sensing Commercialization
(Sections 4201 - 4292)
- Subchapter I - Declaration of Findings, Purposes, and Policies (Sections 4201 - 4204)
- Subchapter II - Operation and Data Marketing of Landsat System (Sections 4211 - 4215)
- Subchapter III - Provision of Data Continuity After the Landsat System (Sections 4221 - 4228)
- Subchapter IV - Licensing of Private Remote-Sensing Space Systems (Sections 4241 - 4246)
- Subchapter V - Research and Development (Sections 4261 - 4264)
- Subchapter VI - General Provisions (Sections 4271 - 4278)
- Subchapter VII - Prohibition of Commercialization of Weather Satellites (Sections 4291 - 4292)
Chapter 69 - Cooperative Research
(Sections 4301 - 4306)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4301 - Definitions
- Sec. 4302 - Rule of reason standard
- Sec. 4303 - Limitation on recovery
- Sec. 4304 - Award of costs, including attorney's fees, to substantially prevailing party; offset
- Sec. 4305 - Disclosure of joint venture
- Sec. 4306 - Application of section 4303 protections to production of products, processes, and services
- + Chapter 70 - Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco Health Education (Sections 4401 - 4408)
Chapter 71 - Petroleum Overcharge Distribution and Restitution
(Sections 4501 - 4507)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4501 - Restitutionary amounts covered
- Sec. 4502 - Identification and disbursement of restitutionary amounts
- Sec. 4503 - Deposit of remainder of excess amount into Treasury as indirect restitution
- Sec. 4504 - Statute of limitation
- Sec. 4505 - Reports
- Sec. 4506 - Termination
- Sec. 4507 - Definitions
Chapter 72 - Semiconductor Research
(Sections 4601 - 4632)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Cooperative Research Program (Sections 4601 - 4606)
- Subchapter II - Department of Energy Semiconductor Technology Research Excellence Initiative (Sections 4621 - 4632)
Chapter 73 - Export Enhancement
(Sections 4701 - 4729)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Fair Trade in Auto Parts (Sections 4701 - 4704)
- Subchapter I-A - Fair Trade in Automotive Parts (Sections 4705 - 4705c)
- Subchapter II - General Provisions (Sections 4711 - 4712)
- Subchapter III - Export Promotion (Sections 4721 - 4729)
Chapter 74 - Competitiveness Policy Council
(Sections 4801 - 4809)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4801 - Findings and purpose
- Sec. 4802 - Council established
- Sec. 4803 - Duties of Council
- Sec. 4804 - Membership
- Sec. 4805 - Executive Director and staff
- Sec. 4806 - Powers of Council
- Sec. 4807 - Annual report
- Sec. 4808 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 4809 - Definitions
Chapter 75 - National Trade Data Bank
(Sections 4901 - 4913)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 4901 - Definitions
- Sec. 4902 - Interagency Trade Data Advisory Committee
- Sec. 4903 - Functions of Committee
- Sec. 4904 - Consultation with private sector and government officials
- Sec. 4905 - Cooperation among executive agencies
- Sec. 4906 - Establishment of Data Bank
- Sec. 4907 - Operation of Data Bank
- Sec. 4908 - Information on service sector
- Sec. 4909 - Exclusion of information
- Sec. 4910 - Nonduplication
- Sec. 4911 - Collection of data
- Sec. 4912 - Fees and access
- Sec. 4913 - Omitted
- + Chapter 76 - Imitation Firearms (Sections 5001 - 5001)
Chapter 77 - Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness
(Sections 5101 - 5110)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5101 - Findings and purposes
- Sec. 5102 - Definitions
- Sec. 5103 - Establishment of scientific research and development program to develop competitive manufacturing technologies and increase energy efficiency in steel and aluminum industries
- Sec. 5104 - Protection of proprietary rights
- Sec. 5105 - Coordination
- Sec. 5106 - Repealed. Pub. L. 110-229, title VI, §602(c)(1), May 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 853
- Sec. 5107 - Reports
- Sec. 5108 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 5109 - Relation of existing program
- Sec. 5110 - Drug-free workplace
Chapter 78 - Superconductivity and Competitiveness
(Sections 5201 - 5209)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5201 - Findings and purposes
- Sec. 5202 - National Action Plan on Advanced Superconductivity Research and Development
- Sec. 5203 - Department of Energy
- Sec. 5204 - National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Sec. 5205 - National Science Foundation
- Sec. 5206 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Sec. 5207 - Department of Defense
- Sec. 5208 - International cooperation
- Sec. 5209 - Technology transfer
- + Chapter 79 - Metal Casting Competitiveness Research Program (Sections 5301 - 5309)
Chapter 80 - Fasteners
(Sections 5401 - 5414)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5401 - Findings
- Sec. 5402 - Definitions
- Sec. 5403 - Sale of fasteners
- Secs. 5404 to 5406 - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-34, §4(a), June 8, 1999, 113 Stat. 121
- Sec. 5407 - Manufacturers' insignias
- Sec. 5408 - Remedies and penalties
- Sec. 5409 - Recordkeeping requirements
- Sec. 5410 - Relationship to State laws
- Sec. 5411 - Construction
- Sec. 5411a - Certification and accreditation
- Sec. 5411b - Applicability
- Sec. 5412 - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-34, §10, June 8, 1999, 113 Stat. 123
- Sec. 5413 - Repealed. Pub. L. 104-113, §11(j), Mar. 7, 1996, 110 Stat. 782
- Sec. 5414 - Repealed. Pub. L. 106-34, §10, June 8, 1999, 113 Stat. 123
Chapter 81 - High-Performance Computing
(Sections 5501 - 5543)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 5501 - Findings
- Sec. 5502 - Purposes
- Sec. 5503 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (Sections 5511 - 5513)
- Subchapter II - Agency Activities (Sections 5521 - 5528)
- Subchapter III - Department of Energy High-End Computing Revitalization (Sections 5541 - 5543)
Chapter 82 - Land Remote Sensing Policy
(Sections 5601 - 5672)
- Sec. 5601 - Transferred
- Sec. 5602 - Repealed. Pub. L. 111-314, §6, Dec. 18, 2010, 124 Stat. 3444
- Subchapter I - Landsat (Sections 5611 - 5615)
- Subchapter II - Licensing of Private Remote Sensing Space Systems (Sections 5621 - 5625)
- Subchapter III - Research, Development, and Demonstration (Sections 5631 - 5633)
- Subchapter IV - Assessing Options for Successor Land Remote Sensing System (Sections 5641 - 5641)
- Subchapter V - General Provisions (Sections 5651 - 5658)
- Subchapter VI - Prohibition of Commercialization of Weather Satellites (Sections 5671 - 5672)
- + Chapter 83 - Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution (Sections 5701 - 5724)
- + Chapter 84 - Commercial Space Competitiveness (Sections 5801 - 5808)
- + Chapter 85 - Armored Car Industry Reciprocity (Sections 5901 - 5904)
- + Chapter 86 - Children's Bicycle Helmet Safety (Sections 6001 - 6006)
- + Chapter 87 - Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention (Sections 6101 - 6108)
- + Chapter 87A - National Do-Not-Call Registry (Sections 6151 - 6155)
Chapter 88 - International Antitrust Enforcement Assistance
(Sections 6201 - 6212)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6201 - Disclosure to foreign antitrust authority of antitrust evidence
- Sec. 6202 - Investigations to assist foreign antitrust authority in obtaining antitrust evidence
- Sec. 6203 - Jurisdiction of district courts of United States
- Sec. 6204 - Limitations on authority
- Sec. 6205 - Exception to certain disclosure restrictions
- Sec. 6206 - Publication requirements applicable to antitrust mutual assistance agreements
- Sec. 6207 - Conditions on use of antitrust mutual assistance agreements
- Sec. 6208 - Limitations on judicial review
- Sec. 6209 - Preservation of existing authority
- Sec. 6210 - Report to Congress
- Sec. 6211 - Definitions
- Sec. 6212 - Authority to receive reimbursement
Chapter 89 - Professional Boxing Safety
(Sections 6301 - 6313)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6301 - Definitions
- Sec. 6302 - Purposes
- Sec. 6303 - Boxing matches in States without boxing commissions
- Sec. 6304 - Safety standards
- Sec. 6305 - Registration
- Sec. 6306 - Review
- Sec. 6307 - Reporting
- Sec. 6307a - Contract requirements
- Sec. 6307b - Protection from coercive contracts
- Sec. 6307c - Sanctioning organizations
- Sec. 6307d - Required disclosures to State boxing commissions by sanctioning organizations
- Sec. 6307e - Required disclosures for promoters
- Sec. 6307f - Required disclosures for judges and referees
- Sec. 6307g - Confidentiality
- Sec. 6307h - Judges and referees
- Sec. 6308 - Conflicts of interest
- Sec. 6309 - Enforcement
- Sec. 6310 - Notification of supervising boxing commission
- Sec. 6311 - Studies
- Sec. 6312 - Professional boxing matches conducted on Indian reservations
- Sec. 6313 - Relationship with State law
Chapter 90 - Propane Education and Research
(Sections 6401 - 6411)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6401 - Findings
- Sec. 6402 - Definitions
- Sec. 6403 - Referenda
- Sec. 6404 - Propane Education and Research Council
- Sec. 6405 - Assessments
- Sec. 6406 - Compliance
- Sec. 6407 - Lobbying restrictions
- Sec. 6408 - Market survey and consumer protection
- Sec. 6409 - Pricing
- Sec. 6410 - Relation to other programs
- Sec. 6411 - Reports
Chapter 91 - Children's Online Privacy Protection
(Sections 6501 - 6506)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6501 - Definitions
- Sec. 6502 - Regulation of unfair and deceptive acts and practices in connection with collection and use of personal information from and about children on the Internet
- Sec. 6503 - Safe harbors
- Sec. 6504 - Actions by States
- Sec. 6505 - Administration and applicability
- Sec. 6506 - Review
- + Chapter 91A - Promoting a Safe Internet for Children (Sections 6551 - 6555)
Chapter 92 - Year 2000 Computer Date Change
(Sections 6601 - 6617)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6601 - Findings and purposes
- Sec. 6602 - Definitions
- Sec. 6603 - Application of chapter
- Sec. 6604 - Punitive damages limitations
- Sec. 6605 - Proportionate liability
- Sec. 6606 - Prelitigation notice
- Sec. 6607 - Pleading requirements
- Sec. 6608 - Duty to mitigate
- Sec. 6609 - Application of existing impossibility or commercial impracticability doctrines
- Sec. 6610 - Damages limitation by contract
- Sec. 6611 - Damages in tort claims
- Sec. 6612 - State of mind; bystander liability; control
- Sec. 6613 - Appointment of special masters or magistrate judges for Y2K actions
- Sec. 6614 - Y2K actions as class actions
- Sec. 6615 - Applicability of State law
- Sec. 6616 - Admissible evidence ultimate issue in State courts
- Sec. 6617 - Suspension of penalties for certain year 2000 failures by small business concerns
Chapter 93 - Insurance
(Sections 6701 - 6781)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6701 - Operation of State law
- Subchapter I - State Regulation of Insurance (Sections 6711 - 6717)
- Subchapter II - Redomestication of Mutual Insurers (Sections 6731 - 6735)
- Subchapter III - National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers (Sections 6751 - 6764)
- Subchapter IV - Rental Car Agency Insurance Activities (Sections 6781 - 6781)
Chapter 94 - Privacy
(Sections 6801 - 6827)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Information (Sections 6801 - 6809)
- Subchapter II - Fraudulent Access to Financial Information (Sections 6821 - 6827)
Chapter 95 - Microenterprise Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program
(Sections 6901 - 6910)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 6901 - Definitions
- Sec. 6902 - Establishment of program
- Sec. 6903 - Uses of assistance
- Sec. 6904 - Qualified organizations
- Sec. 6905 - Allocation of assistance; subgrants
- Sec. 6906 - Matching requirements
- Sec. 6907 - Applications for assistance
- Sec. 6908 - Recordkeeping
- Sec. 6909 - Authorization
- Sec. 6910 - Implementation
Chapter 96 - Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce
(Sections 7001 - 7031)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Electronic Records and Signatures in Commerce (Sections 7001 - 7006)
- Subchapter II - Transferable Records (Sections 7021 - 7021)
- Subchapter III - Promotion of International Electronic Commerce (Sections 7031 - 7031)
Chapter 97 - Women's Business Enterprise Development
(Sections 7101 - 7110)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Sec. 7101 - Establishment of the Interagency Committee
- Sec. 7102 - Duties of the Interagency Committee
- Sec. 7103 - Membership of the Interagency Committee
- Sec. 7104 - Reports from the Interagency Committee
- Sec. 7105 - Establishment of the National Women's Business Council
- Sec. 7106 - Duties of the Council
- Sec. 7107 - Membership of the Council
- Sec. 7108 - Definitions
- Sec. 7109 - Studies and other research
- Sec. 7110 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 98 - Public Company Accounting Reform and Corporate Responsibility
(Sections 7201 - 7266)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7201 - Definitions
- Sec. 7202 - Commission rules and enforcement
- Subchapter I - Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (Sections 7211 - 7220)
- Subchapter II - Auditor Independence (Sections 7231 - 7234)
- Subchapter III - Corporate Responsibility (Sections 7241 - 7246)
- Subchapter IV - Enhanced Financial Disclosures (Sections 7261 - 7266)
Chapter 99 - National Construction Safety Team
(Sections 7301 - 7313)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7301 - National Construction Safety Teams
- Sec. 7302 - Composition of Teams
- Sec. 7303 - Authorities
- Sec. 7304 - Briefings, hearings, witnesses, and subpoenas
- Sec. 7305 - Additional powers
- Sec. 7306 - Disclosure of information
- Sec. 7307 - National Construction Safety Team report
- Sec. 7308 - National Institute of Standards and Technology actions
- Sec. 7309 - National Institute of Standards and Technology annual report
- Sec. 7310 - Advisory committee
- Sec. 7311 - Additional applicability
- Sec. 7312 - Construction
- Sec. 7313 - Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 100 - Cyber Security Research and Development
(Sections 7401 - 7411)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7401 - Findings
- Sec. 7402 - Definitions
- Sec. 7403 - National Science Foundation research
- Sec. 7404 - National Science Foundation computer and network security programs
- Sec. 7405 - Consultation
- Sec. 7406 - National Institute of Standards and Technology programs
- Sec. 7407 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 7408 - National Academy of Sciences study on computer and network security in critical infrastructures
- Sec. 7409 - Coordination of Federal cyber security research and development
- Sec. 7410 - Grant eligibility requirements and compliance with immigration laws
- Sec. 7411 - Report on grant and fellowship programs
Chapter 100A - Cybersecurity Enhancement
(Sections 7421 - 7464)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7421 - Definitions
- Sec. 7422 - No regulatory authority
- Sec. 7423 - No additional funds authorized
- Subchapter I - Cybersecurity Research and Development (Sections 7431 - 7431)
- Subchapter II - Education and Workforce Development (Sections 7441 - 7442)
- Subchapter III - Cybersecurity Awareness and Preparedness (Sections 7451 - 7451)
- Subchapter IV - Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards (Sections 7461 - 7464)
Chapter 101 - Nanotechnology Research and Development
(Sections 7501 - 7509)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7501 - National Nanotechnology Program
- Sec. 7502 - Program coordination
- Sec. 7503 - Advisory Panel
- Sec. 7504 - Quadrennial external review of the National Nanotechnology Program
- Sec. 7505 - Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 7506 - Department of Commerce programs
- Sec. 7507 - Department of Energy programs
- Sec. 7508 - Additional centers
- Sec. 7509 - Definitions
Chapter 102 - Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers
(Sections 7601 - 7610)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7601 - Availability of contact lens prescriptions to patients
- Sec. 7602 - Immediate payment of fees in limited circumstances
- Sec. 7603 - Prescriber verification
- Sec. 7604 - Expiration of contact lens prescriptions
- Sec. 7605 - Content of advertisements and other representations
- Sec. 7606 - Prohibition of certain waivers
- Sec. 7607 - Rulemaking by Federal Trade Commission
- Sec. 7608 - Violations
- Sec. 7609 - Study and report
- Sec. 7610 - Definitions
Chapter 103 - Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing
(Sections 7701 - 7713)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7701 - Congressional findings and policy
- Sec. 7702 - Definitions
- Sec. 7703 - Prohibition against predatory and abusive commercial e-mail
- Sec. 7704 - Other protections for users of commercial electronic mail
- Sec. 7705 - Businesses knowingly promoted by electronic mail with false or misleading transmission information
- Sec. 7706 - Enforcement generally
- Sec. 7707 - Effect on other laws
- Sec. 7708 - Do-Not-E-Mail registry
- Sec. 7709 - Study of effects of commercial electronic mail
- Sec. 7710 - Improving enforcement by providing rewards for information about violations; labeling
- Sec. 7711 - Regulations
- Sec. 7712 - Application to wireless
- Sec. 7713 - Separability
Chapter 104 - Sports Agent Responsibility and Trust
(Sections 7801 - 7807)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 7801 - Definitions
- Sec. 7802 - Regulation of unfair and deceptive acts and practices in connection with the contact between an athlete agent and a student athlete
- Sec. 7803 - Enforcement
- Sec. 7804 - Actions by States
- Sec. 7805 - Protection of educational institution
- Sec. 7806 - Limitation
- Sec. 7807 - Sense of Congress
- + Chapter 105 - Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms (Sections 7901 - 7903)
Chapter 106 - Pool and Spa Safety
(Sections 8001 - 8008)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8001 - Findings
- Sec. 8002 - Definitions
- Sec. 8003 - Federal swimming pool and spa drain cover standard
- Sec. 8004 - State swimming pool safety grant program
- Sec. 8005 - Minimum State law requirements
- Sec. 8006 - Education program
- Sec. 8007 - CPSC report
- Sec. 8008 - Applicability
Chapter 107 - Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
(Sections 8101 - 8131)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8101 - Definition
- Subchapter I - Coordination and Strategic Planning of Federal Effort Against Counterfeiting and Infringement (Sections 8111 - 8116)
- Subchapter II - Cybersquatting Protection (Sections 8131 - 8131)
Chapter 108 - State-Based Insurance Reform
(Sections 8201 - 8232)
- Table of Contents
- Subchapter I - Nonadmitted Insurance (Sections 8201 - 8206)
- Subchapter II - Reinsurance (Sections 8221 - 8223)
- Subchapter III - Rule of Construction (Sections 8231 - 8232)
Chapter 109 - Wall Street Transparency and Accountability
(Sections 8301 - 8344)
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Subchapter I - Regulation of Over-the-Counter Swaps Markets (Sections 8301 - 8325)
- Subchapter II - Regulation of Security-Based Swap Markets (Sections 8341 - 8344)
Chapter 110 - Online Shopper Protection
(Sections 8401 - 8405)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8401 - Findings; declaration of policy
- Sec. 8402 - Prohibitions against certain unfair and deceptive Internet sales practices
- Sec. 8403 - Negative option marketing on the Internet
- Sec. 8404 - Enforcement by Federal Trade Commission
- Sec. 8405 - Enforcement by State attorneys general
Chapter 111 - Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation
(Sections 8501 - 8550)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8501 - Definitions
- Subchapter I - United States Weather Research and Forecasting Improvement (Sections 8511 - 8521)
- Subchapter II - Weather Satellite and Data Innovation (Sections 8531 - 8533)
- Subchapter III - Federal Weather Coordination (Sections 8541 - 8550)
- + Chapter 112 - Sports Medicine Licensure (Sections 8601 - 8601)
Chapter 113 - Concrete Masonry Products Research, Education, and Promotion
(Sections 8701 - 8717)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8701 - Declaration of policy
- Sec. 8702 - Definitions
- Sec. 8703 - Issuance of orders
- Sec. 8704 - Required terms in orders
- Sec. 8705 - Assessments
- Sec. 8706 - Referenda
- Sec. 8707 - Petition and review
- Sec. 8708 - Enforcement
- Sec. 8709 - Investigation and power to subpoena
- Sec. 8710 - Suspension or termination
- Sec. 8711 - Amendments to orders
- Sec. 8712 - Effect on other laws
- Sec. 8713 - Regulations
- Sec. 8714 - Limitation on expenditures for administrative expenses
- Sec. 8715 - Limitations on obligation of funds
- Sec. 8716 - Study and report by the Government Accountability Office
- Sec. 8717 - Study and report by the Department of Commerce
Chapter 114 - National Quantum Initiative
(Sections 8801 - 8852)
- Table of Contents
- Sec. 8801 - Definitions
- Sec. 8802 - Purposes
- Subchapter I - National Quantum Initiative (Sections 8811 - 8815)
- Subchapter II - National Institute of Standards and Technology Quantum Activities (Sections 8831 - 8831)
- Subchapter III - National Science Foundation Quantum Activities (Sections 8841 - 8842)
- Subchapter IV - Department of Energy Quantum Activities (Sections 8851 - 8852)
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