2020 Tennessee Code
Title 4 - State Government
Chapter 2 - Boundaries
§ 4-2-106. Mississippi Boundary
The boundary line between this state and the state of Mississippi begins at a point on the west bank of the Tennessee River, six (6) four-pole chains south or above the mouth of Yellow Creek, and about three quarters (¾) of a mile north of the line known as Thompson's line, and twenty-six (26) chains and ten (10) links north of Thompson's line, at the basis meridian of the Chickasaw surveys, and terminating at a point on the east bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Cow Island, sixteen (16) chains north of Thompson's line, being the line marked by commissioners appointed for the two (2) states, as the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude.
Code 1858, § 68 (deriv. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 7); Shan., § 79; Code 1932, § 90; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 4-206.
Textbooks. Tennessee Jurisprudence, 5 Tenn. Juris., Boundaries, § 1.