2012 U.S. Code
Title 10 - Armed Forces
Subtitle A - General Military Law (§§ 101 - 2925)
Part II - PERSONNEL (§§ 501 - 1805)
Chapter 81 - CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES (§§ 1580 - 1599d)
Section 1599d - Financial management positions: authority to prescribe professional certification and credential standards
(A) require that a standard prescribed under subsection (a) apply immediately to all personnel holding financial management positions designated by the Secretary; or
(B) delay the imposition of such a standard for a reasonable period to permit persons holding financial management positions so designated time to comply.
(2) A formal education requirement prescribed under subsection (a) shall not apply to any person employed by the Department in a financial management position before the standard is prescribed.
(Added Pub. L. 107–314, div. A, title XI, §1104(a)(1), Dec. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 2661; amended Pub. L. 110–417, [div. A], title XI, §1110, Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4619; Pub. L. 112–81, div. A, title X, §1051(a), Dec. 31, 2011, 125 Stat. 1581.)
Amendments2011—Pub. L. 112–81 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section related to the authority to prescribe certification and credential standards for professional accounting positions.
2008—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 110–417 substituted “0505, 0510, 0511, or equivalent” for “GS–510, GS–511, and GS–505”.
Effective DatePub. L. 107–314, div. A, title XI, §1104(b), Dec. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 2661, provided that: “Standards established pursuant to section 1599d of title 10, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), may take effect no sooner than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 2, 2002].”
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