2019 Tennessee Code
Title 47 - Commercial Instruments and Transactions
Chapter 26 - Weights and Measures
Part 11 - Serviceperson Registration
§ 47-26-1106. Privileges and responsibilities of a registrant.
A bearer of a Certificate of Registration has the authority to remove an official rejection tag or seal placed on a weighing or measuring device by the authority of the commissioner; place in service, until such time as an official examination can be made, a weighing or measuring device that has been officially rejected; place in service, until such time as an official examination can be made, a new or used weighing or measuring device and to provide service work on commercial weighing and measuring devices. The registered serviceperson or service agency is responsible for installing, repairing, and adjusting devices such that the devices are adjusted as closely as practicable to zero error and comply with all applicable sections of Handbook 44.