2023 Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 5 - Protection of Consumer Interests
Subtitle G - Regulation of Insurer Market Conduct
Chapter 751 - Market Conduct Surveillance
Subchapter E. Examinations
Section 751.206. Examination Report
Sec. 751.206. EXAMINATION REPORT. (a) Unless the commissioner and the insurer agree to a different schedule, the commissioner shall follow the time line established under this section.
(b) The commissioner shall deliver the draft examination report to the insurer not later than the 60th day after the date the examination is completed. For purposes of this section, the date the examination is completed is the date on which the exit conference is conducted.
(c) Not later than the 30th day after the date on which the insurer receives the draft examination report, the insurer shall provide any written comments regarding the report to the department.
(d) The department shall make a good faith effort to resolve issues with the insurer informally and shall prepare a final examination report not later than the 30th day after the date of receipt of the insurer's written comments on the draft report unless a mutual agreement is reached to extend the deadline.
(e) The department shall include the insurer's responses in the final examination report. The responses may be included as an appendix or in the text of the examination report. An insurer is not obligated to submit a response. An individual involved in the examination may not be named in either the report or the insurer response except to acknowledge the individual's involvement.
(f) The commissioner may make corrections and other changes to the final examination report as appropriate, and shall issue the report to the insurer. Not later than the 30th day after receipt of the final examination report under this subsection, the insurer shall accept the report, accept the findings of the report, or request a hearing. The commissioner and the insurer by mutual agreement may extend the period for an additional 30 days. A request for a hearing must be made in writing and must follow the requirements of Chapter 2001, Government Code.
Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 291 (S.B. 14), Sec. 3, eff. September 1, 2005.