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2020 Tennessee Code
Title 55 - Motor and Other Vehicles
Chapter 7 - Size, Weight and Load
Part 2 - Weight and Length Specifications
§ 55-7-205. Permits for Moving Vehicles of Excess Weight or Size — Permits for Towing Vehicles of Excess Weight, Height, Length, or Width

Universal Citation:
TN Code § 55-7-205 (2020)
Learn more This media-neutral citation is based on the American Association of Law Libraries Universal Citation Guide and is not necessarily the official citation.
    1. The commissioner of transportation has the authority to grant special permits for the movements of freight motor vehicles carrying gross weights in excess of the gross weights set forth in § 55-7-203, or dimensions in excess of the dimensions set forth in §§ 55-7-201 and 55-7-202, and shall charge a fee in accordance with the fee schedules contained in subsection (h) for the issuance of a permit for each movement.
    2. The fee provisions shall not apply to farm tractors or farm machinery moving on any highway.
    3. It is not necessary to obtain a permit, nor is it unlawful to move any vehicle or machinery in excess of the maximum width and height prescribed in § 55-7-202, used for normal farm purposes only where the vehicle or machinery is hauled on a farm truck as defined in § 55-1-119, or the vehicle or machinery is being transported by a farm machinery equipment dealer or repair person in making a delivery of new or used equipment or machinery to the farm of the purchaser, or in making a pickup and delivery of the farm machinery or equipment from the farm to a shop of a farm equipment dealer or repair person for repairs and return to the farm, and the movement is performed during daylight hours within a radius of fifty (50) miles of the point of origin, and no part of such movement is upon any highway designated and known as a part of the national system of interstate and defense highways or any fully controlled access highway facility.
    4. It is not necessary to obtain a permit nor is it unlawful to move any trailer or semitrailer utilized for transporting rolled hay bales; provided, that the width of the trailer or semitrailer, including any part of the load, does not exceed ten feet (10') (that is five feet (5') on each side of the centerline of the trailer or semitrailer), and the movement is performed during daylight hours within a radius of fifty (50) miles of the point of origin and no part of the movement is upon any highway designated and known as a part of the national system of interstate and defense highways or any fully controlled access highway facility or other federal-aid highway designated by the commissioner.
    5. No fee authorized by this section shall be charged for the issuance or renewal of such special permits to any retail electric service owned by a municipality or electric cooperative corporation, or to any telephone company or to contractors when they are moving utility poles doing work for such utilities.
    6. Upon compliance with the appropriate rules and regulations, such electric services, telephone companies, and their contractors, when they are moving utility poles, may be issued special permits for stated periods not exceeding one (1) year.
    7. All fees received shall be paid into the state treasury and placed in the highway fund for the administration of this section.
      1. The commissioner has the authority to reduce the maximum gross weight of freight motor vehicles operating over lateral highways and secondary roads where, through weakness of structure in either the surface of or the bridges over the lateral highways or secondary roads, the maximum loads provided by law, in the opinion of the commissioner, injure or damage the roads or bridges.
      2. The county legislative body shall have the same authority as to county roads; provided, however, that any proposed reduction below the weight limits set by the commissioner pursuant to this section shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the county legislative body and shall be based upon the same criteria as used by the commissioner.
      3. To the extent there is a conflict between this subdivision (a)(8) and any other general law or a private act, this subdivision (a)(8) shall govern.
    1. The commissioner has the authority to grant a special permit with a duration of one (1) year for the movement of a single motor vehicle, that does not exceed the length limitation set forth in § 55-7-115 and the weight limitations set forth in § 55-7-203(b)(3), that has a width greater than one hundred two inches (102") but not exceeding one hundred eight inches (108"), and that is used exclusively to transport seed cotton modules.
    2. This special permit will allow the vehicle to travel upon the interstate system of highways and other federal-aid highways designated by the commissioner.
    3. The cost of this special annual permit shall be one hundred dollars ($100).
    4. Solely during the harvest season for cotton, the movement of the vehicle operating under a special annual permit shall be unrestricted with respect to day of the week, time or holiday observation. At other times, the movement of the vehicle shall be subject to the rules and regulations which the commissioner has prescribed pursuant to subsection (e).
  1. The commissioner shall, at each bridge and on each lateral highway or secondary road, post signs indicating the maximum gross weight permitted thereon, and it is unlawful to operate any freight motor vehicles thereon with a gross weight in excess of the posted weight limit, and any person violating the rules and regulations of the commissioner upon the secondary or lateral roads commits a Class A misdemeanor.
  2. The commissioner of safety shall, with the approval of the governor, provide means and prescribe rules and regulations governing the weighing of freight motor vehicles, which rules and regulations may make allowances for differentials in weight due to weather conditions.
    1. The commissioner of transportation shall prescribe by orders of general application, rules and regulations for the issuance and/or renewal of these special permits for stated periods not exceeding one (1) year, for the transportation of such oversize, overweight, or overlength articles or commodities as cannot be reasonably dismantled or conveniently transported otherwise, and for the operation of such superheavy or overweight vehicles, motor trucks, semitrailers and trailers, whose gross weight, including load, height, width, or length, may exceed the limits prescribed herein or which in other respects fail to comply with the requirements of this code, as may be reasonably necessary for the transportation of these oversize, overweight, or overlength articles or commodities as cannot be reasonably dismantled or conveniently transported otherwise.
    2. For purposes of this subsection (e), a vehicle transporting fluid milk products shall be considered a nondivisible load that cannot be reasonably dismantled or conveniently transported otherwise.
  3. Permits shall be issued and may be renewed only upon the terms and conditions, in the interest of public safety and the preservation of the highways, as are prescribed in general rules and regulations promulgated by the orders of the commissioner.
  4. Rules and regulations so prescribed by the commissioner may require, as a condition of the issuance of these permits, that an applicant shall agree to and give bond with surety (unless an applicant shall by sworn statement furnish satisfactory proof of the applicant's own solvency to the authority issuing the permit) to indemnify the state and/or counties thereof, against damages to roads, or bridges, resulting from the use thereof by the applicant. Each permit and bond, if the commissioner so authorizes, may cover more than one (1) vehicle operated by the same applicant. The operation of vehicles, motor trucks, tractors, semitrailers or trailers in accordance with the terms of any such permit shall not constitute a violation of this part; provided, that the operator thereof shall have a permit, or a copy thereof, authenticated as the commissioner may require, in the operator's possession. The operation of any vehicle, motor truck, semitrailer or trailer, in violation of the terms of the permit, constitutes a violation of law punishable under § 55-7-206.
  5. The commissioner shall charge fees for granting special permits for the movements described in subsection (a) in accordance with the following schedules:
    1. Excessive width:
      1. Not more than fourteen feet (14'), twenty dollars ($20.00);
      2. Over fourteen feet (14') but not more than sixteen feet (16'), thirty dollars ($30.00);
      3. Except as provided in subdivision (h)(1)(D), over sixteen feet (16'), thirty dollars ($30.00), plus five dollars ($5.00) for each additional foot or fraction thereof greater than sixteen feet (16');
        1. For houseboats:
          1. Over sixteen feet (16') but not more than eighteen feet (18'), five hundred dollars ($500);
          2. Over eighteen feet (18') but not more than twenty feet (20'), seven hundred fifty dollars ($750); and
          3. Over twenty feet (20'), one thousand dollars ($1,000); and
        2. All permits issued by the department pursuant to subdivision (h)(1)(D)(i) shall require three (3) escort vehicles that comply with the applicable rules and regulations and routing approval from the department. Permits shall only be issued under subdivision (h)(1)(D)(i) for movements on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday;
    2. Excessive height or length:

      Twenty dollars ($20.00);

    3. Excessive weight:

      Twenty dollars ($20.00) plus six cents (6¢) per ton-mile;

    4. Evaluation of bridges and similar structures.  The department shall, as it deems necessary, evaluate the capacity of bridges or similar structures to carry the proposed movement of an overweight or overdimensional load along a particular route, and the department shall charge the requestor for this evaluation each time a different route is proposed, as follows:
      1. Movements weighing over one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.) but not more than two hundred fifty thousand pounds (250,000 lbs.), one hundred dollars ($100);
      2. Movements weighing over two hundred fifty thousand pounds (250,000 lbs.) but not more than five hundred thousand pounds (500,000 lbs.), three hundred dollars ($300); and
      3. Movements weighing over five hundred thousand pounds (500,000 lbs.), actual cost;
    5. A permit shall be available from the department of transportation on an annual basis for each specific vehicle to be used for transporting overdimensional or overweight loads, or both, except for those vehicles specifically permitted and used to transport cotton seed modules as provided in subsection (b), overdimensional boats used for noncommercial purposes as provided in subdivision (h)(6), mobile homes as provided in § 55-4-406, and towing vehicles used to transport wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicles under a towing permit as provided in subdivision (n)(5), as follows:
      1. For vehicles transporting loads up to but not exceeding thirteen feet ten inches (13'10") in height, ninety feet (90') in length, or twelve feet six inches (12'6") in width, one hundred dollars ($100); provided, however, that vehicles transporting loads up to but not exceeding thirteen feet six inches (13'6") in width may obtain an annual permit upon the condition that such overwidth movements shall be accompanied by an escort vehicle as required in the rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner in accordance with this section;
      2. For vehicles transporting loads with excess weights up to but not exceeding one hundred thousand pounds (100,000 lbs.), seven hundred fifty dollars ($750);
      3. For vehicles transporting loads with excess weights over one hundred thousand pounds (100,000 lbs.) but not exceeding one hundred twenty thousand pounds (120,000 lbs.), one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500);
      4. For vehicles transporting loads with excess weights over one hundred twenty thousand pounds (120,000 lbs.) but not exceeding one hundred forty thousand pounds (140,000 lbs.), two thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2,250);
      5. For vehicles transporting loads with excess weights over one hundred forty thousand pounds (140,000 lbs.) but not exceeding one hundred fifty-five thousand pounds (155,000 lbs.), three thousand dollars ($3,000);
      6. For vehicles transporting loads over one hundred fifty-five thousand pounds (155,000 lbs.) but not exceeding one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.), three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500);
      7. Vehicles transporting loads that are both overdimensional and overweight shall be charged a separate annual fee for both overdimensional loads and overweight loads as provided in subdivisions (h)(5)(A)-(F);
      8. No annual permit shall be available for any vehicle transporting loads with weights exceeding one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.) or dimensions exceeding thirteen feet ten inches (13'10") in height, ninety feet (90') in length, or thirteen feet six inches (13'6") in width, and any such vehicle shall be required to obtain a special permit for the fee or fees otherwise established in subdivisions (h)(1)-(4) for a vehicle movement with excessive width, height, length, or weight; provided, however, that a vehicle holding an annual permit for excessive weight under subdivisions (h)(5)(B)-(F) may supplement that annual permit by obtaining a single trip permit allowing for the movement of a load with excessive width, height, or length not previously covered by an annual permit under this subdivision (h)(5); and
      9. Notwithstanding any vehicle movement authorized under an annual permit as provided in this subdivision (h)(5), no such vehicle shall be authorized to exceed any vehicle weight limit or limits posted on any bridge or highway by the public official having jurisdiction over such bridge or highway; and
    6. A permit shall be available from the department on an annual basis for individual owners of overdimensional boats used strictly for noncommercial pleasure purposes for double the amount of the regular fee described in subdivisions (h)(1) and (2).
  6. The authority issuing the permits has the right to revoke the permits at any time in the event that in the use of the permit the holder of a permit abuses the privilege given thereby, or otherwise makes wrongful use of the permit. The authorized county authorities (as well as the commissioner) may issue permits, but always consistently with rules and regulations, prescribed by the commissioner, for movements over any and all roads, except city streets, within the limits of the county for which they are acting.
  7. A violation of a material provision of a special permit shall render it void.
  8. Any statute, resolution or ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, the authority of any county or city agency to issue permits is limited with respect to maximums for weight and dimensions to the maximums therefor approved by the commissioner.
    1. Except as otherwise specifically set forth in this section, a special permit issued for movements of an overweight or overdimensional motor vehicle pursuant to subsection (a) shall allow for continuous movement twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, and shall be valid for ten (10) calendar days for each single trip, except as provided in subdivision (l )(2).
    2. A special permit issued by the commissioner for movements described in subsection (a):
      1. Shall not allow movement of vehicles exceeding twelve feet six inches (12'6") in width, fifteen feet (15') in height, or ninety feet (90') in length on the interstate system of highways between the hours of seven o'clock a.m. (7:00 a.m.) to nine o'clock a.m. (9:00 a.m.) and four o'clock p.m. (4:00 p.m.) to six o'clock p.m. (6:00 p.m.) from Monday through Friday in counties having a population exceeding two hundred fifty thousand (250,000), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census;
      2. May be subject to restrictions on movements during periods of heavy traffic volume associated with certain holidays, as follows:
        1. Easter: After six o'clock p.m. (6:00 p.m.) on the Thursday preceding Good Friday through and including Easter Sunday;
        2. Memorial Day: After twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the preceding Friday through Memorial Day;
        3. Independence Day: July 3 and July 4; provided, that if July 4 is a Friday, Saturday, Monday, or Tuesday, the weekend day or days immediately following or preceding July 4, as applicable, may also be restricted;
        4. Labor Day: After twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the preceding Friday through Labor Day;
        5. Thanksgiving: After twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through Sunday following Thanksgiving; and
        6. Christmas/New Year's Day: December 24 through January 1; provided, that if December 24 is a Sunday or Monday, the weekend day or days immediately preceding December 24 may also be restricted; provided further, that if January 1 is a Friday or Saturday, the weekend day or days immediately following January 1 may also be restricted;
      3. May be subject to route restrictions based on conditions of the roadway or bridges and the weight or dimensions of the load;
      4. May be subject to restrictions on time of movement during inclement weather or weather-related emergencies when conditions prevail that could make movement unsafe; and
      5. For super heavy or extra-overdimensional loads exceeding one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.), sixteen feet (16') in width, or fifteen feet six inches (15'6") in height, the time of movement may be restricted based on conditions of the road, traffic volumes, or other conditions affecting public safety and convenience as the commissioner may determine.
    3. This subsection (l ) does not apply to special permits issued for movements of:
      1. Mobile homes as defined in § 55-4-402;
      2. Site-built houses;
      3. Houseboats; or
      4. Towing vehicles engaged in emergency towing movements in accordance with subsection (n).
  9. For any motor vehicle issued a special permit pursuant to subsection (a) that has a truck-tractor and semitrailer combination carrying a load in excess of width or length limitations, the load shall be marked as follows for movements between one-half (½) hour after sunset to one-half (½) hour before sunrise:
    1. On each side of the projecting load, one (1) red side marker lamp, visible from the side, located so as to indicate maximum overhang; and
    2. On the rear of the projecting load:
      1. Two (2) red lamps, visible from the rear, one (1) at each side; and
      2. Two (2) red reflectors, visible from the rear, one (1) at each side, located so as to indicate maximum width.
    1. Notwithstanding this section to the contrary, the commissioner of transportation is authorized to issue a special permit allowing a towing vehicle to transport wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicles on the state highway system, including the interstate highway system, when the towing vehicle, or the towing vehicle and towed vehicle in combination, exceeds the maximum vehicle or axle weights allowed under § 55-7-203(b), the maximum vehicle height or width allowed under § 55-7-202, or the maximum vehicle lengths allowed under § 55-7-201.
    2. For purposes of this subsection (n):
      1. “Emergency towing movement” means the towing of a wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle from a location within or adjacent to the traffic lanes or shoulders of a highway to the nearest exit or repair or terminal facility within one hundred (100) miles from the location of the wreck, disablement, or abandonment along the highway;
      2. “Secondary towing movement” means any towing movement other than an emergency towing movement; and
      3. “Towing vehicle” means a vehicle used to tow wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicles.
    3. When transporting a wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle, the combination of towing vehicle and towed vehicle shall be considered a nondivisible load that cannot be reasonably dismantled or conveniently transported otherwise.
    4. No towing vehicle or combination of towing vehicle and towed vehicle shall be authorized to exceed any total gross vehicle weight limits or axle weight limits posted on any bridge or highway by the public official having jurisdiction over such bridge or highway.
    5. The commissioner may issue a single trip permit or an annual permit for the movement of a towing vehicle that by itself or in combination with a towed vehicle exceeds the maximum vehicle or axle weights allowed under § 55-7-203(b), the maximum vehicle height or width allowed under § 55-7-202, or the maximum vehicle lengths allowed under § 55-7-201, subject to the following conditions:
      1. When not towing a wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle, the towing vehicle shall not exceed thirteen feet six inches (13'6") in height, nine feet (9') in width, or forty-five feet (45') in length. The maximum gross vehicle weight of the towing vehicle shall not exceed eighty-five thousand pounds (85,000 lbs.). The total weight on any single axle shall not exceed twenty-three thousand pounds (23,000 lbs.); the total weight on any tandem axle group shall not exceed forty-six thousand pounds (46,000 lbs.); and the total weight on any tridem axle group shall not exceed sixty thousand pounds (60,000 lbs.);
        1. When towing a wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle, the combination of towing vehicle and towed vehicle shall not exceed thirteen feet ten inches (13'10") in height; twelve feet six inches (12'6") in width; or ninety feet (90') in length if the movement is a secondary towing movement that is not exempt from length restrictions under § 55-7-201(h). These size limits shall apply to all annual permits and to single trip permits except as provided in subdivision (n)(5)(B)(ii); and
        2. A towing movement exceeding the size limits set in subdivision (n)(5)(B)(i), but not exceeding fifteen feet (15') in height or sixteen feet (16') in width, may be permitted under a single trip permit in accordance with the rules of the department of transportation if the movement is accompanied by an escort vehicle or escort vehicles. For the purpose of complying with this escort vehicle requirement, the towing vehicle itself may substitute for a front escort vehicle so long as the towing vehicle is operating with flashing amber lights displayed to the front of the vehicle;
        1. When towing a wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle, the combination of the towing vehicle and towed vehicle shall not exceed one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.) in total gross vehicle weight. The total weight on any single axle not in a tandem or tridem axle group shall not exceed twenty-five thousand pounds (25,000 lbs.); the total weight on any tandem axle group shall not exceed fifty thousand pounds (50,000 lbs.); and the total weight on any tridem axle group shall not exceed seventy-five thousand pounds (75,000 lbs.). These weight limits shall apply to all annual permits and to single trip permits except as provided in subdivision (n)(5)(C)(ii); and
        2. A secondary towing movement exceeding the combined gross vehicle weight of one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.), but not exceeding the maximum axle weight limits established in subdivision (n)(5)(C)(i), may be permitted under a single trip permit in accordance with the rules of the department of transportation, subject to the additional fees and charges provided in subdivision (n)(5)(E);
      2. The single trip permit or annual permit issued pursuant to this subdivision (n)(5) shall be issued to each specific towing vehicle that is engaged in the towing of wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicles; and
        1. The cost of a single trip permit shall be in accordance with the fees established in subdivisions (h)(1)-(3) for overdimensional and overweight permits; provided, however, that if the combined weight of the towing vehicle and towed vehicle exceeds one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.), the cost of the permit shall also include the additional fee of twelve cents (12¢) per ton-mile for all weight in excess of one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.) together with the applicable charge for evaluating bridges and other structures as provided in subdivision (h)(4); and
        2. The cost of an annual towing permit issued pursuant to this subdivision (n)(5) shall be five hundred dollars ($500). No annual permit shall be available for any towing movement where the combined weight of the towing vehicle and towed vehicle exceeds one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.); provided, however, that a towing vehicle holding an annual permit may supplement that annual permit by obtaining a single trip permit allowing for the movement of additional excessive weight at the cost of twenty dollars ($20.00) plus twelve cents (12¢) per ton-mile for all weight in excess of one hundred sixty-five thousand pounds (165,000 lbs.) together with the applicable charge for evaluating bridges and other structures as provided in subdivision (h)(4).
    6. A towing vehicle with a valid permit under subdivision (n)(5) may be authorized to undertake an emergency towing movement where the combination of the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle exceeds the height, width, or weight limits established in subdivision (n)(5) if the department of transportation, the department of safety, or a local traffic law enforcement agency requests the assistance of the towing vehicle to remove a wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle from the highway. In such case, the wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle shall be towed only to the nearest rest area, weigh station, truck parking area, or other safe location away from the highway traffic lanes and shoulders as designated by the agency requesting the assistance. The department of transportation may require a bridge evaluation pursuant to subdivision (h)(4) and may impose route restrictions based on the condition of the roadway and bridges.
  10. Notwithstanding this section, chapter 4, part 4 of this title, or any other law or regulation to the contrary, the movement of any mobile home not exceeding fourteen feet (14') in width shall not be required to have more than one (1) escort vehicle to follow the movement, or any escort vehicle to precede the movement, on the interstate highway system or highways with four (4) or more lanes, and such movement shall not be required to have more than one (1) escort vehicle to precede the movement, or any escort vehicle to follow the movement, on two-lane highways.
  11. Notwithstanding subsections (e)-(g) or any other law to the contrary, an applicant for the issuance or renewal of a special permit for the movement of an oversize motor vehicle, or trailer or semitrailer, whose height, including the load, may exceed the limits prescribed in § 55-7-202 is not required, as a condition for the issuance or renewal of the permit, to complete or submit a route survey of the proposed route of travel unless the height of the vehicle and load exceeds fifteen feet six inches (15'6").

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